Ambergris > In Search of a Song

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Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#1 Post by hedgeknight »

The swill at the Low Lantern last night was enough to upset his stomach, but Ambergris didn't mind. In fact, he had a rather rousing evening with his friend Prynn Derringwhistle. Prynn is an aging barnacle scraper who loves to belt out old sea shanties, and who would know more old sea shanties than Ambergris?
Anyway, not everyone appreciated their choice of shanties nor their drunken crooning. Eventually, two of "the Captain's" bouncers helped them along and they sat on the docks and lulled the barnacles with their singing.
Morning found Ambergris alone, but hungry and so he head to Jopalin's to satisfy his...hunger. A few hours later, she spoke to him.

Go to where the Elf sings.
Listen...for she will indeed appear this day!
Strange companions await you.
Go now, my little songbird.

So, Ambergris stumbled out of Jopalin's and made his way toward the Elfsong Tavern.
Only a few blocks toward Eastway and he would be there. People were everywhere along the streets but he managed not to bounce into too many of them, managed not to lose his things to the urchins plying their skills among the unsuspecting. A tune is playing around his mind as he walks; something he was thinking about last night with Prynn. 'A purple haze all in my brain.' It is a good first line...but how to write the rest?
He looks up as the sprinkling rain begins to fall a little heavier. The clouds are beautiful. He wants to kiss the sky.

As he approaches the Elfsong, two men...dressed in the familiar clothing of ship crewmen, came tearing out of the tavern.
"We gots ta get back to the Serpent and warn the others!"
"Yeah, that bitch killed Dead-Eye!"

Ambergris watches them go, wondering what in the world that is all about.
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#2 Post by Spearmint »


He shambles along the street, sometimes walking one foot after another in a line, balancing on the edge of the pavement kerb, other times skipping into the gutter or jumping both feet to plant them sploshing into deep potholes of puddles.

His mind, often wandering like him staggering in drunken stages between bouts of lucidity and hop induced cloudy mumblings, plays tricks with him. The voices in his head not his own but then ""the voices in your head could well be mine" he advises loudly to passing pedestrians who cross his path, tapping his forehead or theirs, with a long finger.

The two crew depart the doorway of the Elfsong Tavern in a hurry and almost barge straight into him.

"Am I happy or in misery? What ever it is, that girl put a spell on me." he says to one, staring at him with mad eyes before entering the tavern and going to the bar.

The tall man, over six feet and a few inches, but gaunt, long of limb, taut muscle stretched over protruding bones, not an ounce of fat. His white hair is wild and unkempt though his beard trimmed short. His canvas trousers held up by braces and tucked into calf length boots, a thick leather gambeson serves as an overcoat under which bulges an axe head dangling at his hip and on his head a black tricorn is perched at an odd angle. The man leans on a long staff whose head is cloaked in a hessian sack tied loosely with fishing line. It covers the spearhead. Over one shoulder he carries a duffel sack, a large net spills out the top. The last striking feature is the man's left hand which ends in a curved hook instead of fingers.

"An ale if you please or if you don't please." he says, placing some coin and his hat on the bar.
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#3 Post by hedgeknight »

"Am I happy or in misery? What ever it is, that girl put a spell on me." he says to one, staring at him with mad eyes before entering the tavern and going to the bar.
The man gives him a "WTF?" look and keeps on walking with his companion.

Meanwhile at the bar, a woman Ambergris doesn't recognize is slinging drinks. Busy with other customers, she gives him a nod and then a minute later slides a foaming mug in front of him. Only then does she take a good look at him...and he at her.

Amari Tiefling.jpg
Amari Tiefling.jpg (53.04 KiB) Viewed 1027 times

Ambergris jerks as he looks up into her face. His eyes blur and in his mind a voice says, "Thirsty, my little songbird?"
Ambergris closes his eyes, squeezing them shut. Her laughter sounds like booming waves in his mind, waves that left him stranded and missing a hand, waves that threaten to roll over him and over him...and over him like a lone sea shell at the mercy of the surf.
But when he opens his eyes...

