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#21 Post by Zhym »

Tom Nado stays low, keeps the cloud where it is, and tries to shoot the machine gunner before the gunner can shoot him.
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#22 Post by max_vale »

19 August, 1942; Dieppe, France

-ORANGE BEACH: Chisolm & Nado with Commando No. 4:

Tom kept his Fog Bank where it was and aimed at the German soldier moving into position behind the MG 34, but was distracted by the yelling of the trio of Nazi soldiers as they rushed out of the Fog and the shot from his M1 Garand was a bit high and missed its target.....

Next to Tom, SGT Nahum Chisholm suddenly felt something switch ON inside and in a LITERAL blur of motion, he cut loose the last 5 rounds from his Tommy Gun, riddling the MG 34 gunner; ejected the clip, rapidly slapped another one into his weapon and spun to put a second 5 round burst straight into the chest of one of the 3 Germans emerging from the fog bank; dropping him as well. As he did so, both Nado and Chisholm could suddenly both feel/smell/hear the unique 'signal' of the others Talent Powers and they both just KNEW on a subconscious level that they were both now members of he exclusive 'Talents' club.....

The British Commandoes nearby quickly dealt with the remaining two German troops that had rushed out of the Fog Bank and for a long moment everyone just kinda stared at the two American Rangers who had just Manifested Superpowers.....then SGT Hollis snapped them out of it with a; "RIGHT THEN lads....quit gawking; we got an AA tower to take out, let's move!"

They moved closer to the sound of the quadruple 20mm Flak Gun pounding away at the planes above them. As they watched, they saw a British Hurricane get shredded to pieces by the weapons deadly shells....

The Tower was only about 10 feet higher than the ground around it; but the problem was that it was protected by a bunker with an MG 34 AND a squad of Germans in a trench who had an MG and an SMG of their own; and they were not about to give it up without a fight. Quickly the two Americans were asked if they could utilize their new gifts to help out; but both were unable to do so.....leading to doing this the old fashioned way.....

Hollis and a British solider named Smythe joined with Nado and Chisholm and they quickly determined that Nado was the best grenade thrower of the lot. So the plan was that when Lord Lovat and Company suppressed and charged the trench with his men; they would take out the bunker. Chisholm, Smythe and Hollis would provide covering fire while Nado rushed close and tossed a grenade towards the narrow slit that the enemy used as a firing port**.....

-BLUE/RED AND WHITE BEACH: Koda with the Royal Regiment of Canada:

Koda reached inside himself and he seemed to hear his ancestors whispering to him in his ear and suddenly time itself seemed to slow down. He could see things in crystal clarity and in what seemed like slow motion....he 'saw' the German aiming his Rifle, working the bolt action, bringing the weapon to bear on him but he was moving so slowly....

Koda just took a step to the side, crouched down and as the enemy bullet flew high and to his left, right where he had been standing a moment ago, Koda took aim, took a deep breath....let it go and then fired himself. His round took the German soldier through the torso and dropped him to the ground.....and then time seemed to revert to normal. A long moment later, Koda realized time hadn't slowed down at all.....his sense where just so attuned, he could sense things happening at a level beyond normal human ability. The Spirits had TRULY spoken to him. Right now though, he was hearing the mumbled, pain-filled voice of PVT Dawes. Moving over the man, he saw that the wound was a bad one....but one with a bit of a luck and some good care, he might recover from. Slipping one of Dawe's arms over his shoulder, Koda got the big man to his feet and slowly, the pair moved down the beach; dismayed at the sight that greeted them. Several Churchill tanks were knocked out; a Landing ship was beached with smoke billowing out of its ruing.....dozens of dead Canadian soldiers were laying unmoving on the sand.....

Koda saw that the Casino building was in Canadian hands....for the moment anyway and he shuffled of that way, grateful to find an aid station, overflowing with wounded troops, being seen to by Medics. Dropping Dawes off, he wasn't sure what to say to his fellow soldier, but he found that Dawes had drifted of into unconsciousness, so it wouldn't matter anyway. Trying to find orders, he was able to talk briefly to an Officer, a Captain and learned that the Raid was an unmitigated disaster....at least Blue, Red and White Beaches anyway. Contradictory orders were going out; 'Advance', 'Retreat', etc., etc. The tanks were almost all knocked out as they had been unable to get anywhere due to the soft shingle beaches not allowing the treads of the vehicles to get any traction. On top of THAT, due to the staggered times of landing; many of the troops had landed right in the face of devastating fire from a semi-circle of German positions on higher ground pouring fire down on them. It was an absolute sh#t show....

