Town Business (Vaul) - III

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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#101 Post by Keehnelf »

Yeah, because of how much you guys got out of there (among other stuff), I haven't had a chance to finalize the loot-haul recap post but will later today.
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#102 Post by Starbeard »

Sounds good to me.
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#103 Post by Marullus »

Marullus wrote:The visitor-in-Bromric's body visits the Smith, requesting he fit the suit of banded armor appropriately to the Dwarven body. He is rather free with the dwarf's coin purse to ensure quality and comfort, but done quickly.

Also, this happens when we return on April 27th. The explosion happens on May 2. Is it assumed we are syncing timelines for Bertram's returnees so we depart after the explosion, or could people potentially leave on expeditions to the finger before the explosion? Just making sure.
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#104 Post by Zhym »

On reaching town, Ulf (with whoever will join him) takes the bound hobgoblin and gnoll to the keep.

"Took these two prisoner after they attacked us," he explains. "Thought you might want to question them."
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#105 Post by Keehnelf »

Marullus wrote:
Marullus wrote:The visitor-in-Bromric's body visits the Smith, requesting he fit the suit of banded armor appropriately to the Dwarven body. He is rather free with the dwarf's coin purse to ensure quality and comfort, but done quickly.

Also, this happens when we return on April 27th. The explosion happens on May 2. Is it assumed we are syncing timelines for Bertram's returnees so we depart after the explosion, or could people potentially leave on expeditions to the finger before the explosion? Just making sure.
It's entirely possible for folks to leave town before the explosion if they want to do so, but I'm willing to allow for a bit of meta-gaminess for the sake of not having a frustrating adventure that heads out just to be trapped in a firestorm/explosion at its destination.

I believe the armor recovered was splint, not banded (let me know if I'm remembering incorrectly), and it will cost 5 gold pieces to adjust, plus 5 gold more to repair all the minor damage if such is requested. The work will take one day to resize, two if repairs are included.
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#106 Post by KingOfCowards »

Zhym wrote:On reaching town, Ulf (with whoever will join him) takes the bound hobgoblin and gnoll to the keep.

"Took these two prisoner after they attacked us," he explains. "Thought you might want to question them."
Bertram will assist Ulf in dealing with the prisoners, taking them to the Duke or his captain of guard, if possible.
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#107 Post by Marullus »

Keehnelf wrote:I believe the armor recovered was splint, not banded (let me know if I'm remembering incorrectly), and it will cost 5 gold pieces to adjust, plus 5 gold more to repair all the minor damage if such is requested. The work will take one day to resize, two if repairs are included.
Oh, you are right. Splint mail. He will give 10gp from the treasure split, once decided on the other thread, and get the armor fully-fixed.
(-10gp, adjusted inventory, removed -1 AC penalty.)
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#108 Post by Spartakos »

Galen will go with Bertram and Ulf; he will bring the dwarvish map and the hobgoblin manuals/map as well, to show the Duke, if the group is agreeable.
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#109 Post by Starbeard »

Seadu will also attend the meeting with the Duke, if for no other reason than to confirm the contents of the Dwarf map (he knows the language).

As they prepare for their meeting with the duke, he asks a nearby guard, 'Guardsman: on the way here I stopped by the town bulletin, and saw that the Duke issued a military tax while we were on our expedition. Do you know anything about this, or if anything has happened while we were away? I believe the sign read:'
Keehnelf wrote:APRIL 19, 1 VC
(This is on 27 April)
Keehnelf wrote:I believe the armor recovered was splint, not banded (let me know if I'm remembering incorrectly), and it will cost 5 gold pieces to adjust, plus 5 gold more to repair all the minor damage if such is requested. The work will take one day to resize, two if repairs are included.
In the meantime, Seadu also has his salvaged splint suit adjusted and repaired for 10gp, to be ready for action on 29 April.
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#110 Post by Keehnelf »

This question and handling of the prisoners will take place later today!
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#111 Post by Zhym »

After Ulf visits the keep and the business there is done, he will go to the blacksmith.

"I have a job for you, if you'll take it," he says. "I'd like you to make me a set of plate armor, and I'd like to help. My Pappy was a blacksmith, you see, so I'd enjoy the chance to help make my own armor, if you don't think I'd just get in the way."
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#112 Post by Keehnelf »

The smith sizes him up and asks him to give the hammer and tongs a few tries with the item he's currently got on the anvil, seems satisfied with the results, and invites him back the next morning to begin work.
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#113 Post by Zhym »

Ulf nods. "First thing tomorrow, then."

6s deducted for a single room in the inn while he's helping make the armor, bringing him to May 3.
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#114 Post by Keehnelf »

On the afternoon of the 27th, a group of adventurers lead a hobgoblin and a gnoll into the interior of the Wooden Keep for an audience with the Duke's representatives.

Blavern, the captain of the Ducal Guard, looks the prisoners up and down and spits on the polished wood floor of his anteroom/office off the side of the Assessor's main suite.

"Filthy vermin. The Duke and his pet bird said we'd be having more sign of you dreck before long, but I never expected to see some in the flesh."

