Bogtown: Favours

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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#321 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin decides searching is over for the time being and tries to see if they can slip back out of the office and find the others.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#322 Post by Spearmint »

Silvanus Temple, Ironguard Citadel.

Masquerades unmasked.

Golgarth takes an 'either or' choice. Targeting the rooms on one side to investigate.

But they face an almost impossible task. Despite their best intentions and masquerade disguises, sneaking into secret quarters without causing attention drawn to them, so many guests mill about, the musicians, the Temple servants, the guards.

It is not just 'nine times out of ten' that you would be caught out but ninety-nine times out of a hundred. Golgarth, so impatient and keen usually and blundering ...

Golgarth & Sidkrake sneak: [1d100]=100


... execute a 'mission impossible' stealth away from the public eye and watchful guards to enter more private quarters.

Sidkrake: MS [1d100]=26 longsword [1d20]=12 damage [1d8]=5

Whilst Golgarth wants to keep the cultist alive for the longest interrogation, it is done so at the point of Sidkrake's blade, having gained surprise and a backstab opportunity. -10hp.

The steward had radiated an evil aura and after grappling him, you can see the leeching bug under his collar that feeds from him and manipulates his coerced behaviour. An inch or two away from death, the cult elf declares is unswerving fealty the pestilent deity. He says you are too late, the hour has come, the withering has started and the baleful influence upon the Citadel is being enacted in the temple courts. Sidkrake, a sword for hire can do his duty as you gesture a judgement of Cromm Cruach and bludgeon the tick under your feet.

The stewards room has an adjoining chamber, little more than a walk in dressing room or wardrobe. You can change garb here and search the room. The steward has some personal effects, including keys. Keys to open chests, open drawers, open doors.

Availing yourself of scrolls and a ceremonial mace, plus the steward's personal monies you can press on through the secret door located in the small chamber. The dice gods in your favour today!

Golgarth & Sidkrake: secret doors: [1d100]=54 [1d100]=7

The chamber door leads to a slim passage that ends in another concealed door. You can view through some slats that it opens into the upper choir stall on the right hand side of the Temple Naos.

The choir is standing to sing. A front row of tenor and soprano voices, singing Elven hymnals and anthems. The back row however are four grotesque and malign vulturine faced creatures. They look like wingless Harpies and begin to croon their own mesmerising and transfixing charm to mingle and harmonise with the choir. A lullaby of deceitfulness and manipulation.

Actions Golgarth.

Meanwhile ...

Dalin and Froed exit the Inquisitor's office, declining to explore the lower crypts. Whatever is below is secondary to the action above as this is where the Duke, Lord Kell Aerik and his cohort are seated alongside other dignitaries and merchant elders.

The two dwarves enter beyond the curtain and would be accosted by guards who have secured the place from intrusion. One thing you immediately notice is that this Naos area is covered by the singing which the curtain must reflect or amplify the sound since the choir was not heard on the other side.

You are intercepted by two robed and masked priestly figures bearing ceremonial maces and sprinkling incense and unholy water about. Gunter & Renata. They take you to one side.

The Torcs' you wear and the Cromm scarves shield you from the coercive and mind numbing effects the singing is having.

Poisonous gas is not tasted or smelled. It has s numbing effect and slowly suffocates as it is breathed in. So with this singing. You don't know why, but the music, so beautiful and melodic carries an ill temperament. It is almost like looking at an illusion, knowing what you see veils some other truth.

The room is as pictured. Choirs stalls at ground level and a mezzanine raised at height to gain better acoustics are either side of the main chapel area which is in front of a large altar or sanctuary area. Inside that is a pulpit from which a senior patriarch conducts proceedings. Everything is in 'high' Elven, do difficult for the group to comprehend. Dalin, you have this item:
a length of bright yellow cotton that wraps as a turban and when worn allows the wearer the benefits of an ESP spell. A single use item, the fabric fading as the magic spell duration progresses.
Dalin equips himself with the turban, allowing him a few moments to grasp intuitively the thoughts and attitudes of various key figures in the Naos.

