IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#181 Post by Antman9 »

[Werhas Brownbeard – Dwarf Fighter/Thief] (HP: 4/4) (AC: 14)
Status: Gulps some water

Werhas gulps the water greedily, most of it sloshing out of his fat little mouth, down his wholesome brown beard, and onto his belly. "Bloody hell them Birds are a wee bit nasty I say. Who the what?" Werhas looks at Loman, "What's that you say, baubles? I've no use in baubles friend, but thank ye just the same for the rescue lad. How is it you came by this place?"
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#182 Post by Antman9 »

[Himmel Soothtel – Human Magic-User] (HP: 3/3) (AC: 10)
Status: Joins the others

Himmel, seeing no further danger, joins the others at the Harpy nest, "Ahh, what have we found now?" He eyeballs the dwarf gulping water greedily and says, "That's the ugliest Harpy I ever laid eyes on, ha!"

Walking up to the small wooden chest Himmel thumps it with his staff and says, "Anybody check this here thing for traps yet? Could be something good inside." He looks around and waits for someone to check it.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#183 Post by FlightlessScotsman »

Loman looks up at Himmel. "Chest? Did you say chest?!" He rubs his fat palms together and bends down to inspect it, he also pulls out his tools and his prybar. He carefully runs his fingertips over the join between the lid and lip, feeling for any odd bumps or discontinuities that might indicate some kind of trigger or disarming mechanism for a trap, paying special attention along the back and at the base.
(Don't know if you want me to roleplay the trap search or just have you roll for it, but I figured, 'what the hell')
Arnthorr continues his careful inspection of the dead elf, barely paying attention to his erstwhile employer.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#184 Post by dok-el »

Arnthorr searches the dead elf. The elf's bow turns out to be a fairly unremarkable short bow of mortal construction. However, whilst looking through the elf's quiver Arnthorr discovers a half dozen arrows of clearly elvish manufacture, each one with a shimmering magical rune engraved in the tip.

6 +1 arrows

Also, amongst his other possessions, the elf has two potion flasks. They are both common concoctions and a brief examination soon has them both identified.

1 Potion of Healing
1 Potion of Strength (effect as per the 2nd level spell, duration 2 hours)

Arnthorr does not recognize the elf nor does he find any identifying documents on the body. The dead elf's bleached hair and tanned skin suggest he might have hailed from sunnier climes, perhaps Akros, or even distant Kalishar.

Loman carefully examines the wooden chest...

I need a saving throw from Loman please, at +4
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#185 Post by FlightlessScotsman »

Should I add Loman's +2 for devices for being a thief or +4 vs magic for being a halfling?
FWIW, I wasn't lifting the lid or anything or moving the chest, just inspecting.

Loman's saving throw [1d20+4] = 20+4 = 24
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#186 Post by dok-el »

As Loman runs his fingers over the exterior of the chest he feels a small hidden panel depress. Quick as a flash he pulls his hand away just as a spring-loaded needle emerges, dripping with viscous black goo. Some sort of deadly venom no doubt.

That appears to be it for traps anyhow.

Inside the chest are 200 gold pieces plus a small velvet pouch containing five amethysts each worth approx 80 gp.

I already added in Loman's +2 vs traps for being a thief. Also, I went ahead and assumed that you would open the chest to save time :)
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#187 Post by FlightlessScotsman »

Loman pulls the gold and jewels from the chest and exclaims, "Oh, we are so rich! Hahahaha! Weee!" and throws them up in the air a little bit and falls over on his back and rolls around giggling. Loman then staggers to his feet and empties the loot from the chest into a large sack.
How large is the chest? if it's something that can be carried without too much difficulty, Loman will close the lid and carry it under his arm, hoping to use it for storing his valuables back in town
Arnthorr looks over at the tubby halfling and rolls his eyes before addressing the rest of the group. "I've found some things on my fallen kinsman. If nobody objects I can make good use of these arrows, but he also had these potions if somebody wants them.

Also, despite my foolish companion's antics, he's right, we've amassed quite a haul this day. It's probably best if we decide now what to do. We've suffered some grievous losses today and we've dead to bury, some wounds to heal and our newfound friend Wehas here looks a little hard put upon. Do we press on now or do we go back to the village, get a good night's sleep, a hot meal and come back on the morrow? My own feeling is that it might be a good time to refresh our material goods, our bodies and our spirits. Gods alone know what awaits us in yonder tower."
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#188 Post by qazbnm »


"I say we go back. We can come back tomorrow and enter through that hole in the wall. Shouldn't use the front of door if possible. says Katarina pointing at the hole.

Marcus looks sceptically at Arnthorr.
"You keep that elven stuff. " He then turns to Katarina "I agree, let's go back, count our coin and rest."
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#189 Post by Antman9 »

[Himmel Soothtel – Human Magic-User] (HP: 3/3) (AC: 10)
Status: Content

Himmel smiles at the contents of the chest, proud that it was gold and not dirty socks. Frowning when Loman begins to hoot, he taps him on the shoulder with his staff and says, "Are you anxious to play with another singing bird lady lad?"

