Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#81 Post by Stirling »


Morning of Monday 5th May. 1879.

The trio decide against camping at the raid site or returning to their previous camp in the tunnel. You ride for a few hours across the plains and head northwards. There is no discernible trail to follow though with the map you can make out terrain features and navigate with too much error.

You find a suitable camp in the cleft of a group of boulders. The camp is sparse and the fire low. Night watch is set. Thankfully only owls and the croak of frogs break the silence. You breakfast and set off with the sunrise, arriving in the small frontier town in the mid morning.

Laramie has all the hallmarks of that isolated frontier settlement. The houses are mainly wooden. The main street boasts a couple of saloons and various merchant trade stores. There is a train station and the last mile into the town has some track laid heading south towards Cheyenne.

okay. Give me your next actions and any places you wish to go.
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#82 Post by Bluetongue »


Rides slowly into town, eyeing the people and buildings. He wants to make sure that they are not unwelcomed strangers.

"I think reporting to the local Sheriff or Mayor and letting them know what we have seen would be a good start. Then track down this 'Indian agent'."

He decides not to head straight for the saloon. Better to act responsible. Do we need to check in the horses in the town livery? I guess we can just tie them up to a rail post outside the sheriff's office in case we leave pretty quickly.

I would also like to check in on the train station here. If they have a telegram office we can message Mr Bartlett also.
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#83 Post by Gremlin »


Alice takes in the sights of Laramie as they enter town. This place is even smaller than Cheyenne! I guess Denver really is the Queen City of the Plains, she thought to herself.

"I agree, we should check in the the sheriff or marshal to let them know that agents of the Denver Pacific are here to help with the railroad problems. Maybe the town has had some interactions with the natives as well, so the sheriff might also have some helpful information," Alice comments.

"We should see if the train station has an office set up with a telegram so we can message Mr. Bartlett", Alice continues, unknowingly echoing Rourke's thoughts. "For now let's not worry about stabling the horses or procuring a room until we have a better idea how long we will be in town. If Mr. Bartlett is able to recruit more help, we might be staying for a few days until they arrive but no use jumping the gun."

Alice will accompany Rourke and Billy as the trio look for the local law official, the train station, and the 'agent' in town.
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#84 Post by Stirling »


Morning of Monday 5th May. 1879.

The trio of Denver-Pacific employees ride into town as tumbleweed blowing off the dusty trail frantically rolls by to herald your arrival. Few people are about, a merchant sweeping his verandah nods politely as you pass, another sits smoking a pipe as apprentices plane and sand down some newly nailed caskets. From a balcony a chambermaid empties a bowl of liquid into a side ditch with a loud splat. You pass a saloon on your left, La Belle Alliance. A faded visage of Napoleon swings creaking slowly from a wooden board, it seems to nod in unison with your steps. Opposite a rival hotel boasts of 'entertaining fancies'.

A couple of wagons are parked outside traders. One is being loaded up with foodstocks while the owner of the other unloads some butchered carcasses for the meat vendors and tries to hawk some large leathery skins.

You take all this in silently until you locate the sheriff's office on one corner of the main street. You knock politely and enter as answered. Behind a desk sits a large framed man, probably in his late years as his white hair and wrinkles betray his ageing. His barrel chest and square shoulders give the impression there is still strength enough for him to wrestle most to the ground. A store of locked rifles behind the desk compliment the authority. Just past the room a passage leads to some barred cells. An inmate snores loudly inside one.

"Sheriff Jedidiah Watson at your service. Sit down if you please or don't please. Matters not to me. How can I help you folk."

okay. Sorry for delay. Actions and verbal please. Post any rolls you think help your actions, persuade, notice, etc.
Last edited by Stirling on Mon Jul 13, 2020 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#85 Post by Bluetongue »


Takes off his hat and sits opposite the lawman.

"Sheriff Watson may I present Deputy Alice.She and I, are Agents working on behalf of the Denver-Pacific. My name is Rourke and this is our guide and native translator Billy."

I will go on to share that we are seeking the whereabouts of Abel Tyrone and wish to question the local Indian affairs agent. My guess he will alreadt know of the raid on the labourers camp. I will say that we encountered a scout group of labourers at the Uncas Horseshoe but under the collapsed tunnel there was nothing we could do for them.

