Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#141 Post by Grognardsw »

Thayilli could sense Sameroth's excitement at meeting other dragons. The queen rider surveyed the sky and ground and saw riders she did not recognize, but there were no other golds.

A brown dragon was nearby, from a different Weyr.


"Take your time," Sam thought to Thayilli.

Several people waved and said hello to the Arolos queen rider as she made her way to the ship. Eylse nodded as Thayilli explained the hole. "Yeah, between that hole and the Thread damage, no way of fixing the ship," the off-worlder said.

They walked throught the corridors of the spacecraft, passing several people along the way to the medical bay. Thayilli saw that any loose items and equipment had been taken away. In the medical quarters, Elyse looked through cabinets and draws. "Empty."

Thayilli realized the medical equipment, like everything else, had probably been removed to study and catalog. It would be outside in one the the camp tents.

"Then let's see where you found the men and robot," Elyse said.

They walked to the front of the ship and the room where Thayilli came upon the rampaging robot.

Elyse looked around, checking controls and read-outs that were largely blank. "Too bad there's no power, we might have found out some of what happened. You say the bodies of the dead men had multiple concussions?"

"It's possible life support went out and they died before even getting bumped around from the crash," mused Elyse. Thayilli wasn't sure what she meant by life suppurt. "That could explain why they weren't strapped in. If the robot attacked them, the wounds would likely be different."

Outside, Thayilli tracked down the medical tent. A healer from Fort Hold was currently staffing it. Thayilli could see the medical bay items spread out on a table.

"Hello, I'm Master Marshal," said the healer. He didn't recognize Thayilli. "Can I help you?"
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#142 Post by Imladir »

“It's not like we had anything to fix it even before the dragons played with it anyway.” Thayilli shrugged, obviously unrepentant. She wasn't even sure there was enough metal on the entire planet to fix the ship even if they had had the know-how for it.

“Oh,” she commented about the empty supplies in the medical quarters, “They must have been brought out then. Probably in one of the tents outside.”

“I don't know about the dead,” the young woman shook her head, “I checked that they were dead, not from what. But I suppose someone will know by now.” Someone who was likely outside, same as the supplies they were looking for. “I don't think the robot attacked them. It seemed to think I was some sort of invader and wanted to protect the crew from me. Didn't leave me the opportunity to explain anything...” She grimaced, “And after that it was too late for him.”

“Hi,” She answered Master Hawthorn, “I'm Thayilli. This is Elise, she's one of the people who were in that ship. We're looking for the supplies from the medical quarters, do you know where they were put? We're hoping there'll be something that'll help treat, uh...” She turned to Elise, “What's his name by the way, the survivor?”
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#143 Post by Grognardsw »

Master Marshal smiled at Thayilli's greeting.

"Ah, you are Thayilli of Arolos Hold! It is an honor to meet you. I am from Fort Hold. So I have heard you discovered this wondrous ship!"

The healer moved over to some boxes. "Here are the supplies we found in their healer rooms."

Thayilli and Elyse looked through the various bottles, container and instruments. "Some of this might help Conroy," said Elyse, referring to the survivor whose name Elyse mentioned was Elton Conroy.

"What happened to the other bodies?" Elyse asked Master Marshal.

"They were taken back to Ruatha Hold, where the healers were best equipped to disect the bodies," Marshal explained. "There was great interest in finding out if these other-worlders were the same humans as we are. I was told that two of them were, but the third man was not human! He had ridges, spotted skin, and a different internal organ arrangement. Fascinating."

"Uh.. oh, I see," Elyse muttered. She seemed at a momentary loss for words. "Well, there are other races out there in the stars."

In the dangerous rush of the robot situation, Elyse hadn't noticed nor gotten close enough to the dead men to see that one of them wasn't quite human.

"Let's take this box of medical supplies." Elyse seemed to recover her composure. "Well, if you don't mind Thayilli I'd like to walk around and see what other ship equipment may be lying around the camp. It is mine afterall, and it may be useful to me - to us - but not if your people take it apart."
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#144 Post by Imladir »

“With a few others yes.” Thayilli shrugged, not making a big deal of finding the ship. Sam' may have, but she wasn't around at the moment. Probably getting to know new dragons she supposed.

