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Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 4:43 pm
by Darithe

At the sight of the woman, Magdal stood straight up like a spear thrust into the ground (posture was important ma had taught her) and looked the woman in the eyes directly (also taught by ma), "Ma'am, my name is Magdal Haldeene of Longspear." She didn't expect the woman to know or care who she was, but it was always best to be polite and make proper introductions. She listened quietly as the others introduced themselves, a little rattled by the unexpected appearance of the strange gnome in their midst.

Wisdom (14): [1d20]=14

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 5:07 pm
by Monsieur Rose

Bugs listens to everyone and then lights up. "Oh! I know what she is! She's one of those bouncy people like they have in taverns."

He starts waving his arms to move people around. "We need to spread out so that there are fewer of us." Bugs looks at a few people. "And put the pretty people up front. They have to let us pretty people in. Those are the rules."

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2023 7:24 pm
by Stirling

Stares over the side of the drawbridge, into the murky deep. Just latrine excess clouding the waters or creatures below. A gorge not a moat.

I will take a considered look at the parapets and Keep features. Does it look in disrepair after rauds upon it? Well manned by patrols, towers fitted with ballistae and catapults?

"I am a mere scholar. An interest in history and science craft, divine and arcane. Crabgrass."

He leans on his quarterstaff, it helps his balance whilst the group are surveyed.

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:24 am
by hedgeknight

The Half-Orc leans on his spear and lets the others speak, figuring the group is going to get in one way or another. He glances down at Bugs, who he hasn't seen in awhile, and asks, "Interesting for a woman to be in charge of the gates at the Keep, ain't it?"

Wisdom Check 7: [1d20]=18

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 11:23 am
by sastaz
Sylla turns around promptly at the mention of a Mad Hermit.
Rex wrote: Fri Sep 08, 2023 4:44 am Rida

in response to Sylla talking to Gyb, "Beware the Mad Hermit of the North Lands."
She raises an eyebrow ever so slightly.

"Is that so? Do you...oh, pardon me, I don't think we have been formally introduced, I'm Sylla Lontharra, an emissary from the Royal Elven court of....ouch!"

Sylla interrupts the conversation, rubs her neck and glares menacingly around her, her eyes lingering a few additional seconds at Meinhardt. Are one of the other mages pulling some trick?!

Her line of thought is interrupted once more, this time by the arrival at the gate.

WIS test (16): [1d20]=2

Since everyone is talking at once, she stays silent, trying to coldly observe which spellcaster looks most like an imperial spy.

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:58 pm
Arrival Day
Late Afternoon
Mostly Sunny

Sylla flicks the bee away harmlessly, squeezing her sore finger and glaring at the wizard types. A few others (Wis check) notice a young boy poking his head over the battlements above your heads, apparently trying to get a better look at the group. Crabgrass noticed ballista atop the towers as he approached, but can’t discern many other details from his current vantage point at the gate. The water in the gorge below has a thin layer of residue that smells something like lamp oil. The building itself appears well used, well weathered, and likely victim to several raids over the years, but doesn’t look to be in disrepair.

The cat purrs softly when Twojaws pets it before taking his place fourth last in line, while the fiery gnome newcomer charms his way towards the front. When only half the group state their names and business, the woman’s face in the widow draws closer, scrutinizing everyone beyond the bars.
IMG_1904.jpeg (152.39 KiB) Viewed 600 times

She glares at Renna after being called sir, looking down at Pim who can’t possibly touch her through the obvious door. “We do have a Mouse living here, but with his soured reputation, folks don’t usually ask for the little scoundrel by name.”

She clears her throat and looks down, as if she is writing something into a book. “So we have a Keya Redd, looking for…….ale. Loyn the dwarf, on a clan mission. A visually challenged Renna Kellamin, looking for a room. Stobart Galt, looking for both ale and room. Mr.Crabgrass, a science wizard. And a lovely Magdal Haldeene, from Longspear?”

“What about the rest of you?”


Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 3:31 pm
by Rex

Rida realizes that he will have to say something, ponders it a minute or so and "Rida, come to see the Tavern."

