Character Creation

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#61 Post by dmw71 »

The items and costs shown in the following tables can be used during character creation. Also, additional details and notes are provided in the various categories below:

Adventuring Gear
Adventuring Gear.png
Adventuring Gear.png (55.59 KiB) Viewed 921 times

Holy Water
Because holy water falls under the general equipment (not weapon) category, it will do its full stated damage against undead creatures and is not subject to the variable weapon damage rules.

Weapons.png (59.66 KiB) Viewed 921 times

Variable Weapon Damage
A variation of the official variable weapon damage rules are being used in this game, see: Variable Weapon Damage.

Ammunition.png (21.9 KiB) Viewed 921 times

Armor.png (21.72 KiB) Viewed 921 times

See: Equipment, Standard Procedures

These prices can be considered estimates of costs once the game begins, with fluctuations possible in either direction depending on region, merchant/vendor reactions, or any number of other potential conditions.

Other Equipment
If a character wishes to purchase an item that does not have a price listed in one of the above tables, ask.
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#62 Post by dmw71 »

Variable Weapon Damage
A variation of the optional 'Variable Weapon Damage' will be used in this game.

The amount of damage a character will do with any weapon will equal the Hit Dice type of their class. Thief characters (and their derivatives: Acrobat, Assassin) will be considered to have d6 hit dice for weapon considerations only (their actual hit dice and hit points will remain at d4):
  • d4: Gnome, Illusionist, Magic-User, Svirfneblin
    d6: Acrobat, Assassin, Bard, Cleric, Drow, Druid, Duergar, Elf, Half-Elf, Halfling, Half-Orc, Thief
    d8: Barbarian, Dwarf, Fighter, Knight, Paladin, Ranger

Attack Macro
Because all weapons will do the same damage, only a single macro will be needed.

The 'Reload' Weapon Quality will be used.
Reload (optional rule) wrote:Requires a round to reload between shots; can only be fired every second round.
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Weapon Proficiencies and Weapon Specialization

#63 Post by dmw71 »

Weapon Proficiencies
The optional 'Weapon Proficiency' rules are going to be used in this game.
Weapon Proficiency.png
Weapon Proficiency.png (219.58 KiB) Viewed 916 times

As above, when it comes to weapons (only), the Thief class (and its derivatives) are considered to have d6 hit dice.

d4: Gnome, Illusionist, Magic-User

Initial Weapon Proficiencies: 1 (1/5 levels)
Non-Proficient Attacks: -5

d6: Acrobat, Assassin, Bard, Cleric, Drow, Druid, Duergar, Elf, Half-Elf, Halfling, Half-Orc, Svirfneblin, Thief

Initial Weapon Proficiencies: 3 (1/4 levels)
Non-Proficient Attacks: -3

d8: Barbarian, Dwarf, Fighter, Knight, Paladin, Ranger

Initial Weapon Proficiencies: 4 (1/3 levels)
Non-Proficient Attacks: -2

Weapon Specialization
The optional 'Weapon Specialization' rule is going to be allowed in this game... with some wrinkles.

First, the rule:
Weapon Specialization.png
Weapon Specialization.png (55.17 KiB) Viewed 916 times

Now the wrinkles:

First, the rule will be open to all classes, not just martial classes.

Any weapon can be specialized in, but the specialization is specific to that type of weapon:
  1. A short sword is not the same as a sword, which is not the same as a two-handed sword.
  2. A short bow is not the same as a longbow, which is not the same as a crossbow.
There are now two specialization paths: one focusing on accuracy (+1 attack roll) and one focusing on power (+1 damage roll).
  1. Each step down each path costs 1 weapon proficiency slot.
  2. Additional steps can be taken (e.g. stacked) down each path by spending additional proficiency slots (e.g. double, or triple-specialization), but only after new proficiency slots are gained (e.g. d8 = 1/3 levels; d6 = 1/4 levels; d4 = 1/5 levels).
  3. A character can pursue both specialization paths at the same time.
    1. Different paths will likely (but not always) require different instructors.
    2. Specialization is only "free" during character creation.

      Once a character has entered play, electing to specialize initially or looking to add an additional step to an existing specialty path must be role-played in-game (e.g. a trainer must be sought out, paid, time must be invested, etc...)
      Any training paid for is guaranteed to be successful; the duration of training required will be the only variable;
    3. A character is not limited to specializing in just a single weapon; if they have the weapon proficiency slots and want to specialize, they're welcome to -- with a single weapon, multiple weapons; down a single path for each, or both paths for multiple weapons.

      The only limitations are the number of available weapons proficiency slots and the limit of 1 slot per path per opportunity.
  4. Proficiency slots not spent when they're available are considered lost (e.g. a fighter can't "bank" one of their initial weapon proficiency slots to use later).

  1. A wizard wants to specialize with a dagger... with only one initial weapon proficiency slot, they will pick their weapon -- a dagger.
  2. At 6th-level, when the wizard gains a new weapon proficiency, they can spend that new proficiency slot pursuing a specialization path -- either accuracy or power. Because this is happening after initial character creation, this undertaking will need to take place in-game.

    The wizard chooses accuracy (+1 to hit, normal damage).

  3. At 11th-level, when the wizard gains a third weapon proficiency slot, they can spend that new slot taking a second step down their current accuracy path (+2 to hit, 1d4 damage), or take the first step down the power specialization path (+1 to hit, 1d4+1 damage). Also in-game.

Fighter A
  1. Fighter A begins play proficient with two weapons -- a dagger (1 slot) and a two-handed sword (1 slot).

