Chapter 1d: Dockside

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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#41 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri

Olga feels the movement of the ship as naturally as moving on her own two legs as the ship's course changes suddenly and the heel swings hard around. The boom swings to the other side of the ship and Olga knows it is coming.

Watch the boom!, she yells out to the novice sailors.

The light scraping sounds of rocks against the hull of the ship, however, she cannot prepare for but she finds her feet.

Fortitude Save [1d20] = 17, dam. [1d6] = 6
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#42 Post by greyarea »

Fungo the Navigator

fortitude [1d20] = 19
Fungo keeps his legs...
luck check [1d20+1] = 9+1 = 10
...and loses the ship.

Fungo will burn 5 luck to save the ship.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#43 Post by AleBelly »

Onnekas, elven forester

Onnekas is transfixed watching the flames engulf more ships. A sudden scrape of the ship against the rocks causes him to lose his footing, and he hits the deck hard...

Onnekas fortitude save [1d20-1] = 7-1 = 6

Burn 4 luck

...and seconds later feels a FFFFFWWWWUMP as the boom sweeps inches above his head!
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#44 Post by ybn1197 »

Hinrick bounces around as best he can trying to help and at the same time trying not to get in anyone's way. Just as he is trying to set some of the rope, tension from another direction pulls him up off the deck and miraculously out of the path of the boom as it sweeps through the space he was standing in moments earlier.

Hinrick Fortitude: [1d20] = 5
Burn 5 luck
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#45 Post by Marullus »

  • AleBelly: Onnekas
  • greyarea: Fungo
  • greyarea: Guy
  • redwarrior: Freydis Olafdottir
  • Samwell Turleton: Olga Snorri
  • sirravd: Liss
  • sirravd: Zeluhun
  • ybn1197: Hinrick
The ship bucks like a wild horse as it goes over the boulders hidden just under the waterline below the stone cliffs at the north side of the bay, but Fungo manages to shake the sloop free and keep it from being sundered on the rocks. The mouth of the bay lies ahead of you, the smoke of all the burning hulks that didn't get as lucky as you hanging low and acrid over the waters. Bloated bodies of dead sailors wash as flotsam on the growing waves.

You clench as you hear another thump woosh now further behind you, another roaring ball of pitch coming from the cliffs. Thump woosh, a massive boulder follows it. The ball of pitch careens through your rigging, the boulder a narrow miss, but the waves from it rocking the ship precipitously.

Liss: make a DC 10 Fortitude save or take [1d6] damage as you are thrown around the ship. [Missing from last round]

Olga: Make a DC 12 Luck check to save the rigging from the flaming projectile.
Everyone: make a DC 10 Reflex save or take [1d6] damage from splattering fire or rocking waves.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#46 Post by greyarea »

Fungo the Navigator

reflex [1d20] = 7
dmg [1d6] = 5

Fungo's luck runs out. He is tossed by the waves high in the air, where his body is smacked by a gout of splattering fire. His roasted remains thud hard on the deck.

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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#47 Post by ybn1197 »

Hinrick Reflex DC10: [1d20+2] = 4+2 = 6
Burn 4 more luck to succeed on the save. Having 1 hit point sucks. :oops:
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#48 Post by AleBelly »

Onnekas, elven forester

Still breathless from his near-miss with the boom, Onnekas looks to avoid further danger. He rolls along the deck to get out from under the swinging timber, and chances upon a bitt protruding from the deck. He grips it firmly, not daring to stand up. He sees Fungo, thrown from the ship's wheel, several feet away. Just as Onnekas calls out to him, the ship hits another wave and for the second time today he feels a rush of wind above him...but this time it's hot.

He holds on for dear life and turns to Fungo...but he's not there. A second later a burning husk falls with a thud.

Onnekas reflex save [1d20-1] = 12-1 = 11

The elf cries out in sadness at the sight of his fallen kin.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#49 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri

Olga hears the thump...thump sounds from the cliffs and sees the flaming pitch heading towards the ship. The mass of pitch hits low at the mast, fragments and sprays the sticky substance across the deck and over the rails of the ship into the water. The smaller flaming pools of pitch are extinguished when they break apart or by the salt spray splashing over the deck. Olga sees a larger mass of the substance and pries it loose with a wooden handle flinging it over the deck. She looks around for any remaining fiery remnants and feels confident it has been put out.

The rolling of the ship continues with the surge of water from the boulder and Olga finds her grip on a safety line to keep from being wrenched from the deck. She hears the sounds of the crew clamoring about - she doesn't see Fungo manning the steering of the ship.

Where's the navigator?, Olga cries out.

Luck Roll [1d20-1] = 10-1 = 9, Reflex Save [1d20+1] = 16+1 = 17, Dam. [1d6] = 5

Use 3 luck to help the DC12 roll

Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#50 Post by sirravd »

[1d20-1] = 10-1 = 9[1d6] = 5[1d20-1] = 1-1 = 0[1d6] = 3

Liss loses her footing and smashes into the ship's mast, dying immediately. Her corpse is washed away by a wave, sinking to the bottom of the ocean.

