Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#21 Post by Pulpatoon »

Abstentious pours every ounce of his being into holding his poker face when Oxana takes him up on the more expensive offer—he'd only laid that option out to make the 100 gold sound reasonable! His face still frozen in a rictus of nonchalance, he reaches a trembling hand out and slides the gold over to his side of the table and slips it into his tool box. He begins making a mental survey of any available cuckoo clocks he can plunder for "custom-machined" parts.

"Ruh... that is, erm, yes. Remainder due upon receipt of work. P-pleasure doin' business witchoo."

Abstentious absent-mindedly chews on a roll, lost in dreams of avarice.
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#22 Post by Mister-Kent »

Oxana rises from her seat with a pleased sigh. ”All right. I will see you in one week, Mr. Device. My daughter and I thank you! Little Nuchka thanks you as well!” She bids the table farewell for now and departs the Drunken Queen.

As she exits the tavern, you can all clearly see a fight taking place just outside the front door. Oxana squeals and hurries past it, but the ensuing chaos causes the Bouncer to run to secure the door. ”Break it up, ya lugs!” he shouts to the people outside. ”Yer disturbing the customers!”.

With those words, the hulking bouncer is punched in the face and dragged from the doorway into the arms of the waiting crowd outside. Some scared patrons close the door behind him, worried that the ruffians will get inside and really mess things up.
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#23 Post by Spearmint »

In the Garden behind the Queen
Is there another tavern called the Queen?, maybe the jam tart bakery? or a statue of the old queen.

Ambergris gets to thinking. It is hard work, thinking, and dry ... he scoops another mouthful of ale and promptly decides to go rescue the bouncer, pushing aside the timid patrons. Brawling is sailors stuff and the scraggy man opens the door wide. "Alright" he shouts, "who wants some?". He has no idea who is who and what 'some' might mean but it always sounded so pirate-like when the ship's bosun declared it.

Pointing his hook hand at the biggest lout who has hold of the bouncer, Ambergris casts Dissonant Whispers into his head.
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#24 Post by Urson »


Molly throws a death-glare at Ambergris.Keep your hook- and your crazy!! out of my food! She scoops up the slip of paper, tucks it into her pouch, and stands.

Thanks for the drink, Abs. Opportunity knocks! She darts out the back door of the pub, hoping to catch up with Oxana and tail her home.
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#25 Post by Pulpatoon »

Abstentious sweeps the mechanical bird into his tool box and grabs another sweet bun. "Payterish, it looks like the time has come to move on. Want to help me scare up some scrap parts? I bet I can have this bird done in before the next watch, and then we can do some real drinking."
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#26 Post by Wiglaf »


The former soldier looks from the front door to the small goblin next to him. With Molly gone he takes a moment to gather up the remaining buns from the table and put them into one of his pouches. "Waste not, want not, ay?" He grins at his tinkering friend. "How about we check on Ambergris on our way out. Wouldn't want him to get in over his head."
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#27 Post by Pulpatoon »

Abstentious shrugs and follows Payterish out the tavern to see what's left of Ambergris.
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#28 Post by Mister-Kent »

It grows darker outside as the rosy sun sets below Urbistadt’s looming walls. The walls cause twilight to come early in the city, and good law-abiding folk will be hurrying home now.

Inside the Drunken Queen, the blue-caped woman at the next table over—who had been previously disturbed by Ambergris’ snoring—looks over as all of you flee the table hastily. She pulls down her hood, revealing daintily pointed elf ears. Her dining companion is a gaunt, smirking fellow, also an elf. They both watch as you all leave, seemingly relieved to have a quiet space.

Ambergris, Payterish, and Abstentious:
Ambergris bolts to the door where the scuffle takes place, knocking aside several patrons as he goes. The band pauses their playing to see what the commotion is, and the easily distracted bartender watches as well. Payterish and Abstentious are just a few steps behind.

You both emerge to find the Bouncer beset by three large men—dockhands, by your estimation, based on their familiar clothes and damp smell. Urbistadt’s port is merely a wide place in the river, no great harbor, but still busy at all times of year. Maybe these dockhands just need to let off some steam? However, they are screaming loudly in gibberish, or perhaps just another language that none of you recognize.

The largest, roundest ruffian has the Bouncer in a headlock! When Ambergris casts the dissonant whispers into his mind, the man lets the Bouncer loose. His eyes, followed by his head, twist from side to side in search of some unseen song, like a choir of sinister children taunting him on all sides.

