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Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 7:49 pm
by AleBelly
Angus, Goranth, Dandelion, and Arnulf fan out as they advance on the white winged beast, the mage doing so against his better judgement. Arnulf, trembling, holds out his arms in meditation. Ahead, the dragon’s enormous white wings flaps as it begins to take off. This gust of wind disturbs a suddenly visible Ilfrien. Sneaking up on the dragon, she swings her sword, slashing with strength and speed never before witnessed by our adventurers. Unfortunately, the angle is off, and her elven sword bounces off the scaly hide with an incredible THUNK!

Enraged, the jaws of the dragon release its prey. Its wings fold flat against its back as it abandons thought of flight and turns on the elf with terrifying agility. Ilfrien knows what’s coming. But she does not cower in fear. She holds out her arms and screams in defiance at the beast. The dragon, hate in its eyes, vomits a cone of icy fog that engulfs our hero. The mist clears nearly immediately. Ilfrien’s robe is frozen in place, the flesh on her arms and face shredded by the shards of ice. Wobbly, she remains erect. But just barely. With adrenaline-like strength she pulls her shield from her back and readies for combat. It is a desperate sight – the elf clings to life by the barest of threads as she faces off against a foe of mythic proportions.


I allowed Ilfrien a backstab attempt despite the fact that she had been detected before…only because the dragon was otherwise occupied and she was invisible. I don’t count this as surprise, however, so I allow the dragon a counterattack this round.

Yenny remains behind with Tempus, protecting the druid who continues to beseech the heavens for a bolt of energy to slay the wyrm. Chet remains unseen and unheard. Arnulf, his incantations growing louder, alerts the dragon that he faces more than a single foe.

Ilfrien is now considered to be in melee with the dragon. A note about firing into melee: Ilfrien is small compared to the dragon, so a missile launched at the dragon will have a 15/16 chance of targeting the wyrm and a 1/16 chance of hitting Ilfrien.

The sight of the dragon’s aggression sends a wave of fear over the party (cue the mystery d20). Our seasoned adventurers gain mastery over their nerves, perhaps steeled by the inspiring courage of Ilfrien. But Goranth didn’t count on dragon slaying on his first day! With a cry, he runs back towards the safety of his cabin, Clarence the bear follows his lead. I used AD&D rules for this – the OSRIC rules for dragon-inspired fear are a bit too punitive for my tastes.

Actions? Map below: each square is 10’. Tempus, Yenny, Clarence and Goranth are out of sight to the south. Pardon my crap-ass cropping job.
101216.png (739.51 KiB) Viewed 883 times
Date: 9 Culling, Year 42
Time: 21:40
Conditions: cloudly and misty, 2 inches of slick, icy snow on ground, very light breeze
Known Spells in Effect: Chet invisible, party is blessed until 21:43. Call Lightning for Tempus available 21:47
Light bearers: Outdoors dimly lit
Intended Direction of Travel: n/a
Injuries: Dandelion slightly wounded, Ilfrien critically wounded

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:06 pm
by Zhym
Is range to the dragon's center or its closest part? It may matter for Angus's tactics (I think if he moves 45' he can get within 50' of the dragon's wings but not its gut).

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:21 pm
by AleBelly
Angus and Dandelion are 90' from the dragon. Arnulf is 110' away.

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:24 pm
by Zhym
At that range, could Angus charge and get an attack in per the rules for charging?

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:33 pm
by AleBelly
PCs (and enemies) can charge opponents that aren't already in melee...but Angus can attack HTH this round (normal rolls) if he wishes. He is in range.

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:38 pm
by Fidget76
But Goranth didn’t count on dragon slaying on his first day! With a cry, he runs back towards the safety of his cabin, Clarence the bear follows his lead. I used AD&D rules for this – the OSRIC rules for dragon-inspired fear are a bit too punitive for my tastes.
Dammit, well at least I will have the bear to keep me company!

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 8:56 pm
by Zhym
Angus stashes Bloody Useless and draws his hammer. "Yeeeeeeeeee-HA!" he screams as he runs pell-mell at the dragon. "Turn and face me, ya pale overgrown ice-gecko!"

Initiative: [1d6] = 6
Hammer +1 (THAC0 18): TH: [1d20+1] = 7+1 = 8, Dmg S/L: [1d6+2] = 1+2 = 3/[1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4, Crit: [1d100] = 17

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 9:10 pm
by Zorroroaster
Arnulf nearly falters in his incantations as he witnesses Ilfrien take the full brunt of the dragon's icy onslaught, but he forges on. He casts Light directly into the dragon's eyes, attempting to render it blind.

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 9:29 pm
by Keehnelf
Ilfrien bellows once more in defiance at the dragon, stepping boldly forward to try and lop one of the monster's legs, or its head, off with her next attack.