He walks around the room, not really acknowledging the adventurers, circling the monsters and examining their persons and their assorted gear (what's left on them at this point--clothes, boots, belts and the like). "Well, it's execution for the both of you, but first I want to know what you know about your mob's plans and activities. If you tell me anything useful, I'll make the end a bit less painful." He leans against the corner of the wall by the door and hooks his thumbs behind his thick leather belt, waiting for a response.

The hobgoblin is steely-faced, the blood of the battle he lost still caked on one cheek and the side of his forehead from travel and lack of care. His beetle-brow is heavy and his small red eyes glint in the flickering lamp-light of the small room. The gnoll, cracking almost immediately, bends toward the hobgoblin and starts barking excitedly in his face, snarling and cackling and calling out in desperate yips to the creature in a mongrel version of the Chaotic tongue. The hobgoblin hears the creature out and simply shakes his head before turning toward Blavern and addressing him in stilted common. "Cakkawu knows nothing. He's an imbecile and barely a soldier. They say he ate one of his litter-mates while still in the womb, and I would not be surprised. He can tell you nothing, so give him an easy end if you will. What I know is limited, but I will tell you because I believe it will make no difference. The Master is coming to your village, and he is bringing fire and darkness with him. The entire Eastern Expeditionary Force is set to march on you and will arrive less than two weeks hence. Ten score well-trained hobgoblin warriors; dozens of archers; war machines and creatures of destructive power you Southern savages can only imagine. Flee back over the mountains before my companions arrive. That is the only path for you that offers a chance of survival." He lifts his chin in a haughty manner and lapses back into silence.

Blavern purses his lips appreciatively. "Well, gentlemen, it looks like you brought back some valuable help for us! I don't know about all that doom and mayhem stuff, but I do know information when I see it." He opens his desk and pulls out a small cloth pouch, counting ten platinum coins into his palm from it, and hands those over to Bertram. "Thank you much for your help--we'll take custody of the prisoners from here. And don't go too far. His Grace may have some questions or requests for the lot of you based on what he gets from this little one." He jerks a thumb at the rigid hobgoblin.
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#115 Post by Keehnelf »

May 2, 1 VC - 6:10pm

The peak of the Finger of Doom collapsed earlier in the day in a powerful spray of stone and dust, and even now the place where the imposing monolith once stood appears to be little more than a gray shroud on the horizon.

Against this backdrop, the Duke has ordered the stage from Harrowing erected once more to address the population of the town (and all who happen to be passing through).

"Gentle folk of Vaul--I have consulted with my advisors and with the accumulated wisdom of the ages on these portents and signs, and I can assure you that the collapse of the mountain to the north is a mixed sign. A great danger that lurked within and threatened us is either dead or departed, now, and from this we are granted a brief respite. However, more immediate perils face us. A host of goblin warriors and their allies is massing in the east and seeks to wipe out our small town. I have arranged for some defense, but it is unclear to me how effective this will be in the long run if this host is only the first of many. With luck, and with bravery, perhaps we will drive the enemy back forcefully enough that they will not seek to challenge us a second time.

"In that spirit, I want to let you know that a large force of mercenaries will be arriving overnight in our town and we will spend the next several days organizing a defense of the city. Any who wish to stay and aid in its defense will be welcome--those who wish to leave will have an opportunity to do so. The Assessor will arrange for a caravan headed South to depart two days hence. I request the aid of those with experience in battle, or with knowledge of the preparation and maintenance of weapons and armor, to gather with my lieutenants Blavern and Tamerlin to be appropriately positioned during the defense--and good luck to all of us."

The Duke leaves the stage and immediately retreats to his office in the Wooden Keep to continue his planning.
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#116 Post by Keehnelf »

Starbeard wrote:Seadu will also attend the meeting with the Duke, if for no other reason than to confirm the contents of the Dwarf map (he knows the language).

As they prepare for their meeting with the duke, he asks a nearby guard, 'Guardsman: on the way here I stopped by the town bulletin, and saw that the Duke issued a military tax while we were on our expedition. Do you know anything about this, or if anything has happened while we were away? I believe the sign read:'
Keehnelf wrote:APRIL 19, 1 VC
(This is on 27 April)
The guard says, "The duke got word that some hobgoblins might be planning to attack the town, so he set up a levy to muster mercenaries and bring them north to help us defend the town. I think the deadline already passed but the Duke's always looking for more help."
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#117 Post by Zhym »

May 3, 1 VC

Ulf seeks out Vaul's lieutenants Blavern and Tamerlin.

"Name's Ulf Stronghammer," he says, standing straight-backed and stiff while looking the men in the eye—as best as a dwarf can manage, anyway. "How can I help?"
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#118 Post by Keehnelf »

Tamerlin takes charge of the conversation immediately. "What background have you in matters of war, sir dwarf?"
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#119 Post by Zhym »

"Not much," the dwarf admits, "except to know that fighting and war are not always the same thing. Done some of the former and lived to tell about it. Tried to avoid the latter except when the cause is just. I can also do a little smithing if that's your greater need."
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Re: Town Business (Vaul) - III

#120 Post by Keehnelf »

Tamerlin nods. "I assumed as much from looking at you. A lot of the forces we've got coming north are green as green can be. I think you'd be a good addition to an infantry group to help keep them in line and set a good example for how to engage an enemy. What do you think? The duke would pay, and would be inclined toward other rewards for exemplary service should we come out of this alive."
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