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 5:03 pm
by Spearmint
Thirteen Twojaws

"Redemption and revenge for my mother. I am just a number, so I have come to make a name for myself."

He tries to sound noble and honest in his endeavours.

"Don't you have hunters to chase away the giant Bulette beast?" he asks wondering if any such bounty exists for 'monster hunting'.

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 5:11 pm
by hedgeknight

The Half-Orc sighs and tries to smile at the inquisitive woman.
"Folks call me Dredd. Traveled from Longspear, like others in this group. Wanted to see if Moseley is still the Quartermaster. Have a message for him."

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 5:26 pm
by Quonundrum

Meinhardt arches an inquisitive brow in response to Sylla's indignant glare. He initially seems hesistant to answer the gate keeper's question. "My name is Meinhardt Grayson and I intend to explore the nearby caves. I request entry to secure accommodations."

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 6:11 pm
by ravenn4544
ravenn4544 wrote: Sat Sep 09, 2023 4:12 pm Haldric hails the guard in return cheerfully. "Well met, madam! I have come to tour this Keep that which my kin has laid the bones some decades ago! A tour and then on to the caverns!"

Wis (17) [1d20]=2

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 6:40 pm
by sastaz

When it's Sylla's turn, she strides forward resolutely and addresses the woman behind the shutter.

"Milady, I am Sylla Lontharra, a sister of the fifth order of Her Majesty the Empress. I have travelled here on a diplomatic errand, and a quite delicate one at that. I wish to enter your keep to further pursue this."

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 6:56 pm
by Jernau35
Gyb is already on the list. She obviously didn't recognize him once he combed his hair ;)

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 7:03 pm
by Stirling
The water in the gorge below has a thin layer of residue that smells something like lamp oil.
Figures it ignites in flame should folk attack the Keep. Simple but effective. He makes sure that he is not close to the edge or a casually tossed aside cigar stubb doesn't set it alight.

He shuffles feet waiting for the gatekeeper to open the gate. He wonders if we are being spied on and assessed. That the delay in letting us through is so we can be scryed for magic items?

A speculative theory but plausible.

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 7:51 pm
by Darithe

Frowns, assuming the irritating gnome is talking about her, and thinking he might be making a rude remark says, "Sir, I most assuredly am not a bouncy person." She looks up mostly so she doesn't have to look at the gnome and spies the boy above them. She gives him a friendly wave. Then when she hears the lady refer to her as lovely, she blushes slightly and tries to disappear inside her cloak.

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2023 11:25 pm
by gurusql

"Forgive me for my error."

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 1:12 am
by Scott308
Crobeus - Human Paladin

"I am Crobeus, Paladin of Pholtus, god of Law and Order. I have journeyed with these goodly travelers, aiding in protection from bandits and whatever foul beasts my come. I...we...are weary from the road and wish to relax with a hot meal, cold drink, and soft bed."

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 12:57 pm
by Monsieur Rose

The Gnome nods at Dredd. "I don't know, I kinda like it. Gives off a warm motherly feeling, like a stern grandmother. Ooh, maybe it's a castle of only women, like the fairy tale."

Bugs looks around at Magdal's comment, looking for the Knight. "Psst, Crobeus. Magdal is talking to you."

After Crobeus introduces himself, Bugs speaks. "Um. Me too. But I'm Bugs."

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 9:06 pm
by sastaz
Sylla takes note of the energetic gnome and his theories.
Monsieur Rose wrote: Mon Sep 11, 2023 12:57 pm Bugs

The Gnome nods at Dredd. "I don't know, I kinda like it. Gives off a warm motherly feeling, like a stern grandmother. Ooh, maybe it's a castle of only women, like the fairy tale."
"It is definitely not a castle of only women. If it were, they would not consider allowing entry to men who can't imagine a woman in charge of the gates, or of the castle, for that matter." she states matter-of-factly.

Re: The Wilderness: Arriving at the Keep

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2023 11:32 pm
by Scott308
Crobeus- Human Paladin

"And I know that men were in charge of the defense of the keep in the past. I do not know who is the current lord or lady of the keep, but I'd wager those bearing arms are mostly male. Not that women are unqualified, but most seem smart enough to pick a less deadly path."