Campaign setting and game details:

Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Campaign setting and game details:

#1 Post by Spearmint »

Welcome to the game. This campaign is set in its own unique world though it could fit just as well in any Greyhawk environment, perhaps alongside other notable Duchy lands such as those of Ulek or even on the edge of the marshy Rushmoor in the upper Keoland Marches. Wherever it lies, you have an opportunity to express your character in the open world confines, if such a paradox exists, as detailed below:

The Duchy of Aerik

The Duchy is named for Aerik Ironguard, one of the first settlers in modern days and the founder of Ironguard Motte (q.v.).

The Barrowmoor dominates the Duchy of Aerik. The moor is a vast fetid bog roughly covering a thousand square miles. Within the marsh, an obscuring fog hangs heavily on the landscape and easily disorients travelers. At dusk the fog is nearly impenetrable and the moon casts an eerie glow across the moor. The moor is, so you have heard, nearly impossible to navigate due to the dense and bizarre flora: seven-foot vines, crooked trees and even 'crookeder' paths, deep slimy pools, carnivorous plants and ghoulish creatures who inhabit the seemingly unearthly place.

The Old Dwarf Bridge

Created long ago by the dwarves of the Moon Peaks (q.v.), the Old Dwarf Bridge facilitates trade across the Moorwash River between the dwarves and the human settlements of Ironguard Motte and the small trading town of Helix (q.v.) Although the dwarves still conduct trade occasionally. they have by and large retreated their underground halls, increasingly uninterested in the affairs of men. The bridge itself provides the primary ford across the Moorwash River and is essential to the village of Bogtown (q.v.) Periodically human brigands or monstrous humanoids from the Barrowmoor, the Wyrdwood, or the Moon Peaks (q.v.) have been known to occupy the bridge for a short time and waylay (or demand tolls from) travellers and caravans.

The Merisc and Blackwater Rivers
drain to the forests and plains beyond the duchy. Both rivers appear blackened by peat moss and slowly return to clear water the farther away from the moor. Tales say a large tribe of lizardmen lives in the delta of the murky Blackwater River.

The Moon Peaks are a mountainous range that runs east of the Wyrdwood. A clan of dwarves, the infamous Hammerhands, dwell in the northernmost of these mountains near Bogtown. In their mountain home, they mine metals and trade both raw ore and finished goods (metalware, arms, and armor) to the human settlements by. All non-dwarves are strictly forbidden to stay overnight. Some say a great Roc makes its nest in the southern edge of the mountains.

The Moorwash River empties into the moor. Its waters darken to black due to the peat from rotting vegetation as the river approaches the swamp. Monstrous humanoids such as froglings and lizardmen often use the banks, particularly to the west of the Old Dwarf Bridge, to hide their numbers and strike at caravans and travellers before retreating quickly into their hidden dens.

The Blackened Forest is a dark swampy woodland. Some say the trees have turned black from the peat of the Barrowmoor and others that a greater evil has poisoned the forest. The wood is known to harbor all manner of monstrous creatures. During the spring and summer months the villagers of Helix, accompanied by a group of men-at-arms, attempt to harvest the extremely valuable giant spider silk from the forest. Only a handful of locals possess the skill to weave giant spider silk. Some say the clothing made from the silk possesses unique properties. The majority of the silk harvest is transported by the Silver Standard Merchant Caravan Company to Ironguard Motte. In addition, a white marble ruin––perhaps an ancient temple––is said to exist in the heart of the forest.

The (not so) Secret Shrine of Zargon
Old tales tell of a temple to the forbidden god that can be found in one of the ravines that surround the Moon Peaks. Sages know little else about this mysterious site.

The Thornswild Forest is a rotting, swampy wood choked with vines, thorns, and tangled branches. A small community of black-haired elves is said to live in the forest, who protect their borders against men and lizardmen alike. Little else is known about this woodland.

The Wyrdwood is a dark forest that stands between the Barrowmoor and the Moon Peaks It is a mixed wood: damp and wet closest to the bog and dry forest nearest the mountains. Tribes of neanderthals are said to live in the low caves and roots if the peaks whilst a number of wyverns and one-eyed giants have also been spotted at higher elevations. A small number of elves still patrol the woods, but they have largely abandoned the area to join their kin in the xenophobic arboreal reaches of the Thornswild.