Keyla barmaid.png
Keyla barmaid.png (818.78 KiB) Viewed 1027 times
I said, "Are you thirsty, love? You nearly drained that entire mug. Should I fetch another? And we have the best blueberry pie today. Baked it myself! Fresh blueberries from Daggerford! Shall I fetch you a piece?"
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#4 Post by Spearmint »


An infrequent patron to this tavern. Drawn mainly by the rumours of its fey touch rather than the ale. Though the offer of pie appeals. His stomach rumbles as if to agree to the suggestion, it is well past the 13th hour and breakfasting on cockles and mussels hardly fills.

"Thank you Ma'am. That would be a rare treat." he watches her go cocking his head at the sway of her hips. "That would be a rare treat." he repeats to no one but himself.

He surveys the tavern as he stands at the bar, looking for nothing in particular but noting the particular. There are a couple of tables with folks playing some type of game with dice, while others are busy playing cards. He takes it all in having the eyes of an hawk, honed by years of Crow's nest duties. A couple of elves sit hooded in conversation in a window booth, their bleach white hair contrasting starkly with ebony skin, a huge maitre-d with neanderthal features currently swabbing the stairs down with a strong disinfectant and a mop tinged with crimson strands. The stairs are cordoned off though the creaking floorboards indicate figures in the gallery rooms above.

A group of gnomes vacate a table nearby, which he takes in their place. His pie arrives, steaming and hot with a small churn of fresh cream. He bows his head and mutters some graceful thanks before cutting the crusty edge off the pie and moving it to the side of his plate. As he tucks in he watches as a scholarly dressed young acolyte arrives to go upstairs.

As Keyla returns to take away his finished plate and bring a new ale, he points a finger to his lips and whispers, "She is here. The banshee will sing her melody. You just listen. Listen, watch and pray."

He hums a tune, mumblings the lyrics of a bardic canticle,

"I've had nothing but bad luck
Since the day I saw the cat at my door
So I came into you, sweet lady
Answering your mystical call".

The ex-whaler bides his time in the tavern musing on the names he heard and watching the patrons in patient expectation of some epiphany.
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#5 Post by hedgeknight »

Keyla smiles at the disheveled sailor, glancing at the hook on his arm more than she would like to, before returning to her duties. Ambergris watches her go, watches her swish and sway on her way back to the kitchen.
He spends time watching the patrons in the tavern, biding his time. From his table, he hears voices upstairs, not the usual gambling voices and shouts and threats that come from there...and then a creak of stairs and he sees one of the lizardfolk of the town standing as if listening to something.
Ambergris is listening for something too. An old shanty pops into his head and he sings it as he sips his brown...and then, something magical begins to happen. The hair on his arms stands on end and the patrons stop what they are doing, growing silent and watchful.
And then, there is music...and the ghost which gives the Elfsong Tavern its name begins to sing... ... -full-song
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#6 Post by Spearmint »


The disembodied voice is quite enchanting, the melody a musical fragrance filtering the tavern in wispy chords. He tries to pick up where the vocal sounds resonate greatest, sometimes the harmony a monophonic heard by the fireplace, then overhead in stereo as if echoing through the rafters. It dances in the air and he stands in respect to the maestro, his black tricorn held across his chest in salute and he traces his hook hand in the air, a conductor dictating orchestral manoeuvres.

His own elven tongue is quite limited. As he soaks in the atmosphere he tries to perceive how the fey-folk are reacting to the song. The landlord Alan Alyth being of half-elven descent. He looks too at the darker skinned elves huddled in the booth. Their dialect much closer to his own sorcerous utterances in deep speech glossalalia.

Despite the beautiful themes, he has a discordant feeling as unseen siren evokes emotions he has kept hidden.

