Links to 185 Free Modules/Adventures

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Links to 185 Free Modules/Adventures

#1 Post by Landifarne »

This is a list of free modules and adventures that I have been compiling over at Dragonsfoot. I do not vouch for their quality (they're all free), but many of them are of professional quality and are better than many new (and old) published modules. I hope you enjoy, and I hope that players in my campaign don't read through the ones that I use/eventually use!

-Steve M

Dragonsfoot Module/Adventure Downloads (Arranged by Level):

To Light the Shadows (for level 1, LL)
The Haunted Keep (for level 1, Classic)
GL0 The Haunted Tower (for level 1, Classic)
High Atop Dragonmount (for level 1, 1E)
The Lost Chalice of Father Thomas (for level 1, 1E, Footprints)
The Mad Demigod’s Castle (for level 1, 1E)
Pop Goes the Meazel (for level 1, 1E)
Spider Farm (for level 1, 1E, Melford Series#1)
The Melford Murder (for level 1, 1E, Melford Series#2)
Shrine of the Oracle (for level 1, 1e, Melford Series#3)
F1: Zombie Curse (for level 1, 1E)
Into the Shrieking Hollow (for level 1, 1E or 2E)
The Banked Swamp (for low levels, 1E)
HM1 The Disappearance of Harold the Hedge Mage (for levels 1-3, 1E)
DF17 The Endless Tunnels of Enlandin (for levels 1-3, Classic)
AJ1 Fugitive (for levels 1-3, Classic)
F2: Crypt of Kendall Furfoot (for levels 1-3, 1E)
Goblins Tooth I: Moonless Night (for levels 1-3, 1E/2E)
Goblins Tooth II: Faces of Love (for levels 1-3, 1E/2E)
The Haunted Inn of the Little Bear (for levels 1-3, 1E, Footprints)
GL1 The Nameless Dungeon (for levels 1-3, Classic)
Stop the Goblin Raid (for levels 1-3, 1E, Footprints)
The Village with No Name (for levels 1-3, 1E)
Voices of the Three (for levels 1-3, C&C)
The Beast of Geshtein (for levels 1-4, 1E)
HS1 The Village of Rashtan (for levels 1-4, for HM series, 1E)
Beneath the Darkshroud Peaks (for levels 2-3, 1E, Melford Series #4)
The Dead Down Below (for levels 2-3, 2E, Footprints)
Bandit Stronghold (for levels 2-4, 1E, Footprints)
Church of the Poisoned Mind (for levels 2-4, 2E)
F3: Adventure in Skull Pass (for levels 2-4, 1E)
The Garden of the Hag Queen (for levels 2-4, Classic)
HM2 The Hunt for Istan (for levels 2-4, 1E)
Shipwreck at Har’s Point (for levels 2-4, 1E)
L4 Devilspawn
(for levels 3-5, 1E)
The Cat's Meow (for levels 3-5, 1E, Footprints)
Red Tam’s Bones (for levels 3-5, 1E)
Shadow Over Pendleton (for levels 3-5, Classic)
Where the Fallen Jarls Sleep (for levels 3-5, 1E, Her Dark Majesty Series #1)
The Secret of the Wood of Dark Boughs (for levels 3-5, 1E, Footprints)
The Tomb of Rokoss the Undying (for levels 4-6, 1E)
The Tower of Azal'Lan (for levels 4-6, 1E)
The Ebony Tower (for levels 4-6, 1E, Footprints)
Tower of the Elephant (for levels 4-6, 1E, Footprints)
Beneath Black Towen (for levels 4-6, 1E, Her Dark Majesty Series #2)
The Mired Cathedral (for levels 4-6, 1E, Footprints)
HM3 The Chaos Halls of Belzir (for levels 4-6, 1E)
The Corrupt Crypt of Ilmater (for levels 4-6, 1E)
Watchers on the Whyestil (for levels 4-6, 1E, Footprints)
L5B: The Kroten Adventures (Len Lakofka's last L Module)
The Battle for Gib Rus (for levels5-7, 1E, tournament)
Stormcrows Gather (for levels 5-7, 1E, Her Dark Majesty #3)
The Emperor’s Lost Army (for levels 5-7, 1E, OA, Footprints)
Lost Shrine of Tharizdun (for levels 5-7, 1E, Footprints)
Trident Rock (for levels 5-7, 1E)
The Temple Diancecht (for levels 5-7, 1E)
The Ruins of the White Watch (for levels 5-8, 1E)
The Monastery of the Order of Crimson Monks (for levels 5-9, 1E)
Isensan’s Secret (for levels 6-8, 1E)
Death from Above (for levels 6-9, 1E, Footprints)
Horror of Spider Point (for levels 7-9, 1E)
Lair of the Demodand (for levels 8-12, 1E)
Keeper of the Old Faith (for levels 9-14, 1E, Footprints)
AJ2 Vandar’s Lost Home (for levels 9-14, Classic)
The Forgotten City of Al-Arin (for levels 10-14, 1E)
The Howling Hills (for levels 10-14, 1E)
Skein of the Death Mother (for levels 10-14, 1E)
The False Tomb of Horrors (for levels 12-14, 1E, Footprints)