Duchy of Aerik
Duchy of Aerik
aerik map.png (251.87 KiB) Viewed 1336 times
Last edited by Spearmint on Tue Jun 01, 2021 2:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Campaign setting and game details:

#2 Post by Spearmint »

Map of Helix

1. Village Square. This is the central meeting and marketplace in the village. The village crier makes announcements each day at noon from a dais in the center of the square. The square also contains a pillory.

2. Turgen's Trade Goods. The merchant Cirwyr Turgen has provided basic equipment and trade goods to the villagers of Helix for decades. He also serves as the local agent for the Silver Standard Caravan Company and facilitates shipments back and forth between Helix and Ironguard Motte. Turgen also hires men-at-arms, mostly through the mercenary guild (q.v.) but occasionally from unaffiliated adventurers, to serve as protection for his caravans.

3. The Axe and Anvil. The dwarf Karg Barrelgut is the lead hammer at the Axe and Anvil. Barrelgut is a fine craftsman and serves the village in the varied roles of blacksmith, armorer, and weaponsmith, as needed. His young cousin Gern works as his apprentice. Barrelgut was originally from the Stone Mountains far across the plains to the east but fled decades ago for an unknown reason. He has befriended the other dwarves in Helix and his smithy how serves as the de facto dwarven meeting place (social and religious). He can provide all the weapons (except bows and arrows) and most armor types (plate must be ordered from Ironguard Motte on a cash up-front basis and will take one week). In addition, adventurers can also purchase a broadsword from the Axe and Anvil for 8 gp. (The broadsword is the favored weapon of warriors in the duchy.) If given sufficient time, Barrelgut can make unique non-magical dungeoneering items and equipment. He is known as a fair dealer in Helix.

4. Mercenary Guild. This building serves as the home of the mercenary guild in Helix. Osen, the Guildmaster, created a business for himself recruiting men-at-arms, porters, torch-bearers, guides, and so on to serve adventurers and expeditions into the Barrowmoor and the surrounding region. In the spring and summer months, when the population of Helix swells with the influx of lowly adventurers, scoundrels, and rogues, Osen and his guild manage to bring order to the village. Osen is disliked by the villagers due to his friendly relationship with Krothos.

5. The Silver Standard Merchant Company. This building serves as the supply depot fr the Silver Standard Merchant Caravan Company in Helix. Trade goods are both delivered and loaded at this location. Cirwyr Turgen oversees each shipment personally and normally has a small crew of men to load and unload the caravans. The building is locked at night. It may also be protected by several guards, subject to the situation. The Caravans follow a route tat exchanges goods between Helix, Ironguard Motte, and Bogtown. The road between these locations is little more than a perilous dirty trail and caravans are forced to move slowly. Moreover, travellers are often attacked by brigands and monsters: froglings, lizardmen, and worse.

6. Chapel of St Ygg. is a small church in the center of the village. Brother Othar and his under clerics Sister Cella and Brother Gamdar oversee the ministry and tend to the needs of the villagers.

7. The Rosy Quartz Jeweler and Money Lender. This is the shop of Gir Huwen, the village's jeweler and money-lender. Huwen provides several services for adventurers, including the appraisal of gemstones and other precious treasures, exchange of these items into gold pieces, banking services, and lending.

8. The Brazen Strumpet.
The tavern is the heart and soul of the village. Bollo the Barkeep owns the tavern. The tavern is usually quiet in the mornings and early afternoons. Patrons normally start arriving in late afternoon and the music and merriment continue until Bollo closes the tavern in the wee hours of the morning. The tavern is a hub for adventurers as well as locals.

9. The Foul Pheasant. This is the only gambling house in Helix, run by the halfling Perni Vilnor. Perni is a fount of information (of unclear accuracy), which she dispenses to adventurers for the right price. Krothos Ironguard, a high-stakes gambler, makes regular appearances late at night.

10. Wizard's Tower. This decaying spire is the home of Mazzahs the Magnificent, the local wizard. The structure is in disrepair and the sides are covered in green moss. Mazzah is an oft forgetful, grouchy man, with a penchant for turning irritating people into small animals; Krothos has suffered him to continue living in the village out of sheer terror. However, he does have a great interest in the secrets of Barrowmaze and is reported to pay good money for interesting lore.

11. Valeron the Fletcher. This is the home of Valeron the elf, the finest bowyer and fletcher in the Duchy (and beyond). Valeron is also said to possess the ability to weave cloth of giant spider silk.

12. Mill. The mill grinds grain brought from Ironguard Motte into flour for the villagers. The miller, Hendon, is a capable man and occasionally walks the moor in defense of the village. His eldest son Tamson is an apprenticed ranger.