"The banshee sings from her ethereal realm with the voice of an angel. But is it Harmony's requiem you are enraptured with or the pretty lamentations of Melody. Your spirit stirred to bequeath it to hers in unholy Symphony or is Destiny prophecying a redemption to your sinful souls." he challenges the collective of enthralled patrons, pointing at each in turn with his hook. He sits once again, cocking his head and listens to more.

"Captain Black sails as a harbinger of doom, but you seek to usurp him in blood as Captain Scarlett." he says abruptly as if compelled to auger someone's future or his own. He knows not.
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#7 Post by hedgeknight »

The Elfsong is the most beautiful sound Ambergris has heard in a very long time...perhaps ever. It moves him so much he stands and proclaims a challenge to the enthralled patrons. (Using your words ;) )
They frown and Keyla grabs at his shirt, trying to shush him. One of the Drow pulls a black dagger from his belt, but his companion hisses something to him and he sheathes it again...but gives Ambergris a glare.

Once he sits back down, he abruptly says, "Captain Black sails as a harbinger of doom, but you seek to usurp him in blood as Captain Scarlett."
Tendrils of the song continue in the tavern, but Ambergris doesn't hear them. His eyes are rolled back in his head, the fingers of his good hand wrapped around the metal hook replacing his other...all he can "see" are the visions in his mind.
First there is a tower...
cavern tower.jpg
cavern tower.jpg (425.4 KiB) Viewed 991 times

It is actually underground! In his mind, Ambergris sees blood running down the stairs leading up to the door...or is it blood? As his mind "watches," the tower spirals and swirls and Ambergris feels as if he is falling...only to land prostrate before...
god of murder.jpg
god of murder.jpg (52.18 KiB) Viewed 991 times

Bhaal is coming, my little songbird.

And just that quick, Ambergris is back at the bar of the tavern. Keyla is saying, "I said, what did you think of the Elfsong? I didn't understand a word, but it was just beautiful. That's why I begged to work here. I just wanted to here her sing..."
Last edited by hedgeknight on Sun May 23, 2021 2:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#8 Post by Spearmint »


He clutches his chest, tortured by the abyssal visions from an unearthly realm.

They say a drowning man's last thoughts are the visions of his life passing before him. He knows only too well, submerged beneath the waves and descending to a briny doom. Those last personal
remembrances were stolen away though and eclipsed by nightmarish echoes of an undeath to come. The Elfsong opens a portal into his soul, but once again the pleasantries of emotion are hijacked by nefarious imaginations.

He is shaken from his trance like stupor by the urgency of Keyla. An innocent, pretty of face and full of life, too soon to atrophy into a skeletal frame. Life is precious and so short.

"The banshee mourns, grieved at the loss of her lover's soul and lamenting the times and seasons to come.

"Home is behind the world ahead
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadow to the edge of night
Until the stars are all alight.

Mist and shadow
Cloud and shade
All shall fade
All shall fade"

He interprets the evocative melody of the Elfsong with an allusion to some verses of a requiem. (though the translation may not be that accurate).

He turns to the waitress to share his intimate thoughts. "The ordained preach there is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood. But in order to be redeemed, the blood spilt may only serve to release the manifestation of Bhaal

I have been weighed in the balance and found wanting. What does a man do? Save himself and damn others or take the damnation upon himself and save others?"
he can tell his words go over the top of the girl, the deep meanings sounding just as a creepy soothsaying.

He snaps out of the morbidity and smiles. It is warm and friendly, and he feels as though a weight has lifted.

"She sang beautiful. Reminded me of the ocean sirens. I fell in love with a mermaid once and asked for her hand in marriage. And she asked for mine." he gestures with his hook. He sends Keyla off for another ale.

Ambergris will stay at the bar wondering of the portents of his visions.
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#9 Post by Tell »

I'm going to jump in here if that's alright...

