Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#141 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"I'm not interested in killing the civilians, if that's who the women are. I'll cover you, Billy. You can run to the tower." Jenny looks concerned about the new development of possible non-military around.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#142 Post by max_vale »

Town of Chilly, Idaho; approx. 11-11:02 PM, Friday, 19 June, 1987

Raffy Cabreara, in a fit of inspiration, lets out a breath and explodes into motion; rounding the rear of the BMP, throwing open the hatch and diving/worming his way inside; all while being fired at by an RPK light machinegun and with bullets richocheting all around him. One round grazes his leg; leaving a burn trail that causes the young Latino to let out a curse in Spanish, but it does no real damage*....

Once inside, Raffy glances around the back, troop compartment and notices an unloaded RPG launcher laying against one side of the vehicle; though no rockets for it could be seen. There WERE 3 large missiles of an unknown make in a crate near the Turret entrance; that looked like matches for the Missile that was mounted on the top of the Main Cannon's barrel on the outside of the BMP. Making his way to the Turret, he takes a seat and notices that there are controls from a big-bore 73mm Cannon; a co-axial (mounted side-by-side with the Main Gun in the turret) Medium Machine Gun and an Anti-tank Missile Launcher. He then begins to turn the Turret towards the Tower...

As Raffy makes his move, he draws the attention of the Machine Gunner in the Tower and Billy acting on an impulsive desire to save his young friend, dives out to one side and comes up in a croch with his Rifle raised up and at the ready. He is relieved to notice his friend scramble into the BMP, seemingly unhurt and he lines up his Rifle with the RPK wielder, who he can see changing clips through the Scope. Billy pulls the trigger and puts a high-powered slug into the man's chest, dropping him to the floor and out of sight; but then a moment later, an AK wielder, also in the tower, fires a burst that slams into the ground all around the young rocker. A bullet slams into his off-hand forearm** and Billy drops to the ground, letting go of his Rifle as he clutches the forearm and lets out a howl of pain....

Jenny sees Raffy and Billy do thier stupid 'G.I. Joe' moves and can't believe it when Raffy manages to sneak into the Soviet vehicle with no harm and is angered/worried when Billy gets shot. Angrily, she fires a burst of her own from her AKSU at the Russian soldier that wounded Billy; and though she misses, she does manage to make him duck back for a moment. At about that moment, she ntoices Raffy start to swing the Turret of the APC towards the Tower and she sees a Rusian soldier at the ground floor doorway of the Tower.....

Saul sighs a bit as no one takes him up on his idea of using a Grenade and then he clamps his jaw down in frustration as these young kids go into action while he just leans his back agains the mountain side....dowing his best to ignore the pain of his wounds....itching to get into the action, but knowing he's not in the best shape to do so....

*Raffy was he's fine....but please note that he is OUT of Hero Points for now

**Billy is Wounded.....he will be at -1D for all actions until Treated
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#143 Post by Nuke66 »

Raffy continues to turn the turret towards the tower and let's loose with a burst of 73mm rounds into the base of the tower. He is hopeful that the innocents are spared during the collapse, but mows it down anyway. He pauses to see how things evolve, hoping that he has an opportunity to board another for the next phase of the operation.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#144 Post by Dram »

Saul Will fire his uzi at the tower so that the soldiers keep there heads down
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#145 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Cursing inwardly at the uncontrolled situation, Jenny lines up the Russian at the base of the tower and pulls the trigger. "This is getting out of hand!"
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#146 Post by max_vale »

Town of Chilly, Idaho; approx. 11:02-11:03 PM, Friday, 19 June, 1987

Jenny sights down the barrel of her AKSU carbine and fires a burst at the AK-wielding soldier in the Tower, feeling that strange combination of satisfaction and horror when she manages to shoot someone and the Soviet falls back and out of view after getting hit. She can't help but let out a startled yelp of fear as bullets from yet ANOTHER Russian solider cause her to duck back around the mountain side, the ricochets echoing loudly in her ears, but none doing her any harm.....

Billy did his best to half crouch, half roll his way back around the mountain side, hissing at the pain the bullet wound in his right forearm caused him the whole time. The move was made all the more terrifying as he awkwardly dragged his hunting Rifle with his left hand and bullets slammed into the ground all around him and one left a burn-trail on his left calf; causing some stinging pain but doing no lasting damage. He got around the side of the mountain as Jenny fired a burst and then ducked back around again with a squeal. The young Rocker was glad to see his one-time girlfriend was okay, but was then amazed to see the badly wounded Saul belly crawling around the side of the mountain and raising up his Uzi.....

Grimacing in pain and annoyance at his wounds, Saul carefully gets down and 'commando-crawls' out away from the mountain side, ignoring Jenny and Billy shooting and moving near him and using his veteran experience to also ignore the bullets that impact the ground all and around him and zip over his head sounding like angry hornets. He glances up and sees a trio of Soldiers; two with AKs and one with an RPG in the Tower, one of the AK wielders falls back as shots fired by Jenny slam home. The RPG wielder leans out and over the shattered-windows, aiming his weapon down at the BMP that Raffy has climbed into while the other soldier fires a long suppressing burst that chases Jenny and Billy back under cover.....but not Saul...