In short: half the choir are Harpy type devotees of Impurax, the choir already influenced and the Harpy chants slowly seducing the unwitting guests. The priest patriarch is an Impurax cleric, having usurped former eldership in the Silvanus heirachy. Several but not all the guards and stewards are under the baleful influence. Several merchant elders have 'taken the blessing', which the blind acolytes were administering, becoming disciples of the cult in exchange for power and influence.

Duke Kell and several cohort knights are in attendance with other Duchy dignitaries. The Impuraxian cult are slowly mesmerizing the guests and as each goes forward, one by one to seemingly 'take communion' at the altar. As they kneel supposedly to take a Silvanus variation of bread and wine, they are actually being 'fitted' with a leeching tick.

And so, with that knowledge gained,

Actions please
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#323 Post by Bluetongue »


Finally getting some good luck. He rubs his holy symbol.

"Barraclough, this is for you." he says before casting some spells of his own. Firstly I will cast a Bless spell which may add some extra oomph for a couple of rounds. If we can bust the concealed door and get Sidkrake one surprise backstab, that is my first action.

Then I need to stop their voices, so I have a Silence 15'ft radius spell, which I will cast upon this choir stall. Then into melee, hammer swinging and hope we can eliminate these Harpy like critters.

That might be all I am able to do. Here are some Golgarth melee rounds:

Golgarth: Mace melee [1d20]=1[1d6]=5 [1d20]=18[1d6]=6 [1d20]=2[1d6]=5 [1d20]=3[1d6]=2

:? doesn't look good, hope Sidkrake can attack better than that.
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#324 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin will relay his new knowledge to his companions nearby but beyond that he has no idea what one little dwarf thief can do about it.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#325 Post by Hvalreki »


Gunter pales as Dalin relays what he's learned. Realizing there is no time to lose and no one to help them he thinks, what would Golgarth do? Deciding quickly, he maneuvers his way around the room towards where the "priest" is administering to the guests, getting as close as he can without alarming the guards.

As soon as he's in striking range he goes into action swinging the ceremonial mace, unceremoniously, at the priest's head as he shouts at the top of his lungs towards the Duke and his guards.

"My Lord Duke, treachery is afoot! This false priest worships Impurax, not Silvanus! To Arms, To Arms! Men of Silvanus, protect the Duke!!"

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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#326 Post by Spearmint »

Silvanus Temple, Ironguard Citadel.

Masquerades unmasked.

Trouble is brewing and reaching boiling point. Golgarth instigates an attack upon the four Vulturine faced singers. He starts by uttering a warcry of Cromm Cruach, instilling courage of arms and strength of mind with the prayerful Blessing.

Sidkrake manages to open the concealed door and sneak behind the nearest of the cloaked figures, backstabbing him, -10hp His screams heard once, then the choir stalls fall into silence and in a frantic 'mime', he and Golgarth fight against the disguised Impuraxian foes.

The silence suddenly noticed above in that wing of the temple is broken by Gunter breaking cover abd rushing to attack the preaching patriarch. You are intercepted en route and lash out at a guard, -4hp as you shout your own warning. The Patriarch whispers a rebuke at you, pointing a figure and uttering a baneful hex that causes you to falter temporarily. But the guard cannot take advantage as he tries to stab out at you.

Gunter: save vs Command rebuke: [1d20+2]=8+2=10 Acolyte [1d20]=3 [1d4]=4

Renata unloads her favoured crossbows, a minor wound upon the Chief cultist, -1hp, Froed urges Dalin into action. The dwarven rogue throwing a hammer at a cultist and follows up with a stab from the slim dagger he took off the suit of armour. The keen edge blade draws blood easily, -2hp & -4hp.

The sudden eruption of violence causes pandemonium in the ranks of assembled guests. Some are blatantly ignorant, mesmerized by the coercion and enthrallment placed over their minds as a veil, others panic, some react in defence.

Draw arms and fight vs 25%:

Duke Kell's response: [1d100]=13 Merchants [1d100]=53 Guard [1d100]=20

It seems the Duke and his bodyguard cohort are the least afflicted and once conflict rises, he stands, drawing a blade and issuing a challenge for order.

