Interlude 6: Regrouping

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Interlude 6: Regrouping

#1 Post by drpete »

Some of the things to take care of include a few henchman offers, orders coming in, examining the treasure, healing (and possibly curing) Quinn, etc. What would you like to do first? :)
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
Ranulf: 10/10 | Solaine: 12/12 | Liam: 4/4 | X | Randolpho: 10/10 | Audi: 8/8
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#2 Post by barkman »

I will investigate the chests that made it back, look for traps, then attempt to open them.
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#3 Post by drpete »

Randolpho examines the three chests for traps, and finds none. The investigation reveals that they are not locked, either. Opening them reveals large piles of old copper coins. You have recovered 6000 copper pieces.
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
Ranulf: 10/10 | Solaine: 12/12 | Liam: 4/4 | X | Randolpho: 10/10 | Audi: 8/8
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#4 Post by Zorroroaster »

6000 copper. You are a cruel, cruel man. :lol:
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[]-Nai Tnam, Dwarven Cleric-[] Lair of the Black Druid - OSRIC
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#5 Post by drpete »


The good news: Galen meditates and casts detect magic. Guran's armor and warhammer radiate magic, as does Quinn's plate-and-chain armor. Curiously, Quinn's armor radiates in a different color (gold) than Guran's (silver). More curiously, Quinn's sword Blackthorn radiates yet a different color, more coppery. Whether this is the source of the magic, or the type of magic, Galen doesn't know.

Flipping through her tactics book over dinner, Solaine estimates it'll take her about a week to read.
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
Ranulf: 10/10 | Solaine: 12/12 | Liam: 4/4 | X | Randolpho: 10/10 | Audi: 8/8
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#6 Post by Dogma »

"Son of a rat's ass!"Ranulf curses as the chests are opened, revealing the piles of copper coins. "All that work for a pile of crappy copper. There better be something good behind that iron door to make this all worthwhile."
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#7 Post by drpete »

The group makes its way back to Muntberg the next morning. The dwarves go to see Durric, the moneychanger's guard, and Delster, the gemsmith, who they apparently know. Torgan plans to recuperate, then try to find some fairly high level people to come assist with the defense of the lower levels. Torgyr, as a fellow dwarf is welcome to be part of that process, if he wants.

The group gets Quinn situated in their rooms at the inn. It seems like this setup will work to heal his wounds, but it won't heal the long term injury to his leg.

Solaine goes to check out her future church. It is pretty bare at the moment, but she can see the potential in it once she gets someone to take care of it. It occurs to her that there's lots of stuff in Dwimmermount devoted to Mavors, and some of it might be worth acquiring for the chapel. As she is looking it over, a man comes to the door. He's a skinny, balding man, wearing a suit of chainmail. He wears a tabard with the symbol of Typhon on it, and you see that he is also wearing a Typhonic holy symbol.

He bows quickly, then says, in an officials voice "Good morning to you, Blade Sister. It is my understanding that you are opening a chapel. Herint, the Curate of Muntberg's Temple has told me that you are new here. Is it always the custom of Mavors' disciples to come into new towns and begin proselytizing without showing the local religious community the respect of introducing themselves? How strange..."

Meanwhile, Ranulf is having a beer at the tavern, playing with a huge stack of ancient copper coins. A woman slides up next to him, and asks him "Buy a girl a drink... Ranulf, right? Remember me, 'big man'?" She grins mischievously, and seems vaguely familiar, but who knows?
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
Ranulf: 10/10 | Solaine: 12/12 | Liam: 4/4 | X | Randolpho: 10/10 | Audi: 8/8
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#8 Post by kalstone »

Solaine bows deeply to the priest of Typhon. "You have my deepest apologies for not contacting you earlier. I have been away on business of the Church of Mavors, and have had to leave most of the work of setting up a chapel to my assistant. Now that you are here, please stay a moment and we can discuss your concerns. I have to apologize again that I cannot offer you the hospitality you deserve. As you can see, there is a great deal of work still needed here."
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#9 Post by drpete »

The man looks around the room. He checks, and rejects, several seats before finally wiping one off and seating himself.

"My name is Jehan, of Typhon. It is my understanding that your group... what do you call yourselves, by the way, Mavors' ... shield? I understand that your group has visited Dwimmermount several times."

"I come to you today, because our party, Typhon's Fist, is interested in doing business with you, in order to beat back the agents of chaos. We understand that you have acquired a map of the first level, the so-called Path of Mavors. If complete, we would be happy to pay several hundred gold for it. In the interest of furthering the fight against chaos."
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
Ranulf: 10/10 | Solaine: 12/12 | Liam: 4/4 | X | Randolpho: 10/10 | Audi: 8/8
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#10 Post by Zorroroaster »

Torgyr thanks Torgan for offering to include him in planning a more comprehensive defense of Dwimmermount.