I would like to get an understandIng of what is happening locally with the Indians particularly since we are technically in Sioux Nations territory. Why has trouble arisen recently, where the surveyor could be and what investigations he has already conducted.
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#86 Post by Gremlin »


"Pleasure to meet you, Sheriff," Alice says pleasantly. She takes a seat and listens intently as Rourke inquires about Mr. Tyrone and the town's relations with the local Indians.
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#87 Post by Stirling »

Laramie. Sioux Nations territory.

Monday 5th May. 1879.

"Coffee?" The sheriff asks, pouring a thick steaming brew from a kettle simmering over a wooden stove into his own tin cup and gestures to Billy to collect some other mugs by a hand wash basin. He greets Alice using an oriental introduction. "Oh, no fanciful talk. We have a group of Chinese labouring here.
Some were plying trade on the rail or mining claims. A few words here and there can help smooth trouble. Came down with the Deadwood stage to work here."

He listens to your introduction, nodding as you speak of the recent track raid and your travels from Cheyenne. He doesn't react with alarm or surprise when you go into the gruesome details, butchered and scalped labourers, the petrified stragglers.

"Strange happenings increasing on the frontier. I have little direct contact though with the tribes here. Iglala have an encampment some miles north and the Brule raindance on the plains beyond. Out of my jurisdiction to go investigating warparties. Looked after your DP man though. No sight or sound of him, no ransom, no demands. Just a cryptic warning from a medicine man that 'when we hear him again it would herald a new dawn'. Ken Sun mediates native affairs. He has an office of sorts back of the fur traders store up by the station. He is your best bet for following up leads. I wish you and Mr Tyrone the best of luck."

You can sense that as far as Sheriff Watson is concerned, the surveyor is either dead or unrecoverable.

He goes on to explain that the recent trouble occurred during the last year, escalating over the border into Union territory (Wyoming). The protagonist renegades come from the Pawnee tribe that roam along the Oregon trail. They know that if the Union troops react and make incursions into native territory it will rile the tribes to co-operative martial action, something which the Union can ill afford. The Sioux tribes however cannot be seen to support the actions of the Pawnee who lay claim to territory outside of Sioux authority. The tribal elders know a war with the Union may break the presently united tribes into seperate factions again. War would be disastrous for the new nation.

"So while the Sioux may back the Pawnee intentions they do so covertly. In the meantime we have a town curfew after midnight til dawn. That's when 'Johnny Moon' patrols. Best be asleep in your beds lest you meet him on a dark street."

The sheriff basically says everything that happened at the raid site and tunnel are the concern of other authorities. His investigation into the whereabouts of the surveyor gave no clue except he believes he must still be alive, held captive in some Pawnee camp.

He points you to the Indian agent.

You may also send a telegram back to Mr Bartlett and the foreman at Allerdice Springs from the post office by the rail station.

ok. Give me any more questions and an action please. Include rolls for notice, persuasion,
etc in your post.
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#88 Post by Bluetongue »


Drinks the coffee trying to make himself comfortable in the sheriff's office. It would not be a natural poise as he is still wanted so puts on his best 'poker face' to play the cool and calculated railroad agent.

He listens intently and asks a few questions as appropriate. He mentions to Alice that we should check on the labourers camp. Any possible links to the surveyor's disappearance should be followed up. Rule out the 'disaffected workers masquerading as natives to cause trouble'.

I don't have any reason to distrust the sheriff, discern his motives or detect lies but I will include a Smarts roll to assess the information we get.

Rourke: Smarts roll to assess Sheriff info. [1d6] = 6 wild card [1d6] = 2
Rourke: Smarts Ace reroll to assess Sheriff info. [1d6] = 5

He 'hmms' in deep thought and will share any conclusions with Alice in private.

After we finish with the sheriff we should go straight to the Indian affairs rep Ken Sun

coincidence that we have characters in Laramie named Sun & Moon?

then file a report to Mr Bartlett and a brief to the foreman.

I don't have any specific further questions at this point but will include a Notice roll as I observe the office and cells.

