Chapter 0: Preparations

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Chapter 0: Preparations

#1 Post by drpete »

Date: May 31, 7:00 pm, Sunday
Season: Early Summer
Weather: Warm
Moon phase: New Moon
Location: Brazen Strumpet

Having heard rumors of great riches to be had, you have converged on the town of Helix, a small village about 15 miles west of Ironguard Motte, the local seat of power. You are gathered together at the local tavern, the Brazen Strumpet, to discuss your first move.

The tavern is busy tonight. In addition to the barkeep and several barmaids, you see a number of other tables are occupied. There is a table full of cheery Vikings, dressed furs with pointy helmets and drinking heartily. Another table is full of sharp-faced men in leather, cutthroats who seem to be watching the other patrons as much as discussing among themselves. A third table has several rough looking men, laughing cruelly and telling bawdy jokes. You see a table full of what seem to be farmers telling stories. Near the bar, there is a table with a few rich looking men-- merchants and a wizard deep in conversation.

A half elven barmaid brings you your drinks, smiles at you, and heads off to take care of other customers.
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#2 Post by leafcutter »

Theglid looks around at the other patrons intently, scrutinizing them. He drinks his first drink rather quickly, while absentmindedly touching the holy symbol on his necklace. He decides the farmers might be a good source of rumors about the area, and wants to talk to them. But first, he takes his empty mug to the bar and sets it down, nodding at the bartender.
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#3 Post by drpete »

Theglid scrutinized the patrons... looking at the table with the older, well off men, he sees...

A tough looking man with grey, receding hair. He has the look of a sergeant or a guard captain, though he is dressed in civilian attire.

A short, plump man with a bald head. He is dressed in fine clothes, and looks like he doesn't belong in this tavern.

A man wearing a wizard robe and a bent wizard hat. The robes is covered with jingly charms and knick-knacks. His left eye is bigger than his right, giving him an odd, bug-eyed appearance.

The men are deep in some kind of serious discussion.

Theglid goes over to the barkeep, a barrel-chested man with long sideburns. The bartender grins at him and passes him another drink.

"New in town? Coming to seek your fortune...? I was an adventurer myself!" He gestures to an old warhammer and shield hung up behind the bar. "Til I took an arrow to the knee, at least. So I can spot you guys a mile off. You have a shine on ya. No offense... You guys looking for work, or are you here for something else...?"
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#4 Post by Piper »

Wick slips into the empty chair beside Theglid. I'll have 2 of whatever the holy man is having, Wicks signals the server. And some of that stew. And capon. And do you have any more of that pie? He turns and, as if noticing Theglid for the first time, he does a double-take. So ... I smell adventure in the air! How's about you, oh Bastion of Faith?
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#5 Post by Fingolwyn »

Lhainor walks up to the table of Vikings. "Northmen! The time is now, and the honor of the next round is mine." He motions to the barmaid to bring a round of ale, then tries to figure out who is the leader and if any of them are more than brawny bashers.
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#6 Post by leafcutter »

Theglid nods at Wick, Indeed! Tonight we must learn what we can while we fill our bellies.

He turns back to the bartender and replies, Yes, well as my stout-hearted friend here has implied, we are here for work of the adventurous sort. Judging by the sort of guests at this your establishment this evening, I'd say we're not alone. Have you heard any recent news might assist a holy man on his quest?

Theglid slides a gold piece across the bar.

OOC - I have no idea how much a drink costs here (or in Blueholme generally), so hopefully that gold piece is a decent tip and I didn't just look like an idiot. Haha!
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#7 Post by drpete »

The half elven serving girl looks down at Wick skeptically as he places his large order. "That's quite an appetite. Hang on, I'll go check." Wick thinks he notices her rolling her eyes as she heads off to the kitchen for an extended period.

Lhainor approaches the vikings merrily, offering to buy them drinks. A strong-looking blonde woman wearing a helmet with wings on it stands up, putting herself between you and the others, suddenly all business.

After a moment's staredown, two of them men sitting there laugh and wolf whistle. One says"you get 'em, Hagertha!" These two men are bearded, and are wearing hooded cloaks over their leather armor.

A bigger man, older, wearing chain mail and a horned helmet tsks the other two, and tells the woman "stand down... I don't think he means us any harm... do you, mister elf...?" This man seems to be the leader.

In addition to these four, there are a man in a pointy wizard hat, and a man wearing the holy symbol of Crom. They don't seem extremely welcoming, as a group. The leader does wave a hand to offer you the woman's seat, but there seems to be a little hostility here, like wolves trying to decide if you are hunter or prey.
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#8 Post by drpete »

The bartender takes the coin, looks over at some of the other tables, and nods.

