On Board the Space Port Albion

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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#141 Post by The Bindoner »

Talk of division of spoils snaps Kiki's attention fully into the room. Once Fred has finished she speaks up.

Before you answer, Stefano, let me add my voice. Fred makes a good case, and I agree with him, we should all share equally in the rewards of our endeavours. As Dev can tell you, ventures such as ours usually operate on a share basis. ( a conspiratorial smile at Dev ) You are right Fred, it is the best way to ensure everyone feels they are rewarded for their efforts. To the extent we will all share the dangers of our mission equally, all depend on each other equally, we should share the rewards equally. My only quibble is the proposed division, and when it is disbursed. I believe the tradition is half for the ship, and the rest divided up among the whole crew, officers and disabled hands given extra shares. However, this is a corporate venture rather than a buccaneering cruise, so different rules must apply. We are contracted to Vloxmar. They own the ship, they have hired us, and they will own the trade links we will be establishing for them. We are being paid for our services. "Officers" are already compensated according to their rank. I may be considered among those who have more invested, but all I have done is convert some of my recompense to equity. Those of us who have deferred part of our pay will not see any benefit for years, if at all. The choice to do so is more a symbol of commitment to the long term success of the mission than a financial speculation. It is almost irrelevant, certainly in regard to any division of ancillary surplus funds during the mission.
. Once we are in the new territory we may well make profits on our own account, separate to the business Vloxmar pay us to conduct, and those we should share equally. So, what “profits” do we divide, and when do we decide we have made them? Given that I agree in principle with Fred, these details we ought to settle once we are actually in the field, with a clearer idea of what our opportunities are.

Kiki wants to convey that the offices of our employer is not perhaps the place to discuss this, while not shutting down the subject. She is also trying to gauge how friendly Dev feels toward her.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#142 Post by dragoner »

Dev, in his ship's uniform coveralls, feels the need to stand and say something, with his name being mentioned and all.
"Aye, Fred, and Kiki are right." Giving Keeks a bit of a mercurial eye-roll, and Fred a friendly nod, before letting the grim countenance settle back over his features. Also genuinely impressed with Fred's bit of speech work there, Dev not being so good with words.

"I don't know much about all the fancy paperwork, stuff like that. I know when I'm not treated fairly, I think we all do. For all the pretty polly, the devil's cut is if we screw up, we'll pay with our lives, this isn't like a business venture where someone can say 'I quit', and walk away. No, ya wind up retired between a set of horse-head bookends. The one thing we can trust is for everyone to act in their own self interests, that way it all gets woven together, if we share out equals." Dev pauses, not for dramatic effect, even though it might seem so, but to process thoughts into words.

"I think I'm starting to repeat what Fred and Kiki have already said, I'll throw my kitty into the pot, but also turn my attention to what I do, keep an ear to the ground. The dirt and underground, I can help see to well enough, it's the world I know." Now Dev is afraid he might have said too much, giving the room a nod and lopsided grin, he sits back down.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#143 Post by Leitz »

Stefano had listened to each speaker. He nodded occasionally. After a while he looked around the room, things seemed to be waiting on him.
"Fokionas, when you create art, you create. Not the customer, though you talk with them to ensure everyone gets a good exchange in the transaction. Still, your skill and heart create. Just as Ms Arquez creates interesting paths between product and demand. There's some basic business in there but a strong touch of art. Of course, Captain McCue runs the ship based on years of experience. Each of us has come to our employer's attention due to capabilities we have demonstrated."

"Yet for some of us, there's more. Friendship." He looked at Kiki for a moment and smiled, then turned to D'Arcy. "I don't have any plans to shaft Vloxmar; I'm here because of mutual friendships. People believe in me and I do my best to honor their trust. If I lead this team to success then they succeed as do we all. The expectation is that you are going to do a fantastic job and make a good bit of money. What you might not understand is that while this task will take months to achieve you are going to come back here and be even more valuable due to your specialized knowledge. Your market value goes up exponentially and if you make multiple trips that trend will continue for a while."

Stefano looked around the room. "I'm also here because I understand how larger investment portfolios are built. It's a slow game, and difficult. Margins seem thin, if you just look at the numbers. Maybe we split a hundredth of a percent? For the average broker that might be enough to pay for lunch. For us, though, it might mean a million credits in the bank. Each. Not because we try to cut side deals or focus on micro-managing who gets what based on some subjective measure of value, but work hard and gain the rewards for our efforts."

