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Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2013 1:29 pm
by Landifarne
Need to sharpen that sword! Yeah, that would be initiative for next round; now Pulp needs to attack and the humanoids need to react.

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 12:51 am
by Pulpatoon
attack: [1d20] = 1

Hempel, it seems, has forgotten which end of the dagger to point at the enemy.

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 2:57 am
by Landifarne
Caught off guard by the downing of their leader, the humanoids give pause...but then press the attack once more. The inability of the one human to connect with any of his attacks, and the swordsman's lack of technique give the creatures a bit more confidence.

Attacking Hempel again, the javelin hurler steps in and stabs at the man:
Stab at Hempel: [1d20] = 11
Missing the thief, the short humanoid recovers and decides to use a different line of attack next time.

Backstepping rapidly, the one that Hempel injured pulls his bow out and begins stringing it!

The two on Stanilus' flanks each attack once more:
Attacks on Stanilus: [1d20] = 7 [1d20] = 11
Difficult to get past the large fighter's agile guard, the two both fail in their pitiful swipes.

Next round's initiative: Thrawns' Initiative: [1d10] = 6

OK, go ahead, you won initiative on the next round. Hopefully Stanilus can accomplish something with his sword...

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:10 am
by PyroArrow
Stanilus tries an uppercut swing of his Long Sword this time swinging from lower left to upper right and:

Die Rolls:
To Hit: [1d20] = 12
Long Sword (To Damage): [1d8] = 5

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 4:00 am
by Landifarne
Taking the initiative, Stanilus sweeps his blade upwards, cleaving in two the jaw and face of one of the humanoids that is harassing his sides. The creature is dead before its body falls back, landing with a thud. Splattering blood in various directions, this sign of martial prowess puts fear into the thrawn.

Still frantic, but understanding that his associates need his help, Pursic rushes forward and attempts to stab the savage who is attacking Hempel...
Pursic's Attack: [1d20] = 15

Connecting, the boy's blade slides into the thing's left flank:
Pursic's Damage: [1d4] = 1

Catching the thing unawares, the boy's knife, nevertheless, only scrapes across the humanoid's ribs.

All right, Pulp, go ahead and finish your action. Also, roll initiative for the next round (Pyro was so excited by actually connecting that I think he forgot to :D )

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Wed Dec 11, 2013 12:27 pm
by Pulpatoon
Hempel rushes at his opponent.
[1d20] = 17
[1d4] = 4

Initiative: [1d10] = 7

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:17 am
by Landifarne
The thief's stroke caught the humanoid across the throat and dropped the thing quickly. Turning, the Felderman looked up the canyon, where the one that had retreated was still backstepping.

Seeing their fellows go down, the remaining two fled- the one attacking Stanilus breaking away and speeding downhil, while the creature with the strung bow got off one more shot.

Aimed at Hempel, the small missile sped in:
Thrawn's Arrow: [1d20-2] = 2-2 = 0

Missing Hempel, and passing before Pursic's face, the humanoid's arrow flew off into the darkness.

Decide what you want to do. Remember, you don't have any light source, having been walking by the light of the moon.

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 3:38 am
by PyroArrow
Stanilus, hollers for the others not to pursue, while trying to keep an eye on the two fleeing humanoids, especially the one with the bow.

Hold Up! Don't pursue them or you may get lost!

Pursic & Hempel tend to your wounds, while i keep a lookout.

After that give the fallen humanoids a quick once over. See if you can ID them & what they have on them, quickly.

We must hurry as the two that fled may try & come back with more of their kind!

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 4:27 am
by Pulpatoon
Happy enough not to run after the Thrawn, Hempel quickly pats down the corpses, looking for valuable or significant items. He also picks up one their blades and tests its heft. If it seems equivalent to a short sword, he will hold onto it. "I wouldn't mind keeping a bit more distance between me and the next creature that wants to take a nip."

Hempel then checks in on Pursic's wounds, and solicits the boy's help tending to his own wounds as well.

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 7:02 am
by PyroArrow
Once Stanilus can no longer see the attackers, & Hempel & Pursic are done, he will tend to his wounds better instead of just applying pressure in the general area.

