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Re: Chapter 11: The Village of the Bodysnatchers

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2017 12:46 am
by Inferno
The Abandoned Windmill (NW of 24)
Village of Briarsgate, Gran March, Greyhawk
Day Eight. Early morning. Sunday, October 23nd, 576 CY
Cloudy, damp, cold, foggy

Thompson the mouse comes scurrying in to report to Telkis and Urdur. "Someone's standing on the road, good sirs! Alone! We don't recognize him. But then again, all Humans look alike, don't they?"

Ingrid attends to the fallen elf. Grothnak hears nothing from the direction of the unknown figure.

The grey druid sends Sephus up into the bleak, morning sky to survey the area. He then quietly counsels immediate departure, to the northwest. Urdur nods. The majority of those voicing an opinion on the matter want to bring Hoom with them.

The villager in the lookout window hisses, "The watcher! He's moving south!"

Suddenly, the black crow alights on Long Bo's shoulder, quiet and calm.


"This place is no longer safe," grunts the old hermit. "Go. The rest of us will wait a while and then leave to the north. Go with our thanks."

The heroes of Briarsgate make ready to leave the village of the damned.

Our tale of terror continues in: Chapter 12: At the Marshes of Madness