Initiative [1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4
Attack tha muthafuggin dragon (thac0 12) [1d20] = 17, damage [1d12+7] = 4+7 = 11

p.s. You're welcome for absorbing one of the dragon's breath attacks without it getting shared out among the group ;)

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 9:30 pm
by Keehnelf
Crit check [1d100] = 69

Forgot the crit check

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:07 pm
by onlyme
Dandelion will approach, now that the others are blocking her arrows. Her trident sparkling clean and matching the silvery sheen of the dragon.

If she an use her trident she will. Dice roller wasn't working.

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:31 pm
by Zorroroaster
Forgot this. Aaaaand I'm sorry now that I rolled it.

Initiative: [1d6] = 1

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 10:57 pm
by Zhym
Isn't Arnulf's initiative this round sort of irrelevant since he's completing his spell from last round, which should go off around segment 2? So if the dragon rolls a 1-4 the spell should still hit it before its action, right?

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:14 pm
by Zorroroaster
Hey, that's a good point! He made a good point! :lol: Please let it be so...

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Wed Oct 12, 2016 11:44 pm
by AleBelly
That's right. You only pay once for a shitty initiative roll. If you want to get in the weeds, last round Arnulf moved during segments 5, 6, and 7 and casted in segments 8-10. So his spell will go off first segment of the next round.

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:43 am
by Zorroroaster
By "get in the weeds," do you mean run and hide after the spell goes off? Because if so, yes please. :lol:

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:44 am
traveling and struggling to stay in touch, so I'll leave Yenny protecting for now.

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 6:26 am
by Storm11
Tempus continues with his call to the heavens

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 4:58 pm
by AleBelly
”Ell Ee Dee” cries Arnulf, completing his spell. Arnulf’s target, perhaps sensing the magical field building, cranes its neck out of the way just as a globe of light erupts, suspended in air. Arnulf is disappointed to see that the illumination does not follow the dragon’s movement.

[dragon save [1d20] = 18]

The light refracts off the hulking beast’s scales in irregular patterns, sending out bursts of light. Between these plates, pale blue veins, full of the behemoth’s essence, are visible.

Despite Angus’ attempts to distract with a war whoop, Ilfrien sees that she will again bear the brunt of the dragon’s wrath. She draws back her sword to strike, but the cold has slowed her reflexes.

[dragon initiative 1d6] = 5
[breath/attack roll here]

With obvious relish, the dragon engulfs the hapless elf in another cone of piercing ice. This time the battle cry is cut short. The frost dissipates. In its wake lies the elf’s unmoving body. Her sword, on the ground next to her, reflects the globe of light above her. The dragon’s whitish blue eyes are drawn to it.

Perhaps seeking vengeance, Angus and Dandelion bravely advance. Angus hears swift footfall to his left that quickly outpaces him. It could only be Chet. Indeed, seconds later the monk’s form materializes as he stabs ferociously at the back of the dragon, but his spetum is repelled by the thick scales.

[1d20] = 11, crit [1d100] = 19

A deep guttural growl is heard as the foe rounds on the monk and prepares for the advance of Angus and Dandelion. The ranger reaches first, swinging his hammer. Scales as thick as plate armor repel the blow. The mouth of the dragon opens. Is it a smile? Pristine white teeth, sharp as newly forged daggers, run in rows inside its mouth. It seems to be distracted by Ilfrien’s sword. Dandelion, who has taken a moment to adjust her hair before advancing, finds an opening.
I rolled for you, onlyme

To hit: [1d20+4] = 23 Yay!
Damage: [3d4+5] = 7+5 = 12 Yay!
Crit: [1d100] = 4 Yay!
Effect: [1d100] = 93

The snap of breaking bone is heard as the half-orc drives her trident into the face of the beast. One prong pierces the sac of its giant eye, sending clear freezing liquid spraying in all directions. The other two prongs rend bone and flesh, sending a thick, pale blue ichor streaming from the wound.

As the pair continue to advance, they see the monk is trembling – and they know it is not from the cold.

Although full attention is given to battle, the combatants need only a quick glance to determine that Ilfrien is indeed dead, her torn red robe and rendered flesh nearly indistinguishable. :(

Chet, Angus and Dandelion are in melee with the dragon. The others have maintained their position from the previous map. Such a bold move from Ilfrien – it would have made a great story if she had come out on top there. I hope you will create another PC, Keenhelf!

Actions? I can't insert the die rolls right now, but I will edit later.
The dragon will attack at -2 due to loss of depth perception. Dandelion took out its eye!

Date: 9 Culling, Year 42
Time: 21:41
Conditions: cloudly and misty, 2 inches of slick, icy snow on ground, very light breeze
Known Spells in Effect: Party is blessed until 21:43. Call Lightning for Tempus available 21:47. Light globe active until 23:21
Light bearers: Light spell, globe just in vicinity of the dragon
Intended Direction of Travel: n/a
Injuries: Dandelion slightly wounded, Ilfrien dead

Re: Chapter 11a - Targus and the Tome

Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 5:06 pm
by Zhym