The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

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The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#1 Post by Keehnelf »

This thread will include relevant information related to preparation for and playing out the defense of Vaul against the hobgoblin army. Information on troop numbers and organization will be added here, as well as posts role playing out preparation.

When the time comes, the battle will be played out as a hex-based "war game" with players controlling units to which they are attached or simply themselves if they become disconnected from a unit. The overall play will be inspired by Warhammer Fantasy Battle but pretty streamlined: I will post the full rules on movement, attack, morale and such when the time comes. I'm still tweaking a couple of elements.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#2 Post by Keehnelf »

The Defenders

Having studied the Hobgoblin operations manuals and interrogated the prisoner, the Duke and his lieutenants have determined that the current disposition of defensive forces should be the following, broken down by units:

Duke's Guard:
Duke Vaul
10 Vaul City Guard
20 Heavy Infantry

Cavalry I:
19 Heavy Cavalry

Cavalry II:
21 Heavy Cavalry

Cavalry III:
16 Light Cavalry

Core Infantry:
Deliah - Mage support
30 Heavy Infantry, Human
10 Heavy Infantry, Dwarf

Auxiliary Infantry I:
30 Light Infantry

Auxiliary Infantry II:
30 Light Infantry

Archers I:
Ulf Stronghammer
20 Shortbow archers

Archers II:
16 Crossbowmen

Krysta Kane, Harold Willoughby, and Father Gronn, healing duties
Last edited by Keehnelf on Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:10 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#3 Post by Keehnelf »

Tamerlin is seen in the days leading up to the assault overseeing the construction of a ballista and a tower upon which to mount it about fifty feet outside the northeast wall of the city, instructing a small crew in its operation.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#4 Post by Zhym »

Have any elves or magic users offered to help defend the town? A few spells would be really useful, I'd think.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#5 Post by Keehnelf »

Not openly.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#6 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Remus is there for the siege, he can lead the battalion of Archers II if possible, if not then he will be around the walls or barricades, firing bolts away at the enemy.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#7 Post by Keehnelf »

Got him!
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#8 Post by Keehnelf »

There's only a single infantry unit still waiting for someone to lead it. Otherwise, any additions will be doubling up on units or operating as unattached actors on the field.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#9 Post by Keehnelf »

There's only a small bit of business left to attend to before we can get the Defense of Vaul under way--hopefully we'll be there soon. I just wanted to post my quick-and-dirty rules for how this battle will go.

1. Turn Sequence
The turn order is as follows:

a. All participants declare their actions for the round.
b. Initiative is determined. (1d6 per unit, modified by unit type)
c. In initiative order for each step, the following actions take place:
1. Ranged attacks
2. Movement
3. Magic
4. Melee
d. Unit conditions, including morale checks, are updated.

2. Unit Values
Each unit type has the following values:

Health is the amount of damage required for the unit to suffer before one troop is eliminated from combat.
Damage is the base amount of damage dealt by a single hit by the unit in a round of combat.
Armor is the amount of damage by which each incoming hit is reduced in combat.
Morale determines how likely a unit is to successfully execute a charge into melee, or withstand a charge without breaking. In addition, Morale determines how likely a unit is to continue fighting after taking losses.

3. Movement
Units can move a number of hexes on the field of battle in one round in a variety of ways. At base, each unit type has two Move Speeds: Formation Speed and Quick Speed.

Formation Speed allows the unit to move and act coherently as a military force regardless of what takes place during the round. The unit may receive charges by enemy units without needing to test Morale, and may engage in melee if engaged during the round.

Quick Speed allows the unit to move more quickly, and comes in two flavors: Forced Movement and Charging. Forced movement allows a unit to move more quickly across the battlefield, but opens up the formation and makes the unit more vulnerable to attack. When charged while the unit is in Forced Movement, the unit must make a Morale test or break. If engaged by the enemy in melee while in Forced Movement, the unit may not inflict hits during the current round. It forms up and engages in melee after the round in which it was first engaged. Charging requires movement in a straight line for the entirety of the round, except for an initial facing change at the start, and is a more structured quick movement. If a unit is charged or otherwise engaged while Charging, it must make a Morale Test to avoid its charge being disrupted--if successful, it takes an attack from the enemy but will still charge. If failed, it does not charge and may not attack the enemy engaging it in the current round.

