Campaign Timeline

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Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Campaign Timeline

#1 Post by max_vale »

-35-30 years ago: The Clone Wars rage throughout the galaxy and end with the rise of the Galactic Empire and the destruction of the Jedi Knights

-5 years ago: BATTLE OF YAVIN

The Rebel Alliance has its first great victory at Yavin; destroying the Imperial 'Deathstar' space-station

-4.5 years ago: STARFALL

A team of newly minted Rebel Agents including human members; 'Lord' Mattel, Caius Grendel, Zeke Vasbirn and Terra Shardhopper and Bothan member: Borsk La'Reth; escorts noted Old Republic and Rebel engineer Walex Blissex (designer of the Victory class Star Destroyer and A-wing fighter) to a meeting at a space station to visit his allegedly dying daughter Lira Wessex (a noted ship designer herself, she designed the Imperial class Star Destroyer and is married to an Imperial Governor). It was a trap and Blissex and the Rebels were arrested and put in a brig of the Victory class Star Destroyer: Subjugator. In an ironic twist of fate, the Imperial Star Destroyer is heavily damaged by a Rebel Task Force and this allows the Rebels to go free due to power loss in the Detention Block. The Rebels then free Walex and make their way to a Shuttle Bay to escape the doomed ship while battling Stormtroopers, rogue Droids, zero gravity and flames and a sadistic Imperial ship Captain who liked to torment them before finally meeting them in battle in AT-ST walkers. Along the way Zeke is killed in action; an Imperial scout by the name of Grey Starr defected to the party and then the Alliance and Caius was gravely wounded.

-4 years ago: SHANTIPOLE

Borsk La'Reth and Grey Starr find themselves members of a new team of Rebel Agents which is comprised of them and three more humans: noted pilot Zinn Valimar, former Smuggler Gavin Storm; and physically intimidating Academic Professor Clark Jones. This time they are assigned a mission of delivering a message to the distant Roche Asteroid Belt where Captain Ackbar and a design team are working on a new starfighter, the 'B-Wing'. They do so, learning the asteroid belt houses a sentient insectoid Alien race known as the Verpine and they soon become embroiled in a dangerous situation as an Imperial agent working undercover on Ackbar's staff calls in an Imperial assault. They eventually manage to free Ackbar and most of his staff while also snatching the two B-Wing prototypes out from under the Imperials' noses in a covert assault, receiving unexpected aid from a Rebel undercover operative by the name of Jackson Crodowski who turns on the Imperials he was supposedly working for at the end of the mission. Grey Starr is hurt badly during this operation and soon leaves the Rebel team once the mission is completed.

-3.5 years ago: DOMAIN OF EVIL

Borsk La'Reth, Gavin Storm, Zinn Vallimar, Jackson Crodowski, and Clark Jones become embroiled in a frightening situation when they are ambushed by noted Bounty Hunter Crutag on a space station and they have to flee for their lives in a hastily snatched freighter whose engines give out after a jump to the Trinta system. Crutag tracks them down though, and soon both the Bounty Hunter (who has a team of hunters on his ship) and the Rebels crash on the Stormy, Swamp world of Trinta. As the Rebels and Hunters fight each other and the various dangerous animals and plant life on the dismal world they found themselves' on; an even darker foe emerges....Trinta houses a Nexus of Dark Side of the Force energy. The Rebels find themselves fighting nightmares come to 'life' as they seek a way to free themselves from this place. They are helped briefly by a Hunter who switches sides by the name of Jane Corb; but Jane is killed in a final shoot-out between Crutag and the Rebels. The Rebels, then lead by Borks, force themselves to the very Nexus itself and there they face and pass tests of the Force itself; drawn from the tortured mind of a former Jedi Knight given over to the Dark Side by the name of Halagad Ventor. The Rebels' actions though, along with La'Reth's heartfelt talks and feelings help Halagad find his way back to the Light and he soon passes away, once again at peace....and by doing so the Nexus fades away and the heroes are free to leave the now much-less frightening planet of Trinta.

-3 years ago: BLACK ICE

The Rebel team, this time joined by Barabel warrior Zuul K'sska; is sent on a mission to retrieve information about the likely route of the massive Imperial container train ship; Black Ice; as the fuel it carries is desperately needed by the Alliance forces in the sector. The Rebels manage to secure the information and are then sent on a mission to seize control of the ship itself, which they do; fighting a dangerous Imperial Chief Engineer by the name of Skolos while doing so; and in which Borsk La'Reth is seriously wounded. They then learn that the Imperials were able to track them to the Alliance base on Fangol and a massive battle erupts while the base is being evacuated and Jackson comes down with appendicitis during the course of the battle. In the end, most of the Rebels are able to evacuate the system, along with the precious fuel.

