It's Good To Bee Liam

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It's Good To Bee Liam

#1 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Freeday, The 5th of Goodmonth
At The Docks
Early Afternoon, Hot, Humid, Salty

In the early hours of the hot afternoon, the folks of Beachtown start to get excited when they see a ship approaching the island. Most of them stop what they are doing to see what all the commotion is about. Several folks gather near the beach to see what it might be.

After a few moments of watching the ship become larger on the horizon, murmurings begin. "That's not Quark's ship! Who could it be? And why would they be coming here?"

The strange looking sea vessel pulls directly up to the end of the floating dock like it owned the place, the captain shouting out orders in a garbled language that none of the commoners have ever heard before. Other than the crew, a motley looking bunch of easterners, the curious onlookers don't see any other passengers on board. As soon as the boat is secured, loads of crates and boxes are seen being carried from the deck of the vessel to the dock. A rooster crows over the noise of the waves, making some of the townsfolk's mouths water.

Mr. Nehru catches wind of the kerfuffle and leaves his office, heading for the beach. Raythan also appears from his little cabin in the jungle. The half-elf is smiling from ear to ear as the cargo, obviously something he knows about, is offloaded. He squints his eyes and covers them with the palm of his hand, trying to see if he can spot anything specific at the end of the long dock.
Bluehorse has an idea for a budding zero level character that might be able to help out around here. Feel free to jump in and say hello to the newest member of Beachtown the next time any of you are around. In the meantime.....Welcome to the island Liam!
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#2 Post by Bluehorse »

Liam Meadstaff
OGRE MAGE wrote:Bluehorse has an idea for a budding zero level character that might be able to help out around here. Feel free to jump in and say hello to the newest member of Beachtown the next time any of you are around. In the meantime.....Welcome to the island Liam!
Sorry, OM, but after that introduction, this feel appropriate! LOL!
tumblr_owuzn2pdta1ub370bo1_500.gif (1.13 MiB) Viewed 6670 times
Liam shakes hands with the Captain and exchanges a few warm words on the deck of the boat and is seen giving the captain a few coins as well. They part warmly and he practically bounds off the gangplank onto the dock to supervise the loading of his cart. Following after him is a large ragged looking Eastern Wolf Hound almost as large as he is.
For reference
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The man and his large dog walk together as the items are loaded neatly. There is a lot of large items, such as a chest, a pair of barrels, and countless boxes of who knows what. Most notable is all the livestock. Beside the Mule and near mule sized dog, there are Pigs, Goats, Sheep, Chickens, and Pigeons. The last two of which are in small cages for transport while the others are being tethered to the back of the cart on a lead. Liam makes sure the animals are being handled with care and smiles to the sailors, lending a hand where he can but mostly staying out of the way. He seems comfortable with them and even friendly. Finally, he looks over towards shore and sees the gathering of people and takes a deep breath of sea breeze before waving to his new townmates. It is then that he spots Reythan and hollers to the half-elf.

Lo! I see Brother Reythan! I came as soon as I could! I got your letter a couple of weeks ago, it took a little time to gather everything that I thought we would need to cure your woes, and a little more time to get here. That was not the fault of our good Captain Chung Ma, though. The weather was not nice to us on the 2nd and 3rd day out to sea, and I had to make a quick stop at Jetsome for my little friends, you understand. He gives a knowing wink, having walked down the length of the dock and steps off to offer his hands to the priest and a wide smile that doesn't quit match his weathered eyes. The eyes of an old tired man on the lean and seemingly young and strapping body of someone not quite to his 40's yet. He was dressed and groomed well, but looked like no stranger to hard work. His skin was kissed by the sun and his hands scared but well maintained. To the more perceptive, it would be obvious he was part of the newly budding and so called "Middle class", not quite commoner but certainly not royalty. He was... different to behold.

He turned and looked to see the sailors had finished loading the heavy cart and he gave a shout. "JACK! Her boy!" And the Mule brayed loudly and with a little effort began to pull the cart down the dock and onto the beach, a parade of animals following behind. Grinning, Liam looked to the half elf again. "Think we can keep these poor starving bastards off my kiddos long enough to actually feed them? Anyone in earshot would hear sympathy in his blunt statement.
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#3 Post by OGRE MAGE »

One thing: The dock is not well built or very sturdy, basically just one long floating platform. It wont hold massive amounts of weight in the same area, so this migration from ship to shore will take a LONG time and several trips to accomplish. Not that it will matter much, I just wanted that to be clear to anyone reading.

