On the island: About the Ship & Cove

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ATSC (Day 10): The mission is launched...

#241 Post by Argennian »

~ Billy relays some tactical details about what they're planning to employ against the Karagonian owl hunters. Whatever illusion or magics are going to be cast, it should be something big and scary. At least something enough to get them committing an expeditious retreat is the intention...

Bogdan asks about the haul of treasure he, Ulrich and Sorel brought back from the cliff cave's overly-prolific plant guardian. The old master thief admits that between Shanny's work on the young charmed corporal Tally Brevins, as well as Aramis, Ziffiris and Najania's ongoing pursuits with identifying the items already found and trying to locate Ziller and the rescue team, there unfortunately hasn't been any time to assess it.

With no other questions posed, Billy wishes everyone good luck and excuses the newly-assembled island strike team to do their thing. Cutler and Sorel snap off crisp salutes to their mate and senior officer, and once everyone's acknowledges their readiness, the squad moves out. The Half-elf easterner takes point with Caelvanna, followed by Bogdan, Emm, Lauranna and Ulrich. Cutler, with his heavy crossbow to hand, brings up the rear...


Okay gang, let's pick up the action here: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=1690&p=191135#p191135

TOD: @ 5:15am noon of Day 10 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

If you have any questions, or need some additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Caelvanna 32/32 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 , Ulrich 22/22 , Sorel uninjured, Cutler uninjured
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – Karagonian masterwork spears / longsword ; Caelvanna – short bow* / short sword (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – spear & shield) / SC ; Lauranna - Dual daggers of death / SC ; Ulrich – mace & shield / SC (SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire)
Spells cast:
Emm: none
Lauranna: none
Ulrich: none

Single-file: Sorel , Caelvanna , Bogdan , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich , Cutler
Remaining on station guarding the ship: Griffo ; Thalion
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ASC (Day 10): The party returns from their ambush...

#242 Post by Argennian »

~ The southern trail strike team depart the cover of the thick flora of the southern tree line after the all-clear signal is given and make their way quickly across the sandy dirt and beach towards their magically-hidden ship and camp. Just like last time, everyone gets the same slap in the face/kick in the stomach combination effect when they pass through the powerful magical barrier, accompanied by the subsequent hotness on their wrist from the special-access charm bracelets they're wearing. The druid's charge lets forth a frightened hoot!, flapping its wings and fidgeting nervously from the experience. Interestingly, there is no such reaction from the cleric's most unusual hatchling cargo...

To everyone's collective relief, they find the Seahawk and beach HQ still present and accounted for. This time, however, there's no welcoming waves or easy demeanor abound. Both Griffo and Thalion are high up the rope ladders above the main yardarm, to each side of the crow's nest near Blic, the halfling lookout. All three are looking northward with great interest and scrutiny. Captain Billings, Nobleman Ziffiris and Lord Jovak are on the aft-deck monitoring the three lookouts above as they talk quietly amongst themselves. Arak, Gramps and Bradley, along with the rest of the crew that were busy with the ongoing repairs to the ship, appear to have taken a break from those duties and armed themselves for a fight. They're spread out on deck and throughout the surrounding cove, all still within the protective magical bubble barrier. After acknowledging the party's arrival, they look back to their commanders on the ship to await any orders or updates.

As the party makes their tired way over to the command tent on the beach, Gentleman Billy materializes out of thin air nearby to greet them. The back-at-it master thief makes a quick visual count of the entire team as Bog and Cutler set down the makeshift stretcher. He takes note of the two covered bodies amongst all the Karagonian Navy armor, weapons, gear and ancient island loot.

Cutler steps up to report to the elder member of The Hands, straightening his blood-soaked, chewed on, disheveled self and snapping off a quick salute. "Five Karagonian soldiers killed in action, sir, including their cleric, whose body we brought back. Their commander, a navy lieutenant, and mage as it turned out, escaped us. They killed the great owl before we could intercede but we were able to rescue one of its young they'd captured..."

Billy grimaces at the news and glances over at Emm with obvious regret, taking stock of the anxious yet healthy-looking giant baby owlet now perched on her leather-armored shoulder...

Cutler clears his throat after a brief pause and straightens himself again. Tears begin to well up in his eyes as he continues. "We... we lost Sergeant Sorel, sir. He was felled during the action on the hillside... burned down by the bastard that escaped... I was ambushed by their cleric down on the beach, and was delayed in getting back up to help... Had I been more vigilant, he... might not... ...," the grizzled cook trails off, his voice crackling as tears stream down his beat up, grief-hardened visage.

Billy closes his eyes and appears to mouth a quick prayer as he makes a somatic-like gesture over his heart. He steps up in front of Cutler, whose now visibly shaking but trying to stand still at attention and hold it together. The elder man reaches out and puts his hand on the cook's chewed-up shoulder, tears welling up in his own eyes. "I'm so sorry, Calvin. I know you two were very close. I will pray to the gods for his soul and you have my word we will honor him properly, when we can," he reassures.

"Thank you, sir," Cutler replies in official monotone, his voice still shaky. He straightens himself out and salutes again.

