Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

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Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#1 Post by Spearmint »

This expedition covers the journey and adventures for Leibish as he escorts an elf maiden back across the Barrow Moor to her home commune, the elven settlement of The Wrydwood.

Also going along as an NPC is barbarian mage Sigrid.

The trio leave the Hag Barrow on the morning of May 11th 1066. The destination is approximately ten leagues (30 miles) due South, though you may take a longer and possibly safer route via Bogtown to the east.

After the encounter with the hag and bullywugs, Leibish has been given a crafted elven bow made of Elkhorn. add to inventory

check the Campaign Setting and Maps thread for a general overview of the area.

actions and comments for Leibish as you depart the mound.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#2 Post by SilverBen »

Leibish will ask Harmony if she recalls what paths she and her party took to arrive here. He will consider backtracking compared with taking the most direct paths back to Wyrdwood.

He also asks Sigrid what is in her inventory. "Perhaps it is better to return to Helix first?

Quick question on mechanics, Will this be run as a hex crawl until the next encounter?
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#3 Post by Spearmint »

not quite sure what you mean by hex crawl. The map is hex based. Encounters on the Moor come from random creatures, adventuring or tribal groups or perhaps discovering a set location as you did with this hag barrow.

I try to move updates along to a point where action or insight is called for or an opportunity to test a skill is needed. So I might roll several random rolls pre-update but if they don't generate an encounter it means your trek is not harassed.

Sigrid has an expedition pack, lanterns, oils, weapons, spell book and components. Nothing extravagant or out of the ordinary.

Harmony says, "We came through Bogtown but never stayed there. Elias had a basic map and was trying to locate some hidden barrows. We found one and stayed three days excavating it before we moved deeper into the moor." The named person, possibly the one eaten by the snake seemed to be the group leader. The shortbow is elven made. Not hers though, most elves train from a young age with bow and sword.

You could trek to Helix but that is in the opposite direction to The Wrydwood. Obviously safer and you are back in civilization but further from Harmony's preferred destination.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#4 Post by SilverBen »

Leibish nods quietly acknowleding the tragedy Harmony has endured, he gently adds "With Elias and the others gone with the map, I suggest it would be best to head to Bogtown. These moors are nearly impossible to navigate and obviously quite dangerous. We would be fools to think we could cross it alone. We can seek transport or retainers in Bogtown."

Not sure if he himself knows which direction Bogtown lies, but will depart following the most logical path there.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#5 Post by Spearmint »

Here is a little overview map, expanded from the campaign setting. So you can see Helix to the North, Bogtown to the East and The Wrydwood in the South.

The Hag Barrow location is noted and a suggested route to Bogtown, staying on the north bank of the Moorwash River and crossing over by the woodland rather than the Moor.

A trek of about 20+ but probably safer than crossing the Moor directly south.

Hag Barrow to Bogtown route
Hag Barrow to Bogtown route
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#6 Post by SilverBen »

Very helpful! Thank you!!

Leibish follows the path from the Hag Barrow heading east. His course stays on the north bank of the Moorwash River and he intends to cross over by the woodland rather than cross formidable Moor.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#7 Post by Spearmint »

Hag Barrow to Bogtown

Taking his leave from the Sauron Expedition and kitted out with supplies and a share of trove, Leibish leads Harmony & Sigrid due north to connect with the topmost branch of 'the Moorwash Fingers'. Once there the plan is to trek east, keeping to the northern banks until you can cross the river near to the forest rather than trekking the misty Moor.

Sigrid holds a burning firebrand to light your way, perhaps not so necessary during the early morning hours of faint sunlight which penetrates the mist but flaming torches provide a degree of comfort and are useful to ward away lurking predators, critters and the ever pervading gnat swarms.

The first few miles are slow going as the ground is very boggy, sinking ankle deep with each footstep, your boots squelching as the mud sucks under the pressure of each step but after a stride or two away, the murky mud soon swallows each footprint behind you, giving little testimony to your trespass. It is approaching midday when your stomachs grumble and thoughts turn to food. Chicken is always on the menu, at least 'Moor Hens' meaning 'frog legs that taste like chicken, bog rat that tastes like chicken, raptor steak that tastes just the same'. Only this time, a big game bird could be on the menu.

Staring at you and suddenly squawking as you intrude upon the camouflaged nesting sites are a trio of large ostrich type wading birds. They are huge, towering at least a foot taller than any of you. They flap flightless wings and puff out chests of dark plumage, strutting on long legs that end in eagle like clawed feet. Most strikingly are their bulbous oversized heads which feature a bizarre beak that narrows into the shape of an axe head. Two of the creatures sit upon a huddle of large eggs but the third already has a brood of hatchlings and is busy regurgitating its latest victim down their open throats.

Aggressive, territorial and ever hungry, the bird looks at you wondering if elf also tastes like swamp chicken.

you are within short bow range away and though backing away to disengage seems a good option, the Axebeak rises from its nest to harass you.

actions and initiative please

Swamp chicken
Swamp chicken
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#8 Post by SilverBen »

initiative roll round 1 [1d6]=3

Leibish leaps forward and interposes himself between Harmony and the charging swamp chicken.

Next, he draws his elkhorn bow to deter the giant fowl. Leibish fires two arrows from his short bow. [1d20]=10[1d6]=6[1d20]=11[1d6]=5 His footing fails and send his arrows flying haphazardly towards the intended target.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#9 Post by Spearmint »

Hag Barrow to Bogtown

The Axebeak, every hungry from feedings her chicks runs at the trio of adventurers, dodging the series that whizz by her flightless wings.