    Two proficiency slot remaining.
  2. Fighter A spends one of their two remaining proficiency slots pursuing the power specialization path with their two-handed sword (1d8+1 damage).
    Note: Because of the variation of the 'Variable Weapon Damage' rule, introduced in the 'Weapons' house rule, a Fighter using a two-handed sword will still do "only" 1d8 damage (equal to their Hit Die type) and not the 1d10 damage listed.

    It would be a flavor choice.

    One proficiency slot remaining.
  3. Fighter A spends their last proficiency slot pursing the power specialization with their dagger (normal to hit, 1d8+1 damage).
    Note: Because of the variation of the 'Variable Weapon Damage' rule, introduced in the 'Weapons' house rule, a Fighter using a dagger will do a full 1d8 damage (equal to their Hit Die type) and not the 1d4 damage listed.
  4. At 4th-level, when Fighter A gains a new weapon proficiency slot. They spend that slot pursuing the accuracy specialization path with their two-handed sword (+1 to hit, 1d8+1 damage).

    This new specialization will need to be pursued and completed in-game.
  5. At 8th-level, Fighter A uses their new proficiency slot to take a second step in the power specialization path with their two-handed sword (+1 to hit, 1d8+2 damage).

    This will also need to be attempted in-game.

Fighter B
  1. Fighter B begins play proficient with two weapons -- a dagger (1 slot) and a two-handed sword (1 slot).

    Two proficiency slot remaining.
  2. Fighter B spends both remaining proficiency slots specializing with their two-handed sword -- 1 slot down the accuracy path, 1 slot down the power path (+1 to hit, 1d8+1 damage).
    Note: It is not possible to spend multiple proficiency slots on the same path at the same time.

    Also, as before, because of the variation of the 'Variable Weapon Damage' rule, introduced in the 'Weapons' house rule, a Fighter using a two-handed sword will still do "only" 1d8 damage (equal to their Hit Die type) and not the 1d10 damage listed.

    It would be a flavor choice.
  3. At 4th-level, Fighter B spends their new proficiency slot completing the second step down the power specialization path with their two-handed sword (+1 to hit, 1d8+2 damage).

    This new specialization will need to be pursued and completed in-game.
  4. At 8th-level, Fighter B spends their new proficiency slot completing the third step down the power specialization path with their two-handed sword (+1 to hit, 1d8+3 damage).

    This new specialization will need to be pursued and completed in-game.
  5. At 12th-level, Fighter B spends their new proficiency slot completing the fourth step down the power specialization path with their two-handed sword (+1 to hit, 1d8+4 damage).

    This new specialization will need to be pursued and completed in-game.
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Secondary Skills

#64 Post by dmw71 »

Secondary Skills
We will be using the optional Secondary Skills rule in this game, which does little more than add a bit of flavor.

A player will have two options at character creation:
  1. Pick your profession;
  2. Roll twice -- for two guardians you had growing up -- and have limited access to each of their different professions.

If picking, I don't care what professions are listed in the provided table -- what do you want your character to be prior to them becoming their current class?

If going with the random guardian skills, please provide use the following macro:

Guardian 1: [1d100], Guardian 2: [1d100]

Post the results either in your private forum or publicly in the 'OOC' topic -- I'll find it.
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Arcane Magic

#66 Post by dmw71 »

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Spell Books

#67 Post by dmw71 »

Spell Books
As per the official Basic D&D and OSE Classic Fantasy rules, a character’s spellbook contains exactly the number of spells that the character is capable of memorizing (as determined by the character’s class and level), plus one... Read Magic.

Any additional spells that are discovered during gameplay (via scroll, research, mentorship, discovery, etc...), are to be tracked, almost as equipment. Then, per the rules on Adding Spells, when the number of spells an arcane spellcaster can memorize increases (e.g. by gaining an experience level), they can increase the selection of spells in their spellbook from one discovered. In this way, the number of spells in the spellbook may be brought in line with the number of spells the character can memorize.

Spell Books
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Starting Spells

#68 Post by dmw71 »

Starting Spells
All starting Magic-User and Illusionist characters will automatically start with the Read Magic spell, plus one 1st-level spell determined randomly (by the player or DM; player's choice) from the following list:

  1. Charm Person
  2. Detect Magic
  3. Floating Disc
  4. Hold Portal
  5. Light (Darkness)
  6. Magic Missile
  7. Protection from Evil
  8. Read Languages
  9. Read Magic (Player's Choice)
  10. Shield
  11. Sleep
  12. Ventriloquism

  1. Auditory Illusion
  2. Chromatic Orb
  3. Colour Spray
  4. Dancing Lights
  5. Detect Illusion
  6. Glamour
  7. Hypnotism
  8. Light (Darkness)
  9. Phantasmal Force
  10. Read Magic (Player's Choice)
  11. Spook
  12. Wall of Fog

If the random result ends up being Read Magic, the player may choose any other 1st-level spell from their list.

Beginning Spells
Read Magic
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Divine Magic

#69 Post by dmw71 »

Divine Magic
Deity Disfavour
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Deity Disfavour

#70 Post by dmw71 »

Deity Disfavour
No deities will have been established when this game begins.

For the time being, assume your deity to be driven solely by Alignment. Make sure to follow the tenet of whichever alignment -- Law, Neutrality, or Chaos -- you choose for your character, carefully.
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Character Sheets

#71 Post by dmw71 »

Once ready, your character sheets should be posted as a reply in the following topic:

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Character Image

#72 Post by dmw71 »

They do not need to be perfect representations, but I am going to ask that every player identify a piece of art to represent their character. Preferably one in the classic, old-school style of art.

I just now Googled "old school d&d art" which brings up a lot of helpful resources.

Again, it does not need to be a perfect representation, but something close. Something I can use to create tokens to use on maps supplied in the game.
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