The salute is returned solemnly and Billy steps back to give the grieving cook some space. As he wipes his own tears away, Caelvanna steps up and breaks the uncomfortable silence by offering a quick, businesslike report on the longboat she just saw. The suddenly tired-looking old thief acknowledges her with a thankful nod and turns to address the party.
"It seems we have more visitors to our shaky little island, friends. They appear to be Pirate Confederacy and have a small cog anchored north of our position. They arrived within minutes of your departure, and must have entered the inner reefs by another opening further east. They sent men ashore to the north earlier, while still dark. From what I saw, for fresh water and provisions only. We also noticed that second longboat as it passed the cove. They slowed and scrutinized the area here for a time, as if they'd landed or been here previous and seemed thrown off by the sand and vegetation we built up at the entrance. Not sure what they're up to but we need to put eyes on them and be mindful of their location and doings..."

"I volunteer to do so," Caelvanna iterates matter of factually. In fact, the Wild-elf archer looks like she wants to depart that very instant.

Billy acknowledges her wishes before glancing back at Cutler, who's moved over to the stretcher and begun removing the items they returned with to get at the bodies below. He looks back to the party with sadness again apparent on his weathered visage.
"I am sorry we were unable to deliver the illusionary diversion as planned, and be available to support your mission, friends. When that ship arrived and men came ashore in the dark, we did not know who they were nor what capabilities they possessed, let alone why they were here and if we had somehow been discovered. We were forced to stand down and focus our attentions upon them. When we felt the island shake and saw steam emerging from the crater, we were fearful, but I thought regardless of what caused it, it could work to serve a similar purpose. Hopefully it did and was naught but an isolated event..."

The old master master thief pauses again, this time seeming to notice for the first time that Bog is covered from helm to metal-armored toe in blood and crab bits, and that Ulrich appears singed. "There's some of Shanny's revitalizing tea over by the fire pit, along with food and drink, and more healing elixirs in the large chest inside the tent. Anyone that's injured, or needs to re-up if'n they used theirs, please do so. And if you need..."

Again Billy stops, this time at the squeak of what Ulrich has in his chain-gauntleted hands. It's l'il Pickles the hatchling lizard-turtle, still hungry and perhaps agitated that so far he's got nothing to munch or suckle on.

"And what exactly do we have here? Was this something you took from the soldiers?"


OOC: okay gang, wanted to get this post up before I have to head out, so we could finally get back to the action! I know we still need to complete the debrief, exchange intel, document and sort through acquired/captured armor, weapons, gear, treasure and such to get things identified/valued/etc. for XP, let people that need it get healing, something to eat & drink, go rest to reup spells, decide what they want to do as far as either taking guard shifts or volunteering for any spying/work outside the cove, etc., but I'm going to stop here for now to let folks chime in, if so desired. Otherwise I can streamline a lot of this and move things forward in the next post when I get back in town.

TOD: @ 8:15am of Day 10 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 25/34 ; Caelvanna 32/32 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 , Ulrich 15/22 ; Cutler ??+4/?? (hurt badly) , Sorel KIA
WIH (primary/secondary):
Bog – none / Karagonian masterwork longsword & dagger (crossbow & spears on ground back in treeline; bolts fired: 1)
Caelvanna – short bow / short sword (total arrows fired: 12)
Emm – spear & giant owlet (shield stowed) SC
Lauranna - none / DDDs, short sword & throwing knives (& Wily) (daggers thrown: 1)
Ulrich – baby dragon turtle! / mace & shield (bolts fired: 1)
Cutler - none / DDDs & assortment array of daggers & other weapons, incl hvy crossbow (bolts fired: 1)
Sorel - KIA
(SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire at beginning of round)

Spells cast:
Emm: Charm Person or Mammal , Entangle x2, Faerie Fire, Speak With Animals x2, CLW x2
Lauranna: Sleep
Ulrich: Silence, CLW x3

Standing about the beach near the fire pit & tent: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm (& giant baby owlet), Lauranna (& Wily) , Ulrich (& Pickles) & Cutler
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Re: ASC (Day 10): The party returns from their ambush...

#243 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Argennian wrote:Again Billy stops, this time at the squeak of what Ulrich has in his chain-gauntleted hands. It's l'il Pickles the hatchling lizard-turtle, still hungry and perhaps agitated that so far he's got nothing to munch or suckle on.

"And what exactly do we have here? Was this something you took from the soldiers?"
"This little guy is called Pickles," says Ulrich. "We found him (or her?) just before he hatched in the cave.

"Do you know what dragon turtles eat?"

Ulrich spends his time in camp resting, eating, recuperating, and studying with Lord Jovak.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#244 Post by Alethan »


Bog raises an eye at Ulrich

"Meat," is all he says, then makes his way to Shanny to get some of her tea and grab a healing elixer from the chest.
Dragon foot. Bamboo pole. Little mouse. Tiny boy.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#245 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna chimes in "I would like to rest and study again before we move out, but I don't need to. Seems as if we all had a busy morning. I still don't like the thought that that bastard mage is still on the loose, we'll have to do something about that."

She then heads for food and drink before re-upping for her healing potion.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#246 Post by tkrexx »

Emm strides to Bog and acquires chunks of crab meat, quickly feeding one to the young owl, then offering the other to Ulrich's Dragon. I am useless at this time, she grumbles. I was next to useless during the encounter with those Karagonians. The only thing I managed to accomplish was save this youngling and possibly confuse our enemy. This Lieutenant is clever, and dangerous. Clearly we hurt him, and expended much of his arsenal, but we also embarrassed him. He will not forget this. Had I chosen another set of blessings, we may have been able to kill him. Instead, despite all our precautions, I believe we were followed.

