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#161 Post by Hvalreki »

Herbie was very glad Joe went first, he'd only been irradiated twice. Both times, the treatment and recovery was dreadful and that was with a hospital nearby.

"Hey Mick, I have a set of multi-spectrum binos on my pack if you need them."

He shuffles over to where Sophie, Jim and Mick are searching and offers to dig around the area with his e-tool carefully to see if he can find what has the dog's attention.
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Re: 2156.11.7.1440 - Arctic Complex: Building 5

#162 Post by shaidar »

atpollard wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 7:13 pm 2156.11.7.1440 - Arctic Complex: Building 5

DJ, MICK, HERBIE, JIM & SOPHIE: [Building 5]
Like Building 2, the entrance to Building 5 was located on the ground, buried beneath the snow drifting against the SE quadrant of the buildings, and (after tunneling to the door), was a mechanical door to a powerless building. The arrangement of the foyer, stairs and elevator is identical between Building 2 and Building 5. A Mechanical skill check (MECH-0+, or JOT-0+) will be needed to locate the mechanical override and manually open the door at the top of the stair.

A backpack sits at a landing about half-way up the stairs [G1]. The pack contains V.E.T. lettering and an Identification Number. Inside the pack are a variety of COMM tools and a partial box of 12 mm handgun (pistol/revolver) ammo.
DJ grabs the backpack and heads up the stairs to find the opening mechanism
Basic roll: [_2d6]=(5+5)=10
I going to assume this is a good pass
Searching around he locates the panel and is about to open it...
Eris wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 9:17 pm "Damn and hell!" Joe mutters and goes on the comm, "Folks we've got a body over here, a wreaked power plant and beau coo radiation! This power plant is beyond my help. We're going to have to get that emergency switchover working or we aren't going to get power to Building 5."

DJ axtivates his comms:

"The only other alternative I can think of would be to try to power Building 5 with the power plant in one of the ATV's, I don't know if that would work, but as a last resort we might have to try jury-rigging that up." Joe says adding, "DJ, you're got the spec sheets. Can you find anything about the emergency switchover circuit? I think that would be in Building 1, but it might be in Building 3."
DJ activates his comm: "Damn, that's bad, I hope that crossover does work, and who knows for long long it'll last. I'm about the enter building 5. I don't have all the specs with me, just what I need, the rest are spread out on the table in building 1. What to do..." he thinks for a moment "...I still need to check if this component needs fixing. I'm going to continue to do that. Jim could head back to building 1 to try and find out about the emergency power crossover from the specs. Why don't you seen if you can find out more back in building 3 or help Jim out with the specs. That way we'll know the full situation and can make a plan."

DJ opens the panel and activates the manual override on the door.
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2156.11.7.1445 - Arctic Complex: Building 1

#163 Post by atpollard »

2156.11.7.1445 - Arctic Complex: Building 1

Following the now beaten path, Mick and Sophie reached the base of the stairs [F1] at Building 1 in a few minutes. Mick set Sophie down and began a close examination of the area of the stain. Sophie briefly paused to reacquire some invisible scent and excitedly took off through the snow in the direction of the ATVs. Mick followed Sophie. At first Sophie struggled against the snow, plowing laboriously through it, but she quickly got the hang of it and adopted a wide stance and strange gait that spread her weight among all six legs moving them one at a time. This allowed her to sink through the soft upper layer, but remain supported by the firm middle layer without sinking deep into the snow.

Just past the ATVs, Sophie fell through the snow and began tunneling. She abruptly stopped and emerged with her prize. Recovering the prize required some negotiation, but Mick convinced Sophie to trade it for another piece of Jerky.

Mick held up a short bone. “That’s a thumb.” said Herbie without hesitation. You stood almost a hundred meters from the blood stain at the base of the stairs.
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2156.11.7.1450 - Arctic Complex: Building 5

#164 Post by atpollard »

2156.11.7.1450 - Arctic Complex: Building 5

DJ sent Jim back to Building 1 to search the Specs for data on the Power System and overrides, then turned his attention to forcing open the door manually.

A panel, difficult to locate in the dark, was removed with some effort to reveal a large bolt. A handle clipped to the back of the panel fit over the bolt and could be rotated. After an endless series of rotations, a cloud clunk indicated the latching bolts withdrew and further turning began to slowly move the door. It was a slow and tedious process that ultimately opened the door enough for DJ to slip from the stairs [G1] into a pitch-black lounge [F1]. Another panel inside [F1] appeared to allow the door to be manually closed, but DJ opted not to waste the time and effort.