Eventually, the Captain, whose name was Remmington, got the word that a 'Retreat' was definitely being called and he ordered Koda and a group of Canadian troops who were ambulatory and strong enough to make the attempt to head down to the beach when one of the British landing ships braved the incoming fire and came right up to the beach to evacuate troops. Remmington was going to stay with the wounded and Medics and hope that the Germans would provide good care for them....

Koda along with dozens of others, raced down to the ship in shallow water; hearing rounds zip past him and kick up sand all along the way, and he was soon wading out into the ocean, getting close enough to the ship to try and make a grab for the cargo-netting the sailors had thrown over the side to act as a make shift ladder....

-YELLOW BEACH II: Porcupine and Campbell with No. 3 Commando

Campbell let out a shout as he cut loose a pair of shots at the German Sniper, pinning him down for a moment at the British troops continued to crawl closer and then pull the pins on their grenades and hurl them. As they did so, the German MG 34 gunner cut loose a burst that JUST flashed over the heads of Campbell and Porcupine; but the latter was able to keep his aim on this target and he stroked his M1's trigger and put a heavy .30-06 round though the toros of the MG gunner and leave him slumped over the weapon, face down and never to look up again....

A moment later, the two British Commandos' grenades landed perfectly in the MG nest and with a twin BOOM, they took out the German Scoped Mauser trooper and wrecked the weapons. With that, the four moved to get into position to rake the Artillery Battery crews and it was only at the last second that they suddenly saw the German NCO with his MP 40 and 3 other Rifleman running parallel to them and for a long moment, both sides just stared at each other in shock....

Then the German NCO reacted and moved to spray them with his Submachinegun and something ACTIVATED inside of John Porcupine and he suddenly raised a wall of earth that provided a shield from the hail of 9mm bullets and it left the Germans staring slack-jawed at the sudden manifestation of a super power!

Caruthers was the first to yell out; "Quit gawking and take out those Jerries!"

-GREEN BEACH; Heuron with 'special Radar group' of South Saskatchewan Regiment:

Phil Heuron stretched out his hands and with snowflakes swirling around him, despite the fact that it was August in France; he directed a blue-white ray of ice directly into a pair of German soldiers firing at him and the two were turned into statues that fell over and shattered into an icy, gory mess....

Nest to him, SGT Hawkins took out the last German soldier and a long moment later, Jack Nissenthal crawled over to them and let them know; "I think I've done it lads!" The three of them moved cautiously back to the front and saw that the rest of the 'bodyguard' detachment had been killed and a platoon's worth of Germans were still out there. Hawkins took the lead and said; "This way...stay low and stay QUIET!" and soon they were sneaking their way to a gulley that led down to the beach.

There they saw a landing craft, but the crew were engaged in a fire fight with half-a-dozen Germans, of whom four were pinning them down with Rifle Fire while the other two were brining up an MG 34 with a tripod to really cut down the brave British Sailors. They were about 50 yards away and CLEARLY had no idea that Hawkins, Heuron and Nissenthal were there. Hawkins said, "I'm out of grenades....do you think you can do that Ice thing again Phil?" Heuron attempted too, but found that he couldn't. "Oh well, we're gonna have to do this the hard way then....I suggest racing foward and throwing a grenade while Nissenthal and I shoot a few with our Rifles".....

OOC: Okay, for everyone whose power had manifested last turn (i.e. Koda, Heuron and Nado....basically, you're 'OUT' of Willpower to be able to activate your Powers for the rest of of this Adventure...don't worry, this Adventure is almost over, it's mostly just an 'intro session'.......

For those whose powers are just manifesting; i.e. Chisholm and Porcupine; you've got a few rounds. Campbell's time is coming...don't worry!

Nado and Chisholm are about 30 yards form the bunker.....You can attempt to throw the 'name from here....but it'd be almost impossible to get it inside the firing port. You can move about 10 yards and throw it.....I'd recommend a Luck Point here....but it's your call.

Heuron is about 50 yards form his opponents....he can move 10 yards and hurl a grenade at Long Range....again, I'd recommend a Luck Point if that's your choice......or you can probably close to 25 yards while doing nothing else....or shoot....or whatever....

Koda, getting onto that cargo netting on a moving ship while in chest high ocean water is NOT easy.....probably a Difficulty 15 Climbing/Jumping roll

Porcupine and Campbell are about 20 yards from the 4 Germans and have 2 British Commandoes with them.