Both the birds I befriended have disappeared, but our enemy's hawk did inform me the Karagonian superiors are in control of a small flock of birds of their own, such birds that even the hawk fears to engage. With our own eyes in the air gone, any future forays must be done with the utmost care.

Almost as an afterthought, the Priestess looks about. Where is Sam?
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ASC: The party regroups & goes over things...

#247 Post by Argennian »

~ The reactivated master thief queries the just-returned cleric about his unique cargo. His answer is... unbelievable...

Ulrich informs Billy that what he has in his chain-gauntleted hands is, well... a just hatched dragon turtle! Or so he suspects. The dwarf makes formal introductions as the old thief leans forward for a closer look. His tired eyes go wide with surprise when the tiny creature moves. His mouth drops agape when it lets forth another hungry squeak. A lifetime mastery in the art of calm and collected, no matter what he faced, is blasted into a million pieces.
"Umm ... dragon turtle?"

The young priest nods affirmatively before querying the elder hand on what dragon turtles eat. Billy just stares back in obvious shock for a handful of moments. He finally swallows, looks over at the ship nervously and tries to regain his composure...

Bogdan raises an eye and turns his blood and crab bits-spattered visage to respond for the stunned master thief.
"Meat," is all the big fighter says before heading over to take a few deep draws of the decanter with Shanny's revitalizing tea, and then to the chest in the command tent to secure another of the old witch's healing elixirs...

Lauranna takes the opportunity to chime in next. She steps up to report to Gentleman Billy that, although she'd like to rest up after their mission and get back to her ongoing studies and training with Nobleman Ziffiris, she's still gulf tango gulf status, and ready for immediate deployment as needed. Realizing as well that everyone's had a busy morning, and not being one to let a warning of danger slip past without due and proper notification, the young magic-user/thief then details her concerns regarding their escaped adversary. It's a huge liability to have that piece of you know what running loose on the island unchecked. A liability that needs to be adjudicated. Wily pops his head up out of her large belt pouch and proffers an affirmative squeak as his High-elf master follows Bogdan's leader in going for the revitalizing tea and another of Shanny's healing elixirs...

Caelvanna nods in vehement agreement to her kin-cousin's point of order submission and subsequent recommendation. The Wild-elf archer specialist unslings her short bow to reinforce the fact that she's way beyond good to go status. Cutler, having finally cleared the armor, weapons, gear and treasure off his fallen friend, says nothing as he too glances up and over to Billy. The look on his bloodied and bruised visage is one that indicates there's absolutely no way in Samson's Hill he's not gonna be part of that final solution...

Gentleman Billy acknowledges the two young elves and galvanized cook with a prompt nod of message received and understood. "I wholeheartedly agree. Once you've had a chance to regroup, get healing, reequip any spent arrows and quarrels and such, we'll go over that and discuss some tactics..."

Emm is finally able to calm her new avian charge, who'd been fairly agitated from involuntarily entering the powerful magic bubble barrier surrounding the crippled eastern warship and inner cove without a passing charm. It settles in on her leather-armored shoulder and leans awkwardly against her helm for comfort. The self-anointed Island Queen then follows Bog and Lauranna over to the tent and fire pit. When within reach, she picks some bits of crab meat from the big fighter's metal-armored exterior and proceeds to feed them to the giant baby owlet. It takes her offerings with a grateful hoot and quickly devours the small pieces of island seafood delicacy. The druidess then steps over to Ulrich and his unlikely charge and offers the same to the hatchling lizard-turtle. Lil Pickles sniffs the fresh crab meat and without hesitation, snaps down on it with surprising speed and force for such a small, recently-born creature. Emm pulls her leather-gauntleted hand back quickly with a mirthful giggle and turns away so the still-hungry owlet isn't forced to try and hold back its innate predatory drive...

With the party's newly-acquired animal friends momentarily satiated, the druid offers her impression on how the ambush went down and what she thinks of the one that got away. She details that she too is spent, and is somewhat hard on herself when grading her performance and support of the team during their mission. Apart from reaffirming the old world saying that 'hindsight is always the clearest sight', they did rescue one of the giant owl's offspring, eliminated the soldier contingent and wounded the escaped Karagonian leader. Although she hopes he expended a good portion of his arsenal during their encounter, Emm does not doubt for a segment the Karagonian mage's a clever and resourceful bastard, so in turn, it's not at all inconceivable that he could've followed them back. Last but not least is confirmation that the navy officers from the Gallant utilize trained birds, specifically large ravens, to send messages and alerts between post locations and act as their eyes-in-the-sky for scouting and recon purposes. So from this point out, they'd better be cautious with any and all future operations outside the spell bubble.

The druid's AAR backs up the concerns of Lauranna and Caelvanna regarding the escaped lieutenant that killed Sorel and threatened to burn the party down with magical fire. Billy acknowledges the report matter of factually as he looks south towards the trail and tree line.

"With any luck and the gods willing, we have not yet been discovered. The potential threat of eyes from above means we must be careful moving in and out of the concealment spell around the ship and here in the cove, as well as around and about the island in general. I also hope this does not further complicate or delay Commander Ziller's rescue mission, especially their return when they've finally gathered our remaining friends...

