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#1 Post by Bloodaxe »

Character collage by Broggrim

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Re: Characters

#2 Post by Alethan »

Plant Man.JPG
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Name: Kapok
Race: Mutant Plant

STR: 10 (n/a)
DEX: 11 (n/a)
CON: 13 (13d6 HD)
INT: 13 (+5% Technology Roll Modifier)
WP: 15 (n/a)
CHR: 10 (4 Retainers; Retainer Morale 7)

Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points: (13d6) 48
AC: 13
THAC0: 19

Saving Throws:
Energy Attacks: 15
Poison/Death: 12
Stun Attacks: 14
Radiation: 13

Mutant Powers:
Natural Armour (Stone Frame) - AC6
Epidermal Photosynthesis - In direct sun, heal 4x regular rate (4d3/day)
Mind Thrust - Mental Energy attack (3d6 dmg, can be used every other round, range = 50ft)
Poisonous Spores (Hallucinogenic) - Emit a cloud of spores when disturbed; saving throw allowed
Empathy - Instill emotions in creatures after successful attack; range = 90ft

Mutant Defects:
Epidermal Photosynthesis - When out of sun (night or cave, etc.), movement rate reduced by 50%, -2 penalty to save vs. cold/heat attacks

Axe (1d8 dmg; 6lb)
Longbow (1d8 dmg; 6lb)
Quiver w/20 arrows
Shield (10lb)
Canvas Duffelbag (2lb)
- (2) Waterskins (8lb)
- (8) Torches (8lb)
- Flint/Steel
- Hammer (2lb)
- Silk Rope (5lb)
- Crowbar (2lb)
- (4) large canvas sacks (2lb)
- (4) Trail Rations (4lb)
- a silver metal cylinder labeled "smoke" (grenade)

Encumbrance: 55lbs carried
Movement: 90' (Daylight)/45' (Night/Indoors)

For as long as his cells can remember, Kapok lived in the jungle near a large stone altar, decorated with carvings made by the dark-skinned humans. He remembers a time when they came to his altar to worship the trees, such as himself, that brought life and good health to their tribe. The tribal leaders brought their defeated enemies to the stone platform and ended their lives in sacrifice. As a reward for their gift, he would spray the men with a light dusting of spores, which they seemed to enjoy.

Kapok quickly grew to love the rich red sap that spilled off the altar. It was sweeter than the purest water his tap root could find deep below the earth. It contained abundant nutrients that helped him grow more powerful. As the years passed, and Kapok grew larger and larger, he also slowly moved closer to the altar, wrapping long, thick roots around its base, to better catch that glorious crimson liquid.

After several centuries, he discovered he had some control over these men when they got close enough. If ever they came to worship, but did not readily offer the red sap he craved, he stirred up feelings of jealousy and rage in one or two of them, and the men would fight. Often times, the life force of the defeated spilled out onto the altar and the roots below. Kapok would receive his payment, one way or the other.

On the rare occasion a lone figure would stumble upon his altar, and offer nothing in sacrifice, Kapok would spray a large amount of spores onto them. This extra-heavy dose of opiates was quite potent, causing vivid waking nightmares. When he was lucky, the human ended their life right there, bashing their head against the altar to try and drive out the visions.

Other times, they would go into a catatonic state, curling up on top of the altar. When this happened, Kapok was able to wrap his thinner, more pliable roots around the body and squeeze them until their red sap flowed freely.

Alas, after many rings of time, the dark men ceased to come. Even the occasional wanderer stopped passing his way. Eventually, without the sustaining red sap, he shrank back down to a size easier to maintain, though he continued to hug the altar, intertwining his roots between cracks in the stone. Then, one day a large cylinder fell from the sky. It crashed onto his altar, breaking it into many pieces and splashing a viscous yellow liquid onto everything within 30'.

Kapok hated the smell of the liquid. He hated how it felt on his bark and how it made him feel, as if he was being stretched and molded into something new. Some of his limbs and roots were stretched and thinned, while others were broken completely off!

One day, Kapok became irritated. That blasted mahogany, also a recipient of the canister's yellow stench, had finally grown tall enough to block his morning sunlight. He stood up and moved several paces away and was rewarded with warmth from his other life source - the sun.

It took him two more sun cycles to realize he was no longer connected to the ground, or to the altar, for that matter. He slowly stood up on two thick trunks and gasped in amazement. Then he realized he'd gasped and the jungle rang with an earthy, hollow sound that could hardly be mistaken for laughter, though that is what it was.