Freeday, The 5th of Goodmonth
At The Docks
Early Afternoon, Hot, Humid, Salty

A larger group of townsfolk starts to accumulate at the shoreline near the dock. Every last one of them thinks they are about to be treated to a glorious feast once they spot the animals coming ashore. They cheer loudly, grateful to see food and supplies finally arriving. A few comments can be heard above the noise of the growing crowd.

"That aint Captain Quark, but whoever it is, they must have heard about our plight!"

"Goats! I haven't had curried goat since I can remember!"

"And Chickens too! Damn, I want me some fried chicken so bad I would almost kill for it!"


The commotion even attracts Nehru's new Constable Glansandi from his barracks, who arrives on the scene to greet the first wave of supplies being carried onto the sandy beach.

"What is all of this, boss? Do you know anything about a resupply run from this mystery captain?" Mr. Nehru just shakes his head with a smile from ear to ear. "Lets just be patient and find out who it is and why they came here before casting any judgement, master elf!"

Raythan just smirks at it all, knowing that his eccentric friend has just turned this little town on its ear. His smirk turns to a frown when he sees the endless parade of supplies and animals leaving the small ship.

Once the stranger greets him at the shore, the half-elf speaks his mind.

"Liam, my old friend, what in the nine hells are you doing, man? I said a few supplies would really help! Not that you should bring an entire farm! What.......Where are you planning on keeping these animals? We have no pens or barns here! And from what I have heard about the animals that used to be here, these might not be around long either!"

Raythan, Glansandi, and Nehru look over the barrels and crates as they continue to roll ashore. Mr. Nehru can barely contain his glee.

Raythan looks to the skies often, making sure that Pterry hasn't already smelled the mule, sheep, or huge dog yet.

"If you are planning a feast for the people, you should have warned me first. Salted shanks don't run around and attract attention from the islands dangerous denizens."
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#4 Post by Bluehorse »


Meadstaff grins and leans in as if sharing a big secret. You know I always over do things, and I always have a plan or three... Now you said these people are starving... So I brought what we need to start a real food supply. A couple of animals are already pregnant... We will be able to raise pigs for slaughter... sheep for wool and food... goats for milk, which we should be able to get a little this afternoon since they milk twice a day, that should slack so hunger right away... Chickens for eggs... and I even brought some pigeons because you said communication has been a problem. And of course... He points to a particular box and gives it a little tap where a sudden buzzing can be heard. Our little friends here will get to work right away providing honey for... various uses. He winks and grins knowingly. We just have to keep the people off all this for a bit. Give it a couple days, and we will have eggs to start passing around, and plenty of milk, especially compared to nothing. And I also have this... He points to the lumper and building good being unloaded from the ship onto the cart now. I already have some good mainland cedar for stabling everything properly, we can get started right away, and I am sure the promise of milk tonight and a first share of eggs in the coming days will get some strong able bodies willing to help up get it up double quick, and keep it guarded.

Liam seems to notice Nehu and the constable, as well as how some seem to be looking to them to make a move they can act on. Excuse me, my friend, but I think we need to make some introductions. We don't want to appear rude, do we? He grins at the priest and steps forward towards Nehu and his Constable. Hale and well met! I am Liam Meadstaff. He offers his hands to both men and gives a wide, lopsided smile as he shakes hands in turn. He looks between them back and forth a moment and with a respectful nod to Glansandi he turned to Nehu. You... are the one in charge? I received a message from my friend Reythan, here, saying your people were in need of... well, this... he gestures wide to the good being unloaded. He then rests a hand casually on Fiona's head, giving her a rub behind the ears as she sniffs at the two men curiously. These supplies I have brought should be good for starting a steady source of food if we can protect them. These good sailors, under command of Captain Chung, are unloading some special lumber now... Cedar, to deter bugs, which I hear you have a problem with. If you have some trusted men to help us get some stabling up in a hurry, I promise they will get the first share of goat milk tonight, and the first share of eggs over the next couple days. A few that are willing to guard them, especially overnight, get the same promise. We wouldnt want a feast tonight to cause famine tomorrow, right?
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#5 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Freeday, The 5th of Goodmonth
At The Docks
Early Afternoon, Hot, Humid, Salty

Raythan continues looking over the animals as they reach the beach one at a time, still shaking his head at the whole site.

Mr. Nehru greets the newcomer like a fat child would greet a piece of cake. He doesn't even appear that he is listening to the man as he speaks.