Other Dragonsfoot Modules (May Be Difficult to Convert):

The Red Swamp (*Savage Worlds)
Shades of Terror (*Savage Worlds, Adult Content)
Dungeon Crawl (*Savage Worlds)

Other Sites' 1E Compatibles:

Prince Charming: Reanimator (DCC, for level 0!)
Doom of the Savage Kings (DCC, for level 1)
The Ancient Academy (levels?)
Abandoned Mine of the Bandit King (for levels 1-4)
The Fireforge Mini-Adventure (for levels 7+, 1E, & Magazine)
The Ogress of Anubis
The Shrine of Hecate (for levels 1-3, 1E, & Magazine)
Wengreth's Hoard (for levels 6-7, 1E, & Magazine)
Rage from the Waves (for levels 5-7, 1E, & Magazine)
Gnoll Tower (for low levels, 1E, & Magazine)
Valley of Eternal Rest (for levels 4-7, 1E, & Magazine)
The Wreck of the Stalwart Lady (for levels 3-5, 1E, & Magazine)
The Thing in the Chimney
Temple of the Ghoul (for levels 1-3)
Orc’s Nest
DD1 Sword Against Thievery
DD2 Stealing the Night Away
Quest of the Mist Golem
WGH2 The Temple of the Sun
WGH3 Into the Howling Hills
WGH4 Tombs of the Howling Hills
WGH5 Lords of the Howling Hills
Encyclopedia Subterranica
Sordid Stories from the Mother City (for low levels)
Systema Tartarobases (CC, for levels 3-5, gonzo)
To the City of Brass (levels 7-10, 1E, written by Bob Kuntz)
Lost in the Mountain (incomplete, levels 4-7, 1E)
Nightmare on Hill Manor(White Wolf)
The Mysterious Shrine(Hackmaster)

Other Sites' Classic Compatibles:

The Caves of Cormakir the Conjurer (LL, for levels 1-3?)
Slave Pits of Abhoth (LL, for levels 4-7?)
Shrine of the Demon Depths (for low levels)
Nashka's Lair (small orc lair for levels 1-3)
The Lost Caverns of Azgot (setting done, you fill in the monsters)
KH-1 Something's Rotten in Riverton (for level 1, Classic)
Three Sad Wizards (for levels 1-2, Classic and 1E suitable)
BL1-2 The Ruined Hamlet/Terror in the Gloaming (for levels 1-2, Classic)
Death Mask (for levels 1-3, Classic, Encounter Magazine #1)
Out of the Shadows (Classic, levels 1-3, Encounter Magazine #2)
The Oracle of Talena (for low levels, Classic, Encounter Magazine #3)
Quest for the Enchanted Sword (for level 1, Classic, for kids, Encounter Magazine #4)
BF1 Morgansfort
BF2 Fortress, Tomb and Tower: The Glain Campaign
JN1 The Chaotic Caves
JN2 Monkey Isle
SG1 Saga if the Giants- Hill Giant Hall
SG2 Saga of the Giants- Caverns of the Stone Giants
SG3 Saga of the Giants- Frost Giant Fortress
SG4 Saga of the Giants- Fire Giant Forge
DC1 Tales from the Laughing Dragon
AA1 Adventure Anthology (Fourteen Short Adventures for levels 1-6)
Blueholme: The Maze of Nuromen (for 1st level)
Chaotic Caves II (for levels 1-4)
Dreaded Island (for levels 4-6)
TSR '83 Basic Starter Adventure (basic starter adventure from WOC's website)
TSR '77 Basic Starter Adventure (basic starter adventure from WOC's website)
Gold in the Hills (levels 1-3, BFRPG)
The Tomb of Sigyfel (levels 1-3, LL)
The Charmed Grotto (levels 5-8, BX)
The Sewers of Travon(BX)
The Courtyard of Gerald Red(levles 1-3, LL)
Dyson’s Delve, All 11 Levels(levels 1-6, BX)
Return to the Ziggurat (a Dyson work)
A Return to the Ruins on Corvel Mount (a Dyson work)
Challenge of the Frog Idol (levels 3-6, LL)
Infinite Caves of the Shroom Goblins (LL)
Prison of the Hated Contender (LL, for levels 0-1)
The Red Demon (LL, for levels 2-4, gonzo ASE)
Obelisk of Forgotten Memories (LL, for levels 1-2, gonzo ASE)
Tempus Gelidium (LL, for levels 3-5, gonzo ASE)
Dungeons Are Real (S&W, for level 1)
Halls of the Gods (LL, for low levels)
Hostages at the Wizard Academy (BFRPG, for levels 3-5)
A Shortcut to Fortune (BFRPG, for levels 3-5)
The Manse on Murder Hill (LL, for levels 3-5)

