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Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 9:04 pm
by The_Wanderer

"That right there is our door. I have torches and a tinderbox right crowbar though. I think Feargus carries one. Here, help me push..."[/b]

How far are we to the campsite? I'm just trying to judge if we unleash some legendary evil exactly how irresponsible we are being.
Tomb raiding as darkness falls with only 3 low level henchmen...what can go wrong? :lol:


Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 9:17 pm
by thirdkingdom
The_Wanderer wrote:Goshawk

"That right there is our door. I have torches and a tinderbox right crowbar though. I think Feargus carries one. Here, help me push..."[/b]

How far are we to the campsite? I'm just trying to judge if we unleash some legendary evil exactly how irresponsible we are being.
Tomb raiding as darkness falls with only 3 low level henchmen...what can go wrong? :lol:
You guys are about a thirty minute walk from the campsite. So, theoretically, the legendary evil the mound conta . . . I mean, *might* contain, would be some distance away.


Posted: Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:24 pm
by beniliusbob
Alwen Nar

"It's not too dark, yet, is it? That's what lanterns are for! Here, hold my pack... I've got a crowbar in there somewhere... aha!"

Nar pulls out his crowbar and jimmies it beneath the stone.

"You know, all the stories talk about legendary evils lurking in these old tombs, but I bet it's just a bunch of mouldy bones and some shiny necklaces!"


Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 4:02 pm
by shaidar

"I've a lantern and plenty of oil on my horse if we need one"

beniliusbob wrote:Zellar

"There's no telling where the orcs are now. If we try to catch them, they may circle around us yet again and make it back to their camp before we can effect surprise.

"I say we ride on, fast and hard, and try to launch our assault immediately. I always prefer care and caution, but in every war there is a moment for boldness, and I think the time is now."
"I agree, we've lost surprise, so we should move quickly"


Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 5:18 pm
by PresGas
Sumer - The Orc Hunters
shaidar wrote:
"I agree, we've lost surprise, so we should move quickly"
"I agree as well. Let's go."


Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2020 11:02 pm
by thirdkingdom
beniliusbob wrote:Alwen Nar

"It's not too dark, yet, is it? That's what lanterns are for! Here, hold my pack... I've got a crowbar in there somewhere... aha!"

Nar pulls out his crowbar and jimmies it beneath the stone.

"You know, all the stories talk about legendary evils lurking in these old tombs, but I bet it's just a bunch of mouldy bones and some shiny necklaces!"
Fifthmonth, Twentyfifthday
Hex 236.131

It takes some doing, but a careful application of brute force, ignorance, and a crowbar eventually rolls the enormous stone out of the way. An exhalation of stale air, smelling of mold and time. Beyond the stone is a narrow, short passage, leading further into the mound. It is little more than five feet wide, and Goshawk thinks he would have to stoop somewhat to enter. It's hard to tell what happens inside, About twenty feet the passage descends further into the earth.

Fifthmonth, Twentyfifthday
Hex 230.123
Around noon

The adventurers ride on. After about three miles the landscape begins to change. The normally lush, green foliage begins to look burnt, the trees sickly. As all know, orcs are despoilers, and their extended presence over time warps their environment.


Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:21 pm
by The_Wanderer
"One of you hold the light. I'll go first." Goshawk stands his halberd up next to the opening and readies his shield and masterwork sword. He then bravely leads the light into the barrow, slowly edging forward.


Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 1:25 pm
by beniliusbob

"Keep as quiet as you can, and hold your blades ready. The orcs are near."

Alwen Nar

"Let me get that."

Nar holds the lantern high in his off-hand and draws his longsword with the other.
Nar has one-weapon fighting style, so he doesn't fight with a shield anyway.


Posted: Thu Jun 18, 2020 4:05 pm
by PresGas
Sumer - The Orc Hunters

Sumer has her bow nearby, but chooses to keep her hands free for spell work; nodding at Zellar.


Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 6:29 pm
by shaidar
Ribar checks his Holy symbol is ready available, draws his sword and follows the others in.


Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:20 pm
by thirdkingdom
Fifthmonth, Twentyfifthday
Hex 236.131
One turn elapsed

The trio enter the tunnel, Goshawk leading the way. After twenty feet it slopes down, crude steps carved shallowly into the darkness. At the bottom of the steps the adventurers find themselve in a circular room perhaps twenty feet in diameter, with a low ceiling the warrior can touch simply by reaching up. The walls are rough-hewn, and there are three wooden doors set into the perimeter: one opposite the stairs and two more equidistant between the door and stairs, dividing the walls into quarters.

It looks as though each door has something engraved on it, but they would have to be examined closely to tell what they are. The floor in this chamber has a thick layer of dust upon it.
For sake of simplicity let's say the stairs are in the south, and there is a door in the west, north, and eastern wall.


Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2020 9:34 pm
by thirdkingdom
Fifthmonth, Twentyfifthday
Hex 230.123

The adventurers gird their loins and ride on, following the river, which grows slightly wider as small creeks and brooks join it. About a half hour after riding -- the landscape growing more and more desolate -- the river bends to the west, then crooks back around to the north, and they espy a flat alluvial plain perhaps a mile long, dotted here and there with dead trees and, more importantly, near a score of crude huts. There are a number -- fifty or so at first glance -- humanoid creatures lounging about in the limited shade the huts offer, and as the adventurers thunder forward they hear gutteral shouts from the village itself!

The adventurers are perhaps three hundred yards from the nearest hut. 2#1d6 5 6
Crude map of orc village: ... sp=sharing
If someone wants to give me actions for the mercenaries and ironskins that would be great.


Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 12:02 pm
by beniliusbob

Zellar quickly hashes out a plan with her companions and Valru…
What if we take a position on our side of the river and light up some flaming arrows to torch the huts? Once we draw their warriors out, we can mount a cavalry charge.


Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 12:03 pm
by beniliusbob
Alwen Nar

"Isn't there a saying, always go right? Something like that. What's it say on this door?"

Nar advances to the eastern door and shines a light on the engraving.


Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 12:22 pm
by The_Wanderer
Tomb Raider Goshawk

Goshawk moves up with Alden Nar and presses his ear next to the door.


Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 12:35 pm
by The_Wanderer
Orc Fighter Feargus
Feargus readies his lance and pats his horse. "Let's do this." He will hold his charge until an organized front approaches. "INFANTRY! Wait for the signal to move out and then advance through the village with the river on your left. BOWMEN! Wait for clear targets and then unleash hell."
"Watch your back Mardan Cy".

Mardan Cy
"You watch your face, Feargus. I'd hate for something so pretty to be scarred." He readies his shortbow and will begin firing when targets begin to close.


Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2020 5:40 pm
by PresGas
Sumer Orc Hunters

Sumer observes the bowmen and thinks the group can pepper the field better with a little boost. Then she will keep to flank and observe the results.
Sumer will cast Haste on as many of the bowman as possible. Any spaces left over can be for the infantry.


Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 12:41 pm
by shaidar
Newton - Orc Hunting

Newton tells Wilter and Toma to stay with the archers, use their bows where they can and help defend the mercs from the orcs.

Ribar - Crypt Delving

While Goshawk and Alwen examine the dour, Ribar keeps watch.


Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2020 1:49 pm
by thirdkingdom
beniliusbob wrote:Alwen Nar

"Isn't there a saying, always go right? Something like that. What's it say on this door?"

Nar advances to the eastern door and shines a light on the engraving.
Fifthmonth, Twentyfifthday
Hex 236.131
Central Chamber
1 turn elapsed

The adventurers advance to the eastern door. Alwen examines in, and notes the following engraved upon the door:
ਇੱਥੇ ਅਕਰੜਾ ਪਿਆ ਹੈ, ਬਹੁਤ ਸਾਰੇ ਭਵਿੱਖ ਦੇ ਦਰਸ਼ਕ
Goshawk hears nothing on the other side of the door.


Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2020 2:30 pm
by beniliusbob
Sigmari An

Sigmari finds a position where she can slip away from the main body of troops if need be. She readies her bow and aims to fire along with the mercenaries' volley.