Entering the City

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Re: Entering the City

#21 Post by caveman »

Milner steps forward. "This sort of explains the mysterious stair which we descended for a moment, only to ascend into this salty air. We were a place called the Barrowmaze, but it was in a swamp. The season was spring, if I recall. Now we are in some sort of ruin. Shanthopal? the word tastes spicy on my tongue. I would enter. Here are my coins."
Milner hands the gatekeeper a couple of silver coins.
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Re: Entering the City

#22 Post by Dogma »

"I be Willem and this here be Jonas. He don' be talkin' much. We be from the same place and time as the rest o' these fine fellows. Though just thiknkin' abut what ye be sayin' 'bout other times be makiin' me head swim."

Willem also drops four silver pieces into Belson's waiting hand.

"I have a question ta be askin' ye. Iffin' we wanted ta be gettin' back to where and when we was from...how do we be goin' 'bout it? Do we need ta be waitn' fer one o' these 'movin' days'?
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Re: Entering the City

#23 Post by caveman »

We enter the city.
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Re: Entering the City

#24 Post by Raven Crowking »

Sorry for the long hiatus.

It is only 2 cp to enter the city through the gate, so there is change forthcoming, as well as elaborate and effusive thanks from your guide. Once past the gates, Folgo bows low to you, and says, "Gentle Sirs, you have done well by an old dog, and Folgo is at your service. Now, shall we repair to the sign of the Cockerel as I earlier suggested?"

The area beyond the gate appears to be a combination shanty town and ruin, with twisted avenues leading off in diverse directions. Being Moving Day, perhaps, the Gate was not so well watched, but now a veritable squadron of urchins and other folk - poor, disabled, or slatternly - press forward to call the charms of various houses for drinking, food, rest, and games of chance or pillow.

Folgo chuckles.

"On many a day," he says, "this area would be thronged with those who would serve the needs of the adventurous specifically. I see that the Great Oaf of whom I spoke earlier is not here. No matter! Folgo knows all that is needful to know. This district of the city was once well populated, but time and the general decay of the world have done much to render it unsafe, especially at night. Seek here if you would find hidden cults, black market goods, or small rat-gangs of thieves and assassins.....or if you would want to discover hidden ways to the deeps beneath the city. You'd not see Folgo travelling the Rothouses at night without a brace of linkboys, each armed with torch and stout cudgel." He shudders at the thought.
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Re: Entering the City

#25 Post by caveman »

"Lead on master Folgo! Bring us safely to this Cockeral and we'll eat a proper meal. I'm hungry!"
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Re: Entering the City

#26 Post by Raven Crowking »

"Very well then. Watch your purses and follow Folgo! Rooms, food, laundry, and baths await! Perhaps not in that order...."

He leads you through the tangled maze of buildings. much of this location of the city, away from the wall, seems deserted save for rats and sly, furtive figures that you barely catch glimpses of in the shadows.

And so you come to a more populated quarter, bit by bit, where folk from across the world have come to the pre-eminent city of its age. Savage northmen, cultured Afraekans and Aegyptians mix with men dressed like Folgo, in a variety of clashing colours. You see some few signs of Oriental culture here, apart from the burnished domes of copper, bronze, and gold that rise over some parts of the city, visible even from where you are.

The Cockerel is a medium-sized inn, located off a burgeoning market square where two wider streets meet. The sound of street hawkers and the babble of many languages is loud and somewhat confusing. Urchins attempt to entice customers to different establishments right on the very stoop of the inn. Folgo ushers you past all.

Within, the inn is perhaps as busy as without. Folgo catches the eye of a young waitress, whom he seems to be on friendly terms with, and orders baths and rooms for his "munificent friends, who are in need of the comforts of this good establishment." He orders food to be brought to your rooms, and then asks for some small change to outfit you in a style more becoming of your rank.
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Re: Entering the City

#27 Post by caveman »

"How much will it be? I don't need anything fancy. Just clean clothes, well made."
Milner wants to find a table where he can sit with his back to the wall. He keeps his hand on his purse.
Let's make some plans. I'd like to find this wizards tower, learn what we can about it. If that doesn't seem to be working, we can head back to the dungeon.
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Re: Entering the City

#28 Post by Raven Crowking »

Folgo throws an exaggerated expression of shock onto his face.

