House Rules

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House Rules

#1 Post by sonofotho »

This thread will contain a summary of the main house rules to be used. We will be using the LL 'basic' rules (not AEC) for the most part but there will be a few house rules. More may be added over time.

Character generation:
Roll 3d6 in order for stats (hopeless character if bonuses -1 or less in aggregate)

Character stats and background can be generated randomly (150xp bonus):
Roll on Hand of Fate
Roll on Appearance, Quirk, Skeleton Tables (everyone has 2, but not from same table)
Roll on Name Generator
Roll on Previous Occupation

Clerics: I have not created a specific pantheon for the game world. But if you decide to play a cleric, please feel free to create your own deity/church and I will work it into the milieu. Otherwise, one will be randomly generated for you! The only caveat I have is that the deity should not be too powerful. I am aiming more for a setting with many minor deities and demi‐gods, most of which have no interest in the affairs of the Known World.

Turning Undead: Clerics turn undead as in the LL rulebook. However there is a limit to one turn attempt per undead type per cleric per encounter. As soon as a turning attempt fails, there can be no further attempts on any undead that encounter by that cleric.

New Characters: If a PC dies, a new character can be rolled up with 50% the xp of the deceased character. Starting coin and equipment will depend on game situation. All characters will be created using the 'random generator' method.

Upkeep, Room & Board: Instead of having individual prices for meals, rooms, etc., I will apply a general cost of 3gp per day in Enharza. This will cover meals, normal room, new shoelaces, etc. Staying in the Slums (outside Enharza) is 1sp per day.

Crits & Fumbles:Will not be used at the start, but may be added later…

Firing missiles into melee:On an unadjusted to hit of 5 or less, a friendly will be hit. This number may be adjusted up or down by the DM depending on the situation.

Flaming Oil as a weapon:Someone hit by a lit flask of oil suffers d4 damage. On a roll of 4 they suffer d4 damage the next round if they fail a saving throw v. Breath weapon. If a 4 is rolled again, the victim is engulfed in flames and will suffer d8 per round until they die or can put out the flames.

Healing:Any PC can attempt first‐aid immediately after the fight in which the wounds were suffered. The PC must spend a full Turn binding wounds, resting, and downing at least ½ a skin of wine. Such first‐aid will restore d3 hp from the previous battle only. This 'wine and bind' method can be done only once per PC per fight. PCs will recover d4 hp each night (8hr) spent resting in town or camp (outside the dungeon); d2 hp are recovered each night (8hr) spent resting in the dungeon; d8 hp are recovered each day spent resting in town (24hr without other activity).

Energy Drain: Energy drain effects can be avoided by successful Save vs. Death saving throw. If unsuccessful, the character permanently loses one hit die of HP (roll accordingly) and the total XP which would take the PC to the mid‐way point of the previous level of experience. However, all abilities related to the lost level remain with the PC. If the character is a 1st level character and survives the loss of HP, then XP loss will take the character to mid point of 1st level. If the character is below the mid point for 1st level XP, then whatever XP the character has is halved.

Death: When a character reaches 0 hp they fall unconscious. Death comes first at ‐1 minus constitution modifier, ex. Con of 16 would mean death at ‐3 hp. Death occurs at ‐1 for characters with a Con of 12 or lower.

Experience points:XPs are awarded for various character (and player) actions, including the following:
Defeating Monsters: 50 xp per HD with bonuses for special abilities
Recovering Treasure: 1 xp for each gp of value
Visiting a new hex on the map: 50 xp per hex
Character development (class related) activities listed below: Total xps awarded for all activities below are capped at 1/2 of the xps needed for reaching the next level. Ex. A 1st level human fighter could earn max 1000 xp for character development on his way up to 2nd level.
Carousing: See section below (all but clerics whose particular deity would obviously not approve)
Gambling: See section below (all but clerics whose particular deity would obviously not approve)
Donations to Church: 1/2 xp for each gp donated (clerics)
Money spent on research: 1/2 xp for each gp spent (any class researching any game relevant topic)
Player bonuses: Players can gain additional XPs for: writing session summaries for the Adventure Journal, drawing and uploading dungeon maps, and posting game‐related drawings (scenes from the game). XPs awarded will be at DM discretion (but worth it!)

Carousing: Players roll a d6 and multiply by 100gp. The resulting total is the amount of gp spent/xp acquired as a result of the carousing. Each carousing session also requires the PC to make a save vs. Poison. A successful roll means the carousing session went off without any major complications. However a failed saving throw will require a roll on the carousing mishap table to see how much trouble the PC got in! Only one carousing session per 'town visit'.

Gambling: In certain establishments games of chance can be found. Once per evening, a PC may decide to gamble. A stake is decided by the player (up to 200gp max) and a roll is made on the gambling table (to be posted). ½ XP is awarded for each gp won or lost; ex. a loss of 100 gp would net 50 xp for the PC. XPs awarded for gambling are capped at 150 xp per session.

Order of the d30:Once per week of game time, a player may opt to use a d30 instead of the die or dice the situation at hand normally calls for. The d30 cannot be used for character statistics generation (e.g. stats or hp).

Starting Spells:Magic‐Users start with Read Magic, two randomly selected spells, one spell chosen by the PC, and two randomly selected cantrips. Magic‐Users can cast their level +1 cantrips per day. Elves begin with one spell chosen by the player or one randomly selected spell. They also start with one randomly selected cantrip and can cast a number per day equal to their level.

Gaining New Spells:Gaining new spells can only be accomplished through finding spells and scribing them into ones spellbook, or researching through the Mages Guild. Scribing from a scroll or another spellbook costs 100 GP and 1 day per spell level. Cantrips are 50 GP and 1 day.

The Mages Guild
-Study: As members of the Guild you have access to the main library for spell research as well as research in numerous non-magical areas. (You can choose new spells when you attain new levels as per the book, e.g. at second level you can pick a new first level spell. It is also possible to try and learn a new spell before you gain access to it at a new level, e.g. before you reach second level you can try and learn a new first level spell. But this will come with a chance of failure (Save vs. Int), and if you fail then you must wait at least 2 weeks to try again.
-Tutelage: It is possible to gain access to experts in areas such as scroll development, magic item detection, and other areas. If you create scrolls using the Guild's library, you can do it for half the cost as stated in the House Rules.
-Advancement: At higher levels of magical ability, you will gain access to different parts of the Guild and access to the higher-ranking membership.
-Cost: Joining the Guild is 250 gold up front with a weekly 'donation' of 25 gold. The Guild understands that some members may travel for extended periods, but extensive records are kept and back fees can be paid at the next visit without interest or penalty.

Save vs. Spells: All spell damage or effects (including Sleep spells) can be halved or avoided by successful Save vs. Spells. This rule concerns both PCs and monsters.

Time and Movement in the dungeon:
- Movement rates in combat are by the book
‐ Normal movement is 3x the book rate, e.g. Brother Tajik, who is heavily encumbered, can move 90' in one turn (3x his by the book rate of 30')
‐ Movement rates are by the book while searching for secret doors, pits, etc.
‐ Open doors rules are in effect (by the book)
‐ Searching rooms takes 1/2 turn per person per 10 by 10 area
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