WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#21 Post by max_vale »

Night of January 5th, 1944; Perimeter of German positions on Monte Majo, Italy

With all of the Germans taken care of and Nado and Balsano gathering whatever papers, gear and unit identifying gear they could, the patrol soon sets out again, following the eerily silent SGT Tommy Prince into the snowy night....

As they find themselves slowly moving up and up on the mountain, they feel the bitter cold wind bite into them and they use the trees and rocks to aid in their stealthy movements. Soon, they can see a light up ahead and a couple of voices speaking German come wafting thru the night...

They all drop down and slowly crawl over to a ridge and slowly raise their heads over it. They seen a clearing where a small house...more like a small cabin, that has a light on in it and the silhouettes of several people inside of it can be seen moving around a bit. The voices though emanated from a foxhole with an MG 34 in it and two awake Germans crouching in it and chatting. Balsano cocks his ear towards the Germans in the MG nest for a couple of minutes and then ducks back down ands turns to the others with a grin. He motions towards the Jerries and then uses a hand to mimic talking and then mimes a buxom woman....basically showing that he can speak and understand German and that these two are talking about the.....physical assests of a woman they know. Meanwhile Tommy Prince was looking at the small cabin intently and he then ducked down and turned to the others....

With his own hand motions, he shows that telephone wires have been laid that go to the cabin, meaning a phone is in there and that could mean BAD news for their patrol. He points to Porcupine and Battaglia and motions for them to go around the back of the house and cut the wires. He then points to Koda, Chisholm, Heuron and Balsano and motions for them to sneak up to the House and then burst in and take out whoever is inside with their knives if possible, a grenade if not. (Because there is the occasional night artillery shot from both sides.....a grenade explosion could conceivably be 'written off' by anybody who heard it as an artillery shell landing) Finally, he points to Nado and motions that he and Tom would be taking out the MG nest pair with their knives. With a final nod, he draws his blade and immediately gets to stalking in towards the nest....

OOC: Okay, basically, this is going to be a two round decision. If you want to not be seen/heard...the first round is the 'Hide/Sneak' roll.....then the second round (assuming you weren't noticed) is the attack with either your Melee Weapons (if using a Knife) or perhaps a grenade (Thrown Weapons) or for Porcupine a Demolitions roll to get the phone lines destroyed (you're cutting them, not blowing them up....but it works the same way mechanically). If anyone wants to use any Luck Points, please let me know.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#22 Post by Rex »


Nahum sneaks up and tries to silently get to the building and then burst in with everyone. Knife at the ready.

He spends a luck point to be extra sneaky.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#23 Post by ateno »

Koda will follow and have a unpowered javelin to throw at the most dangerous opponet once we enter the house.

Meanwhile he will join Nahum and also burn a luck point approaching and entering the house.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#24 Post by kipper »

Phil tries to silently communicate that we should wait for the thumbs-up from Porcupine & Battaglia before we assault the cabin.

Regardless of whether his suggestion is heeded, he will creep up with the others on the cabin when the time comes.

Phil is NOT using a luck point! I think with a grenade as a viable back-up strategy it's not ultra-critical that we don't blow this sneak roll, unless of course the phone line is not cut! Porcupine is the one who has got the critical task.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#25 Post by Urson »

I'm at work, but I'll get the die roll when I'm home.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#26 Post by Urson »

Porcupine Sorry for holding things up! No excuse- I just forgot.


John moves slowly, as if stalking the phone line. When he finds it, he makes a loop and cuts it quickly. When he's sure the line is cut, he'll signal the others, then move toward the MG position.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#27 Post by Zhym »

Nado draws his knife and makes his way toward the nest all sneaky-like (he hopes).

Let's use a luck point.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#28 Post by max_vale »

Night of January 5th, 1944; Perimeter of German positions on Monte Majo, Italy

Then men of SST 11 and the two Forcmen with them all broke off to make their commando attacks on the Germans in and around the little cabin serving as a forward observation and warning post on Monte Majo....

SGT Tom Nado moved silently next to the equally silent Tommy Prince as they crept up on the pair of German MG gunners who were joking amongst themselves. Even though they had moved extremely quietly to ensure stealth, Nado was STILl surprised at how quickly they seemed to be in position, right behind the two men with their V-42 'Commando' Knives out and at the ready. Prince wasted no time in quickly grabbing his target's head from behind and yanking his head up and back with one hand while the other jammed the blade of his knife up under his chin and through the man's mouth and into his brain. He finished his target off quickly, with only a strangled half-choke sound and gurgle and a quick bit of thrashing. Nado ignored the sweat pouring down his face and the pounding of his heart has slammed his weapon into the man's neck, watching as the blood sprayed out and stained the snow as the man thrashed terribly, looking around with crazy, terrified eyes for a long few moments, before collapsing still into the MG nest....