13. Barrowmaze. Barrowmaze lies six hours' march south of Helix, though new arrivals have no hope of getting there without the aid of a guide.

14. Statue of Herne. Surrounded by a ring of stones, a statue of Herne stands in a secluded grove three miles west of Helix. Some villagers travel there to worship.

15. Ancient Ruins. An ancient white marble ruin, perhaps once a temple, can be found in the Blackened Forest about fifteen miles northwest of Helix. The ruins are covered in the same giant spiderwebs that dominate the wood.

16. Ironguard Motte. principal city and seat of the Duke.

Helix town
Helix town
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Last edited by Spearmint on Wed Feb 02, 2022 8:41 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Campaign setting and game details:

#3 Post by Spearmint »

The Village of Helix

Population: Roughly 650
Demographics: Primarily human with a few dwarves, elves, half-elves, and halflings
Industry and trade: Dried peat, subsistence agriculture. Several farms surrounds the village who cultivate carp breeding in segregated pools and honey as giant bee apiarists.

The village of Helix is located between the northern edge of the Barrowmoor and south of the Blackened Forest. Humans established the village centuries ago atop the ruins of a much older settlement. The location affords access to water, the protection of the forest, and fuel supply in the form of harvested peat mass from the bog.

The people of Helix are a mixed group. The remote location of the village, on the western edge of the known world and far removed from civilized society, means the townspeople are either hardy frontiersman who make the village their home or scoundrels and knaves seeking refuge in the distant corners of the realm.

The time of year also influences the village population. Helix appears relatively quiet during the rainy season in the fall and winter months. During this time, only the foolish would attempt to cross the marsh, flooded or frozen. (even highly skilled rangers and druids would think twice). Instead, any who wish to navigate Barrowmoor must wait until the late spring or early summer thaws.

Helix falls under the feudal protection of young Krothos Ironguard, son of Kell Ironguard. Krothos is rarely seen without his personal advisor, a weasel-looking fellow by the name of Ollis. Until a year ago, Helix was instead ruled by Krothos's older brother, Perafern Ironguard, but Perafern suddenly died of marsh fever. The people of Helix had great admiration for Perafern, but despise Krothos, who cares little for the well-being of the land and its people. Rumors have become increasingly persistent that Ollis murdered Perafern by means of black magic. In the last few weeks, two townsfolk have had their tongues cut out and been expelled from the Duchy for allegedly spreading these rumors.

Many folk tales and legends are told in Helix. Of these stories the undead are most persistent. Village elders have become increasingly worried by the sightings of strange human-like figures shuffling through the fog. Some locals in Helix blame adventurers for these disturbances and say the barrow mounds best be left alone. Most Helixians (not least Krothos himself) support adventurers because they bring money to the village, especially on the rare occasions that they do indeed strike it rich in the barrows, but public opinion is shifting against them...
Last edited by Spearmint on Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Re: Campaign setting and game details:

#4 Post by Spearmint »

Ironguard Motte

Population: Roughly 2,600
Demographics: Primarily human with some elves, dwarves, gnomes, and halflings.
Industry and trade: agriculture (wheat); fine goods (clothing, armor); metal goods (raw and finished from trade with the dwarves)

There is also a branch of the Collegiate Arcanium, which is a magic and arcane technological institute.

Located on the eastern edge of the Blackened Forest and northeast of the Old Dwarf Bridge, Ironguard Motte is the most highly populated town in the region. "Ironguard Motte" refers to both the Ironguard noble family and their Motte and Bailey castle that serves as the town's primary fortification. The town proper is encircled by a solid stone palisade and entered through the gates of a large keep. Many farms and other structures are located in the immediate countryside. The Ironguards employ a force of 150 men-at-arms that both protect the castle and serve as law enforcement alongside a draft militia of regional scouts and cadet troopers.

As the largest town and center of trade in the region, Ironguard Motte offers all the services available in Helix, in addition to specialized services that include an armorer, artisan weapon smiths, an assessor of jewels and gemstones, a temple to Crom, and a shrine to Elei. The Silver Standard Merchant Caravan Company is also centered in Ironbuard Motte and conducts weekly trips to Helix and Bogtown.

Ironguard Motte is also the seat of political power in the duchy. Although they are a noble family, the Ironguards are considered by their cultured peers to the east as uncouth, unsophisticated yokels. Nonetheless, the Ironguards have tried to bring a resemblance of stability and trade to the area, despite the influx of adventurers and mercenaries to the region each spring.

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