[Closed] 4: Terror in the Mountains

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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#61 Post by Leitz »

Kunpu stood still, and watched. He scanned from left to right, and then moved his left toes to keep the blood flowing. Then scan right to left, and activate his left toes. He looked at Aiko-sama and whispered, "Toes and fingers. There is an interesting story here."

He wondered what she would say, if he really talked to her. If he told her about cold nights spent stalking the other children. It was a game, of course, nothing but a game. Peasant clothing was sturdier than that worn by the upper classes. By the samurai. For lowly bushi the cloth was thicker, itchier. Never quite as comfortable. But he was used to it. For the moment, his wanderers clothes kept him warmer than Aiko-sama probably was.

"Two people, at least one of which knew the way well enough to cross a log at night," Kunpu said quietly. It hadn't been a difficult log. "The cave they went into opens on the far side of the spur, near the road. Likely they are the messengers."

Knowledge is power. She had taught him that; the woman of his dreams. The one he had planned his life around. It was a family thing, gathering knowledge.

He pointed to the bath houses, and the one villagers home. He leaned forward and whispered. "There, there, and there. Light, late at night. I am not one to judge, of course. Possible, but not promised, that our other friends are there. If we assume six total, that means up to four are gathered together. Or they may be split among any of the village houses."

He leaned back, and then looked away.
Many nights, whispering to her. His beloved. They had shared their bodies and their dreams. His dream was simple, to love her with all he had, and to serve the family with her. Together.

"If we go to the cave, they may be preparing, and we could deal with them. Or they may already be gone, road travel late at night is easy," Kunpu said quietly. He wasn't leaning forward. "The caves would give us a place to warm up. If we go to the buildings, I can perhaps listen and see if words can be heard. However, we cannot do both, any conversation would be done by the time we returned from the cave. They will likely be on the road, if we go to the village first."

Choices. She had made hers; sacrifice him and win glory for herself. Everyone had mocked him, the fool. They were right to do so, he had chosen poorly. He had chosen love over honor. Family over glory.

He smiled lightly. "What do you wish to do?"
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#62 Post by Captain Kinkajou »


Aiko listened attentively to Kunpu's observations about their surroundings and obligingly wriggled her toes and fingers each time he prompted her to. In truth she had no need of his reminders, for she had heeded him well enough the first time, but she appreciated his concern. She found it comforting.

More than once, as he whispered his insights to her, she wondered about him and the path that had brought him there. He was an outcast, betrayer or betrayed, and obviously bore deep pain of heartbreak. Yet, despite his suffering and self-scorn, she found him trustworthy, an honourable man, thoughtful and considerate. She was not sure what to make of it.

At one moment, when he said "There is an interesting story here", she had thought he was going to reveal something about himself, but she had been mistaken. The moment passed and her curiosity remained unsated.

Besides, now was not the time, she chided herself. She should be focusing on ensuring they survived through the night.

Aiko carefully considered Kunpu's question and the points he had made, thoughtfully chewing on her lip, as was her way when concentrating.

"I suspect you are far better placed to choose the best course of action in such circumstances," she responded. "But, it seems to me that Itono has either passed on her message to another and entered the village to warm herself before returning, or is herself continuing on with the message towards the caves. Either way, as you have said, the message we came to intercept is most likely heading that way."

Aiko indicated across the log, towards the caves.

"That said, I think our greatest advantage, Lady O-Chizu's greatest advantage may be for us to remain undetected and for her adversaries to think that we do not suspect them. So, whatever we do, we should be careful to leave as little evidence of our presence here as possible. Can we catch the messengers and dispose of them without detection? I do not know. I leave you to decide based on your greater knowledge. I will go whichever way you think is best."
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#63 Post by Leitz »

Kunpu looked at Aiko, as if to speak.

She asks, she will see.
She will know, and I lose all.
Spring Blossom. Sister.

He smiled sadly, and shrugged. "We will go to the caves. Quickly, but save enough energy for a fight. We will then recover, before you return to your Lady."

Kunpu led the way, quickly and quietly staying in the tracks they followed. As he approached the cave entrance, he drew his wakizashi. At the cave entrance he motioned to Aiko to be quiet, and he listened.

Listen [_3d10] = (9+6+6)=21
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#64 Post by Captain Kinkajou »


Nice haiku Leitz!

Aiko determinedly followed Kunpu towards the caves. She took care to stay in his tracks and diligently continued to flex her toes and fingers to stave off the cold.