"You sir are a grateful site to behold! Welcome to Beachtown, my good man!!! You brought all of this, on your own accord, to help the struggles of our people? Raythan! Why didn't you tell me about this little surprise? I had no idea that you had rich friends back home! We must get to work constructing a safe place for all of these animals right away!"

The far more realistic thinking Constable Glansandi takes a bit of a different approach to the greeting. The stern looking elf shakes his head at the parade of opulence leaving the ship.

"I personally doubt that a few eggs and a bit of milk each day is going to help solve the towns major hunger issues. There are nearly one hundred residents of this place! Tell me Liam Meadstaff, how is it that you are so willing to spend such a staggering amount of funds helping complete strangers? This has to be literally thousands of gold coins worth of supplies and animals. That isn't even taking into account the steep price you must have paid to get it all shipped here......and privately no less? Clearly you must think there will be something to gain from all of this other than feeding some hungry people? Tell me sir, what do you really hope to accomplish here with your little floating farmette?"

A few of the younger townsfolk start to assemble around the goats and sheep, petting them and trying to take a ride on their backs, only to be shooed away by their concerned parents who still aren't quite sure what is happening here. Two or three farmer types start to look over the lumber and wire brought to construct pens. They seem very interested in having some fresh milk and eggs around again. One of them laughs out loud at Liam's comment about the fresh cedar keeping the bugs away as he swats three mosquitos on his arm with only one slap of his hand.
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#6 Post by Bluehorse »


Smiles wide as he sees the people and especially the younglings so happy. He can see there are people at the very least curious enough to help. He remains warm and encouraged by Mr. Nehu's words. Rich? No. What I had you see before you now. As for the surprise, it wouldn't be a surprise if he told you, would it? Besides, I never sent back a reply that I was or when I was coming. I have been focused on getting her as soon as I could with what Brother Reythan said we needed here. I agree, we should get to work right away. Raythen, is there space near where you are staying? I like friends as neighbors until neighbors become friends. Liam grins apparently thinking this is very clever, must be a saying from his home.

Liam then turns and listens respectfully to the tall Elf. I take it that Xaxyx is MIA so Glansandi is an NPC now?
You're right! It is not enough for 100 people! But every little bit helps. And once all my little beasts are settled in and start making more little beast, then so we will have more. When we have more chickens, we will have more eggs, when we have more goats we have more milk and eventually more meat. Same for the pigs. Perhaps with patience and a little ingenuity, there will begin to be enough animals that we can start giving some away to the families, and then they can start raising their own. You have to think about the long game my friend. Liam grins. Or do you want me to put it back on the ship? I hear I could fetch a premium for all this further up the coast of the mainland where Captain Chung is heading next. Frankly, I would rather know I was doing some good here. As for thousands... it was more like just under 1. As far as what I have to gain... look for yourself. He gestures to one of the young smiling children petting a sheep.

He then chuckles knowingly at the Mosquito slapper and winks. A repellant, not a cure, but with any luck we will have our first harvest of wool soon and some of our good ladies that I see here will have what they need to begin making thread and cloth to mend garments and perhaps make some screens and curtains for the windows and doors to keep the little nippers out of your homes, especially at night. Who can argue with that? He grins to everyone then turns to Reythan and Nehru. I know I brought a bit much, but everything serves a purpose. If everyone will pitch in a little bit now, we will all profit.

Now then, I have two questions. How is the hunting and who likes honey... most importantly, mead?
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#7 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Completely satisfied with Liams reply, Mr. Nehru starts gathering the stronger folks to help with the chore of getting all of the materials and supplies moved inland, to Raythans shack.

"Ok everyone! You heard the man! Lets all pitch in together and show Mr. Meadstaff here a bit of island hospitality. There may even be some milk and eggs in it for you!"

Glansandi is not exactly satisfied with the eccentric Liam's response to his question. He winces and scowls after Nehru's announcement, wishing to look over all of the crates and items before allowing them into his new town. He knows that a pint or so of milk today will not aid more than one or two townspeople. However, the man is correct in saying that a little is better than nothing, so he plays along for now, not wanting the man to leave with all of it.

"Jombo and I will coordinate the work! I want to see every single item that has been brought here. It's not that I don't trust that you just spent your last 1000 gold coins on complete see them pet your animals. I simply don't trust anybody. So, if you have anything that you don't want us to see in all of this mess, you should probably speak up now! Sir." He awaits a reply from Liam, still certain that something is amiss with this whole situation.

