Character Generation

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Re: Character Generation

#21 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Sorry - more questions...
How accurate are the existing books on Pavis?
What is the date of "Today"?

The locals in Pavis speak Sartarite, Old Pavic, Riverspeech and/or Lunar on a daily basis. I'd assume, as Nobles, we'd have some knowledge of these if only for diplomatic purposes. Similarly, the Townsman would speak it for commercial reasons. Which would be our native tongues?

I'd quite like my Character to be a Sartarite Noble from Pavis County - with a family residence in the city. The Illynome family? A large village with considerable income from river trade.

Can we spend any of our starting cash on training?
  • If so, Can we use Method 1 from the footnote on page 15 for learning local languages to up to 90% before game start? (Specifically, if my main language is Sartarite could I learn the other local languages using this method)?
Can we borrow money for starting magics?
  • If so, from whom?
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Re: Character Generation

#22 Post by BackworldTraveller »

I found the url here

It gives some interesting history questions for a minor clan - Might be worth a look to give our Nobles/Townsman some background.

My personal attempt came up with...

Your clan sheet
Element Rune: Air
Power Rune: Truth
Resource Ratings
Wealth: 12W
War: 9W
Peace: 18
Magic: 18
Morale: 12
Clan Values
Clan Slogan
No one can make you do anything.
Stravul the Mighty
Relationships with Neighbours
2 Friends
3 Allies
3 Enemies
Other Relationships
Hate Sorcerors
Hate Broos
Hate God King
Hate Delecti
Hate Undead
Hate Malani
Hate Lunars
Hate Fire Tribe and its worshippers
Sun Domers
Allied with Aldryami
Allied with Riverfolk
Wyter Abilities
The Full Dish and Spoon
Defying the Bright Emperor.
He wooed Ernalda, won her heart, and created the Marriage Ring.
The Thrinbarri Battles
Korsto Viv
Zzabur the Atheist
When there was no love.
We dug a hole in the ground and huddled inside, kept alive by the warmth of our sleeping kinsmen.
Know Enemy's weakness
Heortling Secret
Fear Dragons
Clan Abilities
The elves' peace ritual
Intensive Farming
Clan Notes
Shrine to Ernalda
Your clan owns a building in Oldtown and has good farmland in Pavis County.
You are friendly with the Riverfolk and understand their customs well enough to peacefully interact with them.
Clan Patron: Orlanth
Clan Myths
When there was no love.
Attitudes to Lunars
Lunar Friendly 0%
Lunar Hostile 100%

Clan sheet
Your clan history
Favoured Old God: Orenoar, Goddess of Truth.
Asrelia's Treasure: The Full Dish and Spoon
Helped Umath When: Defying the Bright Emperor.
Joined Orlanth Because: He wooed Ernalda, won her heart, and created the Marriage Ring.
Earliest Famous Event: The Thrinbarri Battles
Marriage of Orlanth and Ernalda: Earth
Joined By: Korsto Viv
Ancient Enemy: Zzabur the Atheist
Nearly Exterminated By: When there was no love.
Chaos Foe: Broos.
Survived the Great Darkness By: We dug a hole in the ground and huddled inside, kept alive by the warmth of our sleeping kinsmen.
Unity Council Ally: The elves
Heortling Tribe: We joined the Stravuli
First God Awakened: Ernalda
Resisted Lokamayadon: Fought ceaselessly, no matter how many of us were killed.
When Arkat Came: Raised all our forces to fight.
Attitude Towards EWF: Suspicious
Lesson from the Dragonkill: Be careful when making friends.
Left Heortland Because: We hated the God-King.
Settled: River Bottoms
New Enemies: The Undead
New Tribe: Balmyr Tribe
King Sartar: He united the tribal kings.
Troubles in Sartar: We sought to escape the growing threat of the Lunar empire.
Eastward Ho!: We heeded Dorasar's call and crossed the wastes of Prax to settle.
New Friends: The Riverfolk
New Foes: The Sun Domers
Red Moon in Prax: We fought and lost at the Battle of Moonbroth
The Occupation: We do not give them an excuse to persecute us
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Re: Character Generation

#23 Post by BackworldTraveller »

Another question...are we applying character development from appendix H...or are we starting at 16?

If so, my rolls would be...