The Impuraxian cult is caught on the back-foot, unaware they have been infiltrated or exposed but they soon rally to try and exert control over the situation in the Temple.

The Patriarch is an orator, of curses and blessings. He gesticulates to those under his sway to rise up and overwhelm those who assail them. The choir on the left hand side sing another anthem, that adds a layer of soporific drowsiness to the crowd. Some come under the effect, sitting back down into seats.

Gunter & Dalin, provide a Saving Throw vs spells, modified by +2 due to torc and cravat bonuses.

An overviews:
Golgarth & Sidkrake fight four 'Vulturines' in the right upper choir stalls. That is an ongoing conflict.

The left stall of choir cultists sing a spell effect to quell the melee in the Naos.

Gunter, Renata, Froed, Dalin are being tackled by two cultists each.

Duke Kell & bodyguard are surrounded by merchants, some of which are under Impurax influence.

The Patriarch is in the pulpit conducting spells.

There are other cultists, but these extras are elsewhere in the Temple complex. The curtain that separates the Naos chapel from the Narthex ante-chamber actually acts as a barrier to sound but amplifies the Impurax choir singing within that area.

The doors between Temple and Colonnade exterior is locked. As far as you know, those merchants and guests are in their Masquerade ball, dancing and enjoying festivities, unaware of the encounter taking place. Renata's crew mix in with those guests.

Hope you get all that. So

Actions please. give me the Saving Throw and three rounds of actions which I will resolve.
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#327 Post by Bluetongue »


For myself, I can only influence these cultists here. I think if we can halt the Impurax cult attack and get the Duke away from danger, he can then call in the city militia, out the Temple in lockdown and sort the issue out himself.

So I think that should be in our thinking rather than defeating every cultist. Anyway, for my cleric, I will swing at each Vulture-faced figure.

Golgarth: Mace melee [1d20]=18[1d6]=1 [1d20]=5[1d6]=4 [1d20]=15[1d6]=2 [1d20]=16[1d6]=2

If I need any healing on myself or Sidkrake, I have a single CLW to cast at any critical point.

Golgarth casts Cure light wounds [1d8]=6
Last edited by Bluetongue on Fri Sep 01, 2023 11:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#328 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin once more springs into action sighing "Everything always ends up in a fight, I just want a break for one time dammit!" shrugging he joins the fight. Drawing his sword out he will attack the nearest guard or cultist priest.

Broad Sword [1d20]=14 to hit [2d4]=4 s/m dmg [1d6+1]=3+1=4 lrg dmg
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#329 Post by Spearmint »

Dalin: could you edit your post with these please
Gunter & Dalin, provide a Saving Throw vs spells, modified by +2 due to torc and cravat bonuses.

Actions please. give me the Saving Throw and three rounds of actions which I will resolve.
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#330 Post by Bluetongue »

Golgarth edit added.
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#331 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Save v Spells 15 [1d20+2]=8+2=10 plus he already gets a +3 for being a dwarf based on his CON score...
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#332 Post by Hvalreki »


staggers briefly under the Impurax cleric's rebuke but still manages to satisfactorily cosh one of the guards. His skin prickles as eldritch energies wash over him but through the power of the enchantments on his torc and kerchief he shakes it off and carries on the fight, dropping the mace in favor of his dagger Hubris.

3 actions (attack) 2 per round with dagger fighting his way towards the priest.

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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#333 Post by Spearmint »

Silvanus Temple, Ironguard Citadel.

Masquerades unmasked.

Golgarth & Sidkrake battle away, fending off four cultists and a host of grappling limbs from the choir.

Golgarth -3hp, slays v1
Sidkrake slays v3 & v4 before they can wound him.

v2 alive, uninjured.
The conflict, though half done in silence is still very visual and with blood and guts spilled, the hostility carries over as Impurax afflicted choir boys start to manifest, singing a new dirge of spellcraft that mind bind the two intruders. Yet hope springs eternal for the junior row of Silvanus cadets rise up to in order to defend the honour and Name of Silvanus.

Actions: Golgarth while one armed Vulturine acolyte remains, the melee and conflict continues in the choir stall.