The young rider let Elise pick what she needed - she'd have to ask what everything did later - and nodded when she named Conroy: she'd pass the name to the Healers back at Arolos, it might help calm him down if he woke up without Elyse in the vicinity.

When Marshal mentioned the dissections, Thayilli grimaced. Not at the act itself, she didn't mind that - much - but at the way the information was shared with Elyse. Rather…callously. Some Healers were like that, but… Well… “Elyse here was on that ship.” She repeated to Marshal. “Those people are…were…her friends.” That should be enough to make him understand his blunder. Though she knew it might not be enough for him to do anything about it.

“Sure.” She readily agreed to both of Elyse's requests. “Just… Well, tell whoever you're taking it from what it does and that I gave you permission.” Something that may not exactly be in her purview, but the question would be raised to her and she could deal with that.

After a couple of seconds, she added, “And… No weapons?” She grimaced, “I realise I can't really prevent you from doing that, but…” She shook her head, “I'd rather you avoided that. You'd be more likely to get in trouble with one than without. Or at least not one of the more…” She hesitated, not quite sure how to phrase that, before settling on a simple, “Bladed weapons are fine. Not common, but it'd be easily accepted. But not those weapons that make holes in their targets, or burn them, or whatever other weirder things you have… Please?” After all, Thayilli would be the one in trouble if something happened…
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#145 Post by Grognardsw »

"I apologize," said Master Healer Marshall to Elyse and Thayilli. "I did not realize the situation. We can certainly arrange any burial ceremonies you see fit."

Thayilli talked with Master Healer Marshall while Elyse gathered up medical equipment. The healer checked off items on a list that Elyse took. "An off-worlder! How fascinating. I do hope she can teach us about these devices. Imagine the advances in healing we could make. Thayilli, is it true you were a healer before a dragon rider?"

As Thayilli and Elyse walked about the camp, the dragon queen rider saw Sameroth flying above frolicking with several other dragons. Sam's young age made her playful at meeting new dragons from other weyrs. Thayilli almost felt she could feel Sam's joy even from this distance.

"This will be useful," said Elyse, stopping at a tent in which was gathered a collection of metal gadgets. She picked up a 6" x 8" square device with buttons and indicators. "This detects energy signatures."

There was a blacksmith on hand who introduced himself. "Greetings, I am Fandarel. You know what this is? Are you from the ship? It would help us greatly if you could identify all this and explain its use."


"I would be happy to," said Elyse as she gathered up several other items.

Fandarel had an inventory list on a piece of parchment. Items were arranged by phyical description and numbers; each item bore a numbered tag corresponding to the list. The blacksmith noted the items Elyse took.

"You'll keep an eye or her and those things?" Fandarel asked Thayilli as Elyse was occupied.

Thayilli was indeed watching Elyse, making sure she took nothing that looked even vaguely like a weapon. It seemed bladed weapons were not popular off-world, as Thayilli did not spy any among the various tents they visited.

After 45 mintues, Elyse seemed done. She had a backpack and sack full of items.

"I can go over all of this back at the caves," Elyse said.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#146 Post by Imladir »

“I was yes.” Thayilli grimaced, “Briefly. I certainly don't regret Sam', but…” After a couple of seconds, she sighed and shook her head. “Anyway, you'll have to see with her but I don't think she was the ship's medic so I'm not sure how much help she can be regarding what was found.”

“I can try.” She answered Fandarel, “At least to have her give us an idea of what all of this does, but…” She looked at the ship. “She could make a very good argument that all of this is hers to begin with.”

“Sure,” she nodded to Elyse, “Any help you can give us would be appreciated. Just…” She grimaced, “Remember that while Sam' is a Queen, which gives me a say in a lot of things, she's only two years old. Which makes both her and I very junior as far as those things go.”
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#147 Post by Grognardsw »

As requested, Elyse spent the time explaining each item. Master Marshall and Fandarel took copious notes. Much of what the off-worlder said was partially or wholly beyond the understanding of the Pern natives.