A few members of the crowd start to voice concern, certain that a feast was immanent.

"So, we don't get to eat right now? Cant we just butcher one of the pigs? You know, for a welcome party or something?"

This idea seems to gain popularity as more such murmurings can soon be heard throughout the rest of the growing group.

"You've brought mead? And honey? Can we have some of that right now too?"
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#8 Post by Bluehorse »

OGRE MAGE wrote:Completely satisfied with Liams reply, Mr. Nehru starts gathering the stronger folks to help with the chore of getting all of the materials and supplies moved inland, to Raythans shack.

"Ok everyone! You heard the man! Lets all pitch in together and show Mr. Meadstaff here a bit of island hospitality. There may even be some milk and eggs in it for you!"
Wonderful! Thank you, sir. It's all in kits with instructions, so it should be easy with a few stout men helping. Once the animals are pinned up, I can milk the goats. I have four nannies and they make just over 21.5 liters a day, that is half in the morning, and half in the evening. So I should be able to get close to 11 liters give or take for our helpers. The eggs will take some time since the chickens have to settle in. Tomorrow if we are lucky, but I will put it in writing who gets the first ones. Four a day on eggs until we can hatch a few, but for now lets feed the people. They have to understand we are not going to have a feast her today, they need to be patient.
OGRE MAGE wrote:"Jombo and I will coordinate the work! I want to see every single item that has been brought here....So, if you have anything that you don't want us to see in all of this mess, you should probably speak up now! Sir."
Liam Meadstaff has nothing to hide, good sirs. You and your deputies are of course free to look through whatever you like.
Customs are a thing I am quite familiar with and I respect you for doing just that. But... for your own safety, this box is full of Bees for the Apiary I will be setting up... that would be very unpleasant to put your hand into. Jetsom Bee! Also called Wasp Slayers. A good hearty tropical breed. Normally very docile and highly recommended for beekeeping, but if they feel threatened... well, the sting is said to feel like fire. Just a fair warning. Also, you will want me to be the one to open this backpack.
He points a thumb to the pack on his back as he leans on his staff.
OGRE MAGE wrote:A few members of the crowd start to voice concern, certain that a feast was imminent.

"So, we don't get to eat right now? Cant we just butcher one of the pigs? You know, for a welcome party or something?"

This idea seems to gain popularity as more such murmurings can soon be heard throughout the rest of the growing group.

"You've brought mead? And honey? Can we have some of that right now too?"
Liam raises his hands. Good people! Please hear me out. I know... I truly do, that you have been waiting a long time for this.
But if we were to begin slaughtering animals now, then we would already be defeating the cause. Let us have a little time, get these animals well established and breeding. Soon there will be a steady flow of fresh meat to your cook fires and with some careful management, we can begin even having extras which can go to individual families. Please, understand this takes a little time, but the good news is, there are a few pregnant animals already. So we are already set for success with your cooperation. As for honey and Mead...
he grins and hops up on the cart so all can see him.

I have brought the bees! They produce quickly and soon I will have honey to give away, just as I will for the milk and the eggs and what I can give When the time is right to not spoil the herds. I pledge to provide you with this food, but I need your help.
A little time is the main ingredient, just like the mead I will be brewing soon enough.
Liam leans down to Nehru now. I believe that is your cue to give me a little backing. Play this right and in the coming weeks we can begin to see some color in those sallow cheeks and some bellies on these children. We don't need a mob. Not now.
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#9 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Glansandi and Jombo go through each crate as it is brought off the dock, but they don't find anything nefarious to report. The elf continues to wonder out loud why anyone would do such a thing for people he has never met before, but since he can find no signs of foul play, he keeps his thoughts mainly to himself for the moment. He keeps a safe distance away from the buzzing box, though he makes a mental note to be sure to monitor the beekeeper once he sets up his hives.

The crowd starts to calm down a little, though a few of them disperse, cursing about rich folk and their eternal greed. Some folks just don't have much patience once they are starving. A few people seem to get angry that there is food right here in front of them, but they are being told that they must wait to eat. Possibly for a good while. A few more unappreciative townies walk away from the crowd shaking their heads in disgust.

"This false healer actually brought MORE bees to the island? Oh brother!"

"Oh, so we can have some about 3 months or so? We should all be pretty much dead by then! Thanks mister!"