"Anyway, get yourselves cleaned up and sorted as needed. We'll regroup later and figure out our upcoming actions. Unless, of course, imminent action or danger arrives to confront us beforehand!"

~ Initial debriefs completed, the back-in-action master thief signals some of the crew to assist getting the makeshift stretcher and its contents moved onto the ship and secured, taking the items Cutler indicates need identification to Najania and Aramis, and the body of the Karagonian cleric Bog dispatched to Shanny, for her ancient tribal postmortem. The chewed on cook picks up and carries Sorel's remains on his own. Those of the crew that see and spot his visage immediately realize they've lost one of their own. They make way and give him space as he climbs the cargo net and boards the ship, pausing to look about to each other solemnly and lower their heads in contemplation and sorrow, and to pray to their respective gods...

Emm inquires about young Sam. She's told the child is doing well and safe on the ship with her ever-faithful, alien-looking, canine companion Sheba, and the lady Tamara, so heads that way with the giant baby owl. Although out of speak with animals spells, the young druidess talks to, pets and reassures the giant youngling avian. The nervous owlet seems to appreciate and even covet the extra attention, looking about with wide eyes of wonderment at the ship and other members of the Hands of Balance. There's still been no sign of poor Kuda, her seagull companion that left days ago on a reconnoiter mission to the island west of them, nor the navy lieutenant's trained hawk, Chaska...

Ulrich grabs more bits of crab meat from the party's latest crustacean haul and feeds them to l'il Pickles. The hatchling lizard-turtle quickly consumes his body weight's worth of the tasty island delicacy before falling fast asleep in the cleric's chain-gauntleted hands. The dwarf drinks deep of the revitalizing tea and consumes some of the breakfast Rip and Thomas bring out for the just-returned party. Billy whispers a warning to Ulrich about not actively announcing what he too concedes might actually be a real live baby dragon turtle. Dragons haven't been seen let alone encountered for well over five hundred years, or so the story goes. But there be no more feared a sea creature or greater bane to a sailor than a dragon turtle. Except maybe a giant squid. Or a Kraken...
The priest acknowledges the warning, carefully tucking the strange, sleeping little hatchling into one of his pouches before departing the beach HQ to board the Seahawk. He looks to make time for prayers and meditations and to seek out Lord Jovak when he's available to continue his training...

Bogdan, Caelvanna and Lauranna remain about the fire pit and beach HQ long enough to eat their breakfast before then settling in for as much rest and recuperation as able. Bogdan finishes his meal and begins the process of cleaning his blood and gore-splattered self. Caelvanna quickly restocks her used flight arrows, reequips her coveted short bow and joins those on perimeter security, taking up a position by the command tent that affords her the best view of the southern tree line. She looks impatient, more than usual anyway. Lauranna feeds Wily some crab meat and takes in the surroundings with and through her magely familiar before retreating to the ship to rest her spent self and recover her spent spell...


~ The morning hours pass, thankfully uneventful, as mighty Hazara finishes her golden, daily ascent from the watery eastern horizon to the lightly-clouded midday skies high above. The usual sea fog hangs late but eventually dissipates in the soft westerly breeze. The island's large insect and small avian and animal denizen populations are well along their normal, daily activities and routines. Griffo and Thalion remain on lookout, high up near the crow's nest with Blic, keeping careful, calculating eyes on the pirate ship anchored just north of the hidden cove, and also maintaining a constant roving visual reconnoiter of the perimeter for any and all signs of approach or danger. Everyone that needed healing gets it, including restocking healing elixirs and any/all arrows, bolts & sling bullets used during the predawn mission. Casters also get the chance to rest and re-up any spells they used.

Gentleman Billy finishes his rounds and calls the party together for a quick meeting and sitrep in the main room of the stern castle. Everyone arrives, sans Caelvanna, to find the master thief drinking some of Shanny's revitalizing tea and puffing on his pipe. In the center of the big dining and planning table sits a large canvas bag.

"First off, hope everyone's had something to eat, get healing and rest up as they could?" Billy queries of the party. He looks around the table to get collective confirmations.

"I want to report first off, no sign of the pirate longboat that passed the cove, headed east around the southern side of the island earlier this morning. No unusual activity or shore deployments from the pirate ship either. Also, and perhaps most importantly, no further sign of the Karagonian Navy, their ravens, the trained hawk nor their missing lieutenant you tangled with. Caelvanna and Cutler volunteered to go find out what those pirates in the longboat are up to... and of course see if they could find any new tracks or clues about our missing Karagonian lieutenant. They've been gone for just about two hours now," he details with a look around the table to gauge reactions before continuing.

"Shanny's been busy debriefing and reeducating our newest friend, Corporal Tally Brevins, and brewing up more healing elixirs as she preps for her ancestral ritual later this evening, to get what intel she can from the dead navy cleric you brought back. Based on what we've learned from the friendly corporal, this Lieutenant Brom was on a private mission of his own here, one his naval superiors did not know about. So our feeling is, unless he had a way to teleport off, he should be stuck here until they come looking for him. Of obvious importance is whether or not he can send an alarm or communique to his counterparts. The ones on the isle west of us would be an easy exercise. The Gallant? Not so...