As they neared the cavemouth and Kunpu drew his wakizashi, Aiko steadied her breathing and prepared herself for what might soon follow. If they were lucky their quarry might well be near.

She gently touched the small Kakita pendant she wore and prayed that the fortunes would favour them. Her body was stilled and the chattering of her teeth subsided. Though she remained silent and a short distance behind Kunpu with her sword still in her belt, she was focused and ready to draw swiftly and strike if it were required. She waited for Kunpu's signal.
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#65 Post by Starbeard »

Into the mine you go…

The tunnels are cramped and jagged. You're not sure what mineral or ore is mined here; the deposits must be deeper in the mountain, down the several side tunnels that branch off from this main corridor. No sound can be heard but the rustle of your clothes and the pitter-patter of your footsteps echoing down the snaking corridor.

It should be pitch black in here, but there is the faintest of glows always around the corner, allowing you to avoid stumbling if you move with extreme caution. Eventually you come to the end of the main tunnel and the source of the light: a group of three iron oil lanterns, tucked away behind a rock jut inside the cave entrance—and one of them is still burning low, toppled over onto the ground! Its oil has spilled out and a line of flame has writhed like a serpent onto the support rafters of the entryway!

(The back exit: except on fire)

The left jamb of the entryway structure is in flame, but the rest of it is still intact. The smoke is, for now, drawing into the night sky rather than down the tunnel toward you. Just past the firelight you can distinctly see the pair of tracks left by your prey, moving presumably straight for the Road that leads down to the Scorpion waystation at the bottom of the mountain range.
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#66 Post by Leitz »

Kunpu scowled when he saw the flames, and dashed outside to gather snow to put out the fire.

"Quickly, take the lantern away from the fire. Burn some brush outside, if you can," he said to Aiko, while he rushed back and forth with armfuls of snow. "The villagers should not be denied the results of their labor because some fool wants to avoid being followed."

OOC: I assume they can do so, since it's a relatively easy task.

If needed, Kunpu helped with the small brush fire outside. "If there was no fire, they would be alerted that someone followed them. If our ruse works then they may be a bit less cautious. Something for you to relay to the Lady Nasu."

Kunpu lit one of the other lanterns, and kept it turned low. He looked at Aiko, and said, "We need to..."

He paused, stiffened, then bowed formally. His tone was respectful, to a superior. "Samurai-ko, it is not my place to tell you what to do. Nor to approach you unbidden. Yet it is deathly cold and you travel without suitable garb. May I serve you?"

Aiko can easily understand his hesitation; he feels something is important to do yet it may offend her, or be improper due to their stations.
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#67 Post by Captain Kinkajou »


Quickly understanding Kunpu's intent with the fire, Aiko responded without hesitation. It was considerate of him to think of the villagers and to act so promptly to prevent significant damage to the mine. She approved of such thoughtfulness. Many would not have been so compassionate.

As she acted, she wondered if the fire had indeed been set deliberately, or whether perhaps the lantern had been kicked over or dropped in haste. Had their quarry perhaps heard them coming? How long would it have taken for the fire to spread as it had? Were they still close?

Keeping an eye on the path the spy had taken, Aiko took the lantern a short distance away from the entrance, gathered a small pile of brush in the snow and set it alight. For a few moments, she watched the flames grow, poking the burning brush with a stick and adding more branches to ensure it had caught and would not go out. Warming herself in the glow a little, she also made certain the fire would not spread to anything nearby, all the time scanning the trees beyond for any sign of movement. Then she returned to Kunpu.

When they faced each other once again, her companion's sudden stiffness and formality intrigued her and she cocked her head at him, measuring his intentions. "Do you not know by now that you can speak to me freely, Kunpu-san?" she assured him. "I greatly value your counsel and would have you offer it openly. You have my trust, and you have done nothing that would make me regret giving it, quite the opposite in fact. Besides, I am not so foolish as to blindly follow advice that I do not agree with. So, what is it that we need to do? Rest assured, you will know soon enough if it offends me."

The gleam in her eye and slight upturn at the corner of her mouth, betrayed the humour behind her slight jibe.
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#68 Post by Leitz »

Aiko easily saw his face change. The fomality was chased away by...something.

"I am properly chastised by the honorable samurai, who is my friend," Kunpu said. His smile was warmer than the small fire and his eyes danced. "I have been without anyone close for a while, and it is easy to lose the joy of life."

