The first Delving

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Distorted Humor
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The first Delving

#1 Post by Distorted Humor »

(OOC: I will assume that you have already met, and I am starting you at Zelkor's Ferry, the place that passes for a town in these parts.)

Many hundreds of years ago, the forces of good allied to destroy
the main Temple of Orcus in the ancient city of Tsar. With their
temple in ruins, the surviving high priests of this accursed demongod
fled the city with an army of enemies on their trail—an army
of heroic fighters, clerics and paladins—led by Zelkor, a powerful
wizard. The exact fate of these evil priests was then unknown, for
not only did the remnants of the followers of Orcus disappear from
all human reckoning, but so did the army of light that followed after
them disappear as well. Some said that in the eternal scales the loss
of so many good men was a fair price to pay to rid the world of so
much evil.
The evil cult, however, had not been destroyed. The surviving
priests and their followers instead settled on a hill near the Forest
of Hope, a sylvan woodland near the Coast Road. There they found
a vast underground complex of caverns and mazes, carving out a
volcanic intrusion beneath the hill. There, the priests of Orcus found
the perfect lair to continue their vile rituals. For many years, they
carried on in secret, hidden from the light and from the knowledge
of men.
Many years later, their underground delving completed, the evil
priests erected a hideous mausoleum and a sunken graveyard atop
the hill. It is believed that these graves are in fact the final resting
place of the pursuing army of heroes that had been destroyed to a
man. Soon after the mausoleum was erected the peaceful creatures
of the wood began to disappear. Though many rangers and
druids investigated these happenings, the cause of the creatures’
disappearance was not immediately determined. Some years later a
powerful group of adventurers, led by Bofred, a high priest of Thyr,
investigated the evil happenings and found the sunken graveyard
leading to a labyrinthine complex. Bofred and his companions
found great hordes of evil creatures in the complex. Though some
of his companions returned from their expedition, telling tales of
fantastic treasure and ferocious monsters, Bofred was never seen
again—lost in the catacombs beneath the cursed mausoleum.
For the last one hundred years, ranks of adventurers have ventured
to the newfound dungeon. Many fell prey to bandits and monsters
in the surrounding wilderness. Rumors suggest that of those who
survived to reach the mausoleum and sunken graveyard, most were
slain by guardians of green stone or perished on the very first level.
Those rare few who return from deeper treks speak of horrible
undead and creatures that cannot be slain. All who have explored
Rappan Athuk offer this one universal piece of advice: “Don’t go
down the Well.”
All of you have heard of the stories, Rappan Athuk, the place where many had made fortunes, and many more died. You all arrived at a small town, Zelkor Ferry. To call it a town might be a bit much,m as it consists of a handful of buildings in a old river fort, but it does provide a place to rest. You all stayed at the inn last night.


You have heard many things, that there is a great mausoleum to the East, about 50 miles, though a ferry will take you to the coastal road that will get you within 10 miles of the Mausoleum. There is also a local place, called the "Mouth of Doom" that some say may be related to the fabled Rappan Athuk. Also you are warned, the local woods and hills are not a civilized place, there is Gnolls, Goblins, and worse, Outlaws who are hiding, Hidden shrines to Chaotic gods, and even a report of a Ogre leading a small army of 100 kolbolds.

The party meets at the Inn common room, and now it up to the party to decide how they wish to proceed, do you need to get last moment supplies or hire some help? Seek rumors and information? Or head out to one of the many places for adventure....
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Re: The first Delving

#2 Post by mordechiyoel »

"Good morning, my friends !" the tall human warrior smiled at the assorted group.
Logan, as always, picked the seat with his back to the wall, so he could see all
that goes on around him.
"Methinks its time to share any rumours that you may have heard," he grinned.
"I will start.. A shrine to a foul god or demon is said to lie beneath the hills;
its corridors are a gauntlet of terror and gruesome death.

Logan is a strong and tall human fighter, armed to the teeth and armored as well.
His bald head is complemented by bright blue eyes.
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Re: The first Delving

#3 Post by Tomcat42 »

Hrothgar (Dwarf) - first delving, Zelkor's Ferry

"Well lads, to tell you truthfully, I was expecting more of a town for a place of such legends!" says Hrothgar "And a bit better ale." he adds, under his breath, so as not to insult the innkeeper. He takes a big gulp from a tankard, slams it down on the table and wipes the froth from his mustache with the back of his hand.