"Prince Aramis has been attempting to scry his actual location but having unusual trouble doing so. He believes there to be a interference of sorts, coming from the island itself. Something he describes as a dampening field or some such, and says it wasn't present before. Najania thinks it might have been enacted or activated when the island shook. Regardless, they believe he's still on the isle. He could've taken refuge in any number of caves or ventured even further inside the crater. With any luck, the Chief and our Wild-elf sharpshooter will stumble upon him and we can... cross him off our trouble list,"
he trails off, not trying the mask the inclination...

"Given these latest events, the chances of our being discovered here has increased. A serious concern. Perhaps not so much from those pirates, but should the Karagonian Navy become involved, we'd be in serious danger. Not only are we still the better part of a week out from getting the ship seaworthy, we're still waiting on Commander Ziller and his rescue team to return. We've been unable to reestablish communications with them, so are still in the dark with no way of knowing where they are nor what their status be..."
The worry on Billy's tired, weathered face is evident as he takes another drink of tea. More than the obvious benefit of having the seasoned halfling commander's cool, calculating nature and his vast wealth of experience to draw upon, he simply misses and is fearful for the safety of his old friend...

~ The old master thief snaps back to the moment and indicates the large canvas sack in the center of the table. "We haven't had any time to get to the things you brought back from the morning ambush, but Najania and Aramis just finished identifying the items Bogdan, Ulrich and Sorel returned with yesterday, discovered when they scouted out the cliff cave off the northern trail," he offers, pulling the sack over to him, opening it up and reaching inside. He begins setting things down on the table and describing their true nature and properties...

"These were the items you recovered from the skeleton of the gnome," he details, setting the suit of brand new looking leather armor down. "Magical leather armor of the second level of power (+2). Made to fit a gnome but it could be resized..."

Next is the set of exquisite high, soft boots. "Boots of Striding & Springing! This magical footwear increases the wearer’s pace (base speed to 120 ft) and grants the ability to spring vertically (15 ft), backward (9 ft) and forward (30 ft) at much greater rate than normally possible. This springing movement can be used in combat to attack and spring away if the wearer is quicker (has initiative) but under such conditions the wearer has a (base 20%) chance to stumble, (decreased by 1% for every point of dexterity over 12). Carved into the side of the left boot heel is the name “Jak”."

Next to be placed on the table, tied carefully onto a thick velvet cloth, is the silver necklace w/ 5 ruby-like stones. "A Necklace of Fireballs! The beads of this necklace can easily be detached, by the wearer only, and hurled (up to 70 ft). Upon reaching its target the bead explodes as a fireball (the target is allowed a saving throw vs spells for half damage). If the wearer suffers damage from a magical fire attack, however, all remaining beads on the necklace could spontaneously detonate with the area of effect centered on the wearer..."

Next to be set down is the plain gold ring. "A most lucky if not incredible find to be sure. A Ring of Wizardry! This particular variant apparently doubles the amount of 1st, 2nd, 3rd level spells a magic-user or illusionist is able to normally memorize. Although I cannot cast spells, I very much like and can certainly appreciate those possibilities..."

Next are the two shiny hand-axes. "A nice find for any warrior types... Axes of Hurling! These magical hand axes are of the second level of power (+2) and specially made for throwing long distance (up to 60 ft)..."

Billy then places the jewel-handled throwing knife on the table. "This is a magickated eastern throwing knife. It has a base first level of power (+1) when wielded in melee and surprisingly works at the third level of power (+3) when thrown as a missile weapon. Unlike the extended ranges of the hand axes, it follows the same range parameters as a normal dagger..."

Next is the bone scroll case. He opens it and pulls out 2 spell scrolls and a beautiful, ornate, wrought silver quill stylus. "These are magic-user scrolls. The first one is a two-spell scroll. It has the spells: Floating Disk and Unseen Servant. The second is a Scroll of Warding vs. Elementals! A most powerful ward indeed! The special silver stylus is meant to be used with magical ink, for writing spells onto scrolls and into spell books...

"There was also a 6-page parchment journal with coded notations and sketches of strange-looking shapes and diagrams. Najania is very excited about this and is working on it now..."

Last but not least is the small iron lock box. He sets it down on the table, turns the key and opens it. The first thing he removes is clear, spindle-shaped stone. "This is called an Ion Stone. There are many different colors and types but this particular one can sustain the user without food & water as long as it's functional..."

Next he removes a small vial, with a grayish like paste in it. "This is a Vial of Stone Salve. It can apparently be applied to a petrified creature, restoring it to flesh as does a stone to flesh spell. There are two 1oz. applications within and each will restore a creature the size of a typical human..."

Last but not least is a large, ancient looking key and what looks to be some small picks & tools. "Not sure what that key unlocks but Najania said it's likely something big and very old. And these are a very pretty thing! A masterwork set of thieves picks and tools, made by the gnomes you know!"

The old master thief makes a flourish with his hands, now that the sack is empty, but continues speaking. "There were also some strange, colored cloth charms you found that were magickated, namely an amulet and bracelet, as well as an earthenware jug. I understand they were located on or near the body of the little humanoid with the filed teeth? We do not yet know what the true properties of these are but Najania's working on it. The stoppered jug had a strange, shiny silvery liquid within. Tis not magickated but apparently very toxic to the touch and also dangerous to breath in. Najania is still trying to figure out it's origin and use...