Well, that's all my characters...
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#51 Post by Marullus »

  • greyarea: Fungo
  • greyarea: Guy
  • redwarrior: Freydis Olafdottir
  • sirravd: Liss
  • sirravd: Zeluhun
  • AleBelly: Onnekas
  • Samwell Turleton: Olga Snorri
  • ybn1197: Hinrick
Veering away from the northern cliff face, the sloop catches the wind off the flaming flotsam and speeds down the channel towards the open water beyond the bay.

A boulder splashes next to the ship, rocking it hard to port. The mast swings, catching Liss and narrowly missing several others. The elf maiden slumps against the rail, candles, some iron spikes, and the hilt of an old sword tumbling from the bundle in her hands.

Olga works swiftly, saving the ship's rigging from the flaming pitch, but only belatedly noticing the horribly burned body of Fungo lying on the deck, no longer at the ship's wheel. His bow and arrow are scattered on the planks, his spyglass and map of the seas gripped underneath him to protect it from the flames.

Hinrick the Halfling Cheesemaker, Onnekas the Elven Forrester, and Olga Snorri the no-longer-retired Elven Navigator find themselves in the open sea, finally beyond the reach of the cliffside catapults, the harbor shrinking away behind you. Relief washes over you, then grief for all you've lost. A quick survey of your stolen sloop shows it was poorly provisioned, not yet restocked for a sea journey when you stole it from the warf. You will need another plan in less than a week. Luckily, Olga is a skilled navigator so you have options beyond foundering on the rocks of the shore... the chaos subsides, Hinrick and Onnekas note that Olga, standing at the ship's helm, is actually dressed in well-fitting robes as a dragon cultist. Awkward.

Roleplay your reaction to being safe, to being at sea, and dealing with the loss of your life so far and the companions you knew. Explain how you deal with the bodies of Liss and Fungo, which came with you. React to Olga's choice of attire.

This thread then is for your own use as you roleplay through the Chapter 1 denouement. Discuss amongst yourselves where you plan to go and what you want to do (I'll chime in with details and options after your state desires). Roleplay your introspection as you level up to Level 1. You're all demihumans, so have a fixed class. Both elves connect with Supernatural Patrons - is this a new bond you are forming, or an old one you're going back to? How do you react to that? Who do you pick? Etc etc etc...
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#52 Post by AleBelly »

Onnekas, elven forester

Still seated on the deck, Onnekas pulls a fire-red feather from his cloak pocket and cradles it in his hand. "Three elves lost in a single day" he murmurs. He had always been an elf on the fringe of society...his frailty, dim-witted manner and clumsiness an embarrassment to his race. How surprised they would be to see him survive when others had fallen.

This is all clearly a sign from his ancestors. Yes, he is worthy. Chosen, in fact. Tales of his heroic deeds would be written alongside others of the Seppa bloodline. And if he were to be a hero, who would his patron be? The King of Elfland is unlikely to favor him. No, it must be Yddgrrl, guardian of the forest. Onnekas has heard his whispers on his many forest rambles. Who is to say that the enemy of fire did not spare him from such today?

The cry of a gull overhead rouses him from his daydream. He's no hero yet, and his situation remains dire. He surveys the deck, again sickened by the corpses...especially the elven ones. He walks over to Fungo's charred corpse and picks up the bow and arrow, avoiding the sight of him as much as possible. "I claim this as elvenkin" he says flatly to Hinrick, and scoops up the spyglass and map and carries it over to Olga. But he stops dead in his tracks when he realizes what she's wearing.

Without emotion in his voice, he asks "Why do you wear the garb of those who slew our kin?"
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#53 Post by ybn1197 »

Using his cudgel as a walking stick (or vice-versa), Hinrick balances himself against the rocking of the boat. He had never been off dry land before and though the thought of travel was exhilarating, being on a boat was disturbing. Finally having more than a minute to himself for contemplation over what has happened this morning, Hinrick finally notices his new companions. The one elf seemed on the edge of a breakdown. Obviously he was friends with the other elves who lost their lives this morning. Hinrick said a prayer to himself for them. Had they not made the ultimate sacrifice, he may not be here right now. He then said a prayer for the others who died on the docks trying to get out of the city, they too played their part in this.

With his prayers done, Hinrick looked up to ask the others what they should do with Liss and Fungo.
AleBelly wrote:Onnekas, elven forester"I claim this as elvenkin" he says flatly to Hinrick, and scoops up the spyglass and map and carries it over to Olga.
"Of course," Hinrick says a little hurt. As if I was going to steal it or something, he thinks to himself.
AleBelly wrote:But he stops dead in his tracks when he realizes what she's wearing.

Without emotion in his voice, he asks "Why do you wear the garb of those who slew our kin?"
It is then that Hinrick takes notice of Olga's garb for the first time. He takes a quick look at Liss's body and the sword hilt, wondering if he should quickly scoop that up before things begin anew.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#54 Post by AleBelly »

ybn1197 wrote:
AleBelly wrote:Onnekas, elven forester"I claim this as elvenkin" he says flatly to Hinrick, and scoops up the spyglass and map and carries it over to Olga.
"Of course," Hinrick says a little hurt. As if I was going to steal it or something, he thinks to himself.
AleBelly wrote:But he stops dead in his tracks when he realizes what she's wearing.