Most people do pitch in to help though, keeping the mood of the group up as best they can with their empty bellies. The farmers with experience in such things get right to work on the pens and chicken houses, hoping their hard work now will win them some eggs and milk for their loved ones.

Mr. Nehru catches the hint from the newcomer and begins a schpeel of is own, for good measure.

"Now now, good people! This is not the time for negativity! This man is a blessing for our little community! I believe he is right! We cant expect to eat now if we want to eat again later! If he has said that he will share his gifts with, we must take him at his word! I for one don't want to jeopardize what may be, just so I can fill my stomach now. Patience is a virtue, remember. I am certain that, if everyone pitches in now, we can have his little farm up and running in no time!"

Raythan leads the progression to his little house in the woods and begins separating the items that will be stored inside. He seems to be having a bit of trouble understanding the scale of what is about to happen. He points out the places he thinks will work best for the outbuildings that need to be constructed.

Two young farmer types tap Liam on the shoulder as they walk.

"Hey mister. If you would like, the two of us can watch over your animals tonight while you rest. If that sounds good to you, we will go and get in a nap before nightfall."
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#10 Post by Bluehorse »

OGRE MAGE wrote:The crowd starts to calm down a little, though a few of them disperse, cursing about rich folk and their eternal greed. Some folks just don't have much patience once they are starving. A few people seem to get angry that there is food right here in front of them, but they are being told that they must wait to eat. Possibly for a good while. A few more unappreciative townies walk away from the crowd shaking their heads in disgust.

"This false healer actually brought MORE bees to the island? Oh brother!"

"Oh, so we can have some about 3 months or so? We should all be pretty much dead by then! Thanks mister!"
Liam sighs. He felt for them. All of them. He really did; however, he knew that in the long run, this was the only way. He feared they would have to be extra cautious against desperate people trying to take the animals at night. He refused to call them thieves. How could he? These people were hungry and scared, and who could blame them for being short-sighted.
OGRE MAGE wrote:Most people do pitch in to help though, keeping the mood of the group up as best they can with their empty bellies. The farmers with experience in such things get right to work on the pens and chicken houses, hoping their hard work now will win them some eggs and milk for their loved ones.
This buoyed his spirits again. He let Fiona go a little ahead and explore on her own. She didn't wander far and seemed particularly interested in Reythan and Nehru. Liam makes it a point of not just leading Jack and the cart, but carrying the pigeon cage as well as his own heavy pack. He knows he has to show he is not just a dandy who spent money. He has to show them he is willing to work and will.

He is looking around and taking in the sights along the beach, knowing he will need to become familiar with the town, but most importantly, he needs to become familiar with the residents. He makes it a point of speaking with everyone that comes near and learn about them as much as he can, establishing a rapport with whoever he can.
OGRE MAGE wrote:Mr. Nehru catches the hint from the newcomer and begins a schpeel of is own, for good measure.

"Now now, good people! This is not the time for negativity! This man is a blessing for our little community! I believe he is right! We cant expect to eat now if we want to eat again later! If he has said that he will share his gifts with, we must take him at his word! I for one don't want to jeopardize what may be, just so I can fill my stomach now. Patience is a virtue, remember. I am certain that, if everyone pitches in now, we can have his little farm up and running in no time!"
Liam nods in agreement. Yes, and we will all begin steadily reaping the benefits soon enough.
OGRE MAGE wrote:Raythan leads the progression to his little house in the woods and begins separating the items that will be stored inside. He seems to be having a bit of trouble understanding the scale of what is about to happen. He points out the places he thinks will work best for the outbuildings that need to be constructed.
OGRE MAGE wrote:Two young farmer types tap Liam on the shoulder as they walk.

"Hey mister. If you would like, the two of us can watch over your animals tonight while you rest. If that sounds good to you, we will go and get in a nap before nightfall."
Liam smiles and thanks the young men for their offer. I'll take you up on that, for certain. I'd hate to see something happen to these animals before they could benefit everyone. Especially those darling children. Anyone taking these animals right now would practically be taking food directly from the little buggers. A little pacience now will help feed everyone soon. I hope to eventually have a breeding program doing well enough to begin giving animals to everyone of their own. Loosing even one at this stage would delay that by months.

Liam goes on to help wherever he can, setting up the lumber and materials for the stable buildings. To anyone that is listening. Just think, animals that eat the discards like the pigs... and the sheep and Goats that can naturally clear out the underbrush here between the trees better than any man with a scythe, and their leavings will make ample manurer for your fields for help grow your own crops.