Inside [F1] there was a glass door and wall with control panels and equipment racks [F5] beyond. Consulting the stolen manual for the Receiving Building suggested that it was a secondary control room. There were two solid doors in [F1] that had to be opened manually. DJ opened the first just enough to shine a light in and identify a workroom [F2] beyond (not his goal), before moving on to the other door. The search. Panel, tedious turning ultimately yielded access to a stair heading up [S1].

At the last landing before the top, DJ encountered a ladder leading to a roof access hatch [R1]. The critical component would likely be mounted on the roof. DJ skipped the Second Floor and climbed the ladder.

The hatch to the roof was a small, square, horizontal version of the main door DJ had entered the building through … and the handle was just as difficult to turn with no power as the door to [G0] had been. With effort, an exhausted DJ stood on the roof and began to scan the numbered equipment for the part he sought.

Locating the number … the screen was cracked and the case was blackened. This was clearly the OLD unit that had failed. The replacement part left the storage room, but it never made it this far.

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2156.11.7.1500 - Arctic Complex: near ATVs

#165 Post by atpollard »

2156.11.7.1500 - Arctic Complex: near ATVs

Herbie had begun to dig and search starting from where Sophie found the finger bone. He was clearing away the snow carefully … layer by layer … as Mick studied the ground for any clues. It was Herbie’s shovel that uncovered the next bit of evidence. Approximately twenty meters away from the finger, further away from Building 1, Herbie located a 12mm Auto-Pistol buried in the snow. Examining it briefly, the bolt was open … having fired its last shot and no round left to chamber.
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2156.11.7.1500 - Arctic Complex: Building 3

#166 Post by atpollard »

2156.11.7.1500 - Arctic Complex: Building 3

Jim [Engineering-1] returned to Building 1 to access the stolen Manuals and the Master Control panel as Joe [JoT-2, Engineering-0] returned to Building 3 to access the Manuals in the Locker and the Control Panels in Building 3. Together they maintained constant communication, ran tests and diagnostics from their respective controls, consulted their available manuals and attempted to determine the status of the “emergency switchover” and how to access it.

The effort revealed that the power systems to Building 2 and Building 3 were damaged, but operational. It was an issue that would impact long-term maintenance schedules, but not the short term operation of either building. It was discovered that the Reactor in Building 3 initiated an emergency shutdown to protect itself and Building 2 from a massive power surge through the “emergency switchover” line connecting it to the power Plant in Building 4.

Jim’s Naval background proved useful - if the results were perplexing - in identifying that the Power Plant in Building 4 was not the SOURCE of the power surge, but was itself destroyed by the power surge. Had the Power Plant in Building 3 not successfully shut down as quickly as it did, it would likely have suffered the same fate as Building 4. The only time Jim saw this sort of energy surge was a hit on a Starship from an Energy Weapon (like a Particle Beam Weapon), but the building shows no external indications of a beam weapon. With the proximity to the Auroras, it was possible that this was some freak natural phenomenon.

With light to moderate damage to Buildings 2 and 3, there is a high probability of moderate to serious damage to the electrical systems of Buildings 4 and 5. On the other hand, the Computer in Building 1 required a dedicated power plant, so Building 1 is completely isolated from all other buildings for its power supply.

With the current conditions understood, Joe and Jim could get to work evaluating the repair options.
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2156.11.7.1515 - Arctic Complex: [Mick, Herbie and Sophie]

#167 Post by atpollard »

2156.11.7.1515 - Arctic Complex: [Mick, Herbie and Sophie]

As Herbie carefully removed layers of snow, Mick [Hunting-3] had time to study the patterns in the hard layers beneath the fresh overlay. Soon a pattern emerged. A path, made by a large pack traveling in a single column, dragging their kill behind.

Once he knew what to look for, Mick was able to follow the subtle depression that marked the trail the pack took through the snow … at the other end was likely their lair and the corpse they dismembered and dragged off.

Examining the name scratched into the bottom of the Pistol … “Andre” went down fighting.
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2156.11.7.1515 - Arctic Complex: [DJ]

#168 Post by atpollard »

2156.11.7.1515 - Arctic Complex: [DJ]

The part HAD left Building 1. The VET team HAD arrived in Building 5. The part was NOT installed on the roof. DJ climbed down the ladder and resolved himself to the task ahead … a room by room search of Building 5 for the missing part.