Looking down at the remains of his altar, he noticed the dull glint of yellow metal. It was some of the fancy decoration the dark-skinned humans wore on their heads and arms. Finding it suddenly alluring, he snatched it up with weedy fingers and tucked it away behind the curved vines of his chest. Maybe it would come in handy where he was going. After one last look at the remains of his altar, Kapok turned and stomped away.
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: Characters

#3 Post by Norjax »

Name: Nor-jax of the T'Hunn
Race: Mutant Animal (Gorilla-based apeman)

STR: 16 (+2 Modifier to hit, damage, force doors)
DEX: 9 (n/a)
CON: 17 (n/a)
INT: 9 (n/a)
WP: 13 (n/a)
CHR: 7 (+1 Reaction Adjustment)

Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points: ( 17d6) 60
AC: 6
THAC0: 19

Saving Throws:
Energy Attacks: 15
Poison/Death: 12
Stun Attacks: 14
Radiation: 13

Natural Weapon:
Bite - 1d6

Mutant Powers:
Xenomorphism, two small tentacles - May be used to grapple objects
Dermal Poison Slime - (Type 2) 2d6 damage, save for half
Neural Telekinesis - Lift 130#; 50ft. range; 5 rd. maximum
Natural Armour - AC6

Mutant Defects:
Simian Deformity - 2/3 Movement when bipedal; Full movement if using legs and arms

Axe (1d8) +2
Spears (2) (1d8) +2

Chain, 10ft.
Grapling hook
Rations, trail, 5-days
Waterskin (2)
Large Sack (2)
12 Iron Spikes
Hammer (tool)
Torches (8)
Oil (3-pints)
Flint & Steel

Encumbrance: 62lbs carried
Movement: 60ft/20ft/60ft (40ft/13ft/40ft when bipedal)

Nor-jax’s people, the T’Hunn, were said to have been created by the god-men of N’Merk-Anun, the once great Warrior Kingdom. N’Merk-Anun was the rival to the Merchant Kingdom of N’Azia-Komm and the two fought for domination of the world’s buried treasures. The T’Hunn were raised to be the soldiers and workers for N’Merk-Anun’s dominions in the distant Middle Island.

After the two kingdoms destroyed each other in the Plunder Wars, the T’Hunn people were free from bondage and carved out their own kingdom in the wilderness. For generations, the T’Hunn people lived in proximity to the ruins of the god-men’s castle complex. The T’Hunn were taught to fear and respect the god-men’s creations, especially the dangerous “Cursed Sector” on the far side of the site.

One stormy day, Nor-jax and several companions were hunting near the castle complex. They accidentally wandered into the forbidden area and eventually entered a vast, crumbling chamber filled with a pool of foul water. All were immediately overcome with a disorienting, vomit-inducing illness. As they clamored along a narrow path, nine monstrous tentacles lashed out at the group from the depths of the pool. All but Nor-jax and Oor-zak, his best friend, were pulled into the watery grave, screaming as the liquid melted them alive! Nor-jax and Oor-zak fought back valiantly, severing eight of the tentacles with their chop swords.

The two remaining T’Hunns managed to reach an exit before the monster made a final lunge and grasped Oor-zak. Nor-jax grabbed his friend and pulled back attempting to keep him out of the pool. Despite Nor-jax’s best effort, Oor-zak was slowly dragged into the creature’s lair, screaming in agony as the corrosive water dissolved his flesh! Nor-jax held with all his might, holding on long enough to have his arms submerged up to the elbows. The burning liquid forced Nor-jax to release his friend and he reluctantly moved away from the pool.

Scared, sick, alone and injured, Nor-jax made his way out of the chamber and up several flights of stairs before passing out on an old metal, exterior bridge; the distant howl of the wounded water beast echoing through the ruins.

The storm was over when Nor-jax awoke. He did recall vomiting several more times during his sleep, but the torrential rains must have washed the filth away. His arms were still raw from being burned, but he always healed fast so he wasn’t concerned. What did concern him was several lumps forming on his body; two on either side of his abdomen, one on each cheek and a few smaller ones on the top of his head. Soon thereafter, hideous tentacles sprouted from Nor-jax’s body. Two small tentacles drooped from his cheeks. He cut these off at first, but they kept growing back. Two larger tentacles grew from his mid-section, almost as long as his arms. In time, Nor-jax learned to make use of the larger, abdominal tentacles. The cheek tentacles were vestigial, becoming a nuisance whenever he ate. The head lumps eventually shrunk, but he endured chronic headaches for several months. The fur never grew back on his arms between the wrists and elbows.