Movement for each unit gives two values: Formation speed in hexes, and Quick speed in hexes.

Open Ground takes 1 hex of movement to move 1 hex.
Difficult Ground takes 2 hexes of movement to move 1 hex.
Making a Facing Change by one hex-side takes 1 hex of movement to accomplish.

4. Combat
A unit with bows may fire with every member of the unit each round. A unit with crossbows may elect to fire with all members of the unit during one round, then spend a round reloading, or fire with half the unit's members every round.

A melee unit engaging the enemy attacks with 10 members of the unit on the first round and increases that number by 10 for each successive round until all members of the unit are engaged. A unit facing an enemy, not acting under movement orders for the round, and set to receive an enemy charge may attack with up to 15 members on the first round, increasing by 10 members thereafter.

All attacks are resolved by a d20 roll per member against a base target number:
Ranged attack at short range: 10
Ranged attack at medium range: 11
Ranged attack at medium range: 12
Melee attack (charging): 9
Melee attack (standard): 10

The following modifiers apply when a unit is being charged not from the front, or when it is engaged by additional units while already fighting. After the initial round of contact, a unit is always considered to be facing the first enemy with which it is engaged.
Melee Attack made on rear side facing: -1
Melee Attack made on rear facing: -2

The number of hits inflicted by a unit is multiplied by the Damage score after the target's Armor score has been subtracted (for example, a unit dealing 5 damage against a unit with Armor 2 would ultimately inflict 3 damage per successful hit roll).

I will do all hit and damage rolls for the sake of efficiency.

4b. Magic
Magical effects will operate more or less as normal, but I will do the necessary math to scale the effect to battlefield conditions.

5. Heroes
Adventurers and others attached to units act alongside the standard soldiers, making the unit more powerful in several ways.

First, any adventurers embedded in a unit will be engaged in every round in which the unit fights by default. They will count toward the unit's maximum engaged members, but will automatically hit, dealing damage according to the die and modifiers of their favored weapon (i.e. a +1 longsword with a +2 strength bonus would deal 1d8+3 damage, modified by the target unit's armor).

Further, the adventurer with the best Charisma modifier to morale will be considered the unit's leader (even if this is a penalty). Any Morale checks made by the unit will be modified by that number.

Finally, the adventurer will always be the last member of the unit to take damage inflicted in the normal course of combat, except when engaged in a Challenge. Damage received by the unit that eliminates the last non-adventurer member will then roll over as straight HP damage, one for one, on to the adventurer (or a randomly-determined adventurer if there are more than one).

5b. Challenges
Once a unit is engaged in melee, or if a solo adventurer is within 1 hex of an enemy unit containing a hero-type, an adventurer may seek out an enemy combatant for single combat. This will remove both participants from the general melee (they no longer count against the maximum engaged members for their units, and neither deal nor receive damage on behalf of their unit). They will engage in single combat using the LL standard rules for combat at a rate of three rounds of LL combat per round of battle until one combatant yields or is slain. If a combatant yields and it is considered the leader of its unit, the unit will cease fighting after the current round. If a combatant is slain, whether it is the leader or not the unit must make a Morale Test or break at the end of the round.

6. Morale
A unit must make a Morale test in several circumstances. Some are described above. Additionally, a unit must make a Morale test:
-When charging an enemy unit that is larger in size. A penalty to the unit's Morale is imposed if there are creatures of a larger size category than the charging unit's members, at a rate of -1 per size category larger. If this test is failed, the unit is too timid to charge and ends its movement where it began.
-When it is charged from the rear or rear side while already engaged in melee. If this test fails, the unit breaks immediately.

A unit that is broken does not inflict hits in melee combat, may not be given movement orders by its commander (including an order to charge), and may not fire ranged weapons. A broken unit may be abandoned by its commander, who then becomes an unattached adventurer.