2nd LT Nahum Chisholm led his group of four men towards the cabin, slowly and quietly....with SGTs Koda and Balsano and CPL Heuron right behind him. Nahum and Balsano had their V-42 Knives in hand while Koda had one of his little javelins and Phil Heuron held a grenade. Chisholm REALLY hoped it wouldn't come to that. As they got to the door, they all took a moment and then after taking a deep breath, Chisholm shouldered the door open really fast and burst in....

There were four men in the room, three of them close together while one had moved towards a window, clearly he had just seen something that had caught his attention. Nahum picked one of the three and raced in and stabbed him in the chest, not enough to take him out, but definitely enough to wound him badly. Balsano tackled a second and with one quick stab, he slammed his weapon right into the man's throat. Koda hurled his Javelin right into and thru the third man's chest with enough force to have its tip come out the back. The German staggered for a moment and then fell to his knees, his eyes in shock....

The last man, near the window, turned at the sudden assault and his eyes quickly became the size of saucers. He immediately raced towards a phone on a little table next to a chair on the other end of the room. Phil entered the room with his Knife in one hand and a grenade in the other.....

Meanwhile, outside the far side of the cabin, John Porcupine and Mario 'Mark' Battaglia moved as quietly as they could thru the snow towards the phone lines. Battaglia managed to stay silent as he moved quickly and then slid down next to the cables, pulling them up and out of the snow to present towards his companion to take care of. John Porcupine moved quickly to do so, but in doing so, his steps on the snow were loud and crunching noises echoed through the night. Both NCOs froze for a long moment and they saw a man come to the window and look their way. A moment later, that man turned around as the others began their assault on the cabin and Mark hissed out, "John, cut the damn lines man!" Porcupine shook off the moment and moved quickly, his knife sawing through the lines, one by one, but soon the job was done.....

OOC: Okay, the two guys in the NG nest are done for....the phone lines are cut......in the cabin there are two Germans still alive, one wounded by Chisholm, one untouched and racing for a phone.

For those outside, it will take a round to get into the cabin.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#29 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum tries to finish the German he is fighting.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#30 Post by ateno »

Koda throws his second Javelin, at the phone. A lot less movement.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#31 Post by kipper »

Phil charges the man heading for the phone and stabs at him with his knife.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#32 Post by Urson »

John scowls, annoyed at his own failure to be quiet. He moves toward the cabin, staying low. His intent is just to rejoin the others inside.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#33 Post by max_vale »

Night of January 5th, 1944; Perimeter of German positions on Monte Majo, Italy

In the tiny little 'house' on a snowy, rocky mountain in the Liri Valley of Central Italy, a desperate, close-quarters fight reached a bloody conclusion....

LT Nahum Chisholm saw that the German he was wrestling with was drawing a Lugar Pistol from a holster and he attempted to finish the man off once and for all with a vicious knife strike. He succeeded, though the sight of the man's blood spurting up and all over his uniform made the newly promoted Officer think twice about his chosen profession for a long moment as he felt nauseous. To get his mind off of the bloody corpse in front of him, he looked around to see how the rest of his Team were doing....

Just as the German soldier reached the phone, the phone was suddenly knocked off its perch as a well-thrown little javelin slammed into it, thanks to the skill of SGT Koda.....

That same German solider only had a moment to stare in disbelief at the sight of the Native American Canadian Solider as he was tackled off his feet by SGT Balsano, who also managed to slice him with his blade, drawing a wail of anger, fear and pain. The yells were cut short by CPL Phil Heuron, who ended them with a brutal stab from his V-42 'Commando' Knife....

Outside, John Porcupine and Mark Battaglia moved quickly to the house, but as they opened the door, they quickly saw that the threats had all been neutralized. There was a long moment of everyone taking a collective deep-breath in relief that they had succeeded and the alarm hadn't been raised. Everyone nearly jumped out of their skins as SGT Tommy Prince, followed by SGT Tom Nado came up behind them and Prince just nodded once and said, "Good Job", and then quickly proceeded to look around the small area and the KIA Germans' for any and all papers and info. Some VERY important grids and notes were found on the man who had rushed towards the phone and soon, they were all moving quickly back towards their own lines.....

Midnight to approx. 8:45 AM, January 6th:

A couple of hours later, as January 5th turned into January 6th, the men made it back to the FSSF lines and were soon talking to LT COLs Walker and Gilday again. They were congratulated on a job well done and soon the intel and papers they had gathered were being looked at. It quickly became apparent that they were going up against Austrians of the 132nd Regiment attached to the 44th Division and much more importantly, the papers taken from the Officer in the Cabin showed many of the German defensive positions on Monte Majo AND neighboring Monte Vischiataro (occupied by Germans from the 71st Panzergrenadiers), which will be of IMMENSE help in the coming assault.