"Last but not least were the magickated canine tooth and the large, pointed bone finger you found within the pile of bones. Najania says they are another mystery all together and needs more time with them too. Although he can't be sure, he suspects the canine tooth is some kind of protection charm and the finger might very well be a key or tool that fits inside of something..."

With the descriptor debrief of the cliff cave treasure completed, the master thief sets the large canvas sack to the side and takes up his pipe. After a few quick puffs and a look around the table, he sits back in his chair to continue.

"Since Bogdan and Ulrich found all this on their mission, I believe it only fair you split it amongst yourselves, friends. Najania, Ziffiris or Aramis can give you more detail regarding any limitations of who can use and wield these items and what their exact properties are...

"If there is anything you have need of, equipment, logistics or supply-wise, please let me know. Very much wish we had an update from Caelvanna and Cutler on what those pirates are up to. Any news or updates on that missing lieutenant would be good too...

"But you've all been up early and had a long day already. Please take the rest of it to relax, sleep, train or do as you will. I will, of course, not decline anyone that wishes to supplement the perimeter guard about the ship and cove. Either way, I will let you know straight off if anything dangerous or important transpires..."

With that, Billy slams the rest of his tea and starts packing away his pipe. "Not sure if I missed anything, friends... Does anyone need anything or have any questions?"


OOC: okay gang, apols for the long delay here. Please feel free to go about splitting up the latest goodies and let me know what your characters would like to spend the rest of the day doing: research/playing with new toys, training, helping out on guard duty, all the above 8-) , etc.

~ I've updated the treasure for that encounter, including details, gp value & XP distribution, here: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=509&p=187616#p187616

Edit Note: I posted the loot list in the OOC thread for convenience/discussion here: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=3130&p=278910#p278910

- Everyone received healing and is at full HP!
- Casters: had enough time to rest & pray for/memorize new spells to reup their rosters. (Please note your new spells on your battle sheets!)

Note: If you re-upped one of Shanny's Healing Elixirs, please mark that down on your character or battle sheet, too! :)

TOD: @ 1:00 pm of Day 10 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 20 days)

If you have any questions, or need additional clarification, please let me know!

HPs/Status: Bog 34/34 ; Emm 13/13 , Lauranna 16/16 , Ulrich 22/22
WIH (primary/secondary):
Bog – none / Karagonian masterwork spears, longsword & dagger (bolts fired: 0)
Emm – giant owlet / spear & shield (stowed) SC
Lauranna - none / DDDs, short sword & throwing knives (& Wily) (daggers thrown: 0)
Ulrich – baby dragon turtle / mace & shield
(SC = spell component/spell to cast, * indicates loaded and ready to fire at beginning of round)

Spells cast:
Emm: none
Lauranna: none
Ulrich: none

In stern castle of Seahawk: Bogdan , Emm (& giant baby owlet?), Lauranna (& Wily) , Ulrich (& Pickles?)
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#248 Post by Alethan »

OCC: Bog has taken the lion's choice of magical items thus far, at least I feel that way, so I'd prefer it if others would pick what they want/need first. Honestly, there isn't too much there he could make use of, anyway. Maybe the throwing axes? He'd probably be happier carrying those than a bunch of spears and an unwieldy crossbow he can't very well use. At least he'd get STR bonuses with the axes. But please... everyone pick some good things from the list and buff up your characters.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#249 Post by Nuke66 »

Boy, I woulda hated to run into that gnome, he sure woulda packed a punch. Seems to me he was a mid-level MU/Thief. That loot list makes me salivate.

Without being too greedy, the ring and dagger fit Lauranna nicely. The scrolls, well, the first one would just be scribed, the second might come in handy some time. And, as the lone thief, the tools might be needed some time as well.

Al, Bog should take the boots, IMHO, those and the ring of Free Action make a nice pair. And the axes too.

The leather for Ulrich, and necklace for Emm....

let's discuss.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#250 Post by Alethan »

Nuke66 wrote: Al, Bog should take the boots, IMHO, those and the ring of Free Action make a nice pair. And the axes too.

let's discuss.
OOC: I'd be fine with that if one of the others doesn't want it. I want others to have first pick of whatever they can use. We also have the old tooth (some sort of protection?) and some of the things we just brought back, as well, if people need better armour or weapons (banded mail and a mace appeared to be of magical nature, at least).
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#251 Post by tkrexx »

"Calvin" Cutler! LOL No wonder he carries knives!
The Great Owl told me this Island's volcano becomes violent every few moons. That is when the natives bring their sacrifices to the "Fire God," and apparently the instability ceases, Emm offers. I don't fully understand this, but could this be the cause to this dampening field?

The Priestess smiles slightly at the magical fire necklace. Now we are equal, she whispers to someone who is clearly not present. A curious expression clouds her pale face. I wonder if one of our toddlers would benefit from this Ioun Stone? Perhaps Ulrich and I should each carry one of these salves... Just in case? This leather armor is magnificent, but I have doubts it could be tailored to fit one of my size, or even Lauranna. Her gaze returns to the party, and she speaks matter-of-factly. We need a means of detecting our invisible foe. The balance of power is still tilted in his favor while he can't be seen.

