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Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 2:50 pm
by Metal Fatigue
FOR ONCE the girls are just talking nasty gossip about other girls. Nothing occult, nothing about dire plans for Mrs. Meecher, just all the worst rumors dissected and amplified. It's clear Cassidy's too nice for this but she does her best anyway, just to stay in the group.

Since when is Halloween on the 17th?

Summer is beginning to seriously freak about the book. She's tried putting it in her bookbag, locking it in her locker, but somehow it always ends up clenched in her right hand again. If Lucinda notices…

I assume that's what you meant by the book not leaving Summer's hand, MC?

Holding Steady: 2d6-1=7 and Summer keeps her cool.

EDIT: which basically means nothing new happens so I'm going to go ahead and post a follow-up move.

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 3:48 pm
by Q.Q Elf
for Metal Fatigue, I didn't want to separate Summer from the book if you don't intend it. Whether the book stays or goes is more dependent on Hard Moves, I guess. I have no plan for it myself until you guys screw up a dice roll :lol:

MonkeyWrench, I was wanting to see what Mister-Kent decides before getting too far away from the cave. Gaze into the Abyss, if you feel like it. ;)

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:07 pm
by Metal Fatigue
Actually I don't have anything to do until after school unless one of the other PCs crosses my path, which seems unlikely considering two are in Hell and one is busy with the jailbait. It would be unfair to inflict someone like Mr. Finney on me when I didn't roll a 6-…

Can we have a scene break and forward time, please, as MonkeyWrench suggested? Kate could catch up with Seth and Dead Fred as they enter the cavern with Victoria on the way to the bridge, and the rest of us could hit the chapel.

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:15 pm
by MonkeyWrench
If we do a scene break and fast forward time, just wanted to let you know that with Seth's hearing he would probably get the jump on Kate or Victoria, wanting to lay low first off until he see's who it is.

He doesn't necessarily want to be fighting more demons then he has to...

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:31 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Q.Q Elf wrote:MonkeyWrench, I was wanting to see what Mister-Kent decides before getting too far away from the cave. Gaze into the Abyss, if you feel like it. ;)
I Would except I was putting myself under strict regulations for gazing into the abyss, where he gazes at the beast within him, connecting him to the supernatural world. So the different forms I had were things like Meditation, possibly at night or something.

I figured it fit better?

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 4:35 pm
by Mister-Kent
Kate stares at the creature, amazed at first, but ever more repulsed the more she talks.

"Take me to Victoria, you Cirque-du-Soleil freak. Then...I'll come back to kill you later..."

Roll retroactively added! 2d6-1=6

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:20 pm
by Q.Q Elf
okay... Hand-wavium.

For Clark, the promise is to go on a date with Celeste. I'm fast forwarding to the chapel... but I'll describe first. It's jumping a few ideas that Clark hasn't put out yet, but what-ev's!

Celeste is flattered that a not-ugly upperclassman is talking to her at all. As a new student, being stuck with Kate as her best friend on campus is both humiliating and infuriating. The edge of pain and anger is on her face, as clear as day. This is her chance to start making her own waves!

"If you'll take me on a date Friday, I'll go to your dumb thing tonight! Just promise me it won't be any weirdo stuff."


mc voice: So isn't that special? Okay, fast forwarding time shortly...

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:27 pm
by Q.Q Elf
Mister-Kent wrote:Kate stares at the creature, amazed at first, but ever more repulsed the more she talks.

"Take me to Victoria, you Cirque-du-Soleil freak. Then...I'll come back to kill you later..."
No roll?!

hint hint: You need strings to trigger the Final Showdown! I was giving you a free shot!


The room disappears around Kate to the sound of mocking laughter. One minute it's the theater. The next minute, she's sitting in a cave, seeing a dude with a mangled talking corpse on his back. No doubt it's some sort of messed up penance for some kind of sin or perversion.

Then she realizes it's Seth, one of her new classmates. From what Victoria has told her, the fact that Seth is in the class does not mean he's not a damned pervert, however.

Together, with Frederick the mangled corpse, they exit the cave and begin walking on a plain made of crushed obsidian. A jet black sky is overhead, although everything is visible as of illuminated by dim candlelight.

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:40 pm
by MonkeyWrench
As they walk down the tunnel, Seth decides to try and break the awkward silence that has formed during their initial meeting, "So... Long time no see. You come to hell often?"