-2.5 years ago: OTHER SPACE

A team of Rebels comprised of Professor Clark Jones, Zinn Vallimar, Gavin Storm, Zuul K'sska; and a former Jedi Student acquaintance of Borsk's by the name of Vale Starcloud are sent on a mission to a quiet sector of space to meet a Rebel transport. The Rebel Transport; the Celestial has half-a-dozen prisoners including an Imperial Moff by the name of Ravik; an Imperial Naval Officer who happened to be in charge of the Frigate that attacked the Verpine base during the 'Shantipole' Project by the name of Bane Nothos; a notorious Pirate named Cellis Mott; an infamous Bounty Hunter named Zardra and a Rogue Assassin Droid; EL-343. The transport also had an old acquaintance of the Rebel team serving as an Engineering officer; Jackson Crodowski. As the Rebels approach the Rebel Transport; an Imperial ship shows up and a battle takes place and soon, the Rebels attempt to flee into Hypersapce, but something weird happens and the ships end up in some kind of alternate universe known as 'Otherspace'. There, they find a strange spacecraft/space station; the 'Desolate'; which houses a terrifying alien race known as the Charon; who essentially believe in bringing death and a bizarre state of 'zombie-like' re-animation of the dead to the entire Universe. Luckily; the Rebels manage to find the required parts to repair their damaged Freighter and get back to 'Real' Space; with the help of Zardra, who also comes back with them....though the entire crew of the Celestial is KIA, with the exception of Jackson who escapes with his old comrades in arms and the Imperial prisoners, minus Zardra; are all KIA as for possibly Ravik, who was snatched by the Charon's leader; Berasco; to an unknown fate....

-2 years ago: ECHOES FROM HOTH

The Rebel High Command has moved its headquarters to the frozen ice-world of Hoth as the Alliance is being hard-pressed by the Empire and the Rebel Team loses a couple of members as Gavin Storm is reassigned to another Intel Special Operations team and Zinn is sent to a Starfighter Squadron. They DO gain a couple of new members however the Wookie Kitkatarra and the human Smuggler; Cal Tak Dornan. After fighting off an Imperial flanking force composed of a Company of Snowtroopers, a pair of AT-ST and a massive AT-AT walker; the Rebel Agents manage to flee the fall of Hoth only to find themselves with a task force of Alliance Ships running desperately low on Coaxium 'hyper fuel' and therefore stranded in the middle of deep space. Professor Clark remembers his travels to the planet Thakis; a world rich in Coaxium with a technologically-behind race named the Thakisians who found great value in iridium, a metal the Alliance had little use for but lots of; and they in turn had numerous veins of Coaxium, which served them little purpose. Clark brought this up to Rebellion Leaders along with the suggestion the the Team of Rebels Agents take the Outrunner to Thakis with a load of Iridium and trade it for Coaxium. The Leadership agreed and off the Rebels went to Thakis, only to learn that recently, some members of Fandral Escavion's Crime Syndicate had recently come to the planet and used the Thakisians' honor and dueling traditions against them and were currently using the locals to excavate some Coaxium and Fire Crystals for them. This was particularly stressing to Cal as he owed Fandral some money from earlier Smuggling runs gone awry. These members included the lightning fast gun-slinger Lothar Brightsun, an extremely strong Talz Alien named Tandivar and a human woman with a dark red Lightsaber and yellow eyes named Xerris who Vale could tell had tapped into the powers of the Dark Side of the Force. In short order, the Rebel Agents were dueling these Criminals; and soon were coming to the liberation of this 'Queendom' of Thakis while driving off Lothar and Xerris with serious wounds to both. Soon, the grateful Thakisians were loading up the Coaxium on the Outrunner and soon the Rebels returned to the Alliance Task Force to find it under attack from Imperials. After a nerve-wracking fight and loading/unloading on two of the three Rebel Capital ships, the third Rebel Capital Ship sacrificed itself in a ramming attack on an Imperial Interdictor Curiser to allow the now refueled Alliance ships to escape.....