Below the upper stall, conflict erupts among those gathered. Several of the merchantmen spasm and jerk under the influence of the malign ticks that they received. These cause them to stand up and under a compulsion directed by the utterance of the Patriach, they draw daggers to assault the Duke and his bodyguard. The guard does his duty, shielding his liege, parrying a number of stab attempts, taking wounds but remaining steadfast. The hall goes dark, a supernatural blackness that is immediately challenged by light radiating from the Duke's own broadsword.

Merchant withermen: [1d20]=3[1d4]=2[1d20]=9[1d4]=2[1d20]=11[1d4]=3[1d20]=10[1d4]=1Merchant withermen: [1d20]=6[1d4]=3[1d20]=16[1d4]=2[1d20]=20[1d4]=2[1d20]=15[1d4]=4

Duke Kell [1d20+4]=14+4=18[2d8]=13

A screaming elf, a black-skinned visage of hate and coal red eyes attacks the Duke, charging with a lance in hand. The Duke parries at aside with one swish and a flick of his wrist takes his blade through the Impuraxian's throat. A head rolls on the floor before the body collapses at his feet.

Voices are heard, "For the Duke and St Ygg" "Silvanus shall not yield". Chatterings too in some infernal tongue. A glass orb is thrown that smashes into splinters aming the unholy choir. A large beetle, horned like a rhino and glistening black begins to run amok among the spell-chanters. thrown by Froed, the glass paperweight found in the Inquisitor's office.

Several guests, non-combatants and merchants not under any Impurax volition head towards the curtain exit.

Dalin swings out at an attacker, opening a wound before faltering as the mind numbing chant begins to take effect. The two guards he grapples with cannot take advantage of his confusion until one stabs him, -3hp, shaking him out of his reverie. Froed is also flanked, the two dwarves back to back, fighting off a quartet of elven guards who try to stall their attempt to stop the rituals taking effect.

Guards vs Dalin: [1d20]=13[1d6]=5[1d20]=9[1d6]=5Guards vs Dalin: [1d20]=20[1d6]=3[1d20]=9[1d6]=2Guards vs Froed: [1d20]=7[1d6]=4[1d20]=6[1d6]=6Guards vs Froed: [1d20]=6[1d6]=6[1d20]=8[1d6]=4

resolution: Dalin, melee continues.

Gunter only one dagger attack per melee round, two if thrown but one in melee. I will run through six melee rounds using your attacks upon alternate guards. Guards need 16+ to hit your AC4. You need 13+ to hit AC7.

resolution: G1 injured, -6hp, G2 injured -7hp, Gunter wounded, -12hp

Guards vs Gunter: [1d20]=4[1d6]=1[1d20]=16[1d6]=4Guards vs Gunter: [1d20]=4[1d6]=5[1d20]=9[1d6]=2Guards vs Gunter: [1d20]=18[1d6]=6[1d20]=3[1d6]=3Guards vs Gunter: [1d20]=2[1d6]=5[1d20]=15[1d6]=1Guards vs Gunter: [1d20]=3[1d6]=6[1d20]=17[1d6]=2Guards vs Gunter: [1d20]=11[1d6]=3[1d20]=8[1d6]=4

Renata, wounded, -8hp

Renata: Scimitar [1d20+1]=3+1=4 [1d8+1]=2+1=3 [1d20+1]=4+1=5[1d8+1]=2+1=3Renata: Scimitar [1d20+1]=3+1=4 [1d8+1]=4+1=5 [1d20+1]=13+1=14[1d8+1]=6+1=7Guards vs Renata: [1d20]=20[1d6]=4[1d20]=20[1d6]=1Guards vs Renata: [1d20]=6[1d6]=5[1d20]=11[1d6]=1Guards vs Renata: [1d20]=18[1d6]=3[1d20]=13[1d6]=1

Resolution Gunter & Renata melee continues.

Impurax Patriach: the robed priest sees his rituals falter as his diabolical assault upon the minds of the Ironguard upper strata of nobles and merchants is caused to temporarily falter. Certainly the combats bring a different dynamic into the mesmerization and subsequent 'conversion' of the assembled elves and guests. But all is not lost, or so it seems. The comrades are few in number and scattered and though the Duke is in attendance, roused to the threat with sword in hand, he is isolated behind a lone champion. The Patriach casts a Bane upon him, hindering his movement and lowering his morale and martial skill. A second invocation to captivate his mind and heart does not take root.

