Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#101 Post by DadsAngry »


"Gorum! I'm glad to see you. I'm having problems transitioning to this new life." Major chuckles to himself at the irony. "So much has changed for me since Dr. Hamilton unlocked the secrets in my head. I'm having a tough time wrapping my head around them. I'm not the man I thought I was. When I look into the mirror I no longer see who I really am. I'm... no, no best not to tell. Not yet at least. The memories locked in my head could be dangerous to others if they knew. I must wait until it all comes back. It's better that you don't know now. Just know that I am still your friend. Anyway, what brings you here? I was hoping to see you. It's time I start a new chapter in my life and I'd like to start it with someone I can trust. I can trust you can't I Gorum?"
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#102 Post by Mant72 »

Gorum beams at the sight of his old friend, “Major! You look well, and I hope you are feeling better. Yes, this new life is full of unexpected and unimaginable changes. I too am struggling from time to time with the transition. I suggest we stay together, along with X, to see that this transition continues smoothly. We experienced many harrowing events together, and yet we still live. We are survivors that can count on each other. What say you we revisit the “old days” and investigate this religious kult I have heard about? Seems to be a promising, honest way to earn our keep and possibly help others. What say you, friend? Shall we once more take to the open road?”
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#103 Post by DadsAngry »


Major nods his head in agreement. "That sounds like a good plan. It will be good to see X again."
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#104 Post by Grognardsw »

Gorum and Major Jack Bohlen reunited with Xthithizyte, the alien parasite from bygone Urth. We was now attached to a new host, a synthetic cyborg with a nervous system that could accomodate X.

They learned that Zardoz was imprisoned and would be prosecuted for a long list of crimes.

Major equipped himself for his new mercenary life, having been given access to the equipment stores by Dr. Hamilton.
Major can equip himself with weapons, gear, etc. found on p. A29-32.


Man and mutant boarded a star cruiser for the Plurality Sector, a galaxy several weeks away. On the journey they read their mission brief. The worlds of the Plurality possessed great technology (beyond that of Starhaven) but were also very religious, each planet host to a great variety of established churches and more recently, smaller kults.

In a world where technology called Shells made bodies interchangeable, and where memories were for sale through Shifts, and the concept of consciousness was debatable. The Shell and Shift technology spread over decades among the many planets of the Plurality. Its lure was undeniable, the effect profound. Body and soul.

Body. To escape the limitations of the self, to visit or live forever in another body. Did the artificiality of the Shell matter? Apparently not. The societal ramifications were still playing out still.

Soul. To live outside yourself, escape the bounds of reality. The Shift enabled the mind to experience the memories of others, from fleeting experiences to the totality of life. To play there, to work there. Some would even live in other people’s minds if they could. People believed in the Shift. And belief is a powerful force.

Such was the state of the worlds of the Plurality when the gods came to visit. The whisperings were just starting: Life after death experiences, miracles, visitations from the deities themselves. All for one to see, hear, experience, to live, for the cost of black market Shifts. It was said some of these were shared for no cost except belief and joining. The kults were growing through the Shifts.

Here was proof, the zealots would proclaim. The friction of faiths would ignite like in the days of past, darker ages.

“We must investigate and understand what is going on with these so-called religious experiences, expose them for what they are, and shut down their operations,” said the report from Gorum and Major's anonymous employer (X suspected an organizations like the Interplanetary Coalition of True Religions, a trade association of established religions.) “What are now isolated incidents will grow commonplace. Dec-centuries have shown us the perils of such paths.”

"Your first lead is The Dream Palace of Aran-Tur, in Zibylon, on the planet Pzion. There we know heretical Shifts are secretly traded and a kult may very well be operating."


Let me know OOC if you have questions that the briefing may help on.
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#105 Post by DadsAngry »


Major looks around the equipment room.
"Mr. Hamilton is there a device to prevent one's thoughts from being probed or traded?"
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#106 Post by Grognardsw »

DadsAngry wrote: Wed Jul 21, 2021 4:59 pm Major:

Major looks around the equipment room.
"Mr. Hamilton is there a device to prevent one's thoughts from being probed or traded?"
Dr. Hamilton shook his head. “No, such technology if it exists is beyond us. It may exist in the Plurality.”