"I think I overheard some locals last night jawing about a ferry out to some ruins. Methinks that might be the famous ruins we traveled here to see. I also heard something about another place called 'The Mouth of Doom' that might be a tad closer for us. Seems we might look into it and get our legs under us, so t' speak. You know, maybe warm up before the main course! What say the rest of ye'? He leans over closer to Logan after a nice hearty belch, winks an eye "'Mouth of Doom' kinda puts me in mind of a lass I had the pleasure of spending a night with a while back! Now she was a real head turner, she was!
DM: "Black Dougal gasps 'Poison!' and falls to the floor. He looks dead."
Fredrik: "I'm grabbing his pack to carry treasure in."
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Re: The first Delving

#4 Post by Darkmane »

Alysuil pushes her wine glass across the table with a grimace. "I don't know about the ale but this wine is dreadful."

Alysuil is tall and muscular for an elf, having green eyes, pale skin, and her long black hair is twisted into elaborate braids.

"So far the locals mostly laughed at me and told me that no one leaves Rappan Athuk alive. I did overhear of a kings tomb that is guarded by giant scorpions, but not much else. I think exploring the Mouth is wise, we might also learn more if there truly is a connection between the two."
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Re: The first Delving

#5 Post by mordechiyoel »

Tomcat42 wrote:Hrothgar (Dwarf) - first delving, Zelkor's Ferry

"Well lads, to tell you truthfully, I was expecting more of a town for a place of such legends!" says Hrothgar "And a bit better ale." he adds, under his breath, so as not to insult the innkeeper. He takes a big gulp from a tankard, slams it down on the table and wipes the froth from his mustache with the back of his hand.

"I think I overheard some locals last night jawing about a ferry out to some ruins. Methinks that might be the famous ruins we traveled here to see. I also heard something about another place called 'The Mouth of Doom' that might be a tad closer for us. Seems we might look into it and get our legs under us, so t' speak. You know, maybe warm up before the main course! What say the rest of ye'? He leans over closer to Logan after a nice hearty belch, winks an eye "'Mouth of Doom' kinda puts me in mind of a lass I had the pleasure of spending a night with a while back! Now she was a real head turner, she was!
"I don't think that means what you think it does," Logan raised an eyebrow at Hrothgar's comment. "Yet you and the lady," he looked over at Alysuil and smiled, "are wise counsel. I agree we should check out this "mouth of doom".

Logan takes a swig of his ale. "Eh," he mutters and then takes another pull.
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Re: The first Delving

#6 Post by Blazeguard »

Wolf leans in and speaks in a raspy whisper, "I heard murmurings that a potent artifact called the Seal of Power was carried into the dungeon long ago by the mage-priest Donov. He hoped to use it to seal away the evil, restless spirits of the dungeon." He pauses, "Just think of what that could..." He gets a faraway look in his eyes as his voice trails off. After a moment he shakes his head and looks around with a slightly embarrassed expression. Taking a quick swig of ale he adds, "I don't know what you have against this ale. It's a far sight better than anything we got in the monastery."
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Re: The first Delving

#7 Post by Darkmane »

Alysuil peers over the table at Wolf looking like a wild thing, a fire in her green eyes. "If you spent a night of revelry in the forest with my kind you would taste and see things that would truly awaken you monk.". She smiles at him and leans back in her chair,"there would be singing and music too, do any of you play?"
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Re: The first Delving

#8 Post by Dogma »

"Sorry I'm late," Otikas the wizard says as he sits down with the others. "stayed up way to late talking to the locals. Same old stories though...scary monsters, blah, blah blah, untold treasures, blah blah one gets out alive." He flags the bar maid to order a beer. "Though in my opinion, if no one gets out alive how do they know there are monstrous creatures and untold treasures?"
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Re: The first Delving

#9 Post by mordechiyoel »

Darkmane wrote:Alysuil peers over the table at Wolf looking like a wild thing, a fire in her green eyes. "If you spent a night of revelry in the forest with my kind you would taste and see things that would truly awaken you monk.". She smiles at him and leans back in her chair,"there would be singing and music too, do any of you play?"
"I play very nicely," Logan winks at her. When he hears the wizard go on about the people he has spoken to, he laughs. "Funny wizard !" he smiles. "Yes, most of what we have heard is blah blah blah, yet there is often some truth to the crazy stories."
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Re: The first Delving

#10 Post by Blazeguard »

Wolf gives Alysuil a quizzical look "I'm already awake. As far as music, I was part of the Baritone Brothers choral group."
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Re: The first Delving

#11 Post by Tomcat42 »

Hrothgar (Dwarf)