Please let me know if anyone has any questions/concerns, thanks!
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#23 Post by Zhym »

Hollis and a British solider named Smythe joined with Nado and Chisholm and they quickly determined that Nado was the best grenade thrower of the lot. So the plan was that when Lord Lovat and Company suppressed and charged the trench with his men; they would take out the bunker. Chisholm, Smythe and Hollis would provide covering fire while Nado rushed close and tossed a grenade towards the narrow slit that the enemy used as a firing port**.....
"Y'all sit tight," says Nado, "I'm gonna toss them krauts a little how-d'y-do right up the cornhole. Just like dropping a cherry bomb into a gopher hole back home! Yeee-haaaa!" He rushes forward until he's in decent range, pulls the pin, says an extremely quick prayer to any god who's willing to listen, and throws the grenade at the firing port.

Nado will use a luck point.
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#24 Post by Rex »


Nahum tries to lay suppressing fire on the machine gunner.
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#25 Post by Urson »

John hesitated just a moment- he was amazed at what had just happened, but somehow knew he was responsible for it. He moved up to the wall, peeking over it at the approaching Krauts. Clenching a fist, he willed the ground under them into a collection of pits and mounds, hoping to knock them off their feet and make them easy prey.

The intent is just small holes and hummoks- like a prairie dog town.
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#26 Post by ybn1197 »

Campbell runs over to the wall Porcupine has found in front of him. "What... the... hell?! Not wishing to loss what special situation they now have in their possession, Campbell will fire from behind the cover of the wall.
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#27 Post by ateno »

"Sir, Mr. Remington, sir, if I could find someone, I'd like to take my buddy back on the ship. Between the two of us I bet we can."

Koda will allow to be talked out of it or the medics saying we cant move him, otherwise he will find someone to help.

At the ship seeing the danger in the surf, he will organize two people helping one up and up the rope, so on, then the lowest will be helped by the next up the line and so on. Hopefully this will avoid losing anyone in the dangerous maneuver.

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#28 Post by kipper »

"Yes, Sergeant!" Phil replies to Hawkins. "Cover me if they spot me, I'm making the throw." So saying, he rushes forward 10 feet and hurls his grenade with all his might and forward momentum. (Using a luck point)

After throwing the grenade, he will drop to his belly and ready his rifle to fire on any Germans who survive the blast.
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#29 Post by max_vale »

19 August, 1942; Dieppe, France

-ORANGE BEACH: Chisolm & Nado with Commando No. 4:

Lord Lovat gives the order and most of the men of Commando No. 4 open fire at the Germans in the trench as one large unit; taking out several of the enemy and pinning the rest down in their holes....

At the same time, Tom Nado charged forward with a grenade in his hand towards the bunker while behind him Chisholm, Smythe and Hollis laid down suppressing fire into the slit opening in the Bunker face that allowed the German inside to fire out. Concentrating their fire on the MG 34 gunner, they were successful in keeping the powerful weapon from firing and Tom let loose with a remarkable throw that saw his 'nade fly right into the slit opening and bounce around inside the bunker...

At about the same moment, a German with a Rifle fired a shot that punched a hole in Tom's lower left side and caused him to fall to one knee with a cry of pain*. A moment later, the Bunker shuddered from the grenade blast and smoke came billowing out of the slit as the weapon took out all the Germans inside.

Lovat then called out for his men to charge the trench and with a quick storming action that rapidly drove the enemy fleeing deeper into France; the immediate sector was clear. Lovat then had some men hurl grenades up at the AA Tower and they quickly took out the Gun crew. Meanwhile, a Medic was pouring sulfa powder over Nado's wound and applying a bandage and then they moved to gather around the charismatic Lovat.

"Alright lads, everyone's done a lovely job so far....now it's time for the main event. Charlie, get that Bren going to get the gunners of that battery ducking down; Donner you guard him and the rest of us charge when I give the command, yeah?", he says as he looks at everyone in turn. Everyone nods and then he moves everyone into a ragged line abreast and assigns different groups to target specific 150mm guns in the 6 gun battery. Nado, Chisholm, Smythe and Hollis he assigns the Right most Gun to capture with an aim to Spike (Destroy....typically by exploding the barrel or breach block) afterwards. With a nod to Charlie and Donner; the Bren LMG opens up and Lovat yells, "CHARGE!!!!!!!!" and he rushed forward towards the Artillery Pieces....