It was hard searching in the dark. It was hard forcing every door open. DJ searched every room on every level except [F4]. That was a high security door. Even with the security codes, there was no way to enter the codes without power. There was no manual override. There was no forcing that door open without explosives. So [F4] remained unsearched.

Desperate for a clue, DJ even emptied the VET backpack hoping for some hint … but “Bryan” (the name on his driver’s license in his wallet) left no clues what he did with the missing part.
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2156.11.7.1515 - Arctic Complex: [Joe and Jim]

#169 Post by atpollard »

2156.11.7.1515 - Arctic Complex: [Joe and Jim]

Joe and Jim evaluated the options. A “field trip” to Building 5 confirmed that the power feeds to the building had been melted and would need to be replaced with “something”. There were three options:

REPAIR THE EMERGENCY SWITCHOVER: It was theoretically possible to repair enough of the existing power system to enable Building 3 to power Building 2 and Building 5 as the system was designed. This is a “hail mary” option given the extent of damage, but one of the fastest if successful [roll 10+].

QUICK AND DIRTY: At the other extreme, it is a simple matter to just park an ATV next to Building 5 and rig a jumper from the ATV Power Plant to the Building Power Feeds. This is an easy task [roll 6+] but the ATV will likely not provide all of the power needed by the building, so only partial function may be restored.

THE HARD WAY: There exists enough surplus wire in the redundant power feeds to run a new power feed along the ground from Building 3 to Building 5. This is a three person job (heavy cables to drag into position). Roll each hour [roll 8+] to succeed in establishing a power connection.
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Re: 2156.11.7.1515 - Arctic Complex: [Joe and Jim]

#170 Post by Eris »

atpollard wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 1:01 am 2156.11.7.1515 - Arctic Complex: [Joe and Jim]

Joe and Jim evaluated the options. A “field trip” to Building 5 confirmed that the power feeds to the building had been melted and would need to be replaced with “something”. There were three options:

REPAIR THE EMERGENCY SWITCHOVER: It was theoretically possible to repair enough of the existing power system to enable Building 3 to power Building 2 and Building 5 as the system was designed. This is a “hail mary” option given the extent of damage, but one of the fastest if successful [roll 10+].

QUICK AND DIRTY: At the other extreme, it is a simple matter to just park an ATV next to Building 5 and rig a jumper from the ATV Power Plant to the Building Power Feeds. This is an easy task [roll 6+] but the ATV will likely not provide all of the power needed by the building, so only partial function may be restored.

THE HARD WAY: There exists enough surplus wire in the redundant power feeds to run a new power feed along the ground from Building 3 to Building 5. This is a three person job (heavy cables to drag into position). Roll each hour [roll 8+] to succeed in establishing a power connection.
"Jim, I think using an ATV to get power to Building 5 should be our first action." says Joe, "It likely won't provide enough for complete function, but getting partial power up might allow the comm functions to work at a reduced level which VET should appreciate. It will make it easier to then pull new cables from the working reactor in Building 3 to Building 5. The corp is going to have to get up here and replace all of Building 4 at some point, but that's not our job. It's their's."
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In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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#171 Post by Thumper »

Once he knew what to look for, Mick was able to follow the subtle depression that marked the trail the pack took through the snow … at the other end was likely their lair and the corpse they dismembered and dragged off.
Hearing the comms discussion about the missing part, Mick has an idea.

Mates, I may have been a bit hasty thinking two-legged creatures took out the VET repair-persons. After finding a thumb and and a “Winchester” (meaning empty) auto-pistol, I think I’m on to the trail of a pack of Arctic Cats. It appears they dragged at least one human-sized body away. The trail is consistent with the thumb and pistol findings.

Could it be that the part you need is on the body or bodies that got dragged off? If so, maybe we should form a hunting party. See if we can find that part…it’s a gutsy move. Unless, of course, ya got a work-around for the part…
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#172 Post by shaidar »


"I don't think there is a work-around for this part. We might be lucky and there's a spare in the ATV, otherwise I don't think we've any choice but hunting. I like the idea of partially powering up building 5 while we run new cables. "
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#173 Post by Thumper »

weird double post
Last edited by Thumper on Sun Apr 21, 2024 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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#174 Post by Thumper »

Right then. Herbie, can you and Sophie keep searching the area for any more clues or remains. I’ll go look for the part in the VET vehicle. If it’s not there, I’ll radio the guide and ask if he wants to hunt with us.