Saul takes a deep breath and rises up on one knee just at the Soviet solider aiming the RPG pulls the trigger and sends a rocket down into the BMP. Saul holds down the trigger and unleashes half a clip of ammunition in a long, wide spray and is QUITE pleased to see both the AK carrying Soviet AND the RPG carrying soldier go down hard from his fire. Then there is a deafening clap of sound as the BMP fires its main gun and Saul is dropped painfully down to the ground....

Raffy moved the turret and depressed the barrel of the 73mm cannon until it lined up on the open door way a the ground level of the Tower. At about the same time he pulled the trigger for the main gun; enjoying the look of terror on the Russian Soldier's face who was standing in the doorway; the young Latino was knocked around in his seat as a sound like a thunderclap and shredded metal temporarily deafened him and getting up and shaking his head, he happened to glance back into the passenger compartment and noticed that a hole was in the roof and a smoking, jagged crater had been blown into the floor while tons of shrapnel had exploded into the sides of the APC; causing the young man to subconsciously cross himself in thanks as he realized if he had been in the back compartment; he'd be dead.....

Jenny, Saul and Billy glanced around after the enormously loud cannon shot went off and the ground floor of the Tower looked as if it had been hit by a tornado. Bloody bits of pulp were all that was left of the poor Soviet Soldier who had been in the doorway and the door and much of the masonry around it were in splinters and shattered hunks in every direction. A female voice, the terror in it unmistakable, comes floating down on the wind from the top floor of the Tower. "OH MY GOD STOP SHOOTING! THEY'RE ALL DEAD, I SURRENDER!, I SURRENDER, PLEASE STOP SHOOTING!"
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#147 Post by Nuke66 »

Raffy tries to get his head back together before he sticks his head a hole and looks arround, trying to hear something other than the ringing he does.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#148 Post by Dram »

Saul- Come out with your hands above your head. Any funny business my freind in the BMP will shred like your Rusky friends.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#149 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Jenny cautiously gets up and walks towards the tower, rifle aimed at the remains of the tower. "Don't worry! We won't hurt you. Do as he says, quickly!"
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#150 Post by Scott308 »

Billy Barstowe

Making sure his rifle is away from the doorway, Billy will draw his Colt 1911, aiming at the doorway in case the expected surrendering civilian turns out to be something else.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#151 Post by max_vale »

Town of Chilly, Idaho; approx. 11:03-11:07 PM, Friday, 19 June, 1987

A long, tense minute went by as the band of Freedom Fighters waited for the woman to come out the door, all of them keeping weapons at the ready in case things were NOT on the up-and-up....

A long tense minute later, a shapely, brunette woman who looks to be in her mid-20s or so comes stumbling out in a slightly torn, too-small for her white T-shirt and a pair of cut-off jean shorts that would put Daisy Duke to shame and a pair of spiked heels dangling from each hand as she stumbles carefully out in her bare feet, stepping over the wreckage....both human and she makes her way out.

She's quite attractive, though it takes a few minutes to see that seeing as she's covered in plaster dust and various small cuts, probably from shattered windows and foundation-shaking cannon round impact. She talks a little loudly, clearly still a bit deafened as she sees the 4 Freedom Fighters and does her best to make it clear she's not a threat.


The look in her eyes was a combination of shame, defiance and fear that they might just shoot here right then and there. The question now was what to do with her.....and more to destroy a Dam made of a massive mound of Earth.....
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#152 Post by Dram »

Saul rubs his eyes and looks twice. How do we know you aint a double agent Miss? Billy keep your on her.
Raffy or Jenny search her please.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#153 Post by Scott308 »

Billy Barstowe

Seeing the woman come out of the building, Billy lowers his gun- until Saul issues an order! Billy quickly brings his aim back onto the woman just in case, although he doesn't think she's really a threat.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#154 Post by Nuke66 »

Raffy quickly steps forward, happy to search this one. He walks toward her and says. "Just stand still missy, and I'm just gonna check you out real quick." He holds a hand while using the other one to feel her, mostly looking for concealed weapons.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#155 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Jenny rolls her eyes at the boys. "Yup, it definitely looks like she's smuggling something in there. Give her a break, ok?"

She walks over to Sheena, apologetic for her companions. "Sorry about them. I'm Jenny. I am...was...a nurse. Let me check you over for injuries, ok?"

Jenny takes Sheena around behind the tower to examine her and chat about what she knows and how she got here.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#156 Post by max_vale »

Mackay Dam, near the Town of Chilly, Idaho; approx. 11:10 PM, Friday, 19 June thru 9:30 AM, Saturday, 20 June 1987

After enduring the groping/pat-down from Raffy with a rolling of the eyes, Sheena walks away with Jenny, shivering in the night air as the one-time Nurse checks her injuries. She has numerous small cuts and she has probably taken a significant dip in hearing ability; but otherwise she was okay.

