Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

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Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

Tumbler remains calm, ignores the threats and carries on. This crew may kill him but they are still nothing compared to the abuse his own clan put on him during his apprenticeship. Tumbler is stubborn even for a dwarf and this is business. A distraction is good. Where is the meeting point fer me to bring the eh' special guest?".
"Bring her back here," Mera quips, walking away.

Tumbler thinks for a second and adds, An' is this guest going to be happy to come along or something I gotta drag?"
Mera glances over her shoulder and chuckles, "Oh, she will happy to get out, I can assure you. She is scheduled for a hanging in the morning. Once you tell her, the Princess sent you, she'll come along willingly. She's smart enough to know where her bread is buttered."
The man, having finished his apple, walks along beside Tumbler. "I'll make sure he gets to the Garrison," he says, looking down at the Dwarf. "I assume you have everything you need for this job, right?" the man asks.
Not waiting for a response, the man heads out of the opposite end of the tavern than where Tumbler entered, turning left on another main road.
(Assuming Tumbler follows...) The man leads Tumbler past the Otari Market and further north for another two blocks or so before turning right down another street at the corner across from what looks like a small bookstore (#7 on map).
A lot of folks are out and about this morning, but the man ignores them all and they likewise ignore he and Tumbler. The man continues for about a block where the road tees with another one, turning abruptly right again across from a squat, bunker-like stone building (#8 on map). The man jerks his thumb over his shoulder and says in a low voice, "That stone building is the Garrison. Find a place to hole up and wait for the distraction."
That's all the man says as he walks on ahead quickly before darting down an alley between a several small buildings.

I've included the map again for you to get a point of reference.

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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#2 Post by Computer +1 »

Tumber follows along the man and arrives outside the Garrison. He grunts a reply before the guy leaves. "Work ethic of a buncha halflings" he thinks about the crew he is dealing with. He would rather pick up honest work but skint is skint. He can't turn his nose up at any job which is how he got stuck underground yesterday.

Tumbler looks for a spot to sit and be able to observe the Garrison without sticking out too much.
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#3 Post by hedgeknight »

The hours that pass are the slowest of Tumbler's life. Folks pass him by, paying him no mind as they are too caught up in their own affairs. Some are joyful, some are drunk, some are grumbling, and some are focused on just putting one foot in front of the other. Tumbler identifies with these folk, because his life has not always been one of cheer and thanksgiving.
As he ruminates over these things, there comes an explosion about a half a block from him! He jumps and turns to his left to see debris in the air atop a large billow of smoke. As the debris rains down, there are whistles blown at the Garrison and someone somewhere is ringing a bell; an alarm he supposes. Guards pour out of the Garrison, heading toward a place near the library, along the road he came in on.
He knows this is his chance.

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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#4 Post by Computer +1 »

Tumbler starts moving towards the Garrison. He doesn't rush just in case another guard is late coming out. His hope is to slip in fast in the chaos.

Once inside he will try to blend into the shadows or background and remain as unseen as possible.
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#5 Post by hedgeknight »

Chaos in the streets makes it easy for Tumbler to slip inside the Garrison unseen. He can hear loud voices outside shouting in panic and fear, but inside the mostly empty Garrison, the town guard maintains some semblance of order. There are voices coming from behind a door at one end of the main office room where he entered. Other doors are open, but there is no one in sight.
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#6 Post by Computer +1 »

Tumbler starts moving forward in stealth mode. He does his best to keep quiet, stay out of easy sight lines, while looking for the cells. If any one suprises him his fallback is to play scared as if he was at the "explosion" outside. Its not a great plan but its all he has.
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#7 Post by hedgeknight »

Tumbler moves through the open door and directly into the cell area. The smell in here is atrocious. There are ten cells, mostly with dirty straw on the floors, a thin pallet, and a waste bucket. There is a slightly ajar door on the right. Seven of the cells are occupied:

1 - Empty
2 - Empty
3 - Human male; sleeping
4 - Human male: standing at the cell door trying to see what's going on.
5 - Dwarf male; sitting in corner; asleep?
6- Goblin female; standing on the bottom of her upturned waste bucket.
7 - Empty...dried blood(?) in the straw.
8 - Half-Elven female; standing at the cell door, crying softly.
9 - Half-Orc male; completely naked, pissing in his waste bucket.
10 - Human male; pacing in his cell. he immediately starts talking to Tumbler.
"Hey man! What's going on? Can you get us out? I have 50 gold stashed I can get you if you can open the door."

Tumbler is the green "X" ;)
MUO Garrison 1.jpg
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#8 Post by Computer +1 »

"Fuck!" Tumbler thinks to himself. Every person here is an unknown variable and there isn't time. He scans the group looking for the girl he is meant to free and sees two females. A half elf and a goblin.... great.
Keep quiet and I can get you all out he whispers to the human male who seems the most likely to cause trouble.

He moves quickly to the half elf's cell and gets to work picking the lock. Is she the one?
Some birds of a feather sent me to fetch ya outta here before you climb up a ladder to bed. Just tell me the Prince's name that sent me.