It squawks as an arcane missile does impale it, blood and feathers spurting from a wound in its breast as Sigrid intones a spell. -2hp.

Harmony braces a bullywug longspear, taken from the barrow. The prehistoric ostrich sprints upon its powerful legs, tearing up the ground to close the distance before the archer can nock further arrows. It leaps upon the stationary Harmony, knocking aside her spear but its hacking beak stabs the ground at her feet.

next actions please
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#10 Post by SilverBen »

initiative round 2 [1d6]=5

Leibish firmly plants his feet and regains his balance. He fires two more arrows into the huge bird's torso as it pecks hungrily at Harmony.

Leibish fires two arrows from his elkhorn short bow. [1d20]=16[1d6]=4[1d20]=18[1d6]=3
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#11 Post by Spearmint »

Hag Barrow to Bogtown

The trio engage in a deathly melee with the giant avian. The creature tries to slash and grab with huge claws and crack open skulls and shatter bones to pull out tasty innards. Acting quicker with magic and missiles, more damaging shafts impale the Axebeak. It squawks in pain but still tries to snatch a morsel of elf to feed its urging chicks. Harmony stabs out to skewer the creature and a second arrow takes it through the throat before it can peck a cranium apart.

Swamp chicken is on your menu. As it is the other two Axebeaks. Upon seeing their kin slain, they begin to cannibalise the chicks in the neighbouring nest. Good meat not going to waste, they will become the next Chick-a-filla when their own eggs hatch.
any actions further here for Leibish?
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#12 Post by SilverBen »

One question for clarity: The remaining two Axebeaks flee after eating the chicks, or are available targets?
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#13 Post by Spearmint »

The two other Axebeaks are eating the chicks and will return to incubate hatching eggs.

You can attack them if you wish. From your observations, these creatures must be 7'ft tall, I noted 'it towers over the tallest of you' and with huge grasping eagle like claws and a powerful hacking beak that could split a tree trunk not just a fire log, they make very dangerous opponents for a lightly armed group.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#14 Post by SilverBen »

Leibish rushes to assist Harmony to her feet. He asks in a hushed voice, "Sigrid! What do you say? Do they prevent our progress along the path, or can they be avoided safely by darting past?"
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#15 Post by Spearmint »

you can trek around them without issue, perhaps more wary in case others nest nearby too.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#16 Post by SilverBen »

"Quick," Leibish warns, "while they are distracted, let's move past them." He moves following the river with a vigilant eye for any signs of the creatures he has already encountered.

He also attempts to detect any changes in the appearance of the trail ahead to avoid quicksand. At a safe distance from the swamp chickens, he asks, "Lady Harmony, how long did your journey take you here?"
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#17 Post by Spearmint »

Hag Barrow to Bogtown

Leibish, Sigrid & Harmony continue their trek. You can harvest a good portion of Axebeak meat to cook over a campfire later and several flightless feathers for crafting.

Continuing on the North bank of the Moorwash, the trio encounter more creatures though thankfully these grazing herds of water buffaloes and a giant lizard basking upon some rocks are untroubled by your nearby presence.

Upon the riverbank you see two small boats. They look like fishermen have beached the clinker built craft. Along the riverbank are four people, decked out in light gear. They are sorting through some tattered nets. One stands guard while the other trio work. He sees the three of you and calls out.

actions please.
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#18 Post by SilverBen »

Leibish waves and answers the guard back in a short greeting. He turns to his companions, beckons them to stay close and follow him towards the four figures in the distance. "Sigrid, Harmony," Leibish whispers, "do you recognize them or their intent? Do not reveal our final destination until we determine if they are trustworthy. Tell them only that we are heading towards Bogtown for trade. I fear unscrupulous folk will take advantage of us."

Leibish grasps his ornate quarterstaff and makes his way cautiously through the pools of standing water. He greets the four with a friendly wave and comes to stop a fair distance away from them (perhaps 10-20 yards), but far enough away that he can whisper to his companions discreetly. He calls out loudly to the four in Common tongue, "Be careful, my friends, quicksand is not the only hazard in these parts of the moor. Are all your needs satisfied? Is there anything we can trade with you, or assist in your efforts?"
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#19 Post by Spearmint »

Hag Barrow to Bogtown

"Strong backs to help pull these to shore."

Feeling the quartet are no threat, you can approach and give them aid. They are hauling a large net which contains many large limpet like clams and freshwater oysters.

Sigrid reminds you that the gnomes who run the Rosy Quartz Jewellers often take shipments if prized pearls from clam fishers who trawl the river downstream of the Old Dwarf Bridge. These must be some of that workforce.

Looking at the two boats you see one is in a poor shape judging by the splinters of wood and gaping holes punched into it.

"A pair of merrows lurked unseen, hidden by the kelp and lily strands. They ambushed us as we trawled overhead. Poor Greenleigh was hauled overside and we left Josen in the care of the druid up yonder. We slew one and chased the other away. We have seen no sight of our comrade. Wether he lives on wounded or died we do not know."
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Re: Barrowmoor: Leibish, a destiny with Harmony.

#20 Post by SilverBen »

Leibish shakes his head in dismay and expresses sympathy saying, "Indeed, a swamp of many misfortunes and we have seen similar losses. If you are travelling towards Bogtown, I think it would be wiser to join together to bolster each other's party. We can help haul your catch for a small percentage of the pearls you may find within. Naturally, we would defend from any other hostile creatures until we arrive. Is that a favorable offer to you? Shall we be friends in travels and fortunes?"
Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.”

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