Open Items

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Ranger Lord
Ranger Lord
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Open Items

#1 Post by Antman9 »

These are items that need addressed. Post your responses in the OOC or other appropriate thread(s). Order will be Newest to Oldest, with completed line items lined through. I will post in the DM Updates thread when changes are made to this list

Shuttle 1
Do we keep temp Shuttle 1: Dà Gāisǐ Bānchē (Big Damn Shuttle), and if so do we modify it or keep it as is?
NOTE: I kind of just threw something together, based on the pick I found, that somewhat matched the Firefly size, maybe a bit smaller, that could be used as an emergency/utility/landing vehicle for the crew. I really just needed something concrete to visualize that first scene. Especially since the other ship pic was so large, it really wouldn't be fit for planetary landings, but gives plenty of space for salvage missions and room for multiple shuttles; which I'm liking more and more every minute btw. I think we could do a lot, plot-wise, with multiple shuttles. I envisioned this ship as being a semi-long range boat.

Primary Ship
There are several suggestions in the Let's build a ship... thread.
  • Road Runner Class Independent Blockade Runner (Jack)
  • Ship #1: The Roadrunner/Kintsugi Hybrid (Marullus)
  • Ship #2: The Orion Class Enforcer (Marullus)
  • Ship #3: The Orion Class Operator (Marullus)
  • Ship #4: Bad-Ass Firefly With a Grudge (Marullus)
  • Kintsugi Class Salvage Ship - Titan Bulk Transport (Antman9)
  • 1, 2, or 3 Shuttles? (if you go with a large primary ship like the Titan Bulk Transport I gave as an example you could easily have 3 shuttles, plus create shuttles as instant assets form salvage material in the storage)
  • Marullus wrote:Taking the Shuttles (d8) asset ensures we have a regular supply of Shuttles for Brasco to turn into whatever specialized asset we need for that episode.
  • Purpose of each shuttle (Utility, passenger, lifeboat, etc.)
  • Does Milly and Edmund need shuttles of their own, meaning we need a 3rd shuttle as a lifeboat? (Jack)
  • Milly: interstellar, very fancy? (Jack)
  • Edmund: interstellar, stealthy? (Jack)
  • Lifeboat: short range, able to enter and leave atmo? (Jack)
  • Jack wrote:Will Milly have her own shuttle before she joins - something fancy to get into the places she wants to?

    Will Edmund, as a bounty hunter, need something tiny and stealthy (like Jubal's) to get certain places? Will he bring his own, or modify an existing lifeboat?

    What do we do when both are out, and we're in an "Out of gas" situation? Instead not allow both to be gone at once (which would probably tick off Milly or Ed)?
Crew Crewmember Status
  • Primary crew member? (original/long standing/know each other well)
  • New addition, still getting to know the crew/fit in?
Visual Aids/Supplements
How does the party feel as a whole about visual aids for this campaign? I am not an artist, so I won't be creating any drawing or maps for this campaign. I am willing, however, to us pics and drawings from the web.
  • Enemy ships
  • NPC pics
  • Moon bases/City maps (when appropriate)
  • Equipment, weapons, etc (when appropriate)
  • Other miscellaneous stuff (when it adds to the effect/feel of a scene)
Time/Date Tracking
Should we track date and time in the campaign?
I am willing to do it, it actually helps me keep track of things sometimes. It will be an item in the footer of my Summary posts, and possibly show up in the main body of posts sometimes. But wont be a major element for the most part.

Track/Determine Travel Distance & Times
This is an interesting topic I believe we should consider carefully, as it could potentially get crazy if we try to get too involved with it.
If we do, I think we'll need to set some speed ratings for the different craft you guys end up with, that is if we want to get that detailed, which I am perfectly happy to do, I actually enjoy a little bit of that, while not dragging too much of it into play. I think it would get too tedious to role play three weeks worth of space travel. A little is fine. The space liner I suggested might be a bit slower than the numbers I gave previously as an example for Jack.

Play them loos or by the book?
DM - Dragons Belch: A New Beginning (Custom D&D)
DM - Ying Huo Chóng – The Way of Things (Cortex Plus - Firefly)

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