She soon leads the Resistance fighters into the wreckage of the Tower to show them the Radio with which the Soviets reported in to their headquarters twice a day. She speaks pretty good Russian, but obviously the operator on the other end would find it alarming to be talking to a female voice, so she coaches Saul on what to say when they have to report in on the 7 AM check in call. Meanwhile, the others find a couple of working AK-74 Assault Rifles with about a dozen good-to-go 30 round clips; an RPK-74 Light Machinegun which can utilize the 30 round AK clips OR use its own larger 45 round clips; of which there are 3 in good shape; and an RPG rocket launcher with 2 good Rockets they can use.

They also find a large supply of soda cans, bread and sandwich meats, potato chip bags and a half-full bottle of Vodka. Everyone is hungry and exhausted, so after eating a late meal and setting a watch; the Resistance Fighters get some sleep before all gathering together again at 6 in the AM.

Saul is feeling a little bit better; but he is wrestling with the issue of HOW to destroy the earthen dam with the Explosives they hauled up in the canoes when the answer comes to him while staring out at the surrounding area. An old backhoe tractor is off to the side of the road leading down and away from the Dam; and upon inspection; despite its dirty and dusty appearance; it doesn't take Raffy long to get it into working condition. The problem is that the diesel fuel tank is almost empty.....though it occurs to Saul that the BMP runs on diesel fuel; so if they can figure out a way to siphon the fuel from the one, they can power up the other. If they can do that; they can use the backhoe to dig deep enough into the earthen mound to plant the explosives and destroy a large enough section of the Dam to flood the area and allow the First Idaho Brigade to escape...

By that point, it's 7 in the morning and Saul goes to report in to the Russians on the Radio. His call goes off without a hitch, but he learns two pieces of disturbing news.....the first is that the Russians are sending a re-supply convoy to the Dam with some extra food and provisions.....AND an extra platoon of troops. It seems that the Russian HQ is worried about some possible Guerillas in the area.....

The second issue is that the 124th Motor Rifle Division is moving up their time-table to hit the First Idaho Brigade....instead of happening in two's now going to happen at Midnight tonight! Things just got a WHOLE LOT more interesting!

Saul gets people to work; Billy, Jenny and Sheena gather up any cans or containers they can find while Raffy finds some pieces of pipe to use as a makeshift hose and they siphon off all but a tiny amount of Diesel Fuel from the BMP and transport it in the cans and containers to the Backhoe and fill up the Tractor's tank. They leave a small amount in the BMP so that it can be powered up to move its Turret to engage the Soviet convoy if needed.

Saul, Billy and Raffy drag the explosives from the canoes and move them to a spot next to the Dam and where the Backhoe is going to start digging and then they quickly move back to the BMP and ruined Tower when they see the dirt kicked up by the incoming Russian Convoy.

Billy uses his Hunting Rifle's Scope and sees that the Convoy consists of a large 'duece and a half' U.S. Army truck with canvas covered rear that has been hastily re-painted with big, red Soviet Stars on the doors and is presumably loaded with the supplies and the Platoon of Troops. The deuce-and-a-half is accompanied by a similarly painted Jeep that has a machinegun mounted on some kind of pivot mount with a Soldier manning this while another drives and the finally vehicle is an Armored, 8 Wheeled BTR-70; which was a Russian APC very similar to the BMP except that it had wheels vice treads and while both carried a squad of 8 troops in a rear compartment; the BTR was faster and lighter armed; with a turret that held a Heavy and a Medium Machinegun......


*Right now, the Truck, Jeep and BTR-70 are about half-a-mile away and don't forget there is an LMG, an RPG with 2 Rockets and a BMP that doesn't have enough fuel to move much, but DOES have enough to use the Turret mounted weapons.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#157 Post by Dram »

Is the BMP on the side dam of the oncoming convoy? What is landscape, is there a bridge between us and them?
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#158 Post by Dram »

Saul- We need to act fast. When they get close enough they will know that this outpost has been hit. Raffy take your position on the gun. Take out the BTR. I will if possible fire a RPG the Jeep. Billy take out the driver of the Duece with your rifle. Girls grab a weapon and take out any stragglers that make it out of the vehicles. If possible try to save the supplies in the Duece.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#159 Post by Nuke66 »

Raffy doesn't even hesitate, "Got it Boss." as he sprints back to the BMP, firing it up so he can turn the turret and start targeting the on-coming convoy.
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Re: Price of Freedom: Chapter 2: Your Own Private Idaho

#160 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"It's just one suck after another, isn't it?" Jenny turns to Sheena "Stick with me. Do you know how to use one of these?" Jenny points to one of the AK's.

Jenny grabs the LMG, the large clips, and heads for the tower. She and Sheena will set up in there, trying to get a bit of cover.
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