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:10 am
by Landifarne
Calling the others not to pursue (which they had no intention of doing in the dark), after checking their wounds Stanilus and Hempel check the humanoids' bodies while Pursic busies himself with some items from his pouch.

Could you each tell me how many HP your characters have? Characters gain one HP back after a fight, as long as they tend their wounds. After tending to his wounds, Pursic is down to 3 of 5 HP.

While Pursic mumbles some prayers, Stanilus and Hempel rifle through the creatures' belongings. Disgusted at their lack of hygiene, the two come up with a few scrotum pouches filled with trinkets and charms, a couple of which include a few semi-precious stones. A tiny nugget of native gold (Hempel judges it worth 1 gp...the equivalent of 20 sp) is found in the leader's pouch, and a few bent and broken copper and silver pieces (3 sp total).

The humanoids' knives are of poor, bronze construction. The same length as a human's knife, these are wickedly curved, but in bad condition and of little value. Likewise, the bow and half-dozen arrows that one of the things dropped are small, and not suitable for a normal sized adult. Searching about, Stanilus finds the second javelin and sees that the two hurled weapons are rather slight, but serviceable. Also tipped with broze heads, the tiny, fletched spears could be used at fairly close range.

"Ghoboldin," Pursic notes to the others. "They probably came out of the mountains to raid," the youth says matter of factly. "Happens every year." Checking the humanoids' larger pouches, the comapnions find little gear other than a scant amount of half-rotted food.

ACCUMULATED EXP: Hempel gains 14 Exp for felling his opponent, Stanilus 13 Exp. Each of you gains 11 Exp for the small amount of loot. Please keep your sheets updated...I saw that you hadn't updated that after the aborted robbery.

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 3:34 am
by PyroArrow
I believe i am down to 3 Hit Points! 4 after i tend my wounds.

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 4:10 am
by Pulpatoon
I'm unsure how many hit points Hempel regained after the rat biteā€”he went looking for healing after he got back into town, and I assumed he went back to max hp, but maybe not?

So, he's 4/6, unless he didn't get any additional healing in town, in which case he is 2/6!

Will update the XP!

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 4:50 am
by Landifarne
Pursic informs his comapnions that he doesn't detect any poison on the weapons of the humanoids, and that none of them appear to be poisoned by their wounds. Summoning Stanilus over to him, Pursic uses his druidic knowledge to restore some viatality to the warrior, then does the same for his self.

Looking at the two, he then suggests that they continue on to the Hollow at the fastest pace possible. Who knows? His cousin's party may have been waylaid by other members of the humanoids' tribe...

Stanilus regains another HP from Pursic's cure minor wounds spell. He now has 5/7. Hempel now has 4/6.

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:08 am
by Pulpatoon
Hempel agrees with Pursic. He suggests Stanilus take the lead, and he take the rear.

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:41 am
by PyroArrow
Before heading out, Stanilus looks to see if he can find his dagger! & Ask Hempel & Pursic if they have seen it!

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:59 am
by Pulpatoon
"Did you throw it in this direction? Over by the bushes?" Hempel helps Stanilus look for his dagger. "Have you checked this patch of toadstools?"

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 4:49 am
by Landifarne
Mumbo Jumbo Roll: [1d100] = 36

Hurrying along (after spending about a quarter bell finding Stanilus' errant dagger), the trio make their way up the canyon and eventually reach a broad meadow. Seeing a mule near the edge- sleeping fitfully as midges worry its sides, the companions approach the animal and see that its saddle and tack have been left in a pile nearby. Looking up in the sky, they note that it is near midnight.

Mumbo Jumbo Roll: [1d6] = 1

What? What?

Please note that you are supposed to be 3 hours behind the main group and that we'll probably have to pause after resolving what occurs next...

Roll a d6 and a d10.

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 7:41 am
by PyroArrow
Stanilus Die Rolls:

[1d6] = 6
[1d10] = 2

Re: Hempel's and Stanilus' Thread [Game #1]

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 1:52 pm
by Pulpatoon
"Huh. Free donkey. Maybe we should tie it up, so we can use it on our way out?"

Just in case you needed those rolls from both of us:
[1d6] = 6
[1d10] = 7