"Oh, no, my friends! Do not misunderstand! But a piece of silver or two each...no more than five...will see you well enough clothed and shod to pass for something other than the dregs of society. And, in the meanwhile, give you something to wear while your current wear is laundered and mended. Workmanlike and durable are the watchwords for those who venture beyond the lit streets! Trust Folgo! I shall not see you ill used."

He claps his hands together, and gives you a smile and a wink.

"As for wizards, there are many minor illusionists and necromancers to be found in Golden Shanthopal, but the two greatest of the Arts Magical currently residing in the city are the aforementioned Evetheron of the Purple Cloak, with the unattractive sister, and Mustubar Al-Sayar, known to some as the Lord of Veils, or the Lord of Tears, and to others as the Crying Wizard. He shows not his face, but gossip has it that his Art has changed his features so that he dare not. Chief among the lower wizards, perhaps, is Tethemus, She of the Twisted Eye, and perhaps safer to approach. It is well known that the Weeping One and He of the Purple Cloak are bitter enemies, and rivals in all things."

He turns to go as slaves bring great copper tubs into your rooms, and begin to fill them with steaming kettles of water. Hand on the door he stops, and turns back.

"La!" he says. "I almost forgot the coin! Happly I would loan you an amount to cover your garbing, should you need it, though it will be fire enough when I get home if I do!" He laughs. "Unhappy we are single, for want of a wife, and unhappy married for want of a life! As the saying goes, if you know it. Best, too, to strip now and bathe, and I shall take your clothing with me to launder. When I return, we shall sit down to the feast!"
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Re: Entering the City

#29 Post by caveman »

Milner gives Folgo 3sp. After getting cleaned up, while waiting for Folgo to do his thing, he'd like to chat with people in the taproom, being very vague about himself, but curious if others here have come from different dimensions, and what might be the gossip of the city.
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Re: Entering the City

#30 Post by caveman »

Milner would also like to do some shopping, when he can: 12 arrows, 10 flasks of oil, 6 torches 2 daggers, piton
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Re: Entering the City

#31 Post by Raven Crowking »

Is Milner the only one who gives Folgo coin? Also, does Milner give Folgo his current garments to launder?
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Re: Entering the City

#32 Post by caveman »

I would think that the other two would as well,
Milner will keep all his adventuring gear with him, of course. He'll want to personally clean his armaments, coil his rope, though he wouldn't mind finding a sign painter to repaint the Black Rooster on his shield at some point.
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Re: Entering the City

#33 Post by Dumnbunny »

Jed, following Milner's lead, hand Folgo three silver as well, and his clothing, standing near a tub waiting for it to be sufficiently filled. He places he other items near by, within sight, not entirely sure about this place in which he has found himself, reflecting on how recently his life revolved entirely around the parsnip crop.

"Um, Folgo, is there a place in this city with shrines or temples?"
Jed [AC: 14, HP: 9/10, Deity Disapproval: 1-2], Murq [AC: 13, 8/8]
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Re: Entering the City

#34 Post by Raven Crowking »

"My friends, there are so many temples and shrines in Golden Shanthopal that even Folgo does not know them all."

He takes the money, and the clothing to be laundered, and leaves.

He returns, perhaps an hour, perhaps an hour and a half later, bearing bundles of clean clothing, mostly in patterns of green and blue, and of fairly sturdy material. In the meantime, some small items of food are brought to your rooms while you wait - pastries and sweetmeats for the most part.

"Sorrow, my friends!" he says upon arrival. "Your laundering will not be done until the morrow, as oil is difficult to clean. Yet, they shall do their best! And now, shall we eat? Food can be brought here, or you can take the measure of the common room, should you like."
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Re: Entering the City

#35 Post by caveman »

"Let's go to the commons to eat and drink and carouse! These blue and green threads look fine to me!"
Milner wants to eat and drink and make friends. He's a personable guy (14 actually). What going on in town? He takes his awl, his sword(peaceknotted if that's required), purse, and especially his gold medallion (under his tunic).
What news in this city? What rumours of the Dungeon of Crows? What stories of strange wizards? What ho?
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Re: Entering the City

#36 Post by Raven Crowking »

The common room seems to be bustling, and there is a fair bit of traffic between the commons and another room, where from the sounds there is cockfighting and gambling going on. You can easily get a place to sit and eat, but there is no such thing as privacy or a quiet corner here! Folgo seems to be in his element, and it is quite clear that many in this room know of him and think well of him. And also that he has a few enemies among the crowd.