Other Sites' Any-RPG Compatibles:

They Came from the Stars (for levels 1-3)
Mischievous Monsters (for low levels)
Escape from Groncho's Lair (for levels 1-3)
The Hidden Tomb of Slaggoth the Necromancer (for low levels)
The Black Tower (from Midkemia Press)
Citadel of Evil (for levels 1-3)
Gone Fishin’ (for low levels)
Shrine of the Scaled One (for low levels)
White Palette, Ivory Horns (for low levels, Hackmaster)
Swords and Wizardry Quick Start (S&W)
The Last Priest of Sebek (levels 7-10, S&W at Lulu)
Nautical Adventure: The Temple of Tides (levels 3-5, LotFP)
The Pathway to the Stars (LotFP)
The Haunted Tower on the Hill (LotFP)
The Pythagorean Triage (LotFP, levels 1-3)

Other Sites' OGLs:

B1 The Tumbled Tower (for level 1)
A Typical Tomb (3E)
The Werewolves of Hargaldor (3E)
A Derelict House (3E)
A Simple Lair (3E)
An Abandoned Fortress (3E)
Set’s Daughter (for level 10, 3E with 1E feel)
W0: The Wizard’s Amulet (for level 1, 3E with 1E feel, *free accessory award winner)
Canonfire Chronicles Adventures (3 adventures)] (3.5E Greyhawk Adventures)
The Auroral Arcazal of Aethaungor(d30 system)
Temple of Maldiboga (Levels 2-4, Portal to Adventure System)
Stonehell Supplement Brigand Cave
A Thief Amongst Us (d20, levels 1-2)
Curse of Manslaughter Manor (3.5E, levels 1-2)
For Whom the War Rages (3E, for level 3)
Gabberson's Keep (3E, for level 1)
Introduction to Amberdale (d20, for level 1)
Sacred Temple (3E, for level 2)
Old Rock Tower (3E, for level 4-6)
Temple of Pelor (3E, for level 5-7)
The Underway (3E, for level 4)
Thieves' Guild (2E)
Trouble at Troublewater (3.5E)
Slaves of Time (3E)
The Circlet of Life (3E)
Last edited by Landifarne on Sun Dec 29, 2013 8:07 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Links to Free Modules/Adventures

#2 Post by rredmond »

Thanks Steve! Good stuff. I can vouch for some of it and the high quality at a great price like you said.

This is a game about killing things and taking their stuff so you can become more powerful in order to kill bigger things and take even better stuff.
Alethan: I'm good with NOT pressing our luck this time.
mjulius: That's how I know I'm home.
Pulpatoon: The whole point of PbP is to take the scheduling pressure off the game. We're just chatty because we're so eager!
Scott308: ...everyone should be reminded of just how wonderful the people they play games with here can be in real life.
Leitz: Quality and quantity wise, I think US is the best I've seen.
Paladin: I can promise terror, glory, and riches...or a quick and brutal death.
Inferno: Come on! That's was Vicar's Head, a completely different doomed village!
Rex: I can move to the wait list to let someone else into the game.
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Re: Links to 171 Free Modules/Adventures

#3 Post by Landifarne »

I updated the list to the current number of free modules (171).

As Ron says, you can't beat the price.
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Re: Links to 171 Free Modules/Adventures

#4 Post by Dogma »

Which would you recommend?
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Raven Crowking
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Re: Links to 171 Free Modules/Adventures

#5 Post by Raven Crowking »

Prince Charming, Reanimator: 0-level funnel designed for DCC; not difficult to convert to other systems. Pay What You Want means you can have it for free.

Reviews: ... mator-dcc/ ... c-rpg.html
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Re: Links to 171 Free Modules/Adventures

#6 Post by Landifarne »

Thanks Raven, that's the first addition I've gotten from this site (given, you're an old hand over at DF).

-Steve M
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Re: Links to 171 Free Modules/Adventures

#7 Post by Landifarne »

Dogma wrote:Which would you recommend?
That's a really hard question to answer, as it really depends upon your style and characters' levels. Let me know what you're in mind for and I can give you my impressions.

Other memebers here (Ron, Raven Crowking, ken-do-nim, bbarsh, shonuff, ToniXX, tooleychris, and a few others) will certainly have strong recommendations. Seriously, people like Bill Barsh have written several of the modules listed.

I would say that it is well worth your time to look up Dyson's works, and all of the DCC stuff, for starters. I would certainly not recommend many others on that list, but I'll withold those opinions as I'm not about to disparage a piece that someone has been gracious enough to offer up for free.

-Steve M
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