House rules

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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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House rules

#1 Post by wolfpack »

A place where house rules will be posted as they come up.

natural 20 - roll weapon damage (if you do not roll max damage then weapon does max damage. If you roll max damage then roll damage again and add the 2 together)
natural 1 - roll a saving throw vs death magic or loose next rounds attacks.
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Joined: Wed Oct 07, 2009 12:04 am

Re: House rules

#2 Post by wolfpack »

In 1E the standard rule is a character is unconscious at 0 and cannot be brought back once the reach -10 except for a raise dead, wish, or similar. Also anyone reaching negative hit points needs a week of bed rest before they are able to once again engage in physical activity.

As I have always felt the week of bed rest took to much form the game causing a pause Getting the person back to town, sitting out while the week passed ect.) I instead have the following rules dealing with negative hit points.

A character is unconscious at 0 and is dead once the reach -10. Any character reaching negative HP needs 8 hours sleep after being healed before retuning to action.

Once a character reaches -1 HP they will continue to bleed out (-1 HP per round) until they reach -10 and death. Bleeding can be stopped by another character spending 1 round binding the wounds. Wounds may only be bound by a character not engaged in melee.

Once healing is used on a unconscious character normal healing is rolled. however if the healing is not enough to bring the character past 0 (example a character is at -5 a CLW is used and a 2 is rolled) the unconscious character is automatically put at 1 HP.

Any character reaching -6 or greater also suffers a lasting maiming effect from the below table.

Maiming Table

Dice (d100) Result penalty
1-10% Loss of hearing in one ear (1-3 right, 4-6 left) -1 on surprise roles, -2 to listen at doors

11-25% Loss of eye (1-3 right, 4-6 left) -1 to hit with missile weapons

26-40% Loss of 1-2 fingers (1-5 offhand, 6 primary hand) -1 to hit when using a weapon in that hand.

41-57% Loss of 1-3 toes (1-3 right foot, 4-6 left foot) Slight limp, -1 to movement rate

58-70% Nerve damage to leg (1-3 right leg, 4-6 left leg) Limp, -2 to movement rate

71-85% Major facial scaring -3% to reaction adjustment

86-100% Nerve damage to arm (1-4 offhand, 5-6 Primary) -2 to hit when using a weapon with that arm.
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