He leaned back. "Blanket communal sharing of rewards has often been discussed in glowing terms. Statistically it is a resounding failure. Success is based on shared goals, thoughtful leadership, best efforts, and strong teamwork. Vloxmar has some expectations of profit. I'm researching other options they can pursue that would raise profits. If we as a team can make them happen then yes, we all profit together. But we need to be open to the concept of trust and respecting each person's role in the venture. I'm not going to tell the pilot how to maneuver the ship and I'm not going to tell D'Arcy what caliber of gun he should carry. I'm going to expect them to do their best and I will do the same."

He shrugged. "If you feel you can lead the team better, raise the question with Mister Orlovski. I'll abide by his decision. Otherwise, please grant me the respect I am already granting you. Let's move forward together, shall we?"
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#144 Post by atpollard »

Leitz wrote: "If you feel you can lead the team better, raise the question with Mister Orlovski. I'll abide by his decision. Otherwise, please grant me the respect I am already granting you. Let's move forward together, shall we?"
Fred started to open his mouth, but hesitated ... "I never wanted to lead," he said softly "nor was any disrespect intended."

He sat down and in a barely audible whisper "Atrox melior dulcissima veritas mendaciis."*
Fred just listened and asked no further questions for the remainder of the meeting.

* "Atrox melior dulcissima veritas mendaciis" is Latin for "The bitter truth is better than the sweetest lies" ... Fred has an EDU and SOC of 10.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#145 Post by Leitz »

Stefano looked directly at Fred. "You spoke with passion and respect, thank you. While we may disagree on one point I'm sure there are others we will agree on. Many, likely, that I will seek your wisdom on. I'm glad you're here."
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#146 Post by Stirling »


While the team brief goes on, Tibs checks over the turret ammunition and storage of missiles. He checks the sand blasters, triggering dummy releases and the visual scanners for targeting. He draws up a list of Ships'Locker goods, ensuring safety catches are in place and ammo boxes accounted for. Finally he spends the rest of duty grinding keen edges onto the boarding cutlass'
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#147 Post by Spearmint »

D'Arcy makes a mental note of the 'speakers' and their voicing opinions. Rocking the boat before it has even set sail. Fred is employed by Vloxmar too, for specific functions. This marine though, well maybe he knows one or two of us but D'Arcy will venture to remind the Captain of the ship of his duty to keep his men in order. The space craft crew will get their profits and rewards from the agreed cost of the carriage for the trade mission from here in Albion to wherever and back, several times if needed. The space crew share in that and if they are not happy should take their issues up with the captain or craft quartermaster.

He remains silent though, eyes watching folk from under his mirror lens and ears listening in to the sports reports echoing around his head from the wafer jack commune.

He will want to view the ship and go on the official guided tour. He might need an 'unofficial tour' though as he guesses some of the plant and engines might be 'off limits' to civvies.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#148 Post by dragoner »

Dev uses his stealth to slip out the back door, and be gone. [2d6+4] = 7+4 = 11

First and last dice roll, that dice roller is really clumsy, no wonder people like mine so much.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#149 Post by The Bindoner »

Kiki feels the meeting is beginning to wind down and decides to interject a question:

Before we adjourn, I would like to ask for your ideas regarding trade goods to offer. Obviously, we have a prepared selection of products that can be manufactured here and used there. Your specialties provide you with a variety of perspectives we do not have though, so you may spot opportunities that have been missed. We want to establish demand for things the lower Tech target market cannot produce, that they will rely on Vloxmar to provide. Things that require replacement consumables not available locally would be ideal. If this cruise is successful we can command higher fees for our service on future voyages, so by helping Vloxmar we help ourselves.

The request for ideas is genuine - Kiki is unfamiliar with opening alien markets - but is also intended to build integration of the team.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#150 Post by Ahlmzhad »

OK Guys sorry for the slowness. I've been through multiple loaner PC's waiting to get mine back, just now have it so should be back on a more robust posting schedule.

So we are one week from departure. I'd like to speed this up some by simply asking each of you to let me know what you want to get done in these 7 days. I'll then address them, and any follow ups.

Thanks and sorry again for the delays.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#151 Post by The Bindoner »

Kiki will spend the first day or so studying any reports Vloxmar will make available on the culture(s) we are to visit Based on what she learns there will be another day or so of acquiring equipment/trade goods.