Major Bohlen reviewed the assignment briefing more. The Shifts contained recorded memories that when played made the “viewer” feel like they were living through the same experience. Peoples memories were not being stolen for the Shifts. Shift manufacturers (called Creators) paid people for their memories, then recorded, packaged and marketed them.

Controversy arose with Shifts showing miracles and and religious experiences. Were they real? Kults were now using Shifts
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#107 Post by Mant72 »

Gorum’s thoughts reel with how complex his life has become, and he momentarily longs for the simplicity of tribal life - hunting, fishing, gathering, rituals, and celebrations. As quickly as these thoughts enter his mind, they are banished. “These things are no more…,” the gibbon mutant acknowledges in silence.

“Dr. Hamilton, when do we touch down and make for The Dream Palace of Aran-Tur?”
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#108 Post by Grognardsw »

"The journey by star cruiser to the Plurality system and planet Psion will take several weeks," answered Dr. Hamilton to Gorum and Major Bohlen. "You'll have ample time to both strategize and relax. Hone your skills with your new weapons."

Man, mutant and alien parasite cyborg boarded the ship, a gigantic cruiser that seemed to Major and Gorum to be a city unto itself. The trio found they had plenty of time on the hand during the long journey. After a week, during some casual research on the planet and its religiousity, Xthithizyte came across an interesting citation:

“The faithbot Romtifex grew convinced that the various major religions were alternate paths to the same goal. After experiencing each of the major religions over several centuries, Romtifex concluded that there existed an essential unity among them. He programmed, “God has made different religions to suit different aspirations, times, and cultures. All doctrines are only so many paths; but a path is by no means God Itself.” A more contemporary version of this argument runs as such: All religions are like the components upon a circuit board, each working in tandem toward a goal but all connected to the same motherboard. The question, of course, is can this be right?”
- Romtifex the Illuminated, AI-IV


If you'd like to do anything specific on the star cruiser - crew interactions, research on the computers, etc. - just role play it out. I'll move it ahead to planet-side

Three weeks later the star cruiser orbited Pzion. Gorum, Major and X debarked.


They considered what actions to take now. Given they were well rested and had arrived early evening, X suggested they proceeed to the Shift market called The Dream Palace of Aran-Tur.


The capitol mega-city of Zibylon stretched before Major Bohlen and Gorum. The sprawling city was a seemingly unending mass of metal and glass and light, people and Shells and artificials, a repeating fractal of chaotic life.

The mercenaries made their way by slide walkers and jump booths to the 6th sector and its neighborhood of escapisms. The Dream Palace of Aran-Tur was exotic in name only, a dark building that had seen better days. It was nestled among sniffer joints, helix parlors, 'netic vendors and exo-shops. Major was only propositioned twice.

The entrance to the Shifter palace was a holographed brain, through and behind which they knew was the door.
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#109 Post by Mant72 »

Gorum turns to Major and X, “This is a strange place filled with strange denizens. We should be wary upon entering. Shall we scout about the building a bit or proceed?” He gestures toward the holographic brain entry way.
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#110 Post by DadsAngry »


Major looks around at his surroundings. "We are no different than them Gorum. Everything is strange here. Come let's go inside."
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#111 Post by Grognardsw »

The entrance to the Shifter palace was a holographed brain. Major and Gorum stepped through it and saw the real door dilate open. Inside was a large two-story hall with a half-circle counter behind which uniformed men and women dealt dreams and marketed memories. Customers loitered about, talking with clerks and reviewing catalogs. There were rows of numbered doors along all walls, behind which customers Shifted. Stairs at each corner led to a second floor balcony that encircled the second floor of the two-story hall. Along the second floor balcony were doors into more Shift rooms.