Without emotion in his voice, he asks "Why do you wear the garb of those who slew our kin?"
:D I'm playing up the snooty elf thing would be reasonable for Hinrick to want the bow too, so I'm happy to debate that IC!
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#55 Post by ybn1197 »

AleBelly wrote: :D I'm playing up the snooty elf thing would be reasonable for Hinrick to want the bow too, so I'm happy to debate that IC!
No problem. Hinrick is one of those who could be so much better in what he does if he only applied himself but he's too lazy. So he;s playing the halfling victim card. :lol:
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#56 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri

Olga finds a length of cloth and drapes it over the remains of Fungo, May the stars shine brightly to lead your spirit home tonight.

She takes position in the place that Fungo was controlling the ship from and observes the skies and the seas on the horizon. The salty air and the wind at her back bring back memories from long ago. She isn't sure that she likes them coming back. She is approached by the dark haired elf with an offering of a spyglass and map.

Olga regards the elf.

I am not young and do not take interest in the conflicts of nations anymore. I settled in Kaerhavn to give up that life. Her face turns more sour as she thinks back on the clothes. I am no traitor to my people. These clothes are from Olaffur Sigmundson - given over whispers of a coming threat. I hid them away and held the knowledge to myself. In doing so I may have been too much a fool hoping to keep my simple life. I never thought they would bring two dragons.

She regards the other crew member eyeing the sword.

Don't get too hasty - it has been a trying day but I am always ready for a tussle.

Olga pats her rolling pin in her hand with a smile on her face.

After saying this, to the others, Olga appears to pause with a far off look. To Olga, the color of the sky shifts slightly. The unbroken horizon now has the appearance to her as if she is positioned in the center of a hectogon looking outwards at the myriad faces. Olga has seen this before. You bastard!, Olga cries at the sky as each pane of the geometric surface shimmers - as if a stone is dropped into the center of a dark pool of water - and the smiling face of a rider on the back of an albino bird of prey comes into view. You didn't think I would forget about you, did you?, the rider smugly replies...
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#57 Post by AleBelly »

Samwell Turleton wrote:Olga Snorri

Olga regards the elf.

I am not young and do not take interest in the conflicts of nations anymore. I settled in Kaerhavn to give up that life. Her face turns more sour as she thinks back on the clothes. I am no traitor to my people. These clothes are from Olaffur Sigmundson - given over whispers of a coming threat. I hid them away and held the knowledge to myself. In doing so I may have been too much a fool hoping to keep my simple life. I never thought they would bring two dragons.
Onnekas blinks, his black eyes breaking Olga's stare first. He's not about to press the issue with one of his kind that outranks him in the elven hierarchy...and is superior to him in every way.

"Yes, yes. Well, if I might impose, I would hope we can find a place to dock this ship soon. The dragon could chase us down at any moment." He does not feel comfortable enunciating his thoughts. And I long to feel the earth between my toes
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#58 Post by Samwell Turleton »

Olga Snorri

Olga comes out of her trance to the words of the dark haired elf, her intensity softens, Call me Olga.

She looks back over her shoulder to the harbor receding in their view. The flaming skeletons of a fleet of fine merchant ships glow and crackle against the dark water like a constellation touching down on the sea. The first glimpses can be seen of the stars overhead.

Olga pulls the spyglass out and looks back to Kaerhavn for signs of the dragons.

I think we may be safe from the dragons for now but you are probably right. We should find an opportunity to rest. Let me consult the map - it has been a long time since I have sailed these waters.

We can anchor the boat in shallower waters and take a dinghy to land if you prefer the ground under your feet. You do look a little green.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#59 Post by AleBelly »

Onnekas, elven forester

"Thank you Olga. Hinrick, this puts you closer to a pot of stew and a fire, so I trust this course is agreeable to you".

The elf stands on deck, surveying the burning. Watch towers, city buildings, ships. He has no love for any of it, yet he knows that the forest is as likely to burn as the civilization around him.

"It is the natural cycle. Our decades of living fancy free are giving way to that of responsibility." He pulls a bright red feather from his pocket. "Now is the age of responsibility, action, and perhaps, sacrifice. I must fulfill my destiny."
Once the elf goes ashore, he returns to his modest dwelling, and pulls a dusty grimoire from under his bed. Its leather cover is cracked with age, yet the elven binding is as sturdy as it was when the thin volume was crafted centuries ago. He inhales deeply and studies it.

Today is the day Onnekas becomes an elven adult...
to be continued...
Last edited by AleBelly on Tue Jul 14, 2020 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 1d: Dockside

#60 Post by ybn1197 »

AleBelly wrote: Sun Jul 12, 2020 11:56 pm Onnekas, elven forester

"Thank you Olga. Hinrick, this puts you closer to a pot of stew and a fire, so I trust this course is agreeable to you".
Ohyes!Thatwouldbemostagreeable,thankyouverymuch, Hinrick says almost too fast to understand. His anxiety over the day's events and where that has left him showing clearly.
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