-1.5 years ago: SCAVENGER HUNT

The Alliance team of Special Agents is on final approach just outside of orbit to the Rebel Base on the planet Dankayo, when they see Imperial forces attacking and destroying the base. A message from a Rebel operative informs them that an encrypted file with tons of information about Alliance Intel operations, personnel and Safe-World locations fell into the hands of the Imperials and had currently been loaded onto a Freighter named the Elusive. The Rebels get into position to launch an attack on the Ship, but it manages to jump to light speed, almost certainly to an ISB base to be able to decrypt the information. Right before the ship jumps out, another message is intercepted from someone onboard the Imperial ship and a strange race of beings known as the Squibs soon show up to collect Imperial garbage. The Agents meet the strange, 3 foot tall, blue-furred Schnauser-faced aliens and begin bizarre negotiations that eventually lead them to knowing the Imperials next destination. However, as part of the negotiations, they must first jump into the 'Paradise System' and bring back a 'Quest Object'. The Rebels agree and soon find themselves, and a Squib 'guide' named Spilfer in the Paradise System to find a system composed of an insane amount of trash and junk. They also learn the system is under the protection of a bizarre group of Amoeba-like aliens named the Ugor. The Ugor consider the System to be a 'Holy Land' and are at war with the Squibs over what other races consider junk. The Alliance manage to bribe/leaver offerings with the Ugor to visit the central 'trash moon' and there they discover the the 'moon' has a core made up of a former Imperial Base that was somehow destroyed. They run into a group of 'void droids' that had lost thier 'sanity' and soon engaged in a fight with the Rebels, though the Alliance Agents managed to win the day. They then found the 'quest object' which turned out to be a gravity projector. That's also whey they discovered a band of Mercenaris led by the enigmatic woman 'Teehl' was also on the trash object, with a commission from Jabba the Hutt to retrieve the Gravity Projector as well. As the Agents fought it out with the Mercs/Pirates; a poor cooking Droid was doing its best to fly the Nova Kestrel; Tak Dornan's Ghtroc Freighter; while under attack from Teehl's ship. Eventually the Rebels defeated their foes and mangled to talk L9 the cooking droid into landing to pick them up. As they took off, the trash moon and indeed, the entire orderly system was falling apart as the Gravity Projector was brought onboard. Soon, Squib and Ugor vessels were all over the place and fighting it out as they fled the system and were given the coordinates to the Elusive's location. They got into position and launched an attack on the Imperial ship and its attendant TIE fighters and soon the Gravity Projector on board began to over-load. The Rebels managed to dump the projector which soon created a mini-black hole that sucked in the Imperial ship and the Rebels managed to escape in time.


With the Alliance Fleet mustering near Sullust and preparing to deal with a second Death Star the Empire is almost finished constructing, a Team of Rebel Agents is given leave to essentially engage in some free-trading while also disrupting Imperial Operations and supporting Alliance missions in a pair of connected Outer Rim Territories with a minimal Imperial presence; the Brak Sector and the Minos Cluster.

The team of Agents first find themselves getting involved with a pair of Imperial Moffs meeting clandestinely on a Cruise Liner known as Kuari Princess and they foil both pirates and Imperial plans while saving a Rebel 'Safe World' known as 'Oasis' in the process. While doing so, some of the Rebels are briefly prisoners of the sadistic Moff Bandor who escapes during the conflict while they also become friendly with a Force Sensitive family that includes a singer named Nino and his cousin Avaris. Following the exciting crisis on the Cruise Liner, it's not long before they learn that Nino and Vale have been kidnapped on Moff Bandor's capital world of Travnin and thrown into his 'Game Chambers' in the city of Questal to live and die as Gladiators!

The Rebels soon travel to the world to find and free their friend and they encounter a planet being mentally bombarded by some infernal machine the Moff had found and despite Swoop Gangers, Glidator fights, crazy Alien 'colony' life-forms and Imperials (of course), they manage to both survive, defeat the Moff permanently AND gain a couple of new allies in former Imperial Diplomat Kael and would-be Jedi Kato. After escaping the world, long serving member Jackson Crodowski chooses to take a leave of absence and everyone is thrilled to learn of the Empire's defeat at Endor!

NOW: ELROOD SECTOR With the New Republic having shakily made it thru its first year; our team of heroes is gathering to attempt a new mission for New Republic Intelligence (NRI) enter the Outer Rim Sector known as Elrood, which still has a strong Imperial presence to attempt to solve the mystery of what happened to a team of New Republic Scouts known as the 'Gray Griffins' sent to help out a Corporation in the Sector....
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