"Lots of adventurers come here, seeking gold. Here and there they find it. Some, I think, get more than they bargained for. The dead, they say, are growing more and more restless. Stirred up by the tomb robbers, maybe. Watch your step on the Barrowmoor, or you may come face to face with the walking dead!"

As far as the cost goes, it's somewhat abstract... the overall evening will probably cost a few gold, given buying rounds, etc. Depending on how extravagant you want to be, I suppose.
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#9 Post by Spearmint »


leans at the bar, his rustic pack against draped over the floor. He sits on a stool and looks at the shield behind the bar and enquires of this Bollo if he had much cause to use it? "perhaps you get to bash some of the patrons if they get too rowdy" he says, nodding in the direction of the Vikings.

He will scan the tavern groups and see if he can spot which ones have returned from the tombs, an experienced crew who may be telling stories or showing off scars and which others are brazenly trumpeting their bravado before setting out.
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#10 Post by Fingolwyn »

drpete wrote:Lhainor approaches the vikings merrily, offering to buy them drinks. A strong-looking blonde woman wearing a helmet with wings on it stands up, putting herself between you and the others, suddenly all business.

After a moment's staredown, two of them men sitting there laugh and wolf whistle. One says"you get 'em, Hagertha!" These two men are bearded, and are wearing hooded cloaks over their leather armor.

A bigger man, older, wearing chain mail and a horned helmet tsks the other two, and tells the woman "stand down... I don't think he means us any harm... do you, mister elf...?" This man seems to be the leader.

In addition to these four, there are a man in a pointy wizard hat, and a man wearing the holy symbol of Crom. They don't seem extremely welcoming, as a group. The leader does wave a hand to offer you the woman's seat, but there seems to be a little hostility here, like wolves trying to decide if you are hunter or prey.
Lhainor addresses the larger, older man (and the table in general). "Of course not, unless you give me cause. It is unseemly to butt in uninvited, but more so to skulk about like a mouse seeking crumbs on the floor. My name is Lhainor, and I request the honor of buying you a round that I might ease my offense, while seeking to join your table for conversation and merriment. You have the appearance of honest, stalwart warriors, unlike others herein."

Lhainor does not sit unless he receives a second invitation, more inviting than the first.
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#11 Post by drpete »

Bollo the barkeep smiles crooked at Carling, trying to figure out if he's drunk. "Nossir, we generally don't try to kill our customers. Bad for business. Everybody knows the line... no weapons. You break that rule, what happens is your own fault."


Over at the Vikings' table, Lhainor tries to smooth things over somewhat formally. When he tells them they have the look of honest, stalwart warriors, one of the men in the hooded cloaks snorts, and points to his buddy "He means you, Leif!" This, in turn, causes Leif to punch his buddy in the arm, wicked grin on his face.

The leader waves a hand to shush the two unruly members of his group, then indicates the open chair again. "We'd be happy to share a drink with you, good sir elf! Are you an adventurer? What brings you to this little village...?"

The mage and cleric share a glance, then look Lhainor over. The woman whose chair is being offered to Lhainor has, he notices, stepped into a position that is kind of blocking his ability to walk away easily. It seems a *little* less hostile, but there is definitely an undercurrent of threat here.
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#12 Post by Fingolwyn »

drpete wrote:Over at the Vikings' table, Lhainor tries to smooth things over somewhat formally. When he tells them they have the look of honest, stalwart warriors, one of the men in the hooded cloaks snorts, and points to his buddy "He means you, Leif!" This, in turn, causes Leif to punch his buddy in the arm, wicked grin on his face.

The leader waves a hand to shush the two unruly members of his group, then indicates the open chair again. "We'd be happy to share a drink with you, good sir elf! Are you an adventurer? What brings you to this little village...?"