Rourke: Notice roll to assess Sheriff office. [1d6] = 1 wild card [1d6] = 6
Rourke: Notice wc Ace reroll to assess Sheriff office. [1d6] = 4
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#89 Post by Gremlin »


"Thank you kindly, Sheriff," Alice says as she accepts the offered beverage and politely takes a sip. Suppressing a wince at the bitter brew, she sets it down and listens to the conversation. She doesn't offer much input herself -- she's not much of a talker -- but she does try to gauge the veracity of what the Sheriff is telling them.

Smarts roll [1d4] = 1, Wild die [1d6] = 1

Unfortunately, Alice loses focus as the men drone on. She's startled a bit when one of them addresses her at the end of the conversation. Blushing slightly at being caught not paying attention, Alice quickly says, "Thank you for your time, Sheriff."

As they leave the office, Alice tells Billy, "We may be here for a day or two depending on Mr. Bartlett's reply to the telegram we'll be sending him. Would you secure us some rooms and stable the horses while Agent Rourke and I visit Mr. Sun, please?"

As Alice accompanies Rourke to see Ken Sun she scans the town, noting the buildings and sizing up the residents.

Notice [1d4] = 1, Wild die [1d6] = 4
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#90 Post by Stirling »


Afternoon of Monday 5th May. 1879.

"Yes Miss Alice. I'll go straight away." Billy Two-Jaws affirms the request of Alice and sets off about town to secure suitable accommodation for the trio and the horses. you can find him in the named hotel when you want to regroup.

As you leave the sheriffs office you glance around. The main street seems quite normal for a frontier town, the traders in the wagons pack rifles among their goods, cowpokes flitting between saloons carry holstered sidearms. The 'meat wagon' unloads it's cargo to the local butcher. A queue of people already form to buy selected joints. The merchant holding up skins shows off what looks like a pair of large bat wings.

You walk to the station and telegraph office. A clerk taps out your two messages promising 'accuracy, confidentiality and delivery'.

unless you are specific, I will assume you tell the foreman you investigated the raid site via the tunnel which has collapsed upon the Gruber scout group and pressed on to Laramie. Insisting the workers restart the track laying and at least restore the tunnel security. You mention the graves of the labourers.

I will assume you are more detailed with Mr Bartlett, informing him of the details of the raid, the strange conglomerate creature of Gruber & Co and the petrified victims. You intend to stay in Laramie and press on with investigations. You inform him of the concerns of the labourers in Allerdice Springs asking for medical resources, wages and logistical support to encourage the men.

Rourke chats with Sheriff Watson. You can assess the lawman is honest in his accounts but maybe seems untrusting of outsiders, by which he means the influx of oriental miners. He also accepts that he has limits to his authority, he governs the law in town but outside is native or prairie justice. He seems quite pragmatic about that.

When he speaks of Johnny Moon, he says he is 'a deputised man' who patrols the surroundings of the town at night due to recent incidents. "Was shot and left for dead but death didn't want him. A too mean son of a gun."

You gaze around the office noting a rogues gallery of portraits, old crumpled pics of mean looking hombres that are fading in the sun. Perhaps the 'wanted' list is not a high priority in his schedule. The prisoner in the cell looks and smells like a local drunk.

Thanking him for the coffee and his time you depart.

I will add another post next as you meet Ken Sun
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#91 Post by Gremlin »

That looks fine, though Alice would insist warning the foreman to be extra careful and to bring more security when they reach the collapsed tunnel. The can't in good conscious let them blunder in there without some kind of warning.
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#92 Post by Stirling »


Afternoon of Monday 5th May. 1879.

The two agents of the Denver-Pacific send their reports from the station telegraph office. It is only a short walk to a large mercantile that specialises in fur trading, various sized hides and skins mounted up on tables and shelves. Around to one side of the detached building is an annexe which is signposted 'Sioux Nations indigenous and immigrant cultural affairs council.' It is a strange shaped building for a large communal room appears to have a pyramid style roof rather than conventional style. You knock on the front door and are greeted by a tall oriental man dressed in moccasin sandals, loose fitting cotton trousers and a large shirt styled in native fashion with tassels and beads. He is probably aged in his mid 30's, with straight jet black hair and thick moustache, goatee stubble.