Duke Kell: spell resistance vs 15% [1d100]=36 [1d100]=98 Spell save vs 11+ [1d20+2]=4+2=6 [1d20+2]=16+2=18

Before else can happen, the stained glass windows at the very northern end of the Temple shatter into multiple shards as a duo of howling wolves suddenly leap into the fray as if summoned out of nowhere. The furry fiends, one streaked night blue and the other an ivory white,
they immediately rally towards Renata.

"Well timed Reisling, Lady Azul" the Brigandine acknowledges the wolves arrival.

Dalin might recognise names, one being the Werewolf he rescued from the Inquisition Stagecoach.

Actions: those folk in melee, Dalin, Gunter, Golgarth, need to give me three rounds of fighting, actions or spell casting please.

I will resolve combats for the Duke & bodyguard, Patriach vs wolves, beetle vs unholy choir.
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#334 Post by Hvalreki »


Blood sprays in a crimson arc before him as Gunter slashes and stabs at the Impurax guards. Some of it, much of it, is his.

Despite his wounds, he fights on grimly, knowing that his few companions are all that stands between the cult and the city.

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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#335 Post by Spearmint »

Golgarth yes you can
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#336 Post by Bluetongue »


Golgarth: Mace melee [1d20]=18[1d6]=5 [1d20]=16[1d6]=5 [1d20]=20[1d6]=5 [1d20]=7[1d6]=6

With three acolytes dead and the choir in a brawl with Silvanus vs Impurax folk grappling together, I have at least a surge of confidence that we can swing this side of the fight in our favour.

"Go, Sid, I've got him pinned in this corner. Protect the Duke and the others." I will say to the mercenary and trust I can deal with the solitary vulture-faced creep.

Once that is done, if I can and have any extra round of action, I will summon my Spiritual Hammer, blessed by Cromm Cruach, to crown someone on the cranium. Preferably the Patriarch elder of Impurax.

Golgarth used Spiritual Hammer. [1d20]=20 [1d4]=3
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#337 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Dalin stabs and slashes with his sword as his other hand reaches for one of his hand axes.

Broad Sword [1d20]=1 to hit [2d4]=5 s/m dmg [1d6+1]=4+1=5 lrg dmg
Hand Axe (Melee offhand) [1d20-2]=14-2=12 to hit, [1d6]=5 dmg
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

Algrim Tirion Dwarf - HarnMaser
Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#338 Post by Spearmint »

Silvanus Temple, Ironguard Citadel.

Masquerades unmasked.

Right upper choir stall: Golgarth valiantly fends off the last of the quarter of 'Vulturines', so named for avian features prominent in their twisted elven faces. He downs his opponent and vents Cromm Cruach fuelled fury to bash in each of their skulls lest some diabolic manifestation causes them to rise. Amongst the attendant choir, a few have ticks and these afflicted grapple with Silvanus cadets. The elves of nature gain advantage over the pestilent devotees and begin to 'de-louse' them of any leeching bugs.

A door on the opposite side of the concealed door leads by a narrow passage and down some steps and into the side room noted as Diakonikon. It is a simple 'Deacon's' room and contains various implements, vestments and books used in the course of daily worship. You have little time for more than a casual glance and can make it to the door leading into the chapel altar section.

I will use your Spiritual Hammer roll here.

Sidkrake meanwhile climbs down from the upper floor to join in the defence of the Duke and exposure of the Impurax ritual.

Left upper choir stall: the giant beetle that animated from the smashed orb begins to scuttle about, goring and charging among the ensemble, disrupting their soporific singing and chanting.

Naos conflicts: Duke Kell and bodyguard, -3hp subdue half the deranged merchants that surround them. The Patriarch utters more hexes and Impurax curses but the Duke stands firm, resisting any impulse to hold or become charmed.