After inflicting this upon him, Ambergris feels briefly tranquil, like being alone in a boat on a calm sea, adrift but feeling very safe. This sensation is very brief mind for only a moment. The hooligan releases the Bouncer and flees down the street, followed by his three buddies, all the while screaming incomprehensibly.

The normally hard-faced Bouncer gives you all a look of quiet gratitude, and returns to take up his position at the door.

A young woman runs down the street, brow furrowed. She arrives moments after the hooligans have left. “Did some men come through here causing mischief, sir?” she asks worriedly. She looks to Payterish with deference, mistaking him as a city guard. “My husband and his friends, did you see which way they went?” She gives general descriptions that match the Bouncer’s attackers.

“They’re not feeling like themselves,” she explains. “Please forgive them for any disruption they’ve caused!” It is easy to miss in the dimming light, but the young wife has a blue bruise on her otherwise flawless cheek.

Through the back door of the Drunken Queen, you find your way to a small secluded alley, which you survey before going further.

In the back of the alley sits a secluded garden where the tavern’s chef maintains a diverse selection of herbs, spices, fruits, and vegetables. At the edge of the garden, a small figure kneels in the dirt, partially illuminated by a small torch. With his free hand, he plucks half-ripe strawberries from their vine, eagerly tossing them in his mouth.

At the alley’s entrance, you can see several recent bar patrons on the street, including Oxana on her way home to the “Little Robokovya” district. The merry refugee pulls up the hood of her cloak as she enters a large crowd.
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#29 Post by Wiglaf »


What relief Payterish feels at the bouncer being able to return to work is once again removed as the young woman runs up to them asking where her husband has gone. Such is his attention that for a moment it is as if his companions are not there beside him. His eyes do not miss the bruise upon her face, and a sad touch of sympathy fills them. His left hand raises itself to point down the path where the three men just ran, but before she can leave he speaks in a softly insistent voice.

"Ma'am, what has your man gotten himself into? Beating you, public brawling." He shakes his head with sadness that is slowly turning to anger. "Has he done this before?"
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#30 Post by Spearmint »


"I've not been feeling myself lately either," says the sailor while scratching an itch with his hook,"Mind you the Doctor says good cus' its a nasty habit." Ambergris looks around at the dissipating crowd and the bouncer now back on his feet."looks like we scared them away. No harm done? Town seems full of it tonight, not as if the music or beer is bad." Ambergris will keep a beady eye on the floor, from experience his own pockets often get emptied in the rough and tumble of grappling and he might spy some extra coinage for some cleavage later. He waits for Payterish and Abstentious and with no particular aim in mind will follow them.
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#31 Post by Urson »


The young thief pauses, the words from the scroll popping back into her head. She dithers, glancing from the alley-mouth to the garden. Then, Oxana blends into the crowd, and Molly shrugs, seeing that her decision is made for her.

From habit, she moves stealthily up behind the small berry thief and lays the flat of her dagger against his (?) throat. I wonder what the chef would pay to know who's been making off with his berries. she whispers in the figure's ear.
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#32 Post by Pulpatoon »

Abstentious sags in disappointment when he realizes that Payterish is getting caught up in a stranger's problems, when there is quick and easy money to be made. Still, the little goblin has been the beneficiary of Payterish's civic impulses himself, and it would be proper form to lend a hand, even if he can't quite muster enthusiasm for it.

If there is lamp post or similar structure nearby, Abstentious will shimmy up to see if he can catch any sight of the departing, bewitched trouble-makers.
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#33 Post by Mister-Kent »

“No! Never before!” the wife protests. “He’s never paid me much mind, always at the dock or the tavern, and certainly never did strike me. But a few days ago, he came home from work early—confused, spouting the most awful words! Words I couldn’t understand, but they made me feel uneasy somehow. Every night since then he and his friends have been going out and getting into fights, or going down to the docks. I have no idea what’s come over him!”

“Sirs, if you can help in any way…” She tears up but forces herself not to cry. “I would be grateful.”

You scramble up a lantern post, flakes of rust sloughing off as you climb. You can see the last of the men moving through an agitated crowd lit by torch-light a few blocks away.

At your arrival, the figure tries to stand—at full height barely reaches your shoulder. Even with your blade pressed against his throat he smiles and smacks his lips. There are tiny strawberries stuck in his otherwise neatly fluffed beard. The hungry dwarf quickly raises his hands. "I'm sure the chef won't mind," he replies. "He and I have a little understanding. Who do you think gathered all these wonderful top-notch seeds for him?" The dwarf is recklessly calm.