He seems surprised to meet Alice. It is more a cultural reaction, perhaps most oriental woman are not as well dressed or in such positions. And with being such a demure and attractive figure, no doubt you catch quite a few lustful eyes.

Ken Sun ushers you into a front office. It is a small room with a cluttered desk and few ornaments. He offers you something to drink, decanting glasses of cooled water "or some tea if you prefer?".

You can see through a door into the next room which is lit only from the faint rays of sunlight that shine down the centre of the ceiling. The interior of the room has a large tepee erected around the walls, cushions and woven rugs line the floor. A faint smell of burning incense wafts through the air. A young Indian native woman patiently sews cross-legged on the floor.

"Please, be my guests. How may I help such esteemed notaries?" The Indian affairs man asks and listens to your story and query regarding the missing surveyor Abel Tyrone.

at this point I would like you to ask specific questions if you have any and I will update the thread depending on how answers frame your line of enquiry.

for example asking "Do you know where Mr Tyrone is being held?" Might just get an "unfortunately no." response, asking "why would Mr Tyrone be kept captive rather than killed in the raid?" opens up a more thought provoking enquiry.

Ask me 3 questions each and I will summarise responses.
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#93 Post by Bluetongue »


Formally introduces himself and Alice, flashing the DP badge and papers if needed. He will say that we visited Sheriff Watson who recommended we contact him as we investigate the abduction of DP surveyor Abel Tyrone.

When I mention the name I want to see if I gain any kind of reaction.

Rourke: Notice roll to assess Ken Sun. [1d6] = 1 wild card [1d6] = 2

He gets a deadpan visage though I guess it is no surprise to the Indian agent that railroad agents are here.

Here are my three questions.

"We have reasonable belief that Pawnee renegades took the unfortunate surveyor after the raid. How may we negotiate with them for his release?

The track line was agreed in principle and from what I understand, precautions were taken to avoid the most sacred grounds of the Sioux so I am surprised the treaty was violated. The DP are not looking for reparations but want assurances that the track can be relaid in good faith. Can the Sioux elders commit to this?

Any attack upon the rail company concerns in Wyoming is perceived to be an atrack upon the Union. We want to avoid escalating violence and unnecessary military involvement in otherwise civilian affairs. Will you help us 'smooth the rough waters' so that the RR can understand native concerns and repatriate Mr Tyrone?"

He hopes he has made his questions direct enough along with the statements.
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#94 Post by Gremlin »


Alice smiles in greeting at Mr. Sun and says, "Tea please, thank you." Then in Chinese she adds, "Tea will be a pleasant change." She notices the native woman in the next room but doesn't bring her up.

Alice's questions are:

"As strange as it may sound, Agent Rourke and I have found evidence of the unnatural at the site of the Pawnee raid. Men turned to stone, unnaturally large bison, an abomination made up of a collection of corpses of slain workers. Have you heard of anything like that before or how the Pawnee could summon such unnatural occurrences?"

"Do you have any idea roughly how many renegade Pawnee there are and where their camp might be?"

"The Sioux council is in charge of the territory, yes? Will they enforce the fairly negotiated treaty and assist with the renegade Pawnee problem?"
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#95 Post by Stirling »

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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#96 Post by Stirling »


Afternoon of Monday 5th May. 1879.

Ken Sun, thoughtful and impassive in his facial features, contemplates your questions as he pours tea. He takes his time as if the hot beverage is served with some unseen ceremony or respect.

"Traditions and old ways are to be respected are they not. Even as the 'new world' opens up we must balance progress with honour to our heritage, should we not?" He says as he serves, passing small silver cups of sweetened tea to the agents.

"It is the same too as we live here among an ancient culture undergoing a restoration of values and way of life. 'Old Ways' are important to the Sioux. Traditions and loyalty are Oriental values to. I see you Agent Alice secure your person with traditional honours." He acknowledges your blades as a weapon and seems to indicate that such arms are more honoured among the natives who have birthed their new nationhood on a rejection of modern products. No guns.

And this brings us to some relevant points as the Indian affairs agent answers your questions.