Gunter fights on two flanks, fending off two elven spearmen who poke at him with ceremonial lances. He dodges, parries, lunges and ripostes; getting in consecutive hits that down both of his opponents. Renata, aided now by the arrival of two werewolves, rends her cult foes apart.

Froed & Dalin fend away the Impurax guards that assail them. One is slain and Dalin, -2hp takes another wound. He stabds his ground though now with the fight against them , pandemonium all around and the ritual broken, the other guards lose morale and begin to back away, looking to exits or a way out.
The Patriarch, a priest of Impurax, exposed now as the diabolical scheme is busted, begins to warp shape, 'worging' as shape-shifting is sometimes known as. The priest takes on a grotesque Vulterine form, reeking now of rot and pestilence. He breathes out a long stream of dark spores and plasma, creating a Stinking Cloud that covers friend and foe alike. Everyone needs a saving throw vs spells or become subject to the debilitating nauseous effect for half a turn.

Either way, those who pass exit the fetid cloud, the double doors get opened and people stream into the Colonnade area.

The Patriarch takes this opportunity to escape, squawking a evil 'caw' and taking flight as a human sized bird to fly through the broken stained glass window at the North end of the Temple.

On the way, he is hit by Golgarth's summoned hammer, crowning him for -7hp. It buffets the Vulture-priest but does not stop his flight.

All of a sudden some semblance of order begins to take place. As characters pull together, the Impurax cult scatters or withdraws from view. An end to the fighting and an aftermath to deal with.

"Unmask yourselves and declare your status." announces the bodyguard of the Duke announces. He appears an elderly man but a veteran definitely of many years and has stood steadfast despite many wounds. He notes those of the group and raises his sword; not to strike but to salute the wounded combatants who have foiled the Impurax scheme.

While Duke Kell Aerik acknowledges those who came to his and the Citadel's defence, you notice that Renata has slipped away under cover of the dark, infectious spore cloud. Her two werewolf aides also warging into human form.

Strange that she does slip away, then again the Silvanus ethos is very anti-lycan and you may suspect she has more ulterior motives for being here and doubling down on her masquerade.

Whatever, neither she, the werewolves or her crew stick around once the festivities are brought to an abrupt end.

Actions Dalin, Gunter, Golgarth each give an explanation or reason for the events to date.

This here will actually conclude this part of the Favours Expedition. I will move now to non-combat talk, sharing and aftermath resolutions as you share with the Duke and he brings the Citadel under temporary martial law and a lockdown of the Silvanus Temple.

Actions please.
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#339 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Save v Spells 15 [1d20+2]=11+2=13 (forgot edit it to add racial bonus)

Dalin relays the findings from within the room he and Freod were in and the information about the portal and the undead below them.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
"If good people won’t do the hard things, evil people will always win, because evil people will do anything."
― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Dalin Silverhand Dwarf Thief - Barrowmaze
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Re: Bogtown: Favours

#340 Post by Spearmint »

'Favours' Expedition summary:

Ironguard Citadel:

You have already been allocated the Experience Awards to the Bogtown conclusion and for the journey to Ironguard as explained here. ... 94#p665594

Silvanus Temple, Ironguard.

Each character attending Masquerade Ball, (50xp x 3, +25xp each npc.) +225xp

Searching Colonnade festivities, entering the private oratory in inner Temple, locating dungeon Crypt. +150xp

Killing two 'blind prophets': +200xp
Killing four Vulterine acolytes: +240xp
Defeating eight Impurax guards: +400xp
Interrogation of afflicted Steward: +50xp

Drive away Patriach, end ritual to convert merchants. +500xp
Meet Duke Kell, keep him unharmed. +50xp
Expose Impurax cult intents and restore Temple to Silvanus orders. +400xp

2215xp / three full character shares, three npc half shares. Equals +492xp per full character share. Dalin gets additional +49xp due to his prime requisite bonus.

Each player also receives a Player Participation award, +100xp

Final Awards

Golgarth +592xp
Gunter +592xp
Dalin +641xp

I have added the above to my public records. For those just a few points away from levelling up, you get the chance to earn those extra XP via any Tribute, Memorial or Class & Skill upgrade.

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