His tribe could never accept the Nor-jax that returned from the Cursed Sector and he became an outcast. He now wanders the wasteland, taken with any companions who will accept him.
Last edited by Norjax on Mon Aug 05, 2013 10:58 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Characters

#4 Post by Mimdalf »

Blixx of Starlight

Race: Mutant Human (Mothish)

Silver-white Hair, white feathery antennae, large black multifaceted eyes (moth-Like),
pointed ears, slightly longer incisors 5'1 100#

STR: 9 (NA)
DEX: 13 (-1 AC)
CON: 11(NA)
INT: 14 (+5% TechRoll)
WP: 13
CHR: 13 (-1Reaction, 5Ret 8RM)

Alignment: Lawful

Hit Points: ( 11d6) 38
AC: 5

Saving Throws:
Energy Attacks: 15
Poison/Death: 12
Stun Attacks: 14
Radiation: 13

Mutant Powers:
night vision (60’range)
mental barrier (Detect Mental powers 90’ -4 for Mental Attacks)
psionic flight (MV 13”)
vampiric field (43’r absorb HP 2d4/rd 24hr duration)

Mutant Defects:
vision impairment- eyes are extremely light sensitive (albinism) (-2 during daylight)


Hand Axe Tomahawk (battle axe) (1d6)
Knife (dagger) (1d4) Old M7 Bayonet
Mace (1d6) Wrench
Studded Leather Armor AC-6 Made of rings, keys, bottlecaps etc
Backpack, bedroll, flint/steel, trail rations (5 days), 2 canteens (Waterskins), 1 pencil (quill pen), old thread-bear, pull-over sweater (od green)(Winter Blanket), 25’ rope, 3 sheets parchment, jar of killer bee honey, Spyglass, 1 pound trade gold, leather pouch(map case) 1 honey roasted spidergoat drumstick,16gp 7sp.

Musket w/4 balls and powder for 4 shots

Really needs a good pair of sunglasses
Grew up in the village of Starlight (old drive in theater)
Really drawn to soft glowing light
Blixx3b_zpsb96cc3d3.png (183.84 KiB) Viewed 2294 times
Last edited by Mimdalf on Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:13 pm, edited 15 times in total.
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Re: Characters

#5 Post by WarHedgehog »

Mr. Pibbs has wandered away into the wasteland. We wish him the best of luck and look forward to meeting up with him again.
warhedgehog.jpg (67.89 KiB) Viewed 2277 times
Name: Mr. Pibbs
Race: Mutant animal - hedgehog
XP: 0

STR 18 (+3 to hit, damage and open doors)
DEX 11 (+/- 0)
CON 18 (+/- 0)
INT 9 (+/- 0)
WP 12
CHR 11

Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points: (18d6) 65
AC: 6
THAC0: 19

Saving Throws:
Energy Attacks: 15
Poison/Death: 12
Stun Attacks: 14
Radiation: 13

Mutatant Powers:
Gigantism- 9' tall, +1 damage
Spiny Growth - large spines (cause 1d8 damage and can be removed and thrown as dagger, impossible to conceal)
Regenerative Capability Heals 10 extra HP/day, lost limbs/extremities regen in 1d4+2 weeks
Natural Armor -AC6
Shriek - 1x per day let out horrible shriek that affects all in 10' radius, targets must save vs stun or take 1d4 damage and be deafened for 1d6+4 rounds. Mutants with echolocation suffer -2 penalty on save.

Mutant Defect:
Increased caloric needs - For every 5 rounds of vigorous activity, must eat for 1 round or lose 2HP and 1 STR each melee round until eats again or activity stops. All losses regained at equal rate for each round that food is consumed until all loss of HP and STR are regained.

Bite 1d6 claw 1d4
Equipment: is this list Ok?
Large Axe -1d10
Home-made Backpack (large sack on a rope)
Hemp rope (50')
Rations, trail (10 days)
2 Waterskins (filled with water)
hand axe (for throwing)
Last edited by WarHedgehog on Thu Aug 22, 2013 4:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Characters

#6 Post by Scythius Equinus »


Name: Frank Rock
Race: Pure Strain Human
STR: 13 (+1)
DEX: 12 (n/a)
CON: 15 (15d8 HD)
INT: 15 (+5% Technology Roll Modifier)
WP: 13 (n/a)
CHR: 15 (-1 Reaction 5 Retainers; Retainer Morale 8)

Alignment: Lawful
Hit Points: 63 - 4
AC: 6
THAC0: 19

Saving Throws:
Energy Attacks: 15
Poison/Death: 12
Stun Attacks: 14
Radiation: 13

Equipment: 4.5 gold left
Studded Leather Armor
Long Sword
Long Bow
20 Arrows
Flint And Steel
5 days rations preserved
50' Hemp Rope
2 Large Sacks
2 Water Skins
8 Torches
2 Pints Oil
1 Bottle whiskey