"The Sioux do not fear conflict. Some hawks may indeed embrace such confrontation with the army but undoubtedly that would risk the peace they enjoy. The Sioux are led by a council of elder chiefs and wise men. The Pawnee have no representation at the elder circle as they are a smaller tribe, having been conquered previously by Lasota or Cheyenne groups. This renegade group wander the eastern grasslands and look to capture a territory for themselves. They have lodges along the current border, stretching to Kansas but their eyes are on the unsettled lands between the settler trails. If they can carve out the land their stock will rise and their influence grow. The Pawnee wish to have their own nation.

As far as restarting the train track. It may be of value to reaffirm the agreement. The regional Sioux council meet in a few days. Perhaps you should attend, at your own risk.

The Pawnee may be perceived as an unruly child. To chide and control or to encourage them is the perogative of the tribes. To persuade them to act or not may need some bargaining or inducement.

The Pawnee people actually number several thousand but this renegade band of raiders as you call them are considerably less. They cause uproar in the hope of drawing braves to their cause. I do not know where they have taken your colleague Mr Tyrone, but he is alive, for now at least. They must have some use for him otherwise he would have been staked and scalped, left for the buzzards to feast as the others were.

The desire for nationhood was conceived in the Hunting Grounds. Empowered by ancestral spirits who gave sage advice to the elders. But not all portals open to benign influences. How souls are judged and passed to the afterlife remains a mystery to me. This abomination you speak of, perhaps your God Mr Rourke punished them collectively for their sinful actions?

The bison are reverred, they provide much for the tribes. Each one slain for meat and skin is treated with respect in the Sioux Nations unlike your hunters who kill for sport. I have seen no mammoth grazing these plains."

He pours more tea as he answers. hope that gives enough response?

The woman in the tepee sews patiently, making baby sized clothing. She appears pregnant and thus you may induce she is the partner of Ken Sun. She has braided hair and henna type decorations on her arms and hands. One thing you notice is that when you press queries regarding the Pawnee tribe she winces as she pricks her finger with a needle.

"Agent Alice we have a small community of Chinese labourers here and in the evening gather together. You are welcome to fellowship at your discretion. Of course Mr Rourke is welcome too," he adds.

Okay. Post any actions or more questions.

Ken Sun can take you to a regional council of the Sioux in a couple of days. It is some miles north of the town. He advises the Pawnee live along the South border of the SN towards the east plains.

You can choose either/or as a route to investigate.

For now you can explore the town.

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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#97 Post by Bluetongue »

Sorry for waiting a month on me. I will post tomorrow.
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#98 Post by Bluetongue »


Takes some time to assess the answers that the Indian agent has given.

As the woman winces, I am going to assume she is Pawnee herself or knows of them. Pressing her for answers outside of Ken Sun's presence might be more appropriate for Alice if that is something to consider.

I prefer not to wait a couple of days to go uninvited to a Sioux council and vote to press on the trail, however vague, to follow the captured surveyor.

So use the evening to investigate town and if Alice wants, take up the invitation to fellowship with the Chinese labourers.

I don't think further questions will help our cause unless I have missed something obvious.
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Re: Agents of the Denver-Pacific.

#99 Post by Gremlin »


By the time the meeting is winding down, Alice's head is spinning. When the teenage girl accepted the job with the railroad, she never expected to have to negotiate a complex political solution to the railroad's problems. What she thought would be a thrilling adventure fighting bandits and other rascals has turned into something that requires a more delicate touch, and unfortunately a delicate touch is something Alice doesn't have much experience with. Still, she isn't one to give up and though she's out of her depth, she'll still try.

"Thank you very much for your hospitality," she says to their host. The martial artist fingerings her swords for a moment, then with a meaningful glance at the woman in the other room she adds, "While I will not shy away from a fight if it comes to that, I would very much like to resolve this situation with as little violence as possible. If you or anyone else you know have any additional information that might help defuse any confrontation, it would be greatly appreciated."

Once the meeting is concluded, Alice will check up on Billy and their lodgings before accepting the invitation to visit the small Chinese community. Maybe she'll even get to have a nice home-cooked meal!

Since the surveyor doesn't seem to be in any immediate danger, Alice would prefer to wait and accompany Ken Sun to the regional council of the Sioux.
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