Once the stabling is being taken care of, he wastes no time moving to the side and carries a large box and sets is down. Opening it, they see him begin assembling the apiary for his bees, making sure the entrance is facing south. It only takes about 15 minutes to assemble and secure. It sits some 18 inches over the ground to keep large rodents out and the boxes and top are secured to the base with a wax treated leather strap. Stepping back he smiles. He walks over to get the box of bees and picks is up very gently. He walks with extra care over to the hive and very very gently lays it down. Taking out a smaller box from his backpack, he sets it in front of the hive entrance and opens it, allowing the queen to come out and enter the hive. He waits a moment or two before calling out. Bee box is being opened now. There is plenty of room between here and where we are working, and they will follow the queen into the apiary anyway. They will swarm it a little but don't be alarmed, they will have no interest in you. With that he slowly opens the box and stands, walking away to let the bees find their queen on their own.

Liam speaks apologetically to Reythan. The birds are all caged at the moment... so we can put off a chicken coop and the pigeon house if you don't mind sharing a little corner of your home with them and a smelly Meadstaff tonight. I am more worried about sheltering the larger animals today, and I can easily finish up the rest of the work tomorrow morning. He leans in once he is sure they are out of earshot. When you think you can slip away, why don't you get some early sleep. There is a pair of young men willing to watch over the animals tonight, but I want to stay up with them. I want to trust them, but desperate people do silly things. If you take the early half of the night I will take the later so that one of us is always with them and can alert the other to any trouble. I know I am asking a lot of you all of a sudden, but I really think this will be the best way to help here. You know my heart.

When that is done he will quickly return to swinging hammers and stretching wire. He pulls out a large sledgehammer from his supplies to help drive stakes into the ground and brings out a Carpenters kit to further aid in building, allowing them to use it freely for the build.
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#11 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Freeday, The 5th of Goodmonth
Getting Situated
Late Afternoon, Hot, Humid, Sweaty

About a dozen skilled farmers get to work on the pens and sheds, they seem to have fully bought into the logic that the beekeeper is dishing out. Each of them recounts what happened to their livestock when they first arrived, making sure they don't make the same mistakes over again this time. They talk freely with Liam about anything he asks, knowing full well that a man who invests this much effort and funds into an idea must be planning on being here for the long haul. The farmers seem to appreciate working for someone who also knows how to work. Several of them ask if they can borrow his tools once his work is done. Fiona sniffs around the area like a blue tick for quite a while before eventually leaning heavily on one specific tree and barking up at its branches continually.

The two young men who agreed to do an overnight watch head off to the common house for some shut-eye, not knowing that the Beekeeper has a back-up plan in store for them. The others gathered are still willing to help out where they can, moving things around from place to place and doing other odds and ends. The crowd watches with great interest once Liam starts setting up his apiary, one of the more knowledgeable onlookers speaks up.

"I thought bees needed a lot of time to create a working hive? Like......a year! These bees must be something special if they will be producing honey for us right away!"

Raythan nods his head at the mention of keeping the caged animals inside overnight."I do know your heart, friend. And I believe that it is in the right place. But you must have lost your frickin mind to spend everything that you had on this project. This town is filled with good people, just like I told you, but we are all at risk here. Including you, whether you choose to believe it or not. I know you had a little power back home, but here, we are all equals. And we share the dangers of this place equally as well."

The half-elf continues working on getting the animals set up, but Liam can tell that something is really bothering the spellcaster. He continues speaking in a tone that seems unfamiliar to the newcomer.

"I have seen many things out here already that could wipe out this whole place! Why, just a couple of weeks ago we had to take down a nearby scragg. Do you even know what a scragg is? It is a horrible sea troll that could bite you in half with one fell swoop. I watched a friend get killed by the damn thing because we weren't prepared for such an encounter. The bad thing about it is.......the troll was the least of our worries out here. I hope you are prepared mentally for things like that, because this island is NOT a safe place to be."
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#12 Post by Bluehorse »