Born Chris Davis, Frank changed his name, after finding a stash of Sgt. Rock comics in a long forgotten box in a small cave, He became enamored with the exploits of Easy Company, and started to act out the mannerisms, he just knew the legendary Sgt. Rock had... After so many years, he almost never falls back into being Chris Davis.. He strives to one day find the definitive proof that The Sergeant who lead the lost battalion was real, so he can shove that proof under his family's noses, and shut them up..
Last edited by Scythius Equinus on Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Frank Rock - Human
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Re: Characters

#7 Post by Vargr1105 »

UPDATE: Jet is now an NPC

Jet, son of Bronco disappeared after you entered the tunnel. He now wanders the wasteland on a personal mission.

Name: Jet son of Bronco
Race: Mutant human (ghost)
Level: 1st
XP: 0 / 3,001

Ability Scores:

STR 15 (+1 melee to hit, damage and open doors)
DEX 14 (-1 AC, +1 ranged to hit, +1 initiative)
CON 15
INT 11
WIL 12
CHA 9 (4 retainers, morale 7)

Alignment: Chaotic
Languages: Common

Hit Points: (15d6) 51
AC: 5
THAC0: 18 (adjusted)

Saving Throws:
Energy Attacks: 15
Poison/Death: 12
Stun Attacks: 14
Radiation: 13

Mutant Powers:
Increased Sense (Smell) - 180ft range, cannot be surprised upwind
Body Adjustment (1 x every 3 days) - Full healing, double physical attributes for 3d10 rounds (+6 STR/DEX bonuses)
Mind Reflection

Junk armor + football helmet (AC 6) - 20 lbs
Polearm (Dmg 1d10+1) - 15 lbs
Punch-dagger/handblade (Dmg 1d6+1) - 2 lbs
Backpack - 2 lbs
Crowbar - 5 lbs
Trail rations (10 days) - 10 lbs
Waterskin - 4 lbs
Small sack - 0.5 lbs
Torches (8) - 8 lbs
Spyglass - 1 lb
Flint and steel - 0 lbs
Winter blanket - 3 lbs
Gold bar (2) - 2 lb
2 gold pieces
1 silver piece
10 copper pieces

Total Encumbrance: 73.8 lbs

Movement Rate: 60ft per Turn / Encounter 20ft per Round / Running 60ft per Round

Jet the son of Bronco is a member of the Enefele, a proud warrior tribe living in the ruins of a large cup-shaped, roundish temple built by the ancients. The tribe has grown almost beyond what their home can support in the last generations, and to make matters worse there is a noticeable gender discrepancy with men outnumbering women at a ratio over 2:1. This has led to the creation of a tradition called "The Banishment". Upon coming of age all but the few males that win a competition of games are exiled from the tribe and sent to roam the Wastelands, not to return until they find something of value to the tribe or bring back a bride. Jet had always wanted to travel the land, so he recused himself from the game and departed on his own after his coming of age.
Within the tribe, Jet was nicknamed "Sniffer" due to his uncanny ability to follow trails and hunt, he was also a celebrated sentinel that never failed to spot when something was approaching on his watch.
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Re: Characters

#8 Post by Broggrim »

Name: Bartholomew Ichabod Zinc (a.k.a. Biz)
Race: Mutant Human

STR: 15 (+1)
DEX: 13 (-1/+1/+1)
CON: 14
INT: 12
WP: (11)15
CHR: 8 (+1/3/6)

Alignment: Neutral

Hit Points: (14d6) 60
AC: 5
THAC0: 18

Saving Throws:
Energy Attacks: 15
Poison/Death: 12
Stun Attacks: 14
Radiation: 13

Mutant Powers:
Echolocation - Natural sonar using clicking sound, 90ft. range, +2 to hit in combat
Reflective Epidermis: Electrical Energy - no damage from this type of energy source
Know Direction - incapable of being lost
Increased Willpower - +4 to willpower, +10% to technology rolls

Mutant Defects:
Bizarre Appearance with Light-sensitive Eyes - -2 to hit in daylight, -1 to hit if wearing broad-rimmed hat

Leather Armor (AC7) 15#
Shield (-1) 10#

Axe (1d8) 6#

Backpack 2#
Rations, trail, 5-days 5#
Waterskin (2) 8#
Large Sack 1/2#
Rope, Hemp (50ft.) 10#

Hat, broad-rimmed
Burlap shirt & pants

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Re: Characters

#10 Post by Norjax »

Bump. Added Broggrim's collage.
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