Initiate of Humakt

Company Type

Light Infantry armed with...

Bow and Sword
And has saved...

And had to save herself...

once allowing 1 attempt to better defence

which didn't happen.
Gets Xenohealing 2 and 2500L of other spells
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Re: Character Generation

#24 Post by Bowlegged_Dice »

Bowlegged_Dice wrote: Sat Mar 26, 2022 11:14 pm Once you have rolled your characteristics, figure out your character’s ability scores; Attack, Parry, Hit Points, etc..

Then roll your Background and Money.
At this point this is all I asked you to do. I asked for you to wait until I got my laptop repaired before moving on with the rest of the character generation. In addition I’m going to be limiting things to keep the scope of the “world” as narrow as possible as not to get bogged down. I don’t want us to get to far ahead of ourselves in case the game ends prematurely.

My idea is to start with a basic foundation and to build and add to the world as we go along. I don’t know yet all of which I will include so bear in mind “my Glorantha will vary.” As of this post I’m including, for the purpose of character generation, the RQII rulebook, Cults of Prax, and Pavis & Big Rubble. I will not accept any other sources, printed or online.

The start of the game will see the two characters as new arrivals to Pavis. Well, not so new as both are now deep in debt in loans for the skill training they received. This will be the next step in character generation.

This weekend I hope to be adding new material and information. I will also be editing the game forum so make sure you have your character info saved. Please check with me with your ideas and questions before posting.
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Re: Character Generation

#25 Post by BackworldTraveller »

kwll wrote: Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:23 am I will probably go with cult of Pavis, but am open to suggestions if others have a better idea.

If Terakt is acceptable as rolled, I will go ahead and produce his character sheet. What price list should we use to buy gear?
I'm sort of sitting on the fence at present as to how involved in each cult I'd get...
...Pavis gives my character no benefits beyond learning "Glue". As a High Noble, and with Citizenship being held by the (Male) head of the clan...that can't be me!
...Zola Fel Membership is needed as a lay member (1L Fee) to travel by water.
...And at 16 I'm not skilled enough to be anything beyond a Lay Member of Humakt...although it's possible to be an initiate it's unlikely that I'd be accepted as it'd need a very low roll.

RQ2 only really allows Nobles to be Mercenaries in appendix H...but I'm not sure that Appendix H is the route Bowlegged_Dice wants us to go down.

I see what you mean about prices...I can see at least 3 separate lists in the three books named - all with alternate values for some things and each with a different sub-set of items.

I've had fun making a background for Whitesmoke...what of that will stand after the next week I haven't the foggiest! It's spun out of conjecture but not inconsistent with the first 16 years as rolled - but so could others be. It asks as many questions as it answers and doesn't address any fundamentals about group dynamics. Nor does it address the question of whether this is a one-scenario (take it or leave it) game or a quiet wander through the houses, alleys and byways of Pavis and its surrounds.
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Re: Character Generation

#26 Post by ffilz »

How detailed are we getting on background? I'm usually a sentence to a few sentences background sort of player...

I assume we're still waiting on what kind of previous experience or guild/cult credit we're doing.

And I'll second the "which price list" to use, not that I will be buying much of anything with 50 L... I can afford like a leather hauberk and a spear or something...
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
Calligraphy (Per) 1, Defense (Agil) 1, Herbalism (Int) 1, Horsemanship (Awar/Agil) 1, Hunting (Per) 1, Meditation (Void) 1, Kenjitsu (Agil) 1
Giotto Lombardi 856994 Age 26 (2 Terms) Electonics-1, Vacc Suit-0, Computer-1, Bribery-1, Shotgun-0, Cr 1000, Shotgun
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Re: Character Generation

#27 Post by BackworldTraveller »

ffilz wrote: Sun Apr 03, 2022 3:43 am How detailed are we getting on background? I'm usually a sentence to a few sentences background sort of player...
That was why I made the comment about game scope.
n.b. The huge headings in my character's write up are those from the Chaosium RQ3 character write-ups.