Lesh stops to listen to the song on the way to the bar...then a disheveled man stands holding and a tri-corn hat in his hands and speaks. Low irritated clicking "kaAH, kaAH, kaAH" sounds escape his throat but as the vagabond sea fairer speaks his "mind" the clicking sound becomes more interrogatory "karh?, karh?, karh?" He waits as the song finishes but the man speaks again...
The ordained preach there is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood. But in order to be redeemed, the blood spilt may only serve to release the manifestation of Bhaal.
At that name his spines rise and he heads toward the man but something of his words seem to bear portent...does he intend to do harm or bear warning?

Insight check: Three Bonus: [1d20+3]=17+3=20
"She sang beautiful. Reminded me of the ocean sirens. I fell in love with a mermaid once and asked for her hand in marriage. And she asked for mine." he gestures with his hook. He sends Keyla off for another ale.
Lesh approaches the man slowly as he moves he notices that the gnomes had left, he wonders briefly if they had decided a horse's four hooves do or don't all leave the ground when it's galloping. The tavern wall has dozens of equations and schematics drawn there. Maybe they had gone to simply watch a horse. Chastising himself for letting his mind wander. He approaches the man at the table. Hail and well met be. Sit I may?

(Assuming Ambergris will nod his ascent he will sit and order a drink. His trip to see Willow almost but not quite forgotten.)
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#10 Post by Spearmint »


The ex-whaler makes the comment about a dead god to the waitress. His religion knowledge is limited but he is familiar with a tale that each spawn of the malevolent spirit contained in their blood some portion of his 'essence' and as each was killed, a little bit of that 'essence' was released back into the ethereal realm. He makes the connection that as murders happen in Baldur's Gate, the blood which is spilt only reinforces the ability of Bhaal to manifest again. But he points to a personal paradox in suggesting that 'redemption or forgiveness exists but only through the shedding of blood' as many temples propagate sacrificial offerings. But will the blood offered to appease his unrighteousness only serve to strengthen the evil god to be 'born again' also?

He asks the question that many scholars could debate endlessly.

Lesh comes over and asks to sit.

"Please do. Take a seat and rest the weariness of your legs by the fireside." He pushes a chair with his leg and moves aside his duffel bag, leaning his scrimshaw spear against some nook in the tavern wall.

He hasn't had much to do with lizard folk though they be more familiar sights in far of places. What intrigues him is not a walking, talking, beer drinking, armoured one but the fact his bandolier is clasped with a sigil of a bony hand holding some scales. Having made a comment about 'being weighed in the balance', it appears more than coincidental.

"I came to the tavern like so many patrons here. Just as a pilgrim to hear the Elf-song. I hope the banshee did not disappoint?" he asks Lesh "Some comfort after the recent distresses?" His eyes looking down at your feet and back up indicate to you he notices blood on the soles of your boots.
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#11 Post by Tell »

I came to the tavern like so many patrons here. Just as a pilgrim to hear the Elf-song. I hope the banshee did not disappoint?
"Lesh this one is." Also if Tobias came along he would introduce him and wait for Ambergris to speak.

"Rare the song is, interesting its effects are." He briefly studies Alan and any other elven kind in the room. (DM can I do a perception check of the elves and half-elves in the room? How do they seem now? Are they affected in any way?) "Feelings do I not fully understand but of your words would I speak." He again pauses for a reply as drinks are delivered.
"Some comfort after the recent distresses?" His eyes looking down at your feet and back up indicate to you he notices blood on the soles of your boots.
Lesh nods and replies "It seems captains both of us trouble. Now before the Judge of the Damned mine is." He nods his head toward the stairs. "More trouble for me awaits. Captain Black and Captain Scarlett I know not. With them do you sail?" He drink deeply of his ale and pauses for Ambergris to speak.

Lesh would also ask what you know about the cult. Unless you wanted to add anything I'll count your last post as Ambergris' reply.

