Maps, diagrams and campaign information

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Maps, diagrams and campaign information

#1 Post by corum »

Maps, diagrams and info for the adventure will go here
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Re: Maps, diagrams and campaign information

#2 Post by corum »

For backstory purposes:


Most people in Y'raelstra (on the plane you exist in) pray to Yar (equivalent to the monotheist God of our world) or Wei (equivalent to our Devil). They believe that the earth was created by Yar and the sea was created by Wei. The gods are both female and are former lovers.


People worship Yar in temples which are shaped as perfect squares and those that follow tend to wear the shape of a square somewhere on there person. The temples are know as "The Square of (placename)". Paladins and Priests are incorporated into orders based on parts of Yars imaginary body and based on a belief that each represents a side of the square:

  • Druids are the "Mind of Yar
    Priests are the "Heart" of Yar
    Paladins the "Eyes" of Yar
    Worshipers are the "Ears" of Yar

The followers of Yar are buried in the ground; they believe those that rise from the ground do so because they are evil followers of Wei trying to return to the sea.

The followers of Yar have sactified various patron martyrs, to which the various parts of the faith will attach themselves

  • Martyr of war = Yitrer (Fighters/Rangers)
    Martyr of peace = Sobesh (Preists)
    Martyr of justice = Gudred (Paladins)
    Martyr of science movement, speed and change = Rutev (Magic Users)
    Martyr of stasis, nature, earth, solidity and changelessness = Kaleb (Druids)
    Martyr of spring, dawn, youth, vitality = Nujira
    Martyr of winter, dark, night, loss, age, unrevealed secrets = Zofril
    Martyr of birth = Bagaiya
    Martyr of death = Hakayo


People believe that Wei was banished to bottom of the sea by Yar because she fell in love with her self by staring at her reflection in the sea. Followers of Wei wear symbols in the shape of waves (or weives).To this day only followers of Wei ever take to the sea and most people live far inland away from the coast as Wei sometimes exerts her power by killing the followers of Yar in tsunamis. The followers of Wei tend to be found in the lawless outposts on the coast of Y'raelstra at the edge of he known world such as Weimerin, Weistager and the island city of Weibergot. These outposts are often frequented by crusading orders of Yar, their Paladins and Priests who attempt to establish "missions" to convert followers.

The followers of Wei are always buried at sea.


Followers of neither faith are called "neutrals" and tend to be lawless folk, generally only interested in their own self and possessions. They are considered reckless and untrustworthy but live untroubled amongst followers. They live in all areas of Y'raelstra, but mainly the inland amongst followers of Yar. Although not religious Neutrals often adopt personal Martyrs, which they believe help them in times of need.


It is a multiracial world. Everybody speaks "common" in order to get around racial barriers. "Common" is a prestige parent language. Other forms of language are spoken amongst races as creoles and considered less valuable. It is not normal to speak your creole to those not of your race or in conducting business. Creoles are often used in mixed language settings only hide communication as it is considered very rude. However, many adventurers have become used to speaking a variety of languages. All language comprehension outside of a characters primary language (Common, +1 chosen racial creole) requires an intelligence check (those with 2+ languages have a higher chance of comprehending many more forms of language than others)


You begin the adventure in Weimerin a lawless outpost on the eastern edge of the known world. (see map)
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Re: Maps, diagrams and campaign information

#3 Post by corum »

Y'raelstra: The Known World

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Re: Maps, diagrams and campaign information

#4 Post by corum »

Western Y'raelstra

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Re: Maps, diagrams and campaign information

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Eastern Y'raelstra

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Re: Maps, diagrams and campaign information

#6 Post by corum »

Law and Order


The inland cities, dominated by the followers of Yar, have a strict hierarchal system of law and order with the senate at the capital city Midyar at its centre. They are ruled by a Protector who sits at the head of a government made up of senators representing each of the main cities. The Protector is chosen and elected by the "Mind" and the "Heart" of Yar. When the old Protector dies a new one is sought who is believed to be a re-incarnation of the old. The Protector can be male or female and is usually a child when chosen. The time period between the ascension of a new Protector is dangerous and lawless. Until a new Protector is found the inland areas are without a ruler. The Senators and those within the temples jostle for power and the followers of Wei take the opportunity to attack. The current protector Umbal Nírwern II has ruled for the last 78 years and is old.

Each major city has a Senator. Each Senator is the representation of the temples in law. They act as a sheriff resolving conflict, collecting taxes and issuing laws. They have a paid Guard of foot soldiers made up of members of the public who act under order of the Senator. Most cities have 200-300 or so Guards at their disposal at any one time.


Although strictly lawless, the outpost cities run by the followers of Wei also have some systems of rule. Control of a region is exercised by those who have the most money and therefore the most powerful allies, friends and henchmen. The head of these organised crime are known as Vapaaherra. Each Vapaaherra controls the population of the city through brutal oppression, metered out hired thugs called simply The Watch. Being a member of The Watch is both lucrative and risky and life expectancy is very low, many meeting death through accident, disease and assassination. Members of The Watch are often demi-humans who will work as mercenaries in return for pay or even just for the sport of hunting humans.

No one city dominates and there is a constant jostle for supremacy with each Vapaaherra struggling against each other for more power. The inhabitants of each city, though indifferent to the rule of law, are non the less patriotic at times of battle and will defend their city by any means necessary. The most powerful region at the moment is Weibergot which is controlled by the Vapaaherra Fodonn Han.
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Re: Maps, diagrams and campaign information

#7 Post by corum »

Pirate Ship


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