With the second lantern, he led them back through the mine, and then found a suitable spot just off the main path.

"We can hear anyone approaching, from either direction." He took off his over shirt and spread it on the ground, out side facing down into the dirt. He nodded to the now properly protected and clean spot. "Please, sit. Your feet need the blood flow, and we have a journey back. We did this as children, when we stayed out far too long in the cold. Let me serve you."

After Aiko sat, Kunpu sat facing her and crossed his legs. "Please, rest your feet in my lap."

When she was settled, he gently removed her foot wear and set it near the warmth of the lamp. Rubbing his hands together, he warmed his own fingers before beginning to massage Aiko's feet. He seemed to take quiet pleasure in the work, and smiled. He tucked the sole foot he was not working on against his bare stomach.
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#69 Post by Captain Kinkajou »


Aiko watched Kunpu closely as he worked on her feet. His movements were practiced and effective, quickly bringing a tingle of circulation back to her skin. He certainly gave a good massage. He knew what he was doing. While he worked, she flexed her fingers, as he had shown her, and warmed them near the lamp.

"What was it like?" she asked him suddenly. "Your childhood, I mean. To know so much about fending off Winter's chill, you and the other children must have often stayed out in the cold for too long."
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#70 Post by Leitz »

Whether it is due to the cold, or focusing on rolling Aiko-sama's ankle so the circulation went up the tendons, Kunpu was unable to stop the look of surprise that overtook him. Nor did the smile of warm joy that followed obey any control he might exert. The eventual sly grin, however, was all him.

"I would gladly honor such a request," he said. "In the hopes that I could ask the same, oh enigmatic one. Though if you become so bored as to fall asleep during the tale, I will consider my part of the bargain complete."

He shrugged, held both of Aiko's feet against his abdomen, and rocked side to side while deftly removing his own footwear. He set the wet shoes near the lantern and then tucked his own bare feet between his over shirt and Aiko's thighs.

"Much like this," he said, flexing his toes. "Shared body heat is the best defense against the cold. Well, second to not tromping around in the snow. But one cannot get from here to there in the cold, without walking in the cold. At least us poor children could not."

His tone was completely different. Gone was the hesitation and guarded reservation. He neither averted his gaze nor gave a subtle bow of his head. He was simply himself.

"It was a mountain village, and thus commonly cold. Children grew up together, occasionally having to attend a parent or relative. Most of the time we were one body, sharing laughter, nakedness, and bruises equally between boys and girls. Even as we grew, no one taught us that boys should be over there and girls over somewhere else. Perhaps you understand, samurai-ko?"

The label rolled off his tongue respectfully; as if it proved Aiko-sama believed in equality.

"She-who-was-my-sister and I barely cared that we had the same parents."
He paused, and leaned forward. His voice went to a whisper. "Given the choice, Hiro's mother would have gotten all the attention. What that woman could do to a fish soup must be savored to comprehend! Of course, Hiro wound up outweighing us two to one, so perhaps restraint was called for."

He leaned back, and smiled. His eyes sought hers. "I loved walking the trails, and making new ones. Of course, my desire for adventure often out paced my ability to find my way back home. I have perfected this technique through practice."

Deep breath. "So, completely bored yet, or should I continue?"
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#71 Post by Captain Kinkajou »


Aiko listened intently to Kunpu's words and did not seem at all bored. Quite the contrary.

"It is you who do me the honour, Kunpu-san," Aiko replied. "To hear you speak with such joy is a gift. Please continue."

She considered for a moment and then added, "Though, let us not delay the journey back any longer than is prudent. I would not want us to freeze, however diverting your childhood adventures may be."

She smiled, shivering slightly.
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#72 Post by Leitz »

"I doubt you shiver in eager anticipation of my tale," Kunpu said. "Though that would please me greatly. We are at grave risk of frostbite should we venture forth before our bodies are ready."

He held her injured arm for several moments, leaned forward, and then pulled himself close to her. He placed her injured limb against his chest and then wrapped himself around her.

"Body heat," he said, massaging her back. "Turn your head slightly down and in, breathe softly in through your nose and out your mouth. Focus on taking in the warm air between us."

He rested his chin against her neck, his voice was low. "I wanted to excel, just like everyone else. Running long races to build endurance, climbing trees to practice balance and build upper body strength. Scrubbing the floors nearby whenever an advanced lesson was being taught."