Perception check: [1d20+5]=18+5=23
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#12 Post by Spearmint »


"I nailed my colours to many a mast, sailing to the ends of the ocean where the ice sported on the waves as unassailable mountains and mammoth tusked seals gave blubber and fur enough to fill the mead hall of giants. Chasing whales, rich in gland oil and tongue meat so sweet. Served under Captains of stout heart and stouter disciplines who ruled the waves, driven by lust and desire in the pursuit of their bounty from the seas. Driven mad too, to haul so close in to the tempestuos wind as she blows round the Capes. Listing so far over a man in the yard arms could touch the seas. Men called on all god's and none to save their souls. But the sea is a wanton wench, wild and untameable, yet earnestly calls deep to succour a man's soul." The mention of sailing brings back memories of adventure and thrills.

(Ambergris has a habit of being highly descriptive in his conversation as if wanting to convey emotions, colours and senses in his words. Though he often goes off on tangents of thought.)

"Of Black and Scarlett I know not though often times I speak augers of my fate or utter prophetic divinations to damn others.

Many a rogue privateer has a black heart and evil way. Smugglers and cutthroat corsairs all. The barques and sloops brim full of the craven. Let one mutiny to lay claim of the helm whilst standing in the lifeblood of the other. A new Crimson pirate, parading their dread reputations. Sometimes it is better the devil you know. Rarely does it happen better no devil at all."

He takes a drink, pausing his conversation to stoke his pipe with grains of tobacco which he grips dexterously in his hook hand.

"Of cults and sects I know not. But the voices often in my head and the feeling in my bones fill me with dread. I have seen Him enthroned."

Ambergris has no particular focus other than subsistence living around the harbour. He is both haunted by the portents he receives and perhaps vocationally called to herald the visions as some prophet of doom while he would strive to see the fulfillment of such things stopped.
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#13 Post by hedgeknight »

"Home is behind the world ahead
And there are many paths to tread
Through shadow to the edge of night
Until the stars are all alight.

Mist and shadow
Cloud and shade
All shall fade
All shall fade"

Keyla's mouth drops open and she leans on the bar. "Did you just make that up? It is beautiful! Can you write it down for me please?" Her eyes are amazingly dark brown and her teeth are clean and white; she smells like rosewater.
Ambergris does not fail to notice how the top of the bar threatens to push her breasts nearly out of her apron. And then...
He turns to the waitress to share his intimate thoughts. "The ordained preach there is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood. But in order to be redeemed, the blood spilt may only serve to release the manifestation of Bhaal
I have been weighed in the balance and found wanting. What does a man do? Save himself and damn others or take the damnation upon himself and save others?"
he can tell his words go over the top of the girl, the deep meanings sounding just as a creepy soothsaying.
Keyla's entire expression changes and she grabs his good hand and shushes him. "Do not mention the god of murder aloud. Invoking his doesn't bode well." Her eyes scan the room, particularly the area where the Drow sit huddled, whispering.

Ambergris seems to snap out of his morbidity. "She sang beautiful. Reminded me of the ocean sirens. I fell in love with a mermaid once and asked for her hand in marriage. And she asked for mine." he gestures with his hook. Then he asks her for another ale.
Keyla chuckles, albeit a bit nervously, and then goes to fetch his drink.

Only a few seconds pass before one of the Lizardfolk asks to sit beside him.
His words appear to be a warning...some type of divine vision perhaps?
The odd pair talk and drink. Alan Alyth returns to the bar, his brow a frown and his eyes glazed with tears. The Drow in the corner are whispering and glancing now and again at Lesh and Ambergris.
You have never heard of Captain Black or Captain Blood.
A man at a table near the Drow scribbles in a small book, while two tables over a jovial Half-Orc with a bellowing laugh and a lovely woman bearing the garb of an acolyte of Savras (god of divination and fate), play a competitive game of Baldur's Bones.

More folks wander in as the pair at the bar talk; most giving them a wide berth, even though a few can't help notice the "lizardman" talking with a shaggy old sailor with a hook for a hand.

