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Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 5:46 am
by Landifarne
Seeing that the tracks and marks only flow one direction the party proceeds out the diagonal tunnel, which continues its very gentle slope downward. With Stanilus continuing to hold the torch, Vonnn take the lead, searching the tunnel surfaces for any marks.

Moving about thirty feet the party comes to another chamber, this one slightly larger than the last. Air pressure pushes their torch's flames back a bit, and Vonnn can make out a bit of colder air welling from a hole in the floor, near the southern edge of the irregularly-shaped room.

Occassional scuffs and tracks continue to be seen in the tunnel leading to the new chamber, and as the torchlight illuminates the entire room the companions can see that there is an iron spike sunk into the floor of the place, with a rope leading down, into the 5' x 10' sinkhole.

Animal tracks circuscribe the sinkhole, and can also be seen to move to the east, where the tunnel continues onwards. The ceiling of the chamber is low, only about eight feet high, and there ae small stalactites that hang down here and there, obscuring the adventurers' vision just slightly. Wetter than the last room, water drips down from the stalactites and funnels down the sinkhole (just a trickle).

Map Spoiler-

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Mon Jan 06, 2014 2:25 pm
by Pulpatoon
If the party is far enough away from the screaming fungi, Hempel will cautiously approach the hole and attempt to listen for any noise from below.

I hope this doesn't actually require a roll, because, my gawd, I'm quickly learning that thief skills kinda stink, but, just in case, here goes: [1d100] = 5
Whup! A good roll! The surest guarantee that there is nothing to hear!

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 08, 2014 1:17 am
by imswayze
Vonnn offers assistance with light or sight when the moment is Hempel a chance to listen first.

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 5:58 pm
by FreebirdFootbagging
Aurora trails along with the party, and stands waiting for the results of vonnns listening. The entire sort of natural complex around her truly intrigues the young witch. While Vonn listens she studdies the walls around her and the foliage growing around them (if any).

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 6:57 pm
by Sulara

"My guess is they went, that'a way." Sulara points to the hole. I am happy to go first, maybe Vonnn or the Wilder last, watch the rear." stowing her axe she glances back at the group she says "Heading down unless someone says different, ready a torch to drop when I reach bottom."

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 1:48 am
by Ythgar

Addressing the party, Arkthren says, "I believe following whatever went down that hole is a good idea." Then, specifically addressing Sulara he says, "Please try not to take any undue risks. If you run into trouble, call for support and try to stay near the entrance of the hole. We don't need you or anyone else dying right now or any time soon." After saying this he will ask the party, "Anyone disagree with this order for heading down the hole: Sulara, Stanilus, the wilder, Aurora, Hempel, myself, with Vonnn guarding our rear?"

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 2:31 am
by NJWilliam
Osan Taan

"Nay, seems a good order."

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:34 pm
by Pulpatoon
"Sounds fine by me," says Hempel.

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:49 pm
by Landifarne
Sulara moves to the hole and peers down, but unfortunately sees that the rope which trails into the darkness has been frayed and is broken- terminating just a foot below the sinkhole's lip.

Calling for some light, the group is busy discussing what to do when a swarm of giant rats erupts from the second tunnel...

First person to respond: please roll a d6 for surprise and a d10 for initiative.

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2014 6:54 pm
by Pulpatoon
[1d6] = 3
[1d10] = 1

Had I heard anything from my "Hear Noises" roll, above?

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:54 am
by Landifarne
Nah, the shrieking is still too loud.

Seeing the swarm out of the corner of their eyes, the companions are ready for the little beasts when they swarm through the tunnel. A dozen strong and 30' away, they rush to attack the adventurers standing to the sides and rear of the group...

Let me know what each of you is going to do. I have several of you bunched near the sinkhole (Sulara, Stanilus and Osan) while others are spread out and will make first contact (Aurora, Vonnn, Arkthren, Hempel). I'll roll initiative after I hear what you plan (although Pulp got a low number).

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 8:10 am
by NJWilliam

Osan drops a torch into the sinkhole to see how deep it is. If the party has only one torch, he lights a new torch from his backpack first, and drops the old torch. He then looks for the depth of the drop, takes a step away from the sinkhole, and readies his aklys.

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 1:38 pm
by Pulpatoon
Hempel attempts to make himself scarce, so that he can surprise backstab.

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 3:21 pm
by Sulara

Sulara moves forward trying place herself between the rats and the Mage and witch readying her axe.

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2014 8:11 pm
by imswayze
Vonnn jumps a little bit, but then hurries as fast as his little legs can take him to set a defensive position around the pcs that were examining the hole, hoping to give them extra time to get ready for a fight. He prepares to absorb any attacks coming around the hole.

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 5:09 am
by Landifarne
Giant ats' Initiative: [1d10] = 8

Sulara, Vonnn and Stanilus move forward, attmepting to defend the others from the horde of giant rats. Osan, grabbing a torch from Stanilus' supply, slows down the fighter as the Varner moves forward. Tied up momentarily, the two light a second torch and drop it down the sinkhole.

Hempel moves backwards, slipping out of the torchlight.

To speed up the combat I'm going to take over characters of players who have not posted within the last week (unless they chime in). Everyone except Stanilus, Osan and Hempel can attack or move.

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 12:42 am
by PyroArrow
Stanilus (Fighter (Bard), AC 5 HP 6):

After lighting the second torch with Osan, dropping it down the sinkhole & gauging how far down it is. Stanilus will then draw his Long Sword to fight off any of the Rats!

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 10:20 am
by NJWilliam
Osan Taan

Osan readies his aklys and takes a sideways glance into the pit to see how deep it is and what is at the bottom.

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Wed Jan 15, 2014 7:26 pm
by imswayze
Vonnn--Cleric (AC 7 HP 8)

Initiative Roll (if needed) = [1d10] = 2

Re: [Game #1] Main Group's Current Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2014 2:31 am
by Ythgar

Arkthren will light one of the torches he carries on him as quickly as he can, while moving to the back of the party. Once lighted, he will then throw the torch at the head of the rat swarm. Arkthren will then start to cast Affect Normal Fires on the torch's fire (increasing light output) in an attempt to stave off the rats for a short time.