He turned his head and slowly breathed the air between them. He did as he told her to do. "My first real teacher pushed me hard. 'Stand on one leg' he would say, and then follow up with 'Stand on no legs'. The other teachers laughed at him. They said he was insane. I was pretty sure of it too, for a long time. Then, later...later..."

He leaned back slightly, and looked at her. His smile was relaxed, serene. "Aiko-sama, I failed completely. I lost everything and yet found a treasure I can barely comprehend. Once I understood First-Teacher, others laughed at me, too. I have trusted before, and it caused my downfall. Yet I long to trust. Should I continue? You are free to laugh, of course, and to disbelieve."
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#73 Post by Captain Kinkajou »


Aiko's heart fluttered. The easy intimacy with which Kunpu touched her crippled arm and drew her into his warm embrace frightened her. She wasn't ready for it, to bare her pain to him, to have the wall she'd built around it torn asunder. She trusted him, but her injury, her disfigurement, was still too raw a thing. She was too damaged to expose it without breaking. She trembled and it was all she could do not to pull away.

Control she commanded herself, steadying her breathing and pounding heart. You are not some startled deer to take flight. You are a samurai-ko. This is necessity, a sharing of body heat for survival, nothing more.

She forced herself to a calmer place and relaxed, accepting the shared warmth, but she sensed the lie in it also. It wasn't nothing, something had changed between them, or was about to. The trust, the closeness in this moment, was fragile, it could easily be broken, but Kunpu seemed on the verge of telling her something; something that was of great importance to him. She felt his yearning to speak of it and to have her accept it, whatever it was. She dearly wished for it if it would ease the pain he bore.

And, there was something else; a memory from Kunpu's past entangling itself in that moment. Perhaps, he had once shared body heat with someone, just like this, someone he cared a great deal about. It felt almost tangible, as though she could reach out and touch it, but his past was out of reach. If she were to learn of it, he must tell her himself.

"This world has many dimensions," Aiko whispered after a moment. "Things are rarely only what they appear on the surface. Hidden depths are easily missed if one closes one's mind and does not have the wisdom to look further."

She gazed at him sincerely.

"I cannot promise what I will or will not believe, but you can rest assured that I place great value on your trust and, whatever you tell me, I would not abuse it by making light of or dismissing it out of hand," she promised him.

Then she frowned and smiled at her own thoughts.

"Trust is curious is it not? In the end, it doesn't really matter what I say. Only you can choose. So, what does your heart tell you? It must be your decision."
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#74 Post by Leitz »


He felt her tense, and tremble. He doubted, but then she relaxed into him. Her physical warmth welcomed him. As she fit into his arms, he knew peace.

"Trust is curious, but do I care?" He shook his head. "Your smile is beautiful. Your gaze gives a broken man hope. Perhaps you too will betray me, in the end. I care not; in this moment my heart rejoices for the gift of you."

He pulled her into him. For a moment, it was not about body heat. Then he went back to massaging her shoulders and neck.

"It was a masterful plan," he said quietly, as he leaned into her. "The headman from a rival village had taken an artifact from our small shrine. My partner and I, and really, it was her plan, we went to get it back. A few lower class geisha would travel the mountain passes in the fall, taking coin while it abounded when men were well fed and pleased with life. The headman would naturally have the artifact displayed in his hut, so the lady or ladies of his choice were suitably impressed."

"I trained well, but my partner trained more. She was better at getting into places, and could run faster over the long distance. So..." Kunpu leaned back and looked at Aiko-sama. He winced. "She wasn't the one dressed as a geisha. How women wear such constricting dresses, I do not understand!"

He shook his head again. "The men were drunk and the women were elsewhere. Sadly, I wasn't the ugliest girl there. A very good chance the headman would pick me, and then a little addition to his drink would give him long dreams of manly performance. We would be home and celebrated before he awoke."

He trembled, and then pulled her close. "That was the plan. I went along with it because I was in love with her. I thought she loved me. Once she had the artifact, however, she yelled at the men. She told them I wasn't a woman. While they vented their drunken anger on me, she escaped. To win the prize all by herself. It was a masterful plan, and I was her fool."
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#75 Post by Starbeard »

The middle of the night, in a mine in Hot Stones Village…

Ample snow is found nearby and piled onto the support beam. It easily smothers the fire along the ground, but some quick thinking is required to knock the support beam out so that the flames high up do not spread to the rafters (I'll just assume this happens, it was fairly easy with other wooden beams lying around, and the support was already weakened and not particularly stable anyway). The entrance should still hold up just fine, unless there's a major mudslide or snowfall, by which time the locals will have repaired it anyway. The decoy bonfire is set and provides you with some welcome heat; and happy with your work you retire to the mine, to wait, watch, and warm yourselves.