OOC: *Nado is Wounded and will be at -1D for all future actions; Everyone is now charging towards the battery of Six 150mm Artillery Cannons which have about 50-60 Germans all around them.

-BLUE/RED AND WHITE BEACH: Koda with the Royal Regiment of Canada:

Koda is told he had to go and poor Dawes will be stuck to either die on the beach at the British aid station or if he's 'lucky'; to become a prisoner of the 3rd Reich. With that, the Canadian rushes out into the waist-deep water and eventually makes it to the wildly pitching Landing Ship. Tracers and shell splashes occasionally land near or buzz past and it's all Koda can do to summon enough strength to get ahold of the netting and haul himself slowly aboard. It's only his impressive stamina that allows him to do this, as he notices several of his fellow Canadian soldiers either end up drowning trying to escape the beach or else, floating back to become prisoners of the Germans, if they're lucky.....

As Koda lies flat on his back on the deck of the rocking and rolling ship, he notices up in the sky that the air battle above Dieppe is every bit as intense as the ground one. As Koda watches, he sees an RCAF (Royal Canadian Air Force) marked Hurricane get behind a German ME-109 fighter and with a long burst from it's 8 thirty-caliber machine-guns, it soon shoots down the Nazi fighter and sends it crashing into the fields behind the town of Dieppe. Right afterwards, however, an FW-190 German fighter avenges its fallen companion and riddles the Canadian fighter with cannon and MG fire and the Hurricane, aflame, starts nose-diving towards the Landing Ship Koda is on....

The pilot of the Hurricane manages to leap out of his falling fighter, but he's too low to get his 'chute deployed in time. Instead, Koda suddenly FEELS/SMELLS/HEARS a new Talent power emerging as the Pilot begins to FLY down towards the ship....gliding like a bird in a shallow dive. Koda slowly gets to his feet as he ALSO notices that the German FW 190 follows the Pilot down, but rapidly overshoots him and instead seems to be lining up for a strafing run on the Landing Ship Koda is on! As the FW 190 dives down to a couple hundred feet off the ground and just a few hundred yards away, Koda looks around and sees and unmanned 20mm Anti-Aircraft Cannon*......

OOC: Okay, Koda does NOT have the Gunnery Skill which is what this would use (Under MECHANICAL), but he DOES have a Luck Point....Just thought I'd mention it! Of course he can also just duck for cover, etc.....

-YELLOW BEACH II: Porcupine and Campbell with No. 3 Commando

John Porcupine suddenly could FEEL that he could control the Earth around him in different ways and he dropped the wall and opened up a series of holes where the German troops were and the 3 Riflemen suddenly founds themselves falling. They ended up landing hard and painfully twisting ankles and/or breaking legs/arms as they landed at awkward angles as the ground beneath their feet suddenly SHIFTED in ways their bodies and minds had a hard time grasping....

The German NCO with the MP 40 was not in the 'blast radius' of this attack and with a quick drop to the ground, he dodged a shot from Caruthers and put a burst of 9mm rounds into poor PVT Casey, ending the Commando's life then and there. CPL Campbell felt a powerful rage and anger build up inside of himself at that moment and without knowing HOW he hid it, a sudden 'scream' burst forth from his body and with black lines radiated out in every direction from himself he targeted the scream towards the German SGT and he hit the man like a ton of bricks....sending him flying to land hard some 5 yards away with his neck twisted at an unnatural angle.

As Campbell did this, Porcupine could feel/smell/taste/hear the Talent Power coming from his fellow Ranger and afterwards, a long awkward moment occurred with the two Americans and British CPL Caruthers all looking at each other in wonder. A moment later, they snapped out of it and rushed forward to gather together for the possible assault of the Goebbels Battery...

Major Young took a look at his force of 20 men and he could see that the Germans at the Battery outnumbered them by at least 4 to 1. "Well lads, I don't think we'll be able to capture and spike them with just ourselves....but perhaps the rest of No. 3 Commando will put in an appearance before too much longer.....in the meantime...well, we can give them something to think about anyway and maybe get their attention away from out boys on the beach." With that, he led them all to within 200 yards and after spreading out and finding cover, he suddenly gave the order; "Okay then, POUR IT ON!"

Campbell and Porcupine expended most of their ammo keeping a brisk fire on the enemy and there could tell they had taken out at LEAST 20-30 of the enemy and they certainly succeeded in getting their attention and keeping them from firing the guns. After a long couple of hours though, it was becoming more and more painfully clear that the rest of No. 3 Commando was NOT going to be showing up and in the meantime, a couple of Young's men had been killed and several others wounded. It was also becoming clear that the entire Dieppe Raid was a Disaster and most of the troops on the various beaches that could were pulling out.