Evenings and lunches for socialising with team members.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#152 Post by Stirling »


7 days before departure. Well apart from getting pissed and laid during his off duty time, the former marine turned scout will check over stuff (see above post), and try to get from the Captain an understanding of his specific crew role. He will check on the spacecraft small craft such as life pods, ship boats, anti-grav shuttles. Also make notes of route planning and likely 'trips' around the new world. Background info on the people and places we are going to.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#153 Post by Leitz »

Stefano will stay seriously busy; setting up data sets based on what is known about the destination and each jump location in between. Getting extra probes to send out into the remote system to gather more stellar and other data. A great system map is a treasure. Stocking up on healthy food, going over everyone's personnel files to add discussion items to the growing list of options. While Stefano doesn't have a general education he's very good at collecting and collating specific data on a target market and the people involved.

Kiki will notice a little bit more distance as the days go by.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#154 Post by The Bindoner »

After a day of research Kiki meets Stefano for lunch.

I believe that advanced medicine is a good trade offer. Robotics especially. Procedures as much as pharmaceuticals. Things that cannot be manufactured locally, but will have high demand. An AutoDoc that needs Vloxmar-standard resupply and maintenance would make a fine "gift" to cement a relationship. This reminds me that we will need to be medically self-sufficient ourselves. If there is no Doctor on our crew we must have a sophisticated medical AI with mobile robotic avatar. As project director you have the authority to request this I believe?

Going back to market research Kiki asks around the galleries and underworld about strange new artefacts of mysterious provenance - perhaps things have already leaked onto the market...


[2d6] = 11
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#155 Post by Leitz »

Stefano nodded at Kiki's suggestion. "I'd prefer a human doctor, if possible. Supplemented by an autodoc and whatever else we can think of. As noted, we'll be a long way from what we might be used to."

He leaned back. "A human doctor can leave the ship and observe local capabilities and advise on options better than a computer, I think. Let's see if we can recruit someone, shall we? If you know of anyone, ask. Otherwise I'll talk to the company and see what they have."
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#156 Post by The Bindoner »

A sophont Doctor would be useful, they are creative and adaptable. They are also fragile and mortal though. A good, dependable synthetic backup is essential.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#157 Post by Leitz »

Stefano smiled. "While I prefer mortals, I'll easily agree that we are, in fact, mortal. Let's get both."
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#158 Post by Ahlmzhad »

The Bindoner wrote:Kiki will spend the first day or so studying any reports Vloxmar will make available on the culture(s) we are to visit Based on what she learns there will be another day or so of acquiring equipment/trade goods.

Evenings and lunches for socialising with team members.
Vloxmar has limited info as the encounter was brief, and the encountering crew were simply a 4 man flight crew with no real experience in xenology. The few tidbits they got was they are not yet at jump level, and the system is run by a matriarchal oligarchy led by a chief oligarch that has the position of a sovereign but with limits as they must deal with the other clan leaders.

They were interested in advanced technologies, but outside of precious metals or rare elements it is not known what trade goods would be available.

Finding that out will be a lot of the parties mission.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#159 Post by Ahlmzhad »

Stirling wrote:Tiberius

7 days before departure. Well apart from getting pissed and laid during his off duty time, the former marine turned scout will check over stuff (see above post), and try to get from the Captain an understanding of his specific crew role. He will check on the spacecraft small craft such as life pods, ship boats, anti-grav shuttles. Also make notes of route planning and likely 'trips' around the new world. Background info on the people and places we are going to.
You're main role is part of the base crew, and as a gunner in the defense team. Gun assignments would be based on practice performance and expressed preferences (you can take your pick of weapons).

The home planet of the main race here is a swampy planet. 80% water coverage although much of it is in shallow swamps/lakes. It's atmosphere is breathable for a short time without gear, but contains gasses that would cloud judgement, and impair the senses and motor skills over time.

The inhabitants are humanoid, but appear to have some reptilian features particularly in their skin (they seem to have scales), nose and eyes.
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Re: On Board the Space Port Albion

#160 Post by Spearmint »


A swamp planet, much like Albino perhaps? Orphidians though? Never met scaly snake people, wonder if they speak with forked tongue?

A recent escapade in Albino caused D'Arcy to come across a biochemist (unfortunately for him), and D'Arcy has access to his research papers which looked at cultivating methane into refined hydrogen. It revolved around hydroponics and genetically modified seeds whose roots and stalks drained methane from deep underground quicker than natural reverse osmosis. Then build 'methane crackers', a type of power processing plant to refine captured gas.

For Albino, who produce 168,000 tons per month it equated to 2000, trillion credits worth of hydrogen each year.

Any takers for following this up?
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