After a hearty meal, the men of SST 11 get a blissful few hours of sleep with the knowledge that come 0900 in the morning, the men of Walker's 3rd Regiment will be making the assault up Monte Majo. With the accurate intel they had managed to capture, a mortar bombardment followed by a heavy Artillery barrage will pre-ceed their attack. SST 11 will be backing up LT COL Gilday's 2nd Battalion, and their primary mission will be to be used as a 'Counter-Attack' to any German Ubers they find. Otherwise, they are to act as a 'ready reserve'.....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#34 Post by ateno »

Koda will provide maintenance on his javelins so they are in ready condition.
Then he will look for a stream or something and get a quick bath before the battle.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#35 Post by Urson »

Despite his exhaustion, John checks his weapons and makes sure his knife is sharp before he sleeps. He loads up on high-energy food when he wakes, intending to have his Earth Bending fully charged when he faces the Ubers.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#36 Post by max_vale »

Morning thru Early Afternoon of January 6th, 1944; Monte Majo, Italy

On the steep, rocky, snow-covered Mountain known as Monte Majo; the 3rd Regiment of the First Special Service Force launched its assault at about 8:45 in the AM and with the intel provided by the 'Snow Patrol' led by SGT Tommy Prince and the members of SST 11, the attack was a rousing success....

While there were some casualties, many from nasty 'Bouncing Betty' mines the Austrians had laid in front of their positions, the assault was relatively 'pain-less' and the Austrians were fairly quickly driven off the mountain, sometimes so quickly that they left gear, supplies and even weapons behind in their defensive positions.....

The members of SST 11, kept to the rear of the assault as part of the 'ready reserve', but mostly to be used if enemy 'Ubermenschen' were encountered, were happy to never have to go directly into action during this assault. While the occasional mortar round exploded nearby or a shot or two was fired from a Rifle at a retreating target....nothing really happened that needed their direct involvement. As the sun crept up to its high point at noon, LT Colonel Walker came around and positioned everyone as he was fully expecting a quick counter-attack response....a hallmark of the Germans after a sudden retreat....and he put SST 11 in a position near the right flank where a small pillbox that could hold two men and still had an MG 34 with several belts of ammo was in the middle surrounded by a pair of two-man 'sangars'....or foxholes with some rocks piled all around them. To the left of SST 11 a squad of a dozen Forcemen were positioned and a quick lunch was held while a few of the men absentmindedly made snow men or threw snow-balls at each other....

A little after one o'clock though, the sudden sounds of German 50mm and 80mm Mortar Fire could be heard and soon everyone was ducking for cover as the shells came screaming in and everyone KNEW the counter-attack had begun*.....

Sure enough, after the stress inducing artillery barrage abruptly ended, everyone quickly moved to man their weapons and they could see approximately two battalions of German troops moving up towards them. The Austrians had obviously regrouped and they had received some aid from the German 71st Panzergrenadiers on neighboring Monte Vischiataro. In SST 11's sector of the mountain, a full platoon of about 40 Germans seemed to be headed right for them....

Mark Battaglia moved to get behind the MG 34 in the bunker, calling out; "Hey John or Phil....one of you want to help me with this thing?**" The German Platoon separated into 4 squads at about 100 yards away, with one squad hanging back to clearly try and set up 'suppressing fire', while another crouched under cover as a reserve and the last two spread out and moved to advance....one towards the Squad of Forcemen to SST 11's left, the other right towards them. LT Chisholm suddenly felt eyes on him as the men of the team looked to him to tell them how to deploy as his ears registered the sounds of the Forcemen to the left starting to fire on the approaching Germans in front of them......

*Okay, the Mortar Barrage can be demoralizing, so in game terms this means everyone is temporarily drained a couple of Will Power Points (2 each)

**Battaglia has the best Heavy Weapons skill, which is used for MGs.....but 2nd best (to act as loader/alternate gunner) is a tie between Heuron and Porcupine (both at 3D+1)

There are 3 positions, each can hold two people.....two foxholes with rocks piled up in front of them and in between a small pill box with a hatch at the back, a slit for the MG 34 still in there and it can hold 2 people. Who wants to be where or Chisholm can order people to specific sites.

There are a total of 40 Germans moving towards you all....right now about a 100 yards away (one squad now is probably at about 80 yards), all crouched low and with some cover.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#37 Post by Rex »


"John or Phil help with the machine gun! Everyone else into the closest position, weapons forward. Fire when ready."

He stays up and watches the deployment until everyone is in then heads for an open spot.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#38 Post by ateno »

Koda takes his position on the right. He collects several rocks sized for throwing, checks his ammo and digs the position a bit more comfortable for him.

He stops himself from reaching out looking for the pathway most likely that the Germans will take, as he does not know who he is against and he might need his power later.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#39 Post by kipper »

"Sure, Mike (sic)! I've got you covered." Phil replies as he follows Mark to the MG 34.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Four: Snow Patrol & Monte Majo

#40 Post by Urson »

John takes a spot in the Left side foxhole. He reaches out with his Talent, filling in as many low spots and shell craters as possible to deny the Germans cover and concealment.
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