Mick will also conduct a thorough search of VET’s ATV for clues, an inventory of what it carries, and it’s working condition.
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#175 Post by shaidar »

DJ will join Mick in searching the ATV, as he knows what we're looking for.
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#176 Post by Eris »

shaidar wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 5:11 pm DJ will join Mick in searching the ATV, as he knows what we're looking for.
"Three things, folks." Joe radios, "First, it's getting dark soon and we can't see in the dark like the creatures that will be out hunting. We need lights! Also, nobody should be going anywhere alone and everyone should be very much on their guard and armed for bear...big, big, bear! Shoot first, second and as many times as you can after that if you have to."

"Second, Oliva how you doing up on that roof? You've been there a long time, you need some relief?"

"Third, whoever is searching VET's ATV, drive it up here close and we can run some cables from its power supply to Building 5 and try to get, at least, partial power back up. If fact, can we get all the ATV's up here in the compound, if for no other reason than to use their lights?"
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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#177 Post by Hvalreki »

Thumper wrote: Sun Apr 21, 2024 1:51 pm Mick:
Right then. Herbie, can you and Sophie keep searching the area for any more clues or remains. I’ll go look for the part in the VET vehicle. If it’s not there, I’ll radio the guide and ask if he wants to hunt with us.

Mick will also conduct a thorough search of VET’s ATV for clues, an inventory of what it carries, and it’s working condition.
"You got it Mick!"

"You, know I was thinking, If Deej can get partial power back using the ATV, we can run the cables in the morning when it's light again. Even with our gear I don't think we want to be out here at night.

Maybe we try to hunt for the cats during the day? I think they're more active at dawn and dusk, if they're anything like my cat back home was. Well, technically not my cat but she lived in the crawlspace under my pressure tent. I fed her milk sometimes.

We can use the multi spec binos to search for them, anything warm should really stick out against the background up north even if they are camouflaged."
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#178 Post by shaidar »


"You've all got good points. Let's gets these ATVs in and things ready for darkness."
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2156.11.7.1530 - Arctic Complex

#179 Post by atpollard »

2156.11.7.1530 - Arctic Complex

Herbie and Sophie explored the snow around where the finger and empty weapon had been discovered, but discovered no additional items.

Mick headed to the VET ATV and started a search. Everything looked both neat and secure to casual observation, suggesting the crew left and never returned. Mick pressed the start and the ATV roared to life … even sitting a while. That indicated a vehicle both well maintained and Arctic Hardened. The strip of spotlights along the roof flooded the area between the ATV and Buildings 1 and 2 with light [illuminating DJ making his way across the snow towards the ATVs.]

It was about that time that it was agreed to move all three ATVs closer to Building 5 to provide light to the area between Buildings 3 and 5 and emergency power to Building 5 while bringing everyone in closer to the buildings for the night.

Olivia responded to the request for a status check with the notification that she was still doing good, and the chilling notification that she spotted some distant movement around sunset, but whatever it was wandered off rather than coming closer. It was out past 1500 meters, so not an imminent threat. Just confirmation that the “natives” were out and about.

Herbie, DJ and Val [all with Vehicle, tracked-1] took control of the three ATVs and formed a convoy to Building 5. Herbie drove the VET ATV, since he was closest at the moment, and it briefly brought back memories of the old farm tractor as he rocked the ATV out of the deep snow in which it’s tracks were buried … just like the tractor in deep mud. Just like the tractor, the ATV has all the torque in the world, so the trick was always applying enough power without applying too much and just digging a hole. Herbie skillfully climbed out of the hole and was driving over the snow crushing a path behind him.

Joe was waiting at Building 5 to direct the VET ATV into position as Jim directed the other ATVs into a position to illuminate the path from Building 3 to Building 5 [where the new power cable would be laid.
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2156.11.7.1540 - Arctic Complex

#180 Post by atpollard »

2156.11.7.1540 - Arctic Complex

Herbie was outside the ATVs practicing with his binoculars. Part of the goal was to just become familiar with his latest toy - Herbie loved gadgets - and part of it was an extra abundance of caution after the revelation that predators had been spotted only 1500 meters from the compound.

Mick was standing near Herbie as Jim directed the group ATVs into position. Having a predator that close left Mick hyper-vigilant as well. It was in this hyper-vigilant state of scanning for danger … fresh from studying the tracks where the victim had been dragged away to the Southwest … that Mick identified what he would never have thought to look for under ordinary circumstances. Mick spotted the tell-tale indentation in the perfect covering of snow that marked a drag path in the older snow buried underneath. Only THIS drag path headed due North!

Mick called Herbie’s shovel back into service. Mick needed the soft snow on top cleared without disturbing the packed snow underneath …
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