Your gang sent me to fetch you before you are hanged.

Is lock pick a thievery roll or a crafting roll?
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#9 Post by hedgeknight »

"Wait! Wait! Me first!" the man in the closest cell hisses as Tumbler walks to the cells holding the female prisoners.
At the Half-Elf's cell...
Some birds of a feather sent me to fetch ya outta here before you climb up a ladder to bed. Just tell me the Prince's name that sent me. Your gang sent me to fetch you before you are hanged.
Even before he finishes talking, he picks the lock on the cell door and it swings open toward him.
Tumbler Lock Pick: [1d20+7]=20+7=27

The Half-Elf cocks an eyebrow and shakes her head slightly. "I have no idea what you are talking about. But thanks for busting me out."
She pushes the door open and is past Tumbler so fast he hardly has time for a response.

"Hey, what about the rest of us?" this from the Half-Orc, still naked, and now standing in the front of his cell...with all his...erm, junk flopping in the free air.
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#10 Post by Computer +1 »

"Fuuuuuckkkkk" echoes through Tumbler's head as the helf elf girl breezes past.
He quickly gets to work on the goblin girls lock.

Ye better be the one the Prince sent me fer he grumbles as he works.
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#11 Post by hedgeknight »

"Prince? What prince? Don't know any princes, I reckon," says the Goblin girl.
"Ignore that slag! I know a prince or two," the Half-Orc says. "And I know where they keep their coin. Just let me out and I'll show you." He grins, revealing yellowish teeth.

"Slag is it?" the Goblin murmurs. "I'll slag you!"
The Goblin girl says something Tumbler can't quite make out and a ball of flame appears in the palm of her hands.
MUO Teeka.jpg
MUO Teeka.jpg (16.62 KiB) Viewed 1454 times

The Half-Orc backs away quickly and the rest of the prisoners go quiet, likewise backing away to the farthest corners of their cells, attempting to put as much distance from the Goblin girl and themselves as possible in their limited space.
"Say sorry," the Goblin says, grinning wickedly at the Half-Orc.
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#12 Post by Computer +1 »

Tumbler gets real serious You know who Mera is? Ye calm it down and we walk outta here or I walk out alone.
He waits for a reaction before picking the lock. He can feel himself sweating and knows he has little time.

Lockpick roll
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#13 Post by hedgeknight »

The Goblin girl looks as if she is about to roast the Half-Orc for his insolence, but then changes her mind, allowing the ball of flame in her hands to dissipate into nothing. "No fun," she murmurs, as Tumbler picks the lock on her cell, swinging the door open. He steps back as she steps out. "Now what, little man?"
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#14 Post by Computer +1 »

Now we move like halflings he says and makes a quick exit. There is a balance between speed and quiet, he tries his best to keep that balance.
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#15 Post by hedgeknight »

Computer +1 wrote: Fri Jan 19, 2024 4:20 pm Now we move like halflings he says and makes a quick exit. There is a balance between speed and quiet, he tries his best to keep that balance.
How do you exit the building and where/which direction do you go?
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#16 Post by Computer +1 »

Tumbler will take the same route out of the building he took going in. Once out the front door he will move opposite the sound of the explosion and take the first street off this block general.

Does that make any sense?
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#17 Post by hedgeknight »

Elwood and Tuga follow Captain Lardus down the road toward the building known as the Garrison.
"What should Elwood and I do?" Tuga asks.
Elwood nods his head "Aye captain what would ya like us ta do ta help?"

Captain Lardus sighs and says, "Well, first off, I need to get a rundown of your adventuring group. How well do you know these folks? Are they reliable or do they have a secondary purpose...Hey! Who are you and what are you doing with my prisoner?" Lardus suddenly yells, pointing at two figures leaving the Garrison.

One of the figures is easily is Tumbler! The other is a greenish looking creature...could be a Goblin!

Tumbler hurries through the hall, past the other cells while ignoring the pleas of the other prisoners to be released. The Goblin girl follows him and within a few seconds he is outside. As he leaves and begins to turn down the road away from the explosion, he hears: Hey! Who are you and what are you doing with my prisoner?"
He flinches and glances in the direction of the shout...and sees an man in greenish armor waving at him and shouting. Two diminutive figures follow him. He recognizes them immediately - it is Elwood and Tuga!
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#18 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Elwood sighs and gives chace after Tumbler.
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― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
Elwood 'Dug' The Bounty Hunter Dwarf Swashbuckler - Hedge's Adventures in the World of Golarion
Roan Gravelbeard Dwarf Fighter - Hedge's Greyhawk Adventures
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#19 Post by Computer +1 »

Shite! Go go go!! he says and takes off with his current companion. We need to get outta site fast. he says while running.
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Re: Crook's Nook...and the Garrison

#20 Post by ateno »

"Wa the h--l."

Tuga knows he can't keep up and will shake his head. And looks at the captain.

"I don't know."

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