Gorum's eyes were drawn to one person in particular, an elaborate Shell.
"May I help you?" asked a female clerk, approaching Major.
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#112 Post by DadsAngry »


"Yes, thank you. I'm an off-worlder and I've heard of your shell and shift technology. My companion here is interested in purchasing one could you walk us through the process?"
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#113 Post by Grognardsw »


The clerk, a severely dressed though not unattractive human woman, smiled at Major. "Of course."

She handed Major a screen scroll. Its stylized e-ink described categories of Shift experiences: dangerous adventure, arousing encounters, alien revelations, trans living, magic and the impossible, nostalgia and days- gone-by, professions of the world, master and servant. The menu went on ad nauseam. Each category had a sub-set of Shift scenarios and corresponding prices. Credit was accepted, subscriptions were available, and installment plans could be arranged.

Gorum's eyes were drawn to one category in particular: religious epiphanies and the euphoria of faith.

The clerk stepped closer to Major, angling her head to the screen scroll and pointing at it. He was very aware of her presence. “My name is Kirylla,” her voice softening. Major could smell her perfume. Alluring; or was it phero-influencers?
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#114 Post by Mant72 »

Gorum clears his throat in order to try to draw the attention of the austerely-dressed human female. “Miss Kirylla, can you further explain how this process works or perhaps provide a demonstration? The topics of religious epiphanies and the euphoria of faith seem intriguing.”
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#115 Post by Grognardsw »

Gorum's ears perked at mention of religions, given what their assignment was...

“We must investigate and understand what is going on with these so-called religious experiences, expose them for what they are, and shut down their operations,” said the report from Gorum and Major's anonymous employer (X suspected an organizations like the Interplanetary Coalition of True Religions, a trade association of established religions.) “What are now isolated incidents will grow commonplace. Dec-centuries have shown us the perils of such paths.”

"Your first lead is The Dream Palace of Aran-Tur, in Zibylon, on the planet Pzion. There we know black-market heretical Shifts are secretly traded and a kult may very well be operating."

Kirylla handed the mutant monkey a screen scroll and helped Gorum look at the religious topics.

"One chooses a Shift you'd like to Experience, which you then do in the Experience Chambers," explained Kirylla, motioning around to the many numbered doors. "A helmet with neuro-trodes enables the Experience. You live it as did the person whose memory it is, in full mental reality, with all emotions and five senses. Sometimes more than five senses, if your memoree is an alien. The Experience remains with you, becoming part of your own memory."

"The religious epiphanies and the euphoria of faith categories represent the experiences of sentient beings, be it miracles, revelations, spiritual achievement, states of peace, oneness, or euphoria that may be achieved through the mysteries of Faith."
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#116 Post by DadsAngry »


Major is a little uncomfortable with Kirylla getting so close. Visions of his wife flash in his head reminding him of his commitment to her. He takes a step back and searches for fresh air to remove the temptation as she explains the screen scroll to Gorum. As she goes through the many choices Major waits for a break in the conversation to ask his next question. "Are there any side effects? Residue thoughts or experiences after one shifts? Any long-term effects if abused?"
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#117 Post by Grognardsw »

"There are no side effects besides the impact of the experience itself," explained Kirylla to Major after he cleared his head. "Some are moved to new perspectives from "living" the experience of the memoree. For the religious, perhaps they gain new appreciations, or consider joining a new religion."

"There shouldn't be any long-term effect. As far as abuse, I suppose if one were addicted to the thrill of certain experiences one could become addicted. Just like in real life, some can become addicted to certain thrills, or feelings, or whatnot."

Major knew she was referring to legitimate Shifts. Would black-market Shifts be different? How would one go about finding out about such, or "experiencing" them?
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#118 Post by DadsAngry »


"Thanks. Could you give my friend and me a minute to look over the list? I'll find you when we've decided."
Major waits for Kirylla to walk off out of earshot.
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#119 Post by Grognardsw »

"Of course, take your time," said Kyrilla.

She walked out of earshot.

Major faced Gorum.
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Re: Urth's Orphans - Chp. 1: Revelations (Gorum and Major)

#120 Post by DadsAngry »


"What do you think Gorum? Should we try one of these on the list and see how they work?"
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