"Who would you be planning on talking to?"
[]-Orrin Lighthammer, Dwarven Gymnast-[] The Arch-Duchy of Vaul: A West Marches Labyrinth Lord Sandbox
[]-Arnulf The Banal, Manchild SuperMage-[] The Lone City in the Wildlands (OSRIC)
[]-Nai Tnam, Dwarven Cleric-[] Lair of the Black Druid - OSRIC
[]-Bronn Arnulfsen, Half-Orc Fighter-[] Valnwall, The Barrowmaze (LL)
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#11 Post by drpete »

Torgan sighs, and shrugs his shoulders "I think our best hope is to go to Adamas, and other nearby human cities. To speak with the leaders of the humans, and convince them to come to our aid. But I do not know how to tell if they will help us. It might be worse if they came, and chose plunder overy security."

Torgan doesn't seem to have a clear sense of human politics...
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
Ranulf: 10/10 | Solaine: 12/12 | Liam: 4/4 | X | Randolpho: 10/10 | Audi: 8/8
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#12 Post by kalstone »

Solaine says to Jehan, "I appreciate the offer, but I will have to discuss it with the rest of my party. Regardless, I agree. We are all fighting the same opponent here, and we will all suffer equally if the Turmaxian heresy rises again."
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#13 Post by drpete »

Jehan nods to Solaine "Of course. You are concerned about the competition. I understand. But Sister Solaine, surely there is enough work for both our groups. We would agree to "divide up" the territory, if that would put you at ease."

While this is going on, a mage that Randolpho vaguely recognizes from Adamas approaches him with a smile. "Hey Randolpho! It's good to see you! I hear you've been having a bit of luck up on the magic mountain! Let me buy you a drink, and you can tell me all about it!" You see that he's a student of a mage called Zellig, and you vaguely remember this guy, Thonyn, being an ambitious jerk.
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
Ranulf: 10/10 | Solaine: 12/12 | Liam: 4/4 | X | Randolpho: 10/10 | Audi: 8/8
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#14 Post by barkman »

"Well met, friend! Allow me to buy you a drink instead! The magic mountain has been both beneficial and vengeful!"

Randolpho will sit with the Mage, but make no real comments about what they have found or recovered.
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#15 Post by drpete »

Randolpho sits with Thonyn and has a drink. During the conversation, it becomes clear that Thonyn is part of a party of adventurers who are recovering from a troubled encounter in Dwimmermount involving some rats and a gelatinous cube (or something). The party had lost their mage, and so they'd hired him as a replacement. He tells Randolpho how he admires his successes in Dwimmermount. He asks you to at least tell him one story about something awesome.

At 2nd level, you start to have (slight) fame, a reputation. What is the most memorable thing Randolpho did at 1st level? Trying to back stab the black skeletons? Figuring out the oracle? Let's hear it :) (yes, I know you want to keep trade secrets, etc)...
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
Ranulf: 10/10 | Solaine: 12/12 | Liam: 4/4 | X | Randolpho: 10/10 | Audi: 8/8
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#16 Post by drpete »

We can continue any of those interactions, but on to logistical stuff... up to the next decision point

Euryale 15, you guys talk to locals, and place orders. Solaine places an ad for a mage (mark off 4 gp).
Please use the Transactions thread to spell out what you're ordering

Euryale 16, the Venturer ad turns up no takers... the tower shields and silvered javelins arrive. We'll assume Galen ordered one for Emm, too. (1st full day of rest)

Euryale 17, Ranulf and Randolpho's grappling hooks, and Solaine's holy water arrive (2nd full day of rest)

Euryale 18, Randolpho's crossbow arrives

Euryale 19, Solaine's henchman ad finishes, and 3 potential recruits show up:
A serf named Dreu, who seems handy, kind of a lumberjack type, has an axe.
A man-at-arms who calls himself 'Hawk' with leather armor, a crossbow and a dagger.
A tough-looking stable maid named Ide, with leather armor and a spear.

Drew and Ide are happy to become your henchmen if you wold have eit her of them. Hawk isn't interested in the deal, but might be open to it if you sweeten things up.
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
Ranulf: 10/10 | Solaine: 12/12 | Liam: 4/4 | X | Randolpho: 10/10 | Audi: 8/8
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#17 Post by kalstone »

Solaine likes Ide's style and will hire her on.
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#18 Post by drpete »

So, it's my understanding that you want her to do work at the chapel, rather than adventure... is that right? Do you want to begin the (slow) process of training her to become a bladedancer?
GM: Dwimmermount (ACKS)

Zim: 7/7 | Torgyr: 14/14 | U Tar: 3/3 | Nazares: 6/6| Emm: 9/9 |Quinn: 13/13
Ranulf: 10/10 | Solaine: 12/12 | Liam: 4/4 | X | Randolpho: 10/10 | Audi: 8/8
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#19 Post by kalstone »

That's correct. I'll begin the process of training her as a bladedancer, but I understand it will take a long time.
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Re: Interlude 6: Regrouping

#20 Post by barkman »

Randolpho will describe the fight against the gelatinous cube that we encountered in the entry room, hopefully making it clear that we cleaned up the mess, and that we would be a better group to work with.

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