At the end of the round, a commander may attempt to rally his or her broken unit. This requires a successful Morale test. A unit may not be given an order to charge the round after it rallies from being broken.

7. Miscellanea
If you have a plan for a unit that doesn't map on to straight hex warfare, or might require bending some of these general rules, don't hesitate to offer it up and we will see how to make it work! The unexpected is exciting, and you can guarantee the enemy will have some unorthodox ideas.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#10 Post by Keehnelf »

Unit Values:

Vaul City Guard
Formation Speed: 2
Quick Speed: 3
Damage: 4
Health: 6
Armor: 2
Initiative: +0
Morale: 9

Light Infantry (Human)
Formation Speed: 2
Quick Speed: 3
Damage: 3
Health: 4
Armor: 1
Initiative: +0
Morale: 7

Heavy Infantry (Human)
Formation Speed: 2
Quick Speed: 3
Damage: 4
Health: 4
Armor: 2
Initiative: -1
Morale: 8

Heavy Infantry (Dwarf)
Formation Speed: 2
Quick Speed: 3
Damage: 4
Health: 5
Armor: 2
Initiative: -1
Morale: 8

Light Cavalry
Formation Speed: 4
Quick Speed: 6
Damage: 3
Health: 6
Armor: 1
Initiative: +2
Morale: 7

Heavy Cavalry:
Formation Speed: 4
Quick Speed: 5
Damage: 4
Health: 6
Armor: 2
Initiative: +0
Morale: 8

Shortbow Archers:
Formation Speed: 2
Quick Speed: 3
Damage: 3
Health: 4
Armor: 0
Initiative: +2
Morale: 7
Short range: 1 - 2 hexes
Medium range: 3 - 4 hexes
Long range: 5 - 6 hexes

Formation Speed: 2
Quick Speed: 2
Damage: 4
Health: 4
Armor: 0
Initiative: +1
Morale: 7
Short range: 1 - 3 hexes
Medium range: 4 - 5 hexes
Long range: 6 - 8 hexes
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#11 Post by Keehnelf »

Movement rules for unattached adventurers:

There is no cost to change facing.

On foot: Formation speed 2, quick speed 3

Mounted: formation speed 4, quick speed 6.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#12 Post by Keehnelf »

May 10, 1 VC - 5:30am

Over the course of the day on the 9th, the people and defenders of Vaul spy thin trails of smoke in the east that mark the arrival of the horde of goblinoids intent on their destruction. The army arrives overnight, making camp well to the north of the town, and a solitary rider makes his way out into the field beyond the town gates as the dawn sun begins to coat the moor with its pale rose light.

There are those among the defenders who recognized the white-skinned goblin astride a wolf as an Ithgar, one of the higher caste of goblins of the Finger of Doom. He bears a tall standard from which flutters the broad white banner with a red dragon circling back on its tail seen by many on the tabards of goblins and others in the region. As he sits tall on his mount to address the town, his voice booms across the open space.

"Greetings, servants of folly! We, the Tribe of Fire, descended from the First Dragon of the North and servants of the Eternal Flame, have come with a proposition! Open your gates to us, lay down your arms, and bend your knee to the Master and you will be spared. The worthy among you shall be given places of honor at the side of Commander Viscarg, the Hand of Fire, and the unworthy shall be culled as painlessly as possible. Those who wish to renounce their folly and join our cause as the rightful rulers and people of this land may do so--you have until sunset today! Otherwise, you shall all surely perish in a torrent of blood and fire."

Tamerlin, stationed alongside one of the two ballistae that he has commissioned for this occasion, gives the signal to the crew atop the low knoll where the machine is stationed, and a bolt flies forth, striking the earth a dozen feet in front of the white-skinned goblin and throwing up the soil in a high spray. "You can eat your ultimatum!" the Eagle Knight cries. "And our steel as well!"

The goblin wheels his mount and rides off around the rise in the land behind which the enemy force has paused its advance, leaving the city to contemplate its options.