"Well then....nothing for it then lads.....let's get back to the cliff and climb down into the boat while we can. You've all done your jobs splendidly. Look lively now, let's go!" he said as he waited to make sure all of them were moving towards the Cliff faces they had climbed up and soon Porcupine and Campbell were back at the Cliff faces. As they got there, a patrol of 7 or 8 Germans suddenly appeared out of smoke clouds and they were stunned to see the Allied group....

*OOC: Okay there's a squad of 8 or so Germans about 30 yards away....they're surprised to see you all, you've got a free round of actions. No Talent Powers can be used right now (your initial 'use' used up all your WP.....so it's just normal skills/weapons, sorry!)

-GREEN BEACH; Heuron with 'special Radar group' of South Saskatchewan Regiment:

Phil rushed forward, pulling the pin on his grenade and he launched it with hope and a prayer in his heart.....and his hopes and prayers were answered...

The Grenades bounced a couple of times and then went off in PERFECT position to take out both MG crew members AND wounded a third German solider, who was quickly cut down by Jack or possible Hawkins' rifle shots. Another solider fell as well and as the Germans spun around at this unexpected attack from behind; the men on the landing craft cut them down with the 'freebie' shots they were given....

Phil raced down to the Beach with Jack and Hawkins and soon they were wading out to the landing craft and reaching up to climb aboard....a long, miserable morning coming to an end.....
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#30 Post by Rex »


Nahum charges his assigned target, opening up with his Tommy gun once he is within range, suppressing fire on the German line there.
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#31 Post by Urson »

John has had years of practice playing the "stone- faced Red man". He raises an eyebrow, as if he manifested Super powers every day. His nose wrinkles as he gets a whiff of the burning oil smell of Meta abilities activating.
When the squad of Krauts is spotted, Porcupine throws a grenade, then drops flat.
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#32 Post by Zhym »

Nado thanks the medic for the patch job and joins the charge as best he can, shooting at the troops manning the gun he's assigned to take.
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#33 Post by kipper »

The day isn't over yet!, Phil tells himself as he checks back over his shoulder against the unexpected appearance of any Germans before helping Nissenthal up onto the landing craft.
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#34 Post by ateno »

Koda will run to the 20mm aa and man it. And will use a luck point.

Whacking the guy next to him, "Come with me and load."

Trying to recall the 15 minutes of training in Canada, Koda will arm in and aim just below.

He tries to visualize a wolf coming at instead of a machine.
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#35 Post by ybn1197 »

Normally confident in his abilities, Campbell follows along with the others in more of a "zombie" mode. What just happened, he thought to himself. With the appearance of the enemy squad, he had little time to devote to musing. Dropping down to a one-knee firing stance, Campbell takes sight on the troops and begins to take slow and steady shots.
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#36 Post by max_vale »

19 August, 1942; Dieppe, France

-ORANGE BEACH: Chisolm & Nado with Commando No. 4:

The men of Commando No. 4 charge the six gun battery with Lord Lovat in the lead; their fire as they race in is devastating to the German gun crews, dropping them where they stand or causing them to fall to the ground or mill about in a panic....

Nahum Chisholm cuts loose the last 5 rounds in his Tommy Gun's clip, riddling a loader and then quickly he ejects the empty clip, slaps in a fresh one and cuts loose 10 rounds of suppressing fire as Nado and several of the British Commandoes race forward past him....

Tom Nado fires his M1 Garand at the men manning the 150mm Artillery Cannon he's charging; doing his best to ignore the pain in his side and upon hearing the distinctive 'ping' as the 8 round clip is emptied and the holder is ejected out of the top of his weapon's action, he kneels down, pulls a fresh clip and slips it into the Rifle's action, working the bolt to chamber a round. As he does so, he looks around and he is amazed and delighted to see that the Germans are all either KIA on the ground, fleeing into the countryside or have their hands raised over their heads in surrender. He looks over and sees his fellow American Ranger Chisholm with a similar delighted, slightly unbelieving looking on his face as well. The moment ends when a British SGT calls out; "Hey! Quit gawking Yanks and help us spike this bloody gun, would ya?"