I'd be interested to know where your character is from. Are you local or not? If local, from where? Which family? (I ask because this is the kind of place where family matters.) Where is the family residence? If not, then much of that is less important. But the questions then become: Are you coming to Pavis for family reasons? Who paid for passage? (at 50L left I'd suspect it was you) Why have you come? Why here? (Because you know someone or because no-one knows you?) Are you likely to be followed by your family's (or someone else's) pet trackers?
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Re: Character Generation

#28 Post by ffilz »

BackworldTraveller wrote: Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:09 am
ffilz wrote: Sun Apr 03, 2022 3:43 am How detailed are we getting on background? I'm usually a sentence to a few sentences background sort of player...
That was why I made the comment about game scope.
n.b. The huge headings in my character's write up are those from the Chaosium RQ3 character write-ups.

I'd be interested to know where your character is from. Are you local or not? If local, from where? Which family? (I ask because this is the kind of place where family matters.) Where is the family residence? If not, then much of that is less important. But the questions then become: Are you coming to Pavis for family reasons? Who paid for passage? (at 50L left I'd suspect it was you) Why have you come? Why here? (Because you know someone or because no-one knows you?) Are you likely to be followed by your family's (or someone else's) pet trackers?
I’m asking to understand what kind of campaign we’re playing to understand if it’s actually what I want to play. The level of detail above suggests something deeper than I want to play. I’m not opposed to a bit of background but all of the above is quite a lot.

And my character’s money roll is a 50 L annual stipend as a “rich noble”. I’m not quite sure what that really implies.
Dr. Samuel Linkletter 6AAB83, Age 30, Doctor, 3 Terms. Medical-3, Blade Cbt-1, Streetwise-1, Mechanical (Cloth)-1, Scholar-2, Mechanical (Metal)-0, Mechanical (Wood)-0, Mechanical (Stone)-0, Mechanical (Machinery)-0, Admin-0, Pistol-0
Matsumoto Senichi Iuichi Unicorn Shugenja, Rank 1, Glory: 2;0, Honor: 3;6, XP: 5, FIRE 3 // Agility 3 / Intelligence 3, AIR 2 // Reflexes 2 / Aware 3, WATER 3 // Strength 3 / Perc 3, EARTH 2 // Stamina 2 / Will 2, VOID 2,
Calligraphy (Per) 1, Defense (Agil) 1, Herbalism (Int) 1, Horsemanship (Awar/Agil) 1, Hunting (Per) 1, Meditation (Void) 1, Kenjitsu (Agil) 1
Giotto Lombardi 856994 Age 26 (2 Terms) Electonics-1, Vacc Suit-0, Computer-1, Bribery-1, Shotgun-0, Cr 1000, Shotgun
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Re: Character Generation

#29 Post by BackworldTraveller »

ffilz wrote: Sun Apr 03, 2022 3:47 pm
BackworldTraveller wrote: Sun Apr 03, 2022 6:09 am
ffilz wrote: Sun Apr 03, 2022 3:43 am How detailed are we getting on background? I'm usually a sentence to a few sentences background sort of player...
That was why I made the comment about game scope.
n.b. The huge headings in my character's write up are those from the Chaosium RQ3 character write-ups.

I'd be interested to know where your character is from. Are you local or not? If local, from where? Which family? (I ask because this is the kind of place where family matters.) Where is the family residence? If not, then much of that is less important. But the questions then become: Are you coming to Pavis for family reasons? Who paid for passage? (at 50L left I'd suspect it was you) Why have you come? Why here? (Because you know someone or because no-one knows you?) Are you likely to be followed by your family's (or someone else's) pet trackers?
I’m asking to understand what kind of campaign we’re playing to understand if it’s actually what I want to play. The level of detail above suggests something deeper than I want to play. I’m not opposed to a bit of background but all of the above is quite a lot.

And my character’s money roll is a 50 L annual stipend as a “rich noble”. I’m not quite sure what that really implies.
It doesn't have to be much - Somewhere else. A long way away, 50L a year from a Banker in Pavis provided you never darken the door again. No.

50L annually could be like d'Artagnan - A very noble family - but he got a horse, a sword, a letter and a healing salve!
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Re: Character Generation

#30 Post by BackworldTraveller »

I think Bowlegged_Dice's laptop may be kaput...
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Re: Character Generation

#31 Post by BackworldTraveller »

BackworldTraveller wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 6:16 am I think Bowlegged_Dice's laptop may be kaput...
...Yep looks like it - nothing posted for 10 days and even the Private Messages haven't been read.
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