Such items as relay switches, geiger counters, vibro-adjustors, hypo-shots, hypospray, DNA analyzer, bioprobe, medical tricorder and many other items were simply explained but not fully understood. Elyse herself was uncertain of some items.


“We’ll talk it over more later,” Elyse said. “My other people will be able to contribute. Shall we go?”

Their inventorying done, Thayilli and Elyse mounted Sameroth. Thayilli could feel the happiness of her gold queen. “Will the ship fly again?” Sameroth emoted to Thayilli. The dragon was curious to see such a thing fly. “The others say it is a metal dragon bonded to a whole crew of riders.”

They took to the cloudy skies, wind whipping their clothes, the sun setting to the west. After the jump in between, Arolos Hold loomed beneath them, the mountain crags casting long shadows in the evening light.

Thayilli escorted Elyse to the Healer Quarters. Conroy still lay in the bed unconscious.

“He stirred occasionally today, but didn’t come to,” said Mira, the young healer on duty for the day.

Elyse looked through the canvas bag of medical items and withdrew a thin cylinder. “I’m no doctor, but I’ve seen enough of these hyposhots in action. They do wonders for all sorts of ailments.”

The off-worlder pressed the end of the cylinder against Conroy’s neck and pressed a button. Thayilli heard a quick whoosh.

A minute went by and Conroy stirred. His arm moved and eyes opened. He was awake!
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#148 Post by Imladir »

While she did try to pay attention, Thayilli was quickly lost, buried under the amount of information. It felt like she was a novice anew, and the entirety of the curriculum had been dumped on her head at once. Worse, Elyse herself not understanding some of those things didn't make it easier. Though at least, since they had nothing to take advantage of some of those things, it wasn't like it mattered all that much. At least in the short term. For example, those hypospray and hypo-shots were all well and good, but without the medicine to actually inject it was pretty much useless.

So when Elyse finally suggested they left it at that for the time being, the young dragon-rider nodded gratefully. “Sure.” The woman would probably be hounded by the Masters of course, wasn't like she was going to be leaving anytime soon...

Err... Thayilli glanced at the ship after Sam's question. We don't know how to fix it, and even though Elyse's people do... Or might do... After all... It was one thing to know something was wrong and another entirely to know how to fix it, doubly so for something that complex. “I don't think we have the resources to do it.” Where would they find the metal for it? They could gather all the metal they could, and it might not even be as much as that single ship had...

They have metal men, so who knows, maybe they have metal dragons too. Which... Well, if they had the same "attack first and ask question later" philosophy as the metal man, she'd be glad to not meet one. I don't think this one was though. It's more like... Well, a big boat, except it doesn't need water. Or something like that.

“Thanks,” Thayilli nodded to Mira, “We're going to try something.”

When Conroy did start to move, and then clearly awoke, Thayilli's eyebrows went up, “Well, that was certrainly quick.” Granted, since he had moved a bit during the day he might have been close to wake up anyway but who knew...

“Mr Conroy? Can you hear me?”
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#149 Post by Grognardsw »

“Uhh... what?” Convoy didn’t seem to understand Thayilli.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut et dolore magna aliqua,” Elyse said. It was in her native language. The off-worlder had discretely shut the “translator” off. Thayilli had gotten use to the device.

The two conversed for only a minute; Elyse did more of the talking. Than she turned the translator back on.

“I thought it wise to talk to him first in our native tongue, so he wasn’t overwhelmed,” explained Elyse. “You know, with the crash and dead shipmates and new planet.”

“Uhh, thank you for saving me,” Conroy said unsteadily to Thayilli.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#150 Post by Imladir »

“Oh, I understand.” Thayilli nodded. Her expression hardened though, “What I do not understand, or like, at all, is you switching your translator off. Aren't you always talking in your own language anyway? So wasn't the only thing that changed the fact that I couldn't understand?”

Thayilli shook her head, “I'd have thought you'd value trust more than that.” The young rider turned to Conroy and nodded, “You're welcome. I'm sorry I couldn't do anything about your other companions. And for what happened to your, uh,” she grimaced, “Your metal man. Your rabot?”

