Tower of Wendall - Town Business

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Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#1 Post by Keehnelf »

What are you up to while staying at the Tower of Wendall?
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#2 Post by Marullus »

Nihilius is at the Tower from April 17th to 21st; two days transcribing a spell from his book then two days waiting while Wendell borrowed his book to learn from him. While they use the supplies on the lower level he takes note of what equipment and supplies Wendell has acquired so far. He spends time relaxing outside and observing the construction, but then the remainder of his time trying to get comfortable on the non-bed, and scribing his notes from the recent expedition.
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#3 Post by Keehnelf »

Wendall hasn't acquired too much so far--a range of laboratory equipment currently sitting in boxes in the basement waiting to be put to good use once the upper floor is complete, and a lockable chest for his spellbook when it's not in use.
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#4 Post by Dram »

Baxtaw approaches the tower. He knocks at the tower door. Unless it says open or come on in. Who knows the mood of some of these wizards it best to be polite and knock. Possibly looking for membership. :P
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#5 Post by Keehnelf »

The Wendall answers the door, draped in the same finery he wore to the Harrowing Festival. He welcomes Baxtaw and lays out the scheme for membership and the benefits given to members of the Order (see the thread elsewhere here). Membership is open to anyone willing to pay for it currently.
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#6 Post by Dram »

I am a young mage. I will join for 100gp as I can only cast 1st lvl spells. I have a few questions for you.

Q1; When advance in skill will be able to move up in within the guild?
Q2; What magical items do have for sale. I am looking healing potions.
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#7 Post by Keehnelf »

"Yes, absolutely! Once you are able to cast spells of the second tier of power, just come back and we will arrange for a test to confirm this. The cost for this test is 50 gold pieces and if you are successful you will immediately advance to the next rank for the remainder of your current membership, with all of the benefits that come with it. You will be charged the new membership fee for your higher rank the next time you renew."
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#8 Post by Starbeard »

Odium Contemptus
(27 April)

At the town gate of Vaul a man in ragged black robes walks up to the watchmen on guard. He finds the one who looks softest. 'You: I've been told of a wizard's tower being built somewhere out there beyond the town. How far? —A half day's journey?! Bah. I assume you lot patrol the road at least. Well, nevermind, I shall sit here until the mounted patrol arrives. Don't bother finding a seat, I'll rest on this barrel.'

When the next pair of guards go out on patrol, Odium follows them along the path to the Wendall's tower, curious to see if this magician's guild will live up to its reputation. I doubt it, he thinks, but it is the only guild in these parts, so joining is necessary. Until I can build a tower of my own, I shall have to be content with taking advantage of whatever resources the Tower of Wendall has.
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#9 Post by Keehnelf »

The patrolmen eye Odium suspiciously as he follows them down the road. "This road is well-marked, old man! It would be hard to lose your way!" They chuckle together as they ride.

The wizard finds a remote location as unassuming as he expected--a simple two-story stone structure with construction underway atop it to build a wooden third floor, surrounded by a low wooden fence that would hardly repel a handful of kobolds. A lone guard stands before the door of the structure, sullenly chewing on a biscuit and struggling to stave off boredom. A black banner hangs from one parapet of the tower depicting a large white skull. This must be the place.
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#10 Post by Starbeard »

'Well, this will have to do. I like the skull,' says Odium to himself.

To the guard he snaps, 'You, guard! People call me Odium. It means "Hated One"; I won't bother telling you how it was given to me.' His sinister grin shows gaps in his rotted teeth.

Immediately his face returns to a scowl, all business: 'I have come to meet with The Wendall. I hear he is offering guild membership to those who have the money to spare. I have the money, and come to join.'
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#11 Post by Keehnelf »

The guard snaps to, nods a bit dumbly, and motions for Odium to enter. Once inside, he produces some parchment with the guild membership agreements for Odium to sign.
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#12 Post by Starbeard »

Odium wets the quill with the tip of his tongue and signs with a flourish. 'That will be 100gp, I see,' he says and hands the guard a small money bag. 'I will be here for a day or two. I would like to see the library.' Odium sets down the quill and wanders off to the lower level, flipping through the indices and codices to see what the Order of the Skull has to offer its members. 'Paltry by Southern standards, but a promising start nonetheless. Now let's see…'

He carries a copy of the Sleep spell over to a nearby desk and begins working into the night.