Kunpu gets to work with his treatment, and the technique works: soon the pair can feel the blood flowing hot through their limbs—or was it much longer? The time has actually slipped by imperceptibly as Kunpu's ministrations and tales arrest Aiko's attention. This strange "errant knight" seems to her like a character leaping straight from the pages of the great classical stories of ancient days.

Just as her anxiety to return to the castle before it gets too late gives way to a desire to hear more, their conversation is interrupted by the sound of voices, coming from outside the mine in the direction of the fire. A quick reconnaissance from within the mouth of the mine shows two rough looking men standing by the bonfire, each holding a lantern-pole and with a pair of kama tucked into their belts. They seem perplexed and suspicious, and are hard at work trying to put it out by dragging logs into the snow with their poles, and throwing heaps of snow onto the blaze.


  • Kunpu, (Scorpion) ronin: no armor (TN10), Init +2, katana 4k3 (DR 5k2) | Hnr 1;5, Wnds (4) 0;0 | Void Pts 2/2
  • Mirumoto Aiko, Dragon bushi: no armor (TN20/5), Init +3, daisho 7k4/6k3 (DR 4k2) | Hnr 3;7, Wnds (4) 0;0 | Void Pts 2/2 (crippled left arm)
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#76 Post by Captain Kinkajou »


Aiko gently resisted Kunpu's embrace and pulled back to gaze into his face with compassion, concern and perhaps a little sadness. The subtlety of her movement made it unclear whether she was overwhelmed by the closeness Kunpu sought and had finally had to draw away, or if she simply wanted to see him better as she spoke. Perhaps, it was both.

"I would never knowingly hurt or betray you Kunpu-san," she told him softly, "but you flatter me too much. I would have you whole again if I could, but there is much I cannot give."

She wondered if she had perhaps led him on, maybe inadvertently offering him something she could not follow through with. She did not want to hurt his feelings.

Even were it possible, are the cracks really that well hidden? she asked herself. Inside, the pieces of me feel barely held together.

But, now was not the time to give in to her anguish, Kunpu needed her help. She reached deep inside, beyond all that felt lost and depleted, and found some inner reserve there.

She shivered and calmed herself.

"I see nothing that you should regret, she told him with all sincerity. "Your account reflects poorly on your partner, not you. You gave your trust and your love, and she used you and betrayed you. If that makes you a fool, then all who trust and love are fools. The world would be all the poorer if we gave up trusting and loving out of fear."

She considered for a long moment further and then sighed.

"I wish I was wise, but I am not," she murmured, smiling ruefully. "I don't know what to tell you. Maybe if your First-Teacher were here, he would show us the lesson to be learned from it, but I do not see it. Perhaps it is simply that this is just life; we are all fools, stumbling forward, making mistakes and trying to understand what it means."

Just then, the exchange and Aiko's reflections were interrupted by the sound of voices resonating through the mine. She quickly moved to retrieve her sandals and stood. The moment was broken. She hoped she had not done Kunpu any ill. Her reaction to him had surely been flawed but she had spoken truthfully and from the heart. At least that was something; hopefully it was enough.
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#77 Post by Leitz »

Kunpu listened intently. The other voices came to them; he scowled and then put on the foot coverings before his rough traveler's shoes.

As they moved forward, Kunpu let Aiko-sama take the lead. Much could be gleaned by how they responded to her, if they thought she was injured and alone. The men were staring at the fire, ruining their night vision. Kunpu quietly drew his wakizashi and made himself part of the shadows behind Aiko-sama.

Stealth [_5d10k3] = (9+3+3)=15
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#78 Post by Captain Kinkajou »


Two sets of tracks had lead this way and two men now returned. So, these two had most likely been among those that met Itono, and they had carried her message to the Scorpion waystation.

For a moment, Aiko wondered if she and Kunpu might quietly withdraw, but Kunpu clearly had other plans.

Unsure whether this was the wisest course, Aiko nevertheless advanced with him towards the men. As they drew closer, Kunpu nodded and faded into the nearby shadows. As a hunter, he hugged the darkness in the lee of the fire, where flames blinded the two men to his presence.

