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Rider of Rohan
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#1 Post by Leitz »


CharGen notes will be in this post, and updated as required. Please ask anything that needs asking.

USS High Guard

Roll 6 stats; 2d6 in order: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Endurance (END), Intelligence (INT), Education (EDU), Social Status (SOC). Any roll of less than 6 becomes 6.

Star Fleet Academy: you were admitted and passed. Roll for your EDU gain. Then roll for Skills, adding your EDU modifier. You also have Pilot-0, Sensors/Comms-0. If you graduate with Honors, add +1 to any two skills.

Star Fleet Medical Academy is as written; you were admitted and passed.

If you have had any duty terms after the academy, but before the game, pick your branch. Pick two skills per term, max of three terms post academy. Add your INT and EDU modifier to the total number of skills.

Add the following options: Admin, Leadership, BladeCbt, Sensors.
Change the following: Gunnery includes all ships weapons. GunCbt includes all Star Fleet energy weapons. Navigation does not include sensors, etc. Survey does.

There are four separate Science skills – Physical Sciences, Life Sciences, Social Sciences and Space Sciences. Each science skill has a number of sub-areas.
Physical Sciences
  • Physics: The study of the fundamental forces.
  • Chemistry: The study of matter at the atomic, molecular, and macromolecular levels
  • Electronics: The study of circuits and computers.
Life Sciences
  • Biology: The study of living organisms.
  • Cybernetics: The study of blending living and synthetic life.
  • Genetics: The study of genetic codes and engineering.
  • Psionicology: The study of psionic powers and phenomena.
Social Sciences
  • Archeology: The study of ancient civilisations. It also covers techniques of investigation and excavations.
  • Economics: The study of trade and markets.
  • History: The study of the past, as seen through documents and records as opposed to physical artefacts.
  • Linguistics: The study of languages.
  • Philosophy: The study of beliefs and religions.
  • Psychology: The study of thought and society.
  • Sophontology: The study of intelligent living creatures.
Space Sciences
  • Planetology: The study of planet formation and evolution.
  • Robotics: The study of robot construction and use.
  • Xenology: The study of alien life forms.
  • Time Travel: the study of time travel
  • Warp Theory: The study of warp field theory
One promotion per active duty term, automatic. Add one skill for each promotion.

Roll 10+ to get a Commendation or write a good story about how your character earned it.

Write up your assignments, if you like. You can use them to build your back-story and define your character.

To be a department head you need a primary department skill of 3+, and Leadership-1 or Admin-1.

Public Bio
When your character is finalized, post a public bio in the pre-game IC thread. This is rank, name, department (and status, if dept head), species, gender (if applicable), and any 3+ skills. The last is due to reputation. For example:

LT Janice Smith, Security Chief, Human, Female, GunCbt-3.


5944.9 Added the INT and EDU mods to skill lists.
5945.3 Added Rank, Awards, and Assignments. Added Public Bio.
5947.3 Added Sciences, courtesy of gurusql.
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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: CharGen

#2 Post by jemmus »

[Draft, in progress]
Vulcan male
Weapons/Security Officer

DEX 3 6
EDU 5 6
SOC 11


Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
Samurai Adventures (Cold Iron) - Kiyoshi, ronin bushi
WW2 Supers d6 - Luther "Luke" Goodfox
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