Not sure what kind of roll is needed to "break the ice" in a way, they met in hell after years apart and all...

So I guess I'll just throw some stuff out there, if it's not needed we can always ignore it?

Seth Hot Roll: [2d6+2] = 4+2 = 6 - manipulate?
Seth Cold Roll: [2d6-1] = 8-1 = 7 - Hold Steady?

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:42 pm
by Q.Q Elf
Lucinda, Julie, and Summer have gained entry into Mrs. Meecher's house. Somehow, Cassidy has tagged along with the others. The late afternoon potential for rain has resulted in a steady drizzle outside.

Everyone is seated around a breakfast table in Mrs. Meecher's kitchen, with poetry books open on the table. Mrs. Meecher seems calm and relaxed, wearing her grey sweatpants and a Georgetown University sweatshirt.

Summer still has the odd black book in her backpack. She can feel its pulsing, throbbing presence, even though she's not touching it at the moment.

and then I'm sure bad stuff is going to happen...

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:48 pm
by Metal Fatigue
Manipulate is for NPCs only, which is why it's called "Manipulate an NPC." Does Seth have any reason to freak out when he sees Kate? If not, Hold Steady doesn't apply.

Also, Kate's line to the Emissary sounded like a Shut Down to me, which would gain her a String on a 10 up.

"Excuse me just a moment, please," Summer says, as if she needs to powder her nose. Instead she makes a break for the nearby chapel, leaving her backpack behind. She half expects the book to appear in her hand again…

Run Away! I'll use my carry forward, so that's 2d6=2 omg snake eyes.

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 5:56 pm
by Q.Q Elf
In the Chapel, Clark sees a little party going on. Pavo and Haro, Marcus and Vanessa... they are in the old sacristy behind the main altar. The small room stinks of pot smoke. Alcohol of all sorts is all around the room.

Marcus hands Clark a blue cup of something before handing Celeste a red plastic cup, and handing Vanessa an identical-looking red cup as well. There's a smirk on Marcus' face.

"Glad you could make it! The party is only just getting started!"

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:33 pm
by Q.Q Elf
Summer runs out of the house leaving her things behind.

The rain-slicked path through the trees is muddy and slippery, but it's not difficult to get to the chapel.

Summer emerges from the trees, and sees the chapel ahead. Somewhere inside, they are having a party with her. The Fallen Angel.

As she readies herself to go in, Summer feels her hand buzz. It's the phone. Lucinda's phone, which she gave to Summer, like an owner gives a collar to a pet dog.

The text message says.

Code: Select all

mk sure she comes bk 2 house
Behind Summer, she hears a voice. "Come back! Where are you going?"

Through the trees, Summer sees her teacher walking towards her.

kind of a weak Hard Move, but I'm tired today...

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:05 pm
by Metal Fatigue
"To Hell, Mrs. Meecher," Summer answers tiredly. "Straight to Hell. You don't want to come with me. Just...just go back, OK? Just go home. I'll be back shortly."

Can't copy the Invisible Castle URL because I'm on my phone, but I rolled an 8 for my Manipulate an NPC roll. I'll burn my String on Mrs. Meecher to make that an 11.

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Tue Nov 18, 2014 11:34 pm
by Mister-Kent
MonkeyWrench wrote:"So... Long time no see. You come to hell often?"
Kate shakes her head, flabbergasted. "I...ask you the same, Sethie."She pauses in her tracks and throws one arm around her old friend, then realizes she's practically hugging the zombie on Seth's back also.

"Did that black-winged bitch throw you here too?"

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:29 am
by MonkeyWrench
Mister-Kent wrote:
MonkeyWrench wrote:"So... Long time no see. You come to hell often?"
Kate shakes her head, flabbergasted. "I...ask you the same, Sethie."She pauses in her tracks and throws one arm around her old friend, then realizes she's practically hugging the zombie on Seth's back also.

"Did that black-winged bitch throw you here too?"
Seth pauses for a moment, giving Kate a curious look, "I guess you've met her too then... Yeah, turns out she doesn't like being challenged." As they continue to walk Seth motions towards the mangled flesh zombie on his back, "This is Frederick, I'm helping him get out of here with me. You in? I might know a way out." He grins at her, a grin that takes both of them back to more mischievous days, running off and getting into all sorts of fights and trouble. Being with Seth makes this place seem a bit less hellish...