Chisholm and Nado quickly move to help out and soon, the entire battery of 6 guns are knocked out with exploded barrels or breech blocks and the men of Commando No. 4, along with a few 'Jerry' prisoners are back down on the beach and re-loading into their landing craft. It's not until they are well out to sea and into the Channel that they realize from seeing the burning and shot-up craft all around them and hearing the reports from the radio that the rest of the Operation has been a total disaster. This bums many of them out, but Lord Lovat makes sure to shake each man's hand and thank them for the job they did and talk a bit with them, doing much to improve their spirits....

-TRANSPORT SHIP: YUKON off of BLUE/RED AND WHITE BEACH: Koda with the Royal Regiment of Canada:

As the FW 190 fighter dove down towards the Transport ship Koda had found himself on, the young, First Canadian dug deep within himself to find the willpower to rush towards an unmanned 20 mm AA gun and he quickly charged the lever to get the 20 mm rounds in the Drum feed to cycle into the action and putting his shoulders into the harness, he found the triggers, raised the weapon and opened up...

The weapon was loud and the vibration in his shoulders shook his entire body, but he persevered and walked the stream of rounds up and into the German fighter even as he ignored the two nose-mounted MGs and the wing mounted cannons that were tearing a patch towards him, splashing up water on the side of the ship in a neat-row and/or tearing up bits of metal as they impacted the hull of the Transport ship he was on....

Then abruptly, the FW 190 lurched hard and smoke started pouring from his body and it pulled up out of its strafing run and wobbled towards the coast of France, trailing smoke and flames from its body as it soon passed out of sight of Koda and the young man suddenly fell forward into the straps, exhausted all of a sudden....

A man with a pencil thin mustached and a Flight suit soon came running over to him, saying; "I say, GOOD SHOW Lad! That back-shooter got him after I got his buddy, but you showed him, what?" As Koda looked up, he saw a man in an RCAF Flight Lieutenant's uniform and whose face seemed to change upon realizing who he was talking too. "Oh.....one of YOU.....well....GOOD....JOB...", the man said in a loud and slow tone and with a shake of his head, the officer was soon walking away towards the interior of the ship, leaving Koda just shaking his head as the arrogance and stupidity of some. A long moment later, he realized, this MUST'VE been the pilot who manifested a Talent Power and 'flew' down to land on the ship....

For now, Koda just fell back against the wall of the ship, let out a deep breath and did his best to take stock of all that had happened as they made their way back to England....

-YELLOW BEACH II: Porcupine and Campbell with No. 3 Commando

At the unexpected sight of a German Patrol suddenly brought the 20 or so Commandoes up short, American Rangers Porcupine and Campbell sprang into action with the former hurling a well-placed grenade that took a trio of German soldiers while the latter opened up with his Rifle, quickly dropping another German solider as well. The Brits responded quickly as well and soon the Germans were all KIA or fleeing the scene....

With barely any ammunition left, Major Peter Young led the band back to the cliffs and down to the beach, loading up on a landing craft and setting of into the smoky haze of the battlefield. The courageous British officer patted each man on the solider and told them all they had done themselves proud, it wasn't their fault that War sometimes didn't go their way....

As they pulled deeper and deeper into the Channel on the way back to England, they learned that over half of Number 3 Commando never even made it to the Beach, due to the German Convoy run-in. Meanwhile, about 120 others HAD managed to land on Yellow I beach; and of that group, all but 1 had been killed or captured; including several American Rangers. Porcupine and Campbell huddled shoulder to shoulder on the quiet ride back to England, a lot on their minds after their first taste of action and the first manifestation of their Talent Powers....

-GREEN BEACH; Heuron with 'special Radar group' of South Saskatchewan Regiment:

Phil Heuron splashed over to the landing craft and after ensuring that Jack Nissenthal and Hawkins were on board, the Quebecois Talent climbed aboard himself. Gasping for air and falling back to lay on his back in the boat, the young Canadian took a long moment to take stock of all that had happened on his first, CRAZY mission in the war. On top of all THAT, he was a bonafide Talent! It was ALMOST enough to make him forget about all the death, destruction and nonsense that had happened all around him....almost....
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#37 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

"Thank you Sir, it was a pleasure serving under you."
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#38 Post by Urson »

On the trip back to their ship, Porcupine is very quiet, obviously mulling over everything he's seen and done today. He takes time for a brief, silent prayer
Gitchee Manitou, thank you for this strange new skill. I will try to use it well.
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#39 Post by ateno »

As the ship leaves the combat area, Koda will take advantage of lack of leadership and take a nap till woken up.
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