Himmel smiles in spite of his disapproval of Loman's actions and responds to Arnthorr, "I am with the party thick or thin. I could use some sleep myself."
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#190 Post by Antman9 »

[Werhas Brownbeard – Dwarf Fighter/Thief] (HP: 4/4) (AC: 14)
Status: Gulps some more water

Werhas sits gulping more water like a greedy badger. "Hmf! Got to town you sayd. Well, ok, if you says so."
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#191 Post by dok-el »

The majority of the party vote to call it a day and so the adventurers begin their journey back to civilization. They exit the castle via the breach in the wall, stepping carefully over the pile of collapsed stonework. They also have to negotiate the dried moat, but this doesn't prove too difficult, and they are soon back onto open moorland, heading east.

They arrive back in Dead Tree late in the afternoon, and set up camp on the outskirts of town. Discussing what to do with their loot they recall that it is something of a local tradition to bury your stash somewhere closeby on the moors. And then hope you can remember where it is after a night in the Saucy Centaur. Speaking of which...

As the evening draws in voices can be heard raised in song, coming from the direction of the tavern,

"Oh won't you come along with me love
Come along with me!
Come for one night and be my wife
And come along with me

Well it is of the jolly butcher as you might plainly see
As he roved out one morning in search of company
He went into a tavern and a fair girl he did see
Ah come for one night, be my wife, oh come along with me

He called for liquor of the best
And he makes such fortune play
Come have a drink, it will make us think
That it is our wedding day..."

FYI: Loman has the harpy chest with him. Stores will be open in the morning.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#192 Post by FlightlessScotsman »

Loman holds up his hand clearly out of breath, "Hey chums, innit fashionable to bury your booty out on the moors then come back for it in the morn? I'd hate to tempt fate or bring down bad luck on our heads by bucking tradition. Lucky for us I e'en thought to bring back this little chest and it's got a nasty surprise for anybody who goes puttin' their greasy mitts on it too." He winks for effect. "Hey, I don't suppose anybody thought to bring a shovel?"

Arnthorr wrinkles his nose at Loman's suggestion, "Eh . . . I never heard of such nonsense, but if that what the majority of our little band wishes, then I suppose I'll go along with it. How about underneath the bole of that dead tree over there?" Arnthorr then takes out quill and ink and a sheet of parchment and scrawls a crude map ... not an "X marks the spot" overhead map, but a drawing of the downed tree as if he were walking up to it from the direction of the village.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#193 Post by FlightlessScotsman »

Loman scratches his chin, "You know what? I'll bet the fella that thought up that stupid tradition was some townie trying swindle folks like us. I'll bet they have people spying on hard-working adventurers returning an expedition that go and dig up any loot that people think to bury. Stupid townies!"

Arnthoor simply shrugs, "Perhaps a bank, a bed and a hot meal are the best course of action. After you friends."
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#194 Post by dok-el »

The party spends a relatively uneventful night in town, enjoying a decent meal and restful night's sleep. In the morning some of the adventurers choose to visit various local merchants and spend some of their hard earned coin on new equipment. Arnthorr buys a longbow, which makes him appear all the more Elvish as he strolls about the place.

Once business in town is concluded, and before Loman can even start thinking about third breakfast, the party begins the journey west and, after an hour or so, they once again find themselves standing outside the ruins of the Castle.

As per Katarina's suggestion, they re-enter via the hole in the eastern outer wall and find themselves once again back in the large open chamber where they first encountered the two harpies. Little has changed in the short time of their absence. The corpse of one of the harpies is a bit stinkier and it looks like the crows have had a bit of a go at it, but that's about all. The chamber is still filled with rubble and the broken remains of wooden furniture. The doors that were closed yesterday are still closed today, awaiting further investigation...
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#195 Post by FlightlessScotsman »

Loman whispers, "Say friends, let's check out those doors to at the end of the building."

He moves up and places his ear against a door.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#196 Post by triplehappiness »

Crenshaw sees Loman move towards the door and nods, taking up a position to support him with his bow. He's ready to fire should the door open revealing a threat.

Herbert moves to the failed wall to make sure nothing flanks them from outside the castle.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#197 Post by dok-el »

Loman moves cautiously toward the south end of the room, whilst Crenshaw moves up behind him and Herbert covers their flank. The rest of the party wait in the centre of the room.

Loman puts his ear up against the first door and listens for a moment. He hears nothing.

He then moves up to the second door and once again leans in close. Again, he hears nothing.

Finally, he moves up to the third door and presses himself tight against it. From the other side he can hear movement - what maybe sounds like the clanking of armour and weapons and the footsteps of several individuals.
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#198 Post by dok-el »

Herbert stands quietly and strains his ears in case he might be able to hear something from where he's positioned. He hears nothing.
Of course, that may just mean he missed his roll ;)
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#199 Post by FlightlessScotsman »

Loman turns his head and holds his finger to his lips and half-whispers to the nearest person to him, "footsteps, armored, several. Pass it on."
Does the collapsed part of the wall allow passage into the wall itself, or would it need to be cleared of rubble?
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Re: IC1: Two Miles West of Dead Tree...

#200 Post by Antman9 »

[Himmel Soothtel – Human Magic-User] (HP: 3/3) (AC: 10)
Status: Moves Forward

Himmel waits in the center of the room with the others while Herbert, Crenshaw, and Loman check the three doors. Seeing them converge on the third door and Loman whispering to the others Himmell says, "Looks like Loman has found something, should we move forward and back them up?"
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