A Scholarly Issue

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Re: A Scholarly Issue

#61 Post by dreamweaver »

The have only their weapons and some personal effects on them (tinderbox, one of them a bronze family ring, some dry cheese pieces, flasks of water/wine, etc.), in this nothing differentiates them.

The wines in the row farthest from the door are older than the rest, but that does not necessarily mean they are better. To examine them propely, the mercenary would have to spend half an hour or so.

Once in a while during the search of the room, Abe feels a very faint, unnatural whiff of decay and death, but so subtly he may dismiss it entirely if not for its repeated presence.

Does he spend the time to investigate the wines?
Last edited by dreamweaver on Fri Feb 24, 2023 7:57 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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I'm a long time roleplayer and I've tried a lot of things. The persistent point for me is mood and atmosphere. I prefer a few of those in a game contrasted with an all-in approach. As a GM I rarely use out-of-the-book monsters, there's always something unusual I add. Unfortunately I tend to be too lenient for PbP as I see it, usually waiting too long for non-responsive players, but I try to be more strict.
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Joined: Wed Sep 21, 2022 9:05 pm

Re: A Scholarly Issue

#62 Post by DrRenfield »

Abe is intrigued by the potential profit of the wine, but first things come first. Abe resolves to search the basement thoroughly for mold and for additional threats. He leaves the wine room and continues down the hall on his right hand side, away from the stairs up.

Abe recalls the overheard conversation about leprous bandits and makes a special note of the wafting decay. He breathes deeply, using his Spirit Sensing Stance's scent ability in the hope of avoiding any ambush at the lepers' hands.
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