And by all means, keep talking! I'm loving the conversation and will sit back and "listen" for awhile as you two get to know each other. :wink:
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#14 Post by Spearmint »

Ambergris relaxes in the tavern. He speaks of cutthroats and corsairs being among the ranks of the merchant ships and knows well enough that the townsfolk have their fair share too.

"Do you partake?" he asks the lizard man refering to the pipe and tobacco. He blows a couple of white cloudy rings that drift above the table before dissipating into the air. "Such as we are. Just vapour before the wind, soon blown away and remembered no more. Vanity all is vanity." he says in a melancholic moment.

"This here is 'Royal Paladin'. None of that 'Orcs Arse' gubbings. Quality leaf grains imbued with the essence of menthol and chicory roasted hazelnuts." he taps his pouch of leaf, gesturing Lesh to light up if he has a pipe.

"It helps a man to clear his mind. So many confusing thoughts vying for his attention. Concentrate on what is at hand and what he can do, not worry about what he can't control.

More trouble awaits you? Is it like the 'trouble' you faced earlier. Can it lie in wait or would you rather seek it out? Deadeye's men are forewarned."
he refers to Lesh's comment about the dead captain.
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#15 Post by Tell »

Lesh declines the offer wondering why this strange man would smoke the remains of a paladin or Orcs shit before catching the leaf grains. "'Trouble? Yes. Above and before me it is. For clues a ship would I search. Your words to me give pause. An augury for me perhaps...this night blood did I plan to shed." Eyeing his holy symbol he continues, "Scales unbalanced may become. Murder it may serve." He will explain about Willow, whom he was going to see about explosives but theorizing he might have a means of inducing sleep over the ships crew instead. Looking at Ambergris, "Plan you suggest? Help could I use. Your wife also here is?" he asks looking at your left hand/hook.
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#16 Post by Spearmint »


Sees the irony of Lesh using the allegory of trouble being above and before the cleric in a spiritual sense whilst literally above his head Tarina gambles and the afflicted doomsayer sits opposite. He blows another smoke ring as he dwells on the concerns shared, considering options.

"Murder serves no purpose of yours. That you consider staying you hand will certainly weigh in your favour. A guilty conscience casts a long shadow on your soul.

So you seek wisdom and revelation secreted in the bowels of a merchant sloop. Clues to solve a mystery or give a rational. Tell me what you hope to find?

To board your craft will take guile. The jetty watched to deter your access. Have you thought of approaching the ship from the sea. Row out into the harbour and climb up the stern anchor as she is moored. I know of some jolly boats that could be used. I can get you to the ship.

He doesn't answer about a wife.

"Willow, I am not familiar with the name but I may know the face. Certain apothecaries source compounds and elements for a distillery of gins and craft beers. They hawk the alcohol, potions and 'snake oil' lotions as barrow vendors.

Explosives may be too big. Can he get some strings of firecrackers? Must be some festival soon. Sparks and smoke to distract and conceal."
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#17 Post by Tell »

not much time tonight...

Lesh explains he hoped to approach from the sea (He has a 30 ft swim speed & can hold his breath for 15 min) and deploy a sleeping agent by blowgun needles, spiking the ale barrel, or if Willow can help a gas (He can help Willow because is a cunning artisan) and he is certain Tarina will double cross him. Originally he planned to kill the pirates and destroy the ship. He says, "Thoughts on my thoughts am I having. (he is having second thoughts) How many crew there will be? To taverns drinking go they will tonight?"
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#18 Post by Spearmint »

So I am going to 'save draft' my reply to Lesh in order to give space for Hedgeknight to post any update. But here is my take on the scene so far with Lesh.

Lesh has been ministering to the dying at the hospice in Harbourside. Nine patients died 'but their souls didn't pass on'. The inference is some necrotic evil has somehow restrained or captured the souls from 'entering heaven'. Lesh is charged to solve the mystery and while in the tavern recognises Gideon as a man lingering around the graveyard. Gideon turns out to be a follower of 'The Dead Three' and is subsequently followed into a side room by the monk Bannor who has been pursuing 'a murderer from Elturel'.