“Did you like the sweet-roll?” he asks. “I asked the chef to put a li’l extra honey in it! Honey and vanilla.” He licks his lips. “My favorite!”

"Er...I’m sorry. The name’s Breadbeard. You don’t know me, but you do know who I work for. We at the Guild have tried to recruit you in the past, I’m told, but you refused us then."
He flinches--nerves getting to him? "If you'll let me free, we can have a nice conversation about that..."
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#34 Post by Wiglaf »


The earnest words of this troubled young woman move Payterish's heart. The thought of easy coin has been quickly replaces by the thought of a woman in distress, and what seems a clear breaking of the laws. He manages an apologetic look towards his tinker friend, then nods his head at the woman. "I am not the watch, but what I can do I will do. What is your name, and his? How shall I find you again?"
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#35 Post by Spearmint »


"So you want us to go and redeem him for you. Teach him the 'error of his ways' an all that?"the whaler chimes in. "Many an unrighteous man came to their senses an repented good and proper like when they understood that the Doom and Dark tendrils of the Deep were just waiting to grasp their mortal souls and feed them as sinful bait to the devils kraken." Ambergris mimes writhing tentacles reaching out and speaks a few words in whispered Deep Speech."If he whispers such words in his sleep like these then his soul is surely darkened and destined. We should be upstanding men and rescue this poor lady and her man from such a foul besetting."He nudges Payterish "For 50 gold ..."
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#36 Post by Urson »


The young woman removes her dagger from the dwarf's throat. Of course we can talk. If you recall, my main complaint about the Guild was the split on the loot. But I'm always willing to listen.

Popping her dagger back into the sheath, she finds a spot where she can sit, putting herself closer to eye level with the dwarf.
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#37 Post by Mister-Kent »

Breadbeard is glad to be released, and wipes his sticky berry-covered hands on his jacket. ”I’m sure a more agreeable deal can be made. You’re rather more reasonable than your old partner!” the dwarf says approvingly. ”What’s become of Duffer these days?”

“Anyhow, the Shadow Guild don’t give up on a criminal prodigy like you. We thought we could cut you in on a sweet deal, if you’re ready to hit the big time!”

“Urbistadt has been stable for a long time. Trade is abundant, taxes are adequate and fair, and all around folks are in a good place. But the Guild foresees an oncoming disturbance, Molly. It’s going to be chaos, like a crashing wave. If we follow in its wake, we stand to profit greatly. Now how does that sound to you?”

The woman’s eyes study you all over, trying not to be too obvious. ”I am sorry to mistake you for a man of the watch, sir. You…do have that presence about you.”

“I am Vesta Haggarton,” the young wife says. “My husband is Lonny Haggarton, though I do not know if he will even respond to his own name…” She sighs sadly.

“We live not far from here in “Lower Rung” housing district, close to the outer wall. For anything you can do for us, you have my thanks!”

Vesta is obviously disturbed by your words, speaking of the creeping eternal darkness so frankly. ”No! I will not accept him as lost! There must be a way to restore him.”

”If 50 gold will make my request more palatable to you, so be it!” She steels herself in frustration. ”My husband has a jar of savings, and I know where it’s kept. Bring back Lonny safely and I promise you payment in kind!”
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#38 Post by Pulpatoon »

Abstentious slides down the lamp-post, bringing an even bigger cascade of rust-flakes with him. He grabs the hem of Payterish's coat and says, "C'mon, Prudence Pureheart. If you wanna get mixed up in this, I saw which way they went. But we should run."

If Payterish seems inclined to follow, Abstentious runs after the departing men.
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#39 Post by Spearmint »


"And remember the jar too, I want the jar to store my sweeties in ... or my teeth, ", says the whaler to the others as they follow the fleeing men. He barges his way as they go with the shaft of his scrimshaw spear, clearing a path to gauntly lurch along behind the goblin.
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Re: Part 0: At the Broken Heart of the Fallen Kingdom

#40 Post by Urson »


Molly smiles, thinking about her former mentor. It's been a year or more since I actually spoke to Duffer. Last I knew, he was working a long con in the Megalopolis- a new variation of The Tsar's Prisoner.

And yeah, I've seen the signs myself- every wave has to crest, and we're due for trouble. I don't suppose the Guild is actively trying to start some of that chaos, are they?

Whatever his response; No matter- let's talk specifics. There's a refugee that I'm thinking looks ready to pluck, and I don't want to waste too much time.
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