“As I understand it you probably don't need to stay here, but it's probably better if you rest for the day to be sure you're all good.” She looked at Elyse. “And I'll leave you to plot without having to bother coming up with excuses for random malfunctions of your stuff.”

With a nod to Conroy, Thayilli headed to the exit, fully intending to warn her people to not trust the strangers... And be extremely warry of their weapons. that she thought about it... Had anyone tried to use those and see how they worked? She'd have to check, and somehow see if they could injure a dragon. Or worse...
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#151 Post by Grognardsw »

Dramatis Personae

As Maintained by Imladir on Nuclino, link in post #83: viewtopic.php?p=559674#p559674


F'ran (M): young dragonrider, friend of Jorone
F'rar (M): older and arrogant. Dragon: Smoth (Bronze)
Gyzax (M): young dragonrider, friend of Jorone
H’rerra (F): Dragon: Prentoth (Green)
Jorone (M): young dragonrider, friend (who'd want to be more) of Thayilli . Dragon: Torloth (Blue)
K'ressa (F): young dragonrider, friend of Thayilli . Dragon: Grangerth (Green)
Masix (M): young dragonrider, friend of Jorone. Dragon: Karnth (Brown)
Praern (M): Dragon: Pufth (Blue)
S'rntor (M): "The Wise", member of the council


Anneth: Brown
Freath: Blue
Legath: Green
Mcath: Brown
Ursulath: Blue
Zarath: Bronze


Perrin: Harper
Samok: Master Smith
Todar: runner / servant in the fort
Tullana: 11 year old girl, tomboyish. Recently broke an arm climbing on a tree
Harnack Amhold: Trader leader of caravan Thayilli encountered during search for strangers. He has a cousin in the Weavers Hall at Arolos.
Fandarel: Smith overseeing the materials tent at the crashed ship camp site
Master Healer Marshall: Tended the healer tent at the crashed ship camp site
Mira: healer who tended to Conroy the off-worlder.


Elyse - leader of the three that Thayille found
two men - the other two with Elyse (look up names)
Conroy - lone survivor of the crashed ship
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#152 Post by Grognardsw »

Elyse looked - or feigned - surprise at Thayilli's words.

"We have cultural practices that are different than yours, that is all," Elyse countered. "Of course I value trust."

Conroy seemed confused. "Are the others okay? Are they dead?"

He stirred but then stopped, raising his hand to his head. "My head... yes I'll stay."

After Thayilli left she proceeded directly to the dragon caves. There she met F'rar and voiced her concern about the off-worlders.

"We'll put a guard on Elyse," he said. "Do you think we should confine her? I'm not sure we have a legitimate reason, but..." The sentence trailed off as his eyes met Thayilli. "Her two friends have kept to themselves, exploring the Hold."

"Their weapons and gear are with Master Samok who'se been tinkering around with them."

Thayilli next went to see the Master Smith.

"Ah Thayilli, how is my favorite dragon rider?" Samok said in greeting to Thayilli. "But you don't look happy. How can I help you?"
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#153 Post by Imladir »

There was nothing Thayilli felt she had to add to Elyse. Maybe she had told the truth, but... When she had asked for their weapons, they hadn't given them all, instead keeping some that were likely the most deadly things on Pern. Maybe even to dragons. Oh, it was sort of understandable, they had to keep themselves safe, and didn't feel they could trust her.

Oh, she had no doubt Elyse valued trust. As long as it went from Thayilli to her, because it would make the otherworlder's life easier, something to use. For what she had no idea, but if she hadn't said things she'd preferred Thayilli not to know, why shut down the translator?

She snorted angrily as she thought about it, then answered F'rar with a wave to dismiss his questioning eyebrow. “No, don't confine her, there's no point. I don't trust her, but that doesn't mean she's out to get us. As long as we have their weapons we should be safe enough.” She shrugged, “We'll see how they want to go about it in a couple of days.”