In addition to talk of various rooster's chances in the sand pit, there is some discussion of troubles in the mountains to the north ("Folk do say the Dark Robes be moving up among the peaks again, and few wish to risk the high passes."), politics ("Think you the Plutarch will take the Kath's niece as First Wife? Seems a bit much to ask, to me, displacing Consella like that." "Well, there's a lot of trade with Kathur-Leung, and the Emperor of East will take it ill if his suit is rebuffed." "Bah. Trade goes both ways, and after a few skirmishes in the Waste, all will go back to normal. Mark my words. The Plutarch'll not disown his sons for those of foreign blood. Sure, he'll take the girl to concubine, and who would not? Perhaps even wed her. But first wife? I think not.")

When Milner tries to gain a word about the Dungeon of Crows, a great cry of "To Moving Day!" goes around the commons, and almost everyone drinks. It seems that Moving Days are times when new things - and therefore new treasures, new mysteries, new magic - find their way into the Dungeon from distant worlds.
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Re: Entering the City

#37 Post by caveman »

Who doesn't drink?

In any case, we'd probably better clean up our gear, fill out our shopping lists and get back in that dungeon...
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Re: Entering the City

#38 Post by Raven Crowking »

caveman wrote:Who doesn't drink?
A few people here and there don't seem to care one way or the other about the Dungeon of Crows. Many of these seem to be day labourers. Some of them drink anyway, of course, to be part of the general cheer. There are a few people for whom the coin seems too dear, who nurse jacks of small beer rather than buy enough to drink with every Wassail that might raise the tavern cups.

It is clear, too, as you watch that the women working the common room, delivering drinks and food, encourage the general cheer so as to drive up consumption. This may be a different world from the one you were born into, but it is not all that different.

Finally, you notice a somewhat heavyset man with a thick red beard, dressed in checks and stripes of purple and blue, who eats much, laughs much, but seems to drink little. When Folgo notices your interest, he leans in and says, "Guild of Sparrows....pay no mind. He's here to watch the profits on the cockfighting, and will do no harm to you if you leave well enough alone."

From the general talk, you learn that there were once goblin-men occupying the entrance to the Dungeon of Crows, but they have died out, and are no longer a bar to entry. You cannot help but notice that those who actually seem to know something about the dungeon are predominantly scarred or maimed in some way. A common toast seems to be "Delve Deep or Live Long!"
In any case, we'd probably better clean up our gear, fill out our shopping lists and get back in that dungeon...
You will have no difficulty doing so in Shanthopal, especially with the aid of Folgo.
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Re: Entering the City

#39 Post by Dogma »

sorry for he long absence. Both Willem and Jonas would have paid 3 silver for new clothing.

Do any of those nursing their beer seem to be o the type that would venture into the dungeon? If so, Willem will move over by them and buy them a round.
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Re: Entering the City

#40 Post by Blackrazor »

Lurching through the crowd on crude crutches a dirty, disheveled, derelict raises his voice above the din. Folgo! Folgo! It's me, your faithful friend Fathi. Look who I found and have brought to you! Walking sheepishly behind the cripple is a massive man, heavilly thewed, thick dark hair hanging past his shouders, and a haunched man, of thin hair and face, strikingly similar to the giant beside him.

Folgo! These are newcomers, moving day newcomers. The big man is Uriah! The other his brother Josiah. Fathi is diligent, and honors his friendship with the generous and kind Folgo!

Fathi reaches out and shakes Folgo's hand energetically. It seems the cripple is so intent on greeting Folgo that his crutches give way. He stands perfectly straight, his broad smile revealing teeth like ravaged tombstones

Folgo, strains a bit, the halitosis of the new arrival not unlike a graveyard. He looks down to Fathi's crutches and coughs.

Fathi, following the dark man's eyes, looks down then exclaims A miracle, master Folgo your touch has cured me. A miracle, Gods blessings with you oh holy friend! I am no longer lame!

Folgo, shakes his head.
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