Spell list updated.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#252 Post by Alethan »

OOC: I've added the axes to my inventory. They aren't usable by all classes, anyway If nobody else takes the boots, I'll take them. But I want anyone who wants them to have priority.
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#253 Post by SocraticLawyer »

There actually isn't much here that's up Ulrich's alley. The +2 leather armor should probably go to Emm or Lauranna. Ulrich is cool with chain mail for now. :)

So Ulrich will pass on the current loot. But he gets dibs on the next set, especially if it has a mace! :)

I'll post IC later today or tomorrow.
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ASC: (Day 10): OOC for SL & the gang!

#254 Post by Argennian »

SocraticLawyer wrote:There actually isn't much here that's up Ulrich's alley ...
OOC: :shock: Impossible!

But seriously, I know it's not up to me and I will remove myself from YOU guys' sorting it out...

... after two quick questions...

1) What's the movement rate of a dwarf wearing chain armor?

2) What's the movement rate of a dwarf wearing chain armor and also wearing Boots of Striding and Springing?

"NOT the beard! Never again with the beard!"
SocraticLawyer wrote:The +2 leather armor should probably go to Emm or Lauranna. Ulrich is cool with chain mail for now. :)
So noted! 8-)
SocraticLawyer wrote:So Ulrich will pass on the current loot. But he gets dibs on the next set, especially if it has a mace! :)

I'll post IC later today or tomorrow.
Yours and the lads' call on it, SL! :)
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ASC: The party loot is a good score...

#255 Post by Argennian »

Nuke66 wrote:Boy, I woulda hated to run into that gnome, he sure woulda packed a punch. Seems to me he was a mid-level MU/Thief. That loot list makes me salivate. ...
Billy's in full agreement. "Indeed. He was very well equipped to be sure. Apparently that killer plant was no slouch either..."

When the old thief mentions the venerable assassin vine, Bog remembers the most painful experience all too well. Woulda been a horrific way to go...

The big fighter puts aside those memories to consider the assorted treasure, his sharp, green eyes coming to rest upon the magical hand axes. Would be way easier to carry than those spears, or even that damned crossbow...

tkrexx wrote:... The Great Owl told me this Island's volcano becomes violent every few moons. That is when the natives bring their sacrifices to the "Fire God," and apparently the instability ceases, Emm offers. I don't fully understand this, but could this be the cause to this dampening field?
"Tis very possible, Emm," Billy admits with raised white eyebrows. "Najania thinks so, anyway. Way too much a coincidence for him..."
tkrexx wrote:The Priestess smiles slightly at the magical fire necklace. Now we are equal, she whispers to someone who is clearly not present. A curious expression clouds her pale face. I wonder if one of our toddlers would benefit from this Ioun Stone? Perhaps Ulrich and I should each carry one of these salves... Just in case? This leather armor is magnificent, but I have doubts it could be tailored to fit one of my size, or even Lauranna.
"The armor could easily be made to fit you. Or Lauranna. Or even Ulrich," he details with a wink at the stocky, dark-haired, chain-armored dwarf. "Bogdan? Now that would be a big stretch!"

After proffering the big man a jesting look, Billy indicates the vial of stone salve. "Far as you splitting up the doses? Good thinking!"

tkrexx wrote:Her gaze returns to the party, and she speaks matter-of-factly. We need a means of detecting our invisible foe. The balance of power is still tilted in his favor while he can't be seen. ...
"Tell you what, Emm... if the fellow's still alive when Calvin and Caelvanna return, the Chief might be able to help you with that..."

His look of confidence makes it clear his gold's on the cook and archer...


OOC: I started highlighting characters' names by the respective magic item in the OOC thread list, as you guys confirm.
Link here: viewtopic.php?f=35&t=3130&p=278910#p278910

~ Once we're fully good to go there, I'll notate possession of the items in the Party Encounters thread!

POP: If there's nothing there your PC would like/want at the moment, no worries. Just like in town, you could always try and trade something not claimed/wanted in for coin, or I don't know, maybe even up for something else...
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#256 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich does his best to hide lil Pickles in his pouch, after feeding him (or her?) some more crab meat. Ulrich consults and trains with Jovak for as long as possible. Ulrich discloses the existence of lil Pickles to his mentor, hoping that Jovak may have additional insight into the creature and how best (or whether) to care for it.

After training with Jovak, Ulrich rests for the night, meeting with the others for the debrief in the morning. OOC: I'm assuming Ulrich needs further training before advancing to L4. I'll update his spell sheet assuming he's still L3.

OOC2: Ulrich's Silence spell didn't help much in the last encounter with the enemy MU. Anybody have any thoughts about taking Resist Fire instead? Any other suggestions? Maybe a Speak with Animals?

OOC3: As Mitch has pointed out, there is some merit to giving the boots to Ulrich, especially if he is in bulky chainmail. If no one objects, Ulrich will take them after all.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#257 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna comments, {IC finally} "Yes, the boots will definitely help your footspeed Ulrich, please consider wearing them, if even for now. Emm, we should modify the leather armor to fit you, I simply cannot cast in that. We do need to split up the salve, just in case." She reaches for the ring and slips it on her right ring finger, expressing mild surprise when it shrinks slightly to fit her slender finger. Sliding the dagger into an empty slot on her bandolier, she exudes a bit more confidence than just a moment before.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#258 Post by tkrexx »

Emm, we should modify the leather armor to fit you
Very well, I must admit to quite some clumsiness... Perhaps if I can wear this armor it could even the balance somewhat. The Druid agrees.
any thoughts about taking Resist Fire instead? Any other suggestions? Maybe a Speak with Animals?
Either, or both. Emm simply can't take enough SWA, and RF will certainly be primo when we meet Mr. Invisible again. It's a tough choice.