OOC: -100gp for joining the Order, -50gp (member rate) and 2 days to copy Sleep — but NOT -2sp for lodgings, since that's included in the blanket cost for copying a spell, correct?
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#13 Post by Marullus »

April 27
As Odium sits at the table in the downstairs working with his tome, the door opens. "Caw!" quorks a raven loudly as the bird steps into view, eying him suspiciously from the shoulder of its mistress. Deliah steps into the room, smoothing down the front of her dress. "Ahhh... a visitor. I see you found things to your liking?" She moves over to the fireplace and swings a bubbling cauldron out from the coals, checking its contents with a spoon. "The guard said you are Odious, which I thought was a bit unkind. I am Deliah. That isn't truly your name, is it?" She smiles at the repugnant old man sympathetically.
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#14 Post by Starbeard »

April 27

Odium's attention is diverted at the squawk of the raven, and lays eyes on the young woman. For a moment he considers lusting after her, but in truth he had already grown bored of such trivial matters of the flesh long ago. His mind wanders back to the countless days he spent as a spoiled, beautiful lad, fulfilling his every animal instinct with privileged abandon, and of the sheer drudgery it all induced upon his life before that eye-opening series of trysts with the succubus.

'Yes. They call me Odium, because I am, in fact, Odious. Does that bother you?' He decides to play and entertain, after all, but nowadays his game had become very different. He smiles, making sure she can see all of his rotted teeth.
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#15 Post by Marullus »

She smiles warmly, non-plussed by his bad teeth. The Raven, however, squawks and ruffs up his feathers, glaring at you with one eye. "I see. To name a thing is to have power over it. Who gave you this name?" Her tone is conversational, her attention turning to the cauldron as she speaks.
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#16 Post by Starbeard »

Odium wiggles his fingers at the quippy response. What a delight!

'Some servant, many years ago. I'm not entirely sure which one, not that it matters. It was during one the less interesting phases of my wasted youth when I took to torturing people out of boredom. He spat on my face and gave me the name as I explored new methods of causing pain. I liked it at the time so I kept it; now it is simply my name, as good as any other.' Odium effects an expression of hurt. 'Oh, don't give me that look—I learned my lesson long ago and repented of my sins. I would only resort to torture if someone withholds something I need, otherwise it is wasted energy.'

'Tell me about your raven there. It seems to have good judgement of character. Hah!'
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#17 Post by Marullus »

The Raven turns around, standing on her back as she bends over the cauldron. It continues to eye the decrepit man dubiously. "Oh, this is Hermes. He is indeed both intelligent and observant." She seems satisfied with the cauldron, ladling out four wooden bowls. "He was a suitor once, but lied to me and told stories that weren't true. Now he is dreadfully skeptical." She places a bowl of potato leek soup in front of him and smirks. After leaving a bowl for the door guard, she takes the last two bowls upstairs.
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#18 Post by Starbeard »

Odium wheezes out a mad laugh at Deliah's remark. 'Ha-ha! I see we have more in common than our beautiful looks! I tell you, you keep up that spirit, young woman. An enslaved familiar is better than a suitor any day.' He gives the Raven on Deliah's shoulder a sly wink, and returns to his studies.

Periodically he takes short rests to from work. He spends these break massaging his arthritic hands and heckling the poor door guard.
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Re: Tower of Wendall - Town Business

#19 Post by Zhym »

Melvin snickers to himself. "Rhodri's Way" indeed. Soon there won't be a rock, tree, or outhouse in sight of town that isn't sponsored by some adventurer with more coin than taste, he thinks.

At the tower, Melvin discusses his proposed expansion to the guild tower—much more tasteful than a road although, come to think of it, an outhouse is quite useful—and his intention to copy a spell from the library. Then he gets down to his real business.

"Wendell, my lad, you may have heard about my recent venture into the depths of the dwarves' mountain. I returned with something truly intriguing. I would like to commission your assistance in studying it. With your facilities and the two of us working together, plus my knowledge of the device—for I have already used it, you see—I am certain we shall unlock its mysteries before long."

-50 gp to copy Magic Missile into Melvin's spell book; I believe that will take 2 days? I added the spell to his sheet now to make record-keeping easier. Also, -60 up front payment for item research.
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