OGRE MAGE wrote:About a dozen skilled farmers get to work on the pens and sheds, they seem to have fully bought into the logic that the beekeeper is dishing out. Each of them recounts what happened to their livestock when they first arrived, making sure they don't make the same mistakes over again this time. They talk freely with Liam about anything he asks, knowing full well that a man who invests this much effort and funds into an idea must be planning on being here for the long haul. The farmers seem to appreciate working for someone who also knows how to work. Several of them ask if they can borrow his tools once his work is done.
He works alongside of them nodding and taking in the information and asking if they have ideas for further improvements beyond the basic build kit they have to build with. The pens go up quickly and the instructions are clear for the precut lumber and materials, taking out what would often be the longest most time-consuming part of the construction for measuring and cutting. They are able to quickly slap together a great set of premade animal pens and stables. There is craftsman stamp for the engineer that made the kits branded into the lumber. A gnomish name Ey'Kia. Liam is very thankful of all the help and makes it a point of shaking every hand involved in the construction.*

...And of course, you can all borrow the tools. I am sure you all have repairs to your own homes and outbuildings that are high priority. Please, use them freely and just bring them back when you are done.
OGRE MAGE wrote:The crowd watches with great interest once Liam starts setting up his apiary, one of the more knowledgeable onlookers speaks up.

"I thought bees needed a lot of time to create a working hive? Like......a year! These bees must be something special if they will be producing honey for us right away!"
*Liam smiles. Jetsom bees are almost ridiculously hard workers. The setup shop quickly and will be producing honey in a month, possibly some small amounts before then if we are careful to not take too much. Once I have a full harvest in the amount of time we can count of them giving us a regular amount every month after that. I will take increasing shares from that time to make increasing amounts of the mead I take my Sirname from. I come from a long line of successful brewers. That means one month for honey and another for good drink.
OGRE MAGE wrote:Raythan nods his head at the mention of keeping the caged animals inside overnight."I do know your heart, friend. And I believe that it is in the right place. But you must have lost your frickin mind to spend everything that you had on this project. This town is filled with good people, just like I told you, but we are all at risk here. Including you, whether you choose to believe it or not. I know you had a little power back home, but here, we are all equals. And we share the dangers of this place equally as well."

The half-elf continues working on getting the animals set up, but Liam can tell that something is really bothering the spellcaster. He continues speaking in a tone that seems unfamiliar to the newcomer.

"I have seen many things out here already that could wipe out this whole place! Why, just a couple of weeks ago we had to take down a nearby scragg. Do you even know what a scragg is? It is a horrible sea troll that could bite you in half with one fell swoop. I watched a friend get killed by the damn thing because we weren't prepared for such an encounter. The bad thing about it is.......the troll was the least of our worries out here. I hope you are prepared mentally for things like that, because this island is NOT a safe place to be."
Liam nods, listening carefully as his friend speaks his mind. I know nothing of a scragg or what else lives here. I hear your fear. You think I have set out bate and we will be mistaken for the second course. I promise to keep an eye out and work with the locals... all of them... to make this place as secure as I can. I am open to any and all suggestions. Maybe we can... fortify this area a little. I do have a hunter's trap to set out before sunset. I was thinking of putting it inside the treeline. What do you think?
OGRE MAGE wrote: Fiona sniffs around the area like a blue tick for quite a while before eventually leaning heavily on one specific tree and barking up at its branches continually.
Liam watches Fiona a moment. Excuse me Gentlemen. It seems Fiona has possibly found us some dinner. Is there much in the way of game here? He walks over and pets his dog looking up. Whatcha find up there darling? A squirrel?

Once the goats are penned and stabled, Liam will grab his bucket to start milking, but it will be the last thing he does since he will send the workers to grab containers for it. I mostly want to just state this in case it was lost in future posts.
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#13 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Freeday, The 5th of Goodmonth
Getting Situated
Late Afternoon, Hot, Humid, Sweaty

Raythan sees Constable Glansandi approaching again as Liam speaks of setting traps.

“I hope you’re joking, master Meadstaff! Please keep in mind who is in charge of the safety of this town. Your money and stature means nothing here, and if you mean to start setting up traps this close to town, you better discuss it with me first.”

The sour elf looks around at the progress being made already, frowning heavily as he eyes all the animals.

“On second thought, perhaps your money could do some good here. I know for a fact that several folks here are trying to save up coin to purchase transport back to the mainland. Why don’t you hire a few willing townsfolk as guards? Have them set up a perimeter around this area and activate some kind of early warning system? If you want your flock to survive, you are gonna need more than a couple of hungry teenagers watching over them.”

To make things even worse, one of the little rascals that Liam adores so mush sneaks up behind him and begins tugging on his work apron.

“Mister Limstaff. We’re all wheeeely hungry. Did you bring anything with you that we can eat wight now?”