Rolling to turn Kate on: Seth Hot Roll: [2d6+2] = 6+2 = 8

Rolled an 8, you're choice Kent.
7-9 they choose:
1. give you a string
2. promise something they think you want
3. give themselves to you

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:57 am
by Mister-Kent
"I'm in," she says, wrapped up in the heady urgency that comes hand in hand with being with Seth Varron. And God--that smile. After so long, it was like she just saw him yesterday, running around, skipping school. Then she pauses.

"No--wait. There's someone else stuck here--my friend. Do you know Victoria Johnson? She's--I had one of those, you know, epiphanies like I do. She's here somewhere, I know it." She grips Seth's bicep, and leans in. "Please, help me find her?"

Her voice softens. "Seth..."

Kate gives 1 String to Seth!

She examines the ghoul, Frederick. "Do you know anything about my friend, or anyone else the angel sends here?" she asks him, and describes Victoria accurately. "Tell us what you know--take us there if you can!"

Manipulating Frederick! 2d6+2=9

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:37 am
by Q.Q Elf
mc voice. I guess I have a hard move to play on Kate, although throwing Celeste into the clutches of the Emissary's little group is good. Lets just say there's more bad stuff, and I'm saying that as my Hard stuff.

Of course the drinks in the red cups were spiked. :twisted:

On the blasted plain of obsidian, which resembles the bottom of a giant black bowl, like the floor of an enormous and cataclysmic impact crater, the three would be friends have stopped moving. Frederick shakes his head. "Look, Kate, is it? We've stopped, and stopping is real bad here. Why don't we get to the bridge like smart people. Your BFF is probably demon chow anyway."

As if to prove his point, strange creatures howl in the distance. They sound like a wolf crossed with a lion, and it's nothing that sets Seth at ease.

Seeing that Seth and Kate won't be dissuaded, Frederick lets out the equivalent of a sigh (which is mostly the leakage of more stinking black ichor), and says, "Oh my frog. You're serious, aren't you? Tell you what. Let me take a nice little taste of your mortal flesh, and I'll tell you where we might find Victoria."


mc voice. Okay. They trade is 1 Harm from Frederick nibbling on Kate, and you get his help.

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 1:47 am
by Mister-Kent
Kate clenches her fist around the makeshift stake in her hand, half tempted to just stab Frederick in the face, and keep stabbing until there's just a pile of black pulp. But she realizes that leaves her worse off than when she started.

"Okay," she says finally. "I choose where. And then you take us to Victoria. If you trick'll be tasting this." She brandishes her stake...and then offers the back of her right forearm.

Ouchie! 1 Harm taken, will add to sheet when I get home!

Re: (IC) Field trip, scene 5

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2014 2:13 am
by Q.Q Elf
mc voice: Don't feel as if a bargain I give you is the only way. Gaze into the Abyss for more ways to get around something. Try the bridge route and see what happens. There is no one path here. It's what burps out of the story. But we'll move along quickly.

Frederick drinks a petite sip of the Chosen One's blood, and a warmth comes over his face. He almost seems human, if not for the fangs, blood spatter, and mangled body.

He leads the group up one slanting black side of the impact crater. Burned rock, shattered obsidian, light pieces of pumice sliding down the crater as the group pushes upward.

At the lip of the crater is the edge of another, bigger plain of black glass. It's as if the heavy hammer strokes from an angry god fell upon this place, over and over again. Everything on the ground is crushed, fused, or mangled in some way. The clouds shift black and grey overhead, with a dim red sky occasionally peeking through.

The sounds of animals (demons?) can be heard in the distance. The sounds are not in any one direction, but from all directions at different points in time.

After another bone-wearying climb up another sloping black crater wall, Kate and Seth see it. A mockery of a cathedral, made of black glass. The sounds of bells and pipes carry over from the black jumbled cathedral. To call the sounds music would be like calling a scattered pile of playing cards a "deck".

As Seth and Kate get closer, Frederick says, "Uh, why don't you let me off here. I'll wait by this pile of broken stone until you're all done in there."

The jumbled black cathedral looms overhead. From this angle, it looks like the whole thing will topple over and crush you. The sound of the pipes and bells is louder now, and joined by voices... like dogs with a bad case of pneumonia. Rattling, sickly liquid.

(posting now in case phone browser dies)