"Morning, Otikas!" Hrothgar says, while pushing a nearby chair back with his foot for the latecomer "we were just talking about taking a short trip out to a place called 'The Mouth of Doom' and Logan here was just about to impress us all with some music!". Hrothgar gestures at Logan and says, with a wink "Please, good sir, let us hear some of your music!"
DM: "Black Dougal gasps 'Poison!' and falls to the floor. He looks dead."
Fredrik: "I'm grabbing his pack to carry treasure in."
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Re: The first Delving

#12 Post by mordechiyoel »

Logan grins, "my music is usually one on one," as he winks at Alysuil, "if its a good night, two on one !" Logan chuckles as he drink from his tankard again.
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Re: The first Delving

#13 Post by Tomcat42 »

Hrothgar (Dwarf)

"Well, it appears that Ushnab and Theron had a long night and are sleeping in this morning!" says Mjolnir as he pushes away from the table and stands up. "I believe I'll look in on the smith and see if he's done polishing my armor. Maybe he can point us in the right direction as far as this 'Mouth of Doom' business is concerned."

Mjolnir flips a gold coin onto the table "That should cover my breakfast and I'll be back in a just a bit!" He bows quickly towards Alysuil "M'lady." nods to the others "Lads." and exits the inn.
-1gp for breakfast (and tip, if it runs less than that)
DM: "Black Dougal gasps 'Poison!' and falls to the floor. He looks dead."
Fredrik: "I'm grabbing his pack to carry treasure in."
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Re: The first Delving

#14 Post by Darkmane »

mordechiyoel wrote:Logan grins, "my music is usually one on one," as he winks at Alysuil, "if its a good night, two on one !" Logan chuckles as he drink from his tankard again.
She pats the warrior on the arm and laughs out loud. Mmmm, yes, well there won't be any music of that sort this morning,unless you raid the stables.

After the dwarf leaves she asks the wizard, " are you also on board with venturing into this mouth of doom? It's a shorter trip..."
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Re: The first Delving

#15 Post by Distorted Humor »

Tomcat42 wrote:Hrothgar (Dwarf)

"Well, it appears that Ushnab and Theron had a long night and are sleeping in this morning!" says Mjolnir as he pushes away from the table and stands up. "I believe I'll look in on the smith and see if he's done polishing my armor. Maybe he can point us in the right direction as far as this 'Mouth of Doom' business is concerned."

Mjolnir flips a gold coin onto the table "That should cover my breakfast and I'll be back in a just a bit!" He bows quickly towards Alysuil "M'lady." nods to the others "Lads." and exits the inn.
-1gp for breakfast (and tip, if it runs less than that)
(OOC: In all fairness, the game is a 2 post a week so they have some time to post :) )

Tallie the tavern Wrench slides the coin in her coin purse, which is sown in her bodice,

"Thank thee, I heard that you where going to the Mouth of Doom, we had all sorts here, some said some of the rooms had bad air, so be careful where you sleep inside the Mouth of doom. Also if you are the hunting type, my boss Bristleback buys bearskins and panther skins for 50 gp, and wolf
pelts for 20GP each. But he does not buy Boar skins."
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Re: The first Delving

#16 Post by goucherg »

Good morning, have I missed anything? said Theron smiling as he sits at the table.
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Re: The first Delving

#17 Post by Dogma »

"Good morning, Theron, " replies Otikas, "You haven't missed too much....a bit of witty banter from the dwarf, some shameless flirting between our good elfish lass and the mighty warrior, and some discussion of where we shall start our quest for glory and riches. It sounds likes we will be heading to the Mouth of Doom. Nasty place it sounds like."
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Re: The first Delving

#18 Post by goucherg »

Had same thought, great minds and such said Theron.
I've heard that Rappan Athuk has a number of giant rats and that following their tunnels could lead to interesting places he adds as calls the waitress over.
He orders breakfast and then says So we should keep our open for them. Have we done all that we want in this town?
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Re: The first Delving

#19 Post by HereticalOne »

"Sorry I'm late this morning. Long night." Ushnab sits down wherever there's a free chair. Orders wine.
"I heard some of what you've discussed. Something about a 'Mouth of Doom,' or some-such?" Makes a face at the wine. It really is that bad.
"Do we need to hire-on a few extra sword-arms? I heard that bit about an army of kobolds led by an ogre...that's a lot of little lizards to deal with. And what's this about rats?" Sips the wine. Sniffs the ale. Orders ale instead.
I don't have a signature thingy.
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Re: The first Delving

#20 Post by Darkmane »

Morning Ushnab! A few hired men might be a good idea. I'd like to try hiring a guide unless any of you know the location of this mouth of doom.
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