I’ll resolve the dogs action after your squirm your way out of this one first. :D
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#14 Post by Bluehorse »


Still trying to see what Fiona has treed he turns to the constable. Permission for hunting and trapping?
Don't tell me people are starving and you are charging for hunting permits...? Oh, you thought... no! Not for people!
Just hoping to trap a wild pig or something.

I do like the idea of hiring out some decent folk for watching over things. I take it you are familiar with those two young men who volunteered? Do you recommend anyone? You should know that what you see here is the sum of the supposed wealth you seem to think i have. I spent it all on this final venture because it sounded like a worthy cause. I am offering whatever I have, but you know as well as I do that if we start butchering animals now, we may as well do away with any hope for actually helping these people. We have a chance to establish a real food base here. You know what that would mean here, friend. Help me. Please.

To the wee one. Oh, darlin... let me see... now... he takes off his backpack and opens it and carefully reaches in. There is a loud metallic clank! He pulls out a mean looking animal trap and hands it up to Glansandi without looking up. He rummages around a bit and takes out a ration, handing it to the girl. There you go lass. Now get that home, right away.

He then hands over the heavy pack to the constable, having no doubt he wants to search it now. He turns back to try to see what Fiona is sniffing out.
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#15 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Glansandi looks over the trap before going through the backpack thoroughly, still trying to find something he can question. “I am the paid protector of this town, sir. And since you are our newest member, I will always help you. But, don’t think that you will receive special privileges due to your stature.” He looks around and continues a bit softer.

“Time reveals all. If you are being true to your word, we will see soon enough. If so, I will help you in every way that I can.”

The little girl throws her arms around Liam’s neck and plants a sloppy dirt kiss on his cheek. “THANKS Mr. Limstaff! You’re the BEST!” She rushes off to share with her family.

Walking over to his dog and looking up the tree, the beekeeper doesn’t see what all the commotion is about. Raythan joins him, patting Fiona on her massive head. He points up the tree about 100’ off the ground, telling his friend to follow his finger. He finally spots two furry creatures hanging out on a branch. Though well hidden, they seem quite interested in all the new goings on far below.
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#16 Post by Bluehorse »


To Glansandi he smiles. What stature?

As he follows Reythan's pointing. When he notices the Monkoons he makes a concerned face. Now that hardly looks like dinner. Are these the tree people you wrote about? Do you think we should be concerned?
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#17 Post by OGRE MAGE »

”Of course we should be concerned! But not about the tree dwelling Phanaton. They are everywhere! Though, you may not often see them. This town was formed right in the middle of their domain here on the island, but I don’t think that was deliberate. I have been having periodic.....dealings with their leader. He has taken a recent liking to a townie named Owen, who now also lives up there, with them.”

“I’m sure they are just monitoring what we are doing down here. They've likely never seen sheep or chickens before.”
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#18 Post by Bluehorse »


Calms Fiona and nods, thinking. We need to arrange to meet them then. It is only right. Just how have you been dealing with them? How do I meet this Owen? Does he come down from there often?

Liam reaches put a hand palm up trying to show some form of greeting to them.
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#19 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The two phanaton disappear without a sign or sound.

Raythan just smirks.

”I have been doing...things...for them in exchange for things I can’t get down here. Like food. They leave me a....”

The half-elf gets a sudden look on his face that an idea has just occurred to him. He heads off in the direction of his log home.

“I will be right back with a surprise. The tree folk aren’t going anywhere. I really think you have bigger fish to fry right here in front of you!”
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Re: It's Good To Bee Liam

#20 Post by Bluehorse »


Nods and wonders at the surprise. In the meantime he calms Fiona and heads back to work, finding things have progressed nicely. He finds his bucket and looks to everyone as they wrap up work on the stabling for the larger animals. Thank you friends, for all the help. I only wish i had more tp give at this time, but if you will go bring some containers, I will begin to milk the nannies and we will give it out in equal shares when you are back.

When Reythan gets back, he will ask him to check the chickens for the off chance any of them have managed an egg with all the commotion today, hoping they can draw straws or something for who gets it. Liam will be subtle about it, not wanting to get hopes up.

how do we want to roll for pregnant animals, eggs, etc?
Seems like a 1d4 for 4 chickens would work for laying or not.
I raise them and typically they lay one egg per day unless something has disturbed them. Then it is a toss up. Far as pivs, goats etc, seems they'd have had ample time to get to know one another on the way, much less if one was already started when purchased. I look for a chart or something until we figure it out.
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