Armor added to sheet, under heading: On the Mend.
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ASC: The party splits up their loot...

#259 Post by Argennian »

~ The returned, regrouped and rested southern trail strike team go over the items the old master thief had identified and has laid out on the table before them...

Inside the main room of the stern castle, the party discuss and ruminate over their latest score of lost island loot. Bogdan takes up the two Axes of Hurling, closely scrutinizing the impeccable workmanship and testing their perfectly-balanced feel in his huge barrel fists before stowing them securely on his metal-armored person. The big fighter flexes his massive arm muscles in anticipation of deploying them at range against whatever enemy be foolish enough to try and confront them...

Emm takes possession of the Necklace of Fireballs with a muffled oath and promise to their most recently declared enemy, allowing her not often seen wicked smile and that certain twinkle of anticipated vengeance in her hard, dark eyes to slither hither. The druidess suppresses her bloodlust before indicating she's good with getting the dead gnome's +2 leather armor fitted to her person, agreeing that it will go far in better protecting her when next their invisible adversary or any other potential island dangers appear...

Lauranna, being the only mage in the party, takes possession of her newly-identified, class-specific assets. She picks up and puts on the Ring of Wizardry, her eyebrows raising in expected wonder as it fits itself to her slender elven hand. Billy carefully slides the two magic-user scrolls back into their bone scroll case, along with the beautiful ornate wrought silver quill stylus, before handing that over. The High-elf receives it with a slight smile and packs it safely into her satchel. She then picks up the enchanted eastern throwing knife, twirling it around in her hands before sliding into an empty sheath on her bandoleer of short blades. Being the party's only thief-class member, she takes possession of the masterwork gnomish thieves' picks & tools in addition, garnering a wink and strange nose scratching from the old master thief, and places them in one of her pockets for easy access. Not really sure what's going on, but excited nonetheless, Wily offers a happy squeak from his belt pouch HQ and assesses his master's new inventory...

Last but most certainly not least is Ulrich. The dwarf stashes Lil Pickles in his belt pouch, having cleared out its contents and placed some soft grass within so the still snoozing baby lizard-turtle has a comfy, dry and safe place to reside. Lord Jovak seemed unsure of what to make of the little guy, especially when he blindly reached out and attempted to touch it and it promptly bit down on his finger hard! He also appeared unsure of whether or not the young priest should be the one to care for it, proffering the suggestion that perhaps Emm would make a better surrogate mum for the unusual hatchling. Ulrich agrees but cites concerns that she's already caring for the giant baby owl they saved, which has looked able and willing to want to eat the little reptile hybrid each time she brought it close, let alone being in the presence of little Sam and her canine companion Sheba. The high priest/fighter lord acquiesces to his wisdom and does not try again to talk him out of it, but also makes a strong recommendation that he keep it under wraps, and let none of the crew see it, other than the Chief and old master thief whom already know, of course...

Regarding the treasure split, Ulrich seems hesitant at first to want to pick anything, as is his humble and reserved nature, but at Billy's soft urging and nods of collective affirmation from his fellow escapee mates, he takes possession of the Boots of Striding & Springing. No longer is he the slowest member of their jolly and now much better equipped island band...

~ Billy seems satisfied and produces a small glass container. Using a tiny golden spoon, he evenly splits the magical contents of the Vial of Stone Salve, so both the druid and cleric can each carry one dose.

When finished, he then points to the unclaimed Ion Stone.
"Any takers for the magical spindle of sustenance then?" he queries of the party. "Even if not normally equipped, it would be a valuable and most vital resource to have on hand, should you run out of rations, be separated from the ship and unable to return..."

Lastly he then indicates the large skeleton key, picking it up so everyone can see and consider it. "... Najania made a careful sketch of this old key, to note its unique pattern, but says it's much too big to fit anything we've found to date. We both feel one of your group should carry it, in the chance you're outside the spell bubble exploring the island and actually stumble across whatever it may unlock..."


OOC: okay, gang! Got all the latest magical items assigned per your posts, save the ion stone and skeleton key. Go ahead and let me know who's taking them (so I can mark them off) and we can fast forward through the end of the day. Random encounters allowing, of course... :P

~ Although some of you have already done so, please confirm what your character would like to spend the remainder of the day doing: playing with/researching new toys, resting & recouping, praying for more spells (Lauranna), continuing their training, supplementing the perimeter guard, etc., so I can take us through the end of Day 10 on the island when ready.

POP: please also note the descriptions of your new items in the PEKTXP thread and let me know if you have any questions!
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#260 Post by Alethan »

Bogdan will hold the key for safe keeping.

If nobody else wants the ion stone, he will take it. But again, just to hold in case someone needs it... maybe if anyone has to venture off on their own for whatever reason, then they should take the stone just in case. But he will hold it.

Bog will spend whatever time he can on training.
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