The mage and cleric share a glance, then look Lhainor over. The woman whose chair is being offered to Lhainor has, he notices, stepped into a position that is kind of blocking his ability to walk away easily. It seems a *little* less hostile, but there is definitely an undercurrent of threat here.
Taking the chair with a "Your pardon, Lady" to Hagertha, Lhainor seats himself with a wary eye behind him (watching for ale tankards, bar stools, daggers and such from behind) and again signals the barmaid to bring a round. "An adventurer? Not yet, just a sell-sword. But in my wanderings I've heard of some Barrows nearby and am of a mind to seek my fortune there. I've also heard that there are Runic tablets within, many of which contain curses, but some information useful to those who would explore the Barrows. I know nothing of such things though, and thought that perhaps one of you might?"
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#13 Post by drpete »

The leader of the group considers Lhainor's words, and responds "A sell-sword, are you? Yes, that's us, too. I'm Ragnar, Captain of the Norse Whisperers. This is my crew. We're down from Ironguard Motte, looking to get rich, if you know what I mean." He smiles at this. "We hear there are unplundered tombs full of riches, and all this talk of magic and curses is just to keep out the gullible. We're going to be going down to the Barrows soon. Are you alone?" The other members of the group watch this interaction quietly, expectantly, maybe.
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#14 Post by Piper »

Wick looks around for easy “marks,” mostly out of habit. He isn’t working tonight.
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#15 Post by Piper »

Wick notes Lhainor chatting with the Vikings. He elbows Theglid and jerks a chin toward that table.
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#16 Post by leafcutter »

Piper wrote:Wick notes Lhainor chatting with the Vikings. He elbows Theglid and jerks a chin toward that table.
Theglid looks a the table and nods, saying under his breath: hmmm. Heathens.

He doesn't approach the table, but keeps a close eye to make sure nothing happens to Lhainor.
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#17 Post by Fingolwyn »

drpete wrote:The leader of the group considers Lhainor's words, and responds "A sell-sword, are you? Yes, that's us, too. I'm Ragnar, Captain of the Norse Whisperers. This is my crew. We're down from Ironguard Motte, looking to get rich, if you know what I mean." He smiles at this. "We hear there are unplundered tombs full of riches, and all this talk of magic and curses is just to keep out the gullible. We're going to be going down to the Barrows soon. Are you alone?" The other members of the group watch this interaction quietly, expectantly, maybe.
"Alone? No, there are a few more of us around, here" (Lhainor looks casually around the room) "and about. Sword-work is slow right now, and if a man is going to risk his life, he might as well risk it for gold rather than silver and stew anyway. That one though..." (gesturing back at the table towards Theglid) "he's more interested in putting the dead back in their graves than collecting their wealth. A noble cause, but poor drinking companion."
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#18 Post by drpete »

Looking over the tables, in addition to the table with the older, well off group of three and the vikings, Wick notes...

A table of 8, consisting of eight: two halflings, two others that look like cut throat thieves, a warrior, two mages and an elf. They look pretty tough, both in numbers and swagger.

A table of seven, with three human warriors who have the look of professional soldiers, a dwarven fighter, a mage and two elven women, one in chain mail, the other dressed as a mage. These guys seem like mercenary soldiers.

And there is a table of four strongly built men in regular clothes. They are all human, and seem to be farmers.
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#19 Post by drpete »

Ragnar pauses, when Lhainor reveals his companion, as if reassessing the situation. After looking over at Theglid and Wick, he scowls. "Well, then... it's a pleasure meeting you, mister elf," he says, coldly. "My companions and I have some business to discuss. Thank you for the drink. I am sure we'll see you around. A word of caution to you... your friend may end up burying a few dead if anybody tries to horn in on our treasure. Just so we all understand each other..."

At this, the warrior woman backs up, giving Lhainor a clear path to leave the table, if he wants it. Ragnar seems to be dismissing him.
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Re: Chapter 0: Preparations

#20 Post by Fingolwyn »

drpete wrote:Ragnar pauses, when Lhainor reveals his companion, as if reassessing the situation. After looking over at Theglid and Wick, he scowls. "Well, then... it's a pleasure meeting you, mister elf," he says, coldly. "My companions and I have some business to discuss. Thank you for the drink. I am sure we'll see you around. A word of caution to you... your friend may end up burying a few dead if anybody tries to horn in on our treasure. Just so we all understand each other..."

At this, the warrior woman backs up, giving Lhainor a clear path to leave the table, if he wants it. Ragnar seems to be dismissing him.
Lhainor rises, not wishing to overstay his welcome. He addresses Ragnar "Friend? No. But it's true I have come to terms with the Yggist in his quest, and a bargain struck is a bargain to be upheld; a man is honor-bound to keep all promises when taking service. But we may well cross paths once more, and if my circumstances are different I would be happy to make the acquaintance of you and yours again. Travel well." With that he leaves the Northmen and returns to our table.

Seating himself such that the Vikings cannot see him speak, Lhainor says softy "They're headed to the Barrows, and soon. They should leave a trail even a blind hunter could follow. So could we, as long as we give them wide berth. We have already been warned to steer clear of "their" treasure."
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