Bannor's shaman companion Chayton has left to investigate Dusthawk Hill amid rumours of breeding issues and werewolves. Lesh trades mummified dust for two ointments of 'protection from arrows' with apothecary Willow.

Lesh aides Tarina, killing five crew and Lekard Deadeye. She gives him a pouch of 35gp and then pays a cleric to heal his wounds in exchange for his help in usurping the Captaincy of the Uncivil Serpent.

Lesh confuses Gideon and Lekard and presumes the ship may be connected with the mystery of the lost souls. He agrees to help Tarina in exchange for her future aide to Kelemvorites, sealing that with a ritual vow that he now can't voluntarily break.

Tobias the priest heals his -12hp (not -21) and warns him Tarina is not to be trusted and to steer clear of Gideon and he is given a vial of a 'hold person type liquid'.

Ambergris enters the tavern after telling the pedestrians on the sidewalk that the voices they hear in their heads are probably his. He overheard the fleeing pair discussing the encounter in the tavern and the plan to warn their shipmates. Ambergris has been told the Elfsong will take place and he receives other portents of things to come, namely a descriptive vision of the dead god Bhaal being enthroned.

Ambergris mentions a bit of historical lore that each drop of blood spilt from murders somehow releases more of the essence of Bhaal, which will eventually allow the dead god to manifest physically. (And murder is on the increase in the city?)

He annoys the tavern patrons by questioning their response to the evocative 'banshee' and tries to interpret the Elfsong to Keyla. (plagiarising Edge of Night, Pippin's sing to Denethor. LoTR).

He notices Lesh wears a bandolier clasp depicting a symbolic skeletal hand holding some weighing scales. He agrees to help the cleric with his investigation of the ship (for a pouch of 35gp?) , sensing the cleric may be able to help stop the fulfillment of the neferious visions he receives.

hope that summarises accurately so I don't get confused.
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#19 Post by Tell »

Damn good job by Spearmint there. I will just add a few notes to confirm.

Lesh is trapped by his words to Tarina and mistakenly assumes the ship is connected with the mystery of the lost souls or the cult at least. Lesh underestimated the crew's reaction and expected most of them to "hit the town" at night fall leaving only a few onboard the ship too deal with. He had planned to swim to the ship, try to sneak aboard and for Tarina to come from the docks and to visit Willow for explosives as insurance.

Now he is thinking can he get sleeping agents instead of killing the crew? Ideally Willow will know some kind of gas or spell scroll (Lesh doesn't realize how expensive things are especially magic items. He usually runs errand for Willow to get magic itemst) he can throw down the hatch and close it until anyone below decks is out. Those above would have to be dealt with differently. Should Ambergris and/or Tarina also come from seaward in a boat? Or should Tarina be a distraction from the dock side?

For payment Lesh was hoping to offer Ambergris a choice of treasure from the pirate ship, to help him with something in return, or offer the money he has.
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Re: Ambergris > In Search of a Song

#20 Post by hedgeknight »

Ambergris and Lesh discuss "the plan" for helping Tarina, with the hook-handed sailor giving advice and the priest of Kelemvor second-guessing his vow to help the pirate wench take back her ship. As they talk, and drink, patrons come and go, the dead bodies are removed out into the back alley where Alan awaits a corpse cart from Candulhallows.
Of particular note is the two Drow...they are now standing and walking toward the bar. They pass close enough almost to touch Ambergris and Lesh, and one even makes an off-handed comment with something about pack lizards. The other laughs and they pull their hoods up and dart out the door into the sprinkling rain.
"Wonder what those two are up to now?" Alan Alyth muses to himself as he arranges food on a plate. It is mostly clams and raw whole fish.
"I see Oshalla's plate is almost ready," Keyla muses as she walks by, fetching more drinks for the patrons.
"Yep," Alan replies. "Three times a day...ah, the things we do for gold, right my friends?"
Winter is coming...
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