Once he is gone, Tamerlin turns to the assembled mass of troops and adventurers and specialists: "Listen--this will be a hard fight, and without better fortifications for the town we must meet the enemy in the field. Thankfully, we have had enough warning to prepare for the assault in what small way we can. The ballistae will guard our flanks and weaken or kill the larger targets, and the earthworks we've constructed will greatly slow the enemy advance on the gate. I know what they will bring against us, and have a sense of how they will be organized, but I cannot know what this Viscarg's tactics will be or what other surprises he may have in store for us. I know that he has little magic, but his strength is much greater than ours.

"My goal, truly, is to protect the city and not our army. Too much rides on our success to be delicate about our own safety while the future of civilization in this land is at stake. Because of this, the Ogres and war machines will be our first priority. Without them, the chance of this army penetrating our walls is slim. I will array our forces so that we can isolate their infantry, draw their cavalry into engagement or scatter them with missile fire, and then maneuver our cavalry into position to ride down and destroy the Ogres and siege engines. None of these will be clean or easy tasks--but the glory will be great, for our names if Vaul survives, and for those who live to fight on and carry the word of what has passed this day.

"Now, go and rest or make your preparations. We meet our enemy at sunset."

He begins giving orders for additional long torches to be made available for standard bearers to carry so that the defenders will not be at a disadvantage once the battle is joined and night falls. Because of the looming pall of smoke, the moon has not shed light on the moor for many days.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#13 Post by AleBelly »

I had left Varas out of this since I thought the battle was to begin on the first of May, and Varas was out on business. Given that he's actually in town, can he still get in on this (as an archer)?

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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#14 Post by Zhym »

As of May 10, Varas is in the forest with Lug, with whom he is still a good buddy. Varas, Dorvar, the mercenaries, and some gnomes head for Vaul on the 12th.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#15 Post by Keehnelf »

Yup, sorry :(

Anyone else who is in town--whether attached to a unit or not--can feel free to do stuff. You have about 12 hours.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#16 Post by AleBelly »

Ah, ok. No problem.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#17 Post by hedgeknight »

Weary from scroll work, Krysta hears the words of the goblin and the response of Tamerlin and just shakes her head. "I don't understand the reason for so much hate."
She sighs and returns to the inn to eat and gather her gear for the coming battle. She looks around for familiar faces, knowing she will be busy throughout the night and having to make hard decisions about who will get the precious healing spells she has crafted for the past three days.

K > let me know where she is supposed to be during the battle. I think she is staying near the back to help with the wounded, correct? She will stock up on any healing supplies (bandages, alcohol, etc) she can get > or perhaps she has already done so prior to this?
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#18 Post by Keehnelf »

You'll be well stocked with the necessary items prior to battle--and I'll give you a count of how many scrolls you have in hand when the battle starts as well.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#19 Post by Marullus »

Deliah is up early, out among the infantrymen. She is well prepared for the day, freshly washed, her hair tied up in leather cords, a black leather overdress over her skirts. She moves among the slwowly-waking men, talking to them earnestly, listening with a hand on each man's upper arm as she offers encouragement. She picks a simple short sword from the armory, adding it to a hip-slung baldric.
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Re: The Defense of Vaul - May, 1 VC

#20 Post by Starbeard »

Odium sits outside, watching the preparations for the battle. His fingers absent-mindedly fondle a chicken skull he keeps in his bag. He looks over his recently-created scroll one last time to ensure that everything is in order, and then wanders over to find Tamerlin.

'Well, Fearless Leader,' he says after having located him, 'it seems I shall be doing my part for Vaul in the end. Where exactly do you expect the unattached magicians to be in this battle line of yours? I have only limited use, you should know: I have a sleep spell lodged in my brain, and a second of the same copied onto a scroll. Once those are used, I am worthless in the fight. Anyway, if it is all the same to you, my preference would be to stay in the rearguard until a situation develops wherein my spells would prove most useful.'

75gp deducted to enscribe one sleep spell onto a scroll sometime between 8 May - 10 May, if that's permissable.

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