Very well, Aiko told herself. I know what part I must play here.

Steadying herself, she moved gracefully towards the two men, her footsteps muffled by the snow and her appearance, like Kunpu's, hidden by the glare of the firelight. Unlike Kunpu, she sought not so much to hide as to approach the men so unthreateningly that she remained unnoticed until she was close to them.

Within herself, she waited silently for the moment when she would strike. Without, she shivered and cloaked herself in the semblance of a lost soul, helpless, near frozen from the cold. It was not a hard act to put on.

Acting 4k3: [_4d10] = (9+9+7+2)=27 So, 25.

"P... Please...," she stepped out of the darkness into view. "It is s... so... cold. May I w... warm myself by your f... fire? I am lost and weary. I track a woman, a spy, she may have p... passed this way. Perhaps, you have s... seen her."

She bides her time, watching their reaction, keeping their attention on her while Kunpu slips round behind.

Note: In case it's not clear, for now, I'm only intending to attack in response to them attacking me, kind of in the fashion of an Iaijutsu duel.
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Re: 4: Terror in the Mountains

#79 Post by Starbeard »


Aiko's ruse seems to work; or at the least, it seems to take the two men with enough surprise to dumbfound their senses. "Eh? W-who are you?" They fumble through an almost comical act of trying to hide being caught at something. One stutters through an overcomplicated, off the cuff excuse for their being out here by the bonfire, while the other vehemently denies having anything to do with the fire. They catch themselves crossing lies, then switch stories, catch themselves again, and finally one of them caves to Aiko's pitiful presentation and offers the young woman a place by the fire.

The other, with heavier whiskers and large eyes, remains suspicious and questioning. "A spy, you say? Did you get a good look at her?" Aiko continues her act flawlessly, and quickly the hook is bit. "You followed her all this way from the castle?" It takes a moment for him to realize that he just gave himself up, and then he quickly reaches for his sickle. However, everyone is momentarily distracted when his partner suddenly dashes into the night, screaming like a coward: "Oni Slayer! Oni Slayer! Flee or die!"

The distraction is enough to give Aiko the advantage. Before her man can steel himself and draw, she has him by the throat with her blade. A rustle of darkness slips past the flickering light behind her, and within moments the other man is dragged howling and wailing back to the firelight by Kunpu.

Aiko wins initiative:
Aiko's surprise initiative 2k1+3 (Aiko initiative: [_2d10k1+3] = (8)=8+3 = 11)
Stranger's initiative (Stranger initiative: [1d10+2] = 8+2 = 10)

Kunpu wins athletics (4k3) contested roll to run stranger down:
Kunpu scores 19 vs TN 15 ([_4d10] = (8+6+5+1)=20)
Stranger scores 15 vs TN 15 ([_3d10] = (9+6+5)=20)

Kunpu wins Unarmed/Taijutsu (5k3) contested roll to capture stranger:
Kunpu scores 15 vs TN 15 ([_5d10k3] = (7+5+3)=15)
Stranger scores 14 vs TN 15 ([_3d10k2] = (8+6)=14)

It doesn't even take much to get the pair to talk. Bandits never have the honor to die with their mouths shut. And bandits they are: members of a local gang operating up and down the Pass. They swear vehemently that Itono has nothing to do with them, just a Scorpion contact paying them for information and aid when needed. One of Itono's fellow spies was sent this way escorted by another gang member, they say, to deliver a message to the Scorpion garrison down at the foot of the mountains—but when those who stayed behind at the village noticed smoke, they grew anxious and came to investigate, having no idea why there would be a fire and worried that something had waylaid the messengers.

"Itono has not even traveled this way, on my word! She was still in the village with her other contacts when we left. She could already be back up at the castle by now! Spare me, please! You have my wealth I shall run and never return: just spare me, Merciful Heroes, Vanquishers of Demons!"

The message, you learn through much groveling and interrupted statements between them, is this: "Shadowlands in the Pass. Lion magistrate intends to pounce. No masks."


  • Kunpu, (Scorpion) ronin: no armor (TN10), Init +2, katana 4k3 (DR 5k2) | Hnr 1;5, Wnds (4) 0;0 | Void Pts 2/2
  • Mirumoto Aiko, Dragon bushi: no armor (TN20/5), Init +3, daisho 7k4/6k3 (DR 4k2) | Hnr 3;7, Wnds (4) 0;0 | Void Pts 2/2 (crippled left arm)
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