“I worry about the strangers.” She shrugged, “They don't look like a trusty bunch, and with their weapons...” she waved at those, “Have they been tested? Do we know how they work or at least how much damage they can do?”
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#154 Post by Grognardsw »

"We did take all their weapons," said F'rar. "Master Smith Samok and Master Builder Rocus has been testing them. They're powerful energy bolts. Enough of them could kill a dragon, quickly if neck or face was hit."

"We'll keep an eye on Elyse and the other two," added F'rar. "I can't help but wonder what happened to the other crew members."

The off-worlder Conroy recovered and was being moved to a regular guest quarters.

The investigation of the downed ship and its contents continued. A majority of the transportable equipment had been brought to Arolos and other Holds for research and experimentation. At the current rate, the site camp would be closed in a few days.


The next afternoon in the dragon caves, while Thayilli was checking the harness and talking with Sameroth, the dragon rider overheard an unsettling story.

"Berd said her fire lizard chased it through the caves but didn't catch it," said Masix, attending to his brown Karnth, to Praern with his blue Pufth. "It was a black ball the size of a small fist, with a red light."

Berd and her fire lizard
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#155 Post by Imladir »

Thaylli grunted when she heard the damage one of the aliens' weapons could do: that was definitely not good news. Not only it meant that dragons weren't safe. And considering that some of Elyse's men, those who had killed the Sullidor at least, had those and were unaccounted for... It really wasn't good news, and something she made sure the powers that be knew: she didn't want to assume the two masters had already shared that information with others.

She wasn't really in a good mood as she ruminated all that over the next days, which was why she reacted a bit abruptly when she heard about the strange even in the caves. “A black ball emitting light that avoids fire lizards?” Thayilli growled, “Sorry, I couldn't help but overhear.”

It didn't sound like one of those metal men - or robot as they were apparently called - but it certainly didn't sound like anything natural. On the other hand, what purpose would Elyse or her men have to do such a thing, there was nothing of interest in there as far as she knew, and more importantly, they already had access - or close enough - to everything that mattered. What would be the point?

After hesitating for a bit, Thayilli went to find the otherworlder woman. She greeted her and asked some polite questions about their current situation, and Conroy's health, then asked “I've heard a story about a black ball the size of a small fist, emitting red light that was seen in the caves.” She cocked an eyebrow, “You wouldn't happen to know anything about things like that?”
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#156 Post by Grognardsw »

Thayilli shared her concerns with the Arolos Council about the off-worlders’ weapons and their dangerous potential. The Elders assured her all the weapons taken from the three off-worlders were under lock-and-key.

The queen dragon-rider wondered about the equipment Elyse had gathered from the crash site. Could any be used as a weapon? Was the flying ball among such items? Thayilli didn’t recall seeing such a sphere as she watched Elyse collect the items at the crash site.

In talking with Masix about the mysterious hovering sphere, the dragon rider said it was of a dark almost black metal, possibly textured, with several tiny blinking red lights, and highly maneuverable to the extant that a fire lizard could not catch it. Thayilli knew how fast and nimble the fire lizards were.

The sphere:

Thayilli asked the off-worlder Elyse about the ball.

“No, that’s not ours,” replied Elyse. She had a calm face as her eyes met Thayilli’s. The queen rider wondered whether to trust her. Then Elyse rattled off a string of questions. “Whereabouts was it spotted? How long ago? Perhaps a new species of bird? Maybe keep an organized watch for it?”
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#157 Post by Grognardsw »

As Elyse and Thayilli were talking, a messenger boy came running in and handed the Queen rider a note. It read:

"A party of armed off-worlders have arrived and are at Verd (settlement #20 on the map in post #1.) Master Woodsman Girz Attums is in counsel with them. Nearby, a child was reportedly killed by a separate party whose location is currently not known. F'rar and you are requested to come with dragons."

Thayilli knew that Verd was a small forest hold in the valley, making a living out of timbers that they ship downriver for other communities.

"What's up?" said Elyse, noting Thayilli's face.
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Re: Threads in the Skein of Fate (Thayilli)

#158 Post by Grognardsw »

Thayilli’s story merges with The Genetics of Profit, as off-worlders encounter the Pern natives and troubles ensue.

Read more at ... 76&t=10855
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