Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

Ra the monk
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#41 Post by Ra the monk »

The dice roller is undergoing maintenance and I don't know when I will be able to get on again. So Varg go ahead and roll for me.
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#42 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 3 - Late Mid Morning? - The Marshes/The Ash Tree Clearing

Round 1...continuing

Ozborn's Save vs. Wands: [1d20] = 6

The phlegm missiles spit by the lizards hit Malone, Ozborn and Thurinor smack in their faces. The muddy liquid gets into their eyes and momentarily blinds them.

Blinded victims cannot react this round. Their AC worsens by 2 and Dexterity bonuses to AC are lost.

A pair of rushing, frenzied lizards attacks each of the victimized companions, taking advantage of their momentarily helpless state.

Charging Lizard Attack: [1d20+2] = 2+2 = 4, Damage: [1d2] = 1
Charging Lizard Attack: [1d20+2] = 16+2 = 18, Damage: [1d2] = 1

Malone (AC 5) is bitten by one lizard on the ankle for 1 HP

Charging Lizard Attack: [1d20+2] = 15+2 = 17, Damage: [1d2] = 2
Charging Lizard Attack: [1d20+2] = 12+2 = 14, Damage: [1d2] = 1

Ozborn (AC 10) is chomped by both of his attackers for a combined 3 HP loss.

Charging Lizard Attack: [1d20+2] = 4+2 = 6, Damage: [1d2] = 1
Charging Lizard Attack: [1d20+2] = 4+2 = 6, Damage: [1d2] = 1

Thurinor (AC 9), even blinded, miraculously escapes unscathed from the attacks by a pair of hungry mandibles.

Andrin finishes casting Faerie Fire and unleashes the magical druidic energies. Two of the lizards begin glowing with a noticeable yellow halo.

Andrin can select which two targets fall under the influence of his spell from among any of the lizards.

End of Round 1

Declare actions for Round 2 then Initiative will be rolled. The situation is as follows: Everyone except Stonjuz and Andrin is in melee with a pair of lizards. Stonjuz is facing just one, Andrin is not engaged. The trio of lizards that stopped and spat are just over 10ft from the fight.
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#43 Post by zebediah »

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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#44 Post by Stonjuz »

"I am gonna pickle you all like frogs."Stonjuz says to the creature attacking him.
"As soon as I hit w/Staff (2 hand): thaco 20 [1d20] = 5, Dmg (s,m) [1d6+2] = 1+2 = 3, Dmg (L) [1d6+2] = 2+2 = 4 ... can hit you, that is. I mean it. You are all research material when we get done with ya. Now hold still ya scaley schnauser."
But, if it is dead by the time I can swing at it, I will look about and work my way over to any strategic spot left uncovered by the blinded ones and unsuccessfully attack the nearest there.
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#45 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Thurinor wipes the spitstuff from his eyes with a sleeve and if there is still time he casts a Magic Missile at one of the spitting lizards not in melee. If no time for the MM, he defends himself with his staff for this round.

Magic Missile damage: [1d4+1] = 1+1 = 2
"I must lie down where all the ladders start / In the foul rag and bone shop of the heart." —W. B. Yeats, "The Circus Animals' Desertion"

Geert Harfoot, Level 1 Halfling, Spartakos's Borderlands of Lamora Game
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#46 Post by Sir Clarence »

Andrin traces one of Ozborn's and Thurinor's opponents each with faerie fire. He then sides with Oz and smashes one of the critters (not the one with faerie fire) with his staff.

To hit with staff: [1d20] = 19
Damage with staff: [1d6] = 1
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#48 Post by Buzz »

Malone does what he can to wipe the spit from his eyes, trying not to get hit during the process.
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#49 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 3 - Late Mid Morning? - The Marshes/The Ash Tree Clearing

Buzz wrote:Malone does what he can to wipe the spit from his eyes, trying not to get hit during the process.
Buzz, I need dice rolls together with declaration of action. Everyone can act on Round 2, the blindness only lasted for Round 1. I will declare and roll for Malone this time.

His vision cleared from the muddy spit, Malone will attack one of the lizards assailing him.

Malone To Hit with Shortsword: [1d20] = 11
Malone Shortsword Damage: [1d6+4] = 4+4 = 8

Round 2

Party Initiative: [1d6] = 1, NPC/Monster Initiative: [1d6] = 1

A tie! Characters currently engaged in melee with the lizards (except for Ogirdor) will go first due to weapon length.

Segments: Party/Lizards 1st, Thurinor 2nd, Ogirdor 3rd

The pair of lizards fighting with Ogirdor attempt to bite him while the ranger scrambles to pick up his melee weapons...

Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 13, Damage: [1d2] = 1
Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 6, Damage: [1d2] = 1

... but they both miss him.

Stonjuz attempts to the one lizard near him a taste of his staff but fails. The critter...

Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 19, Damage: [1d2] = 2

...does not and bites his leg for 2 HP of damage.

Thurinor begins casting Magic Missile, hell be darned the two reptilians (one of them glowing golden) trying to chop body parts off him...

Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 3, Damage: [1d2] = 2
Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 7, Damage: [1d2] = 1

...and the luck of the Gods is with the Elf for the teeth of his foes fail to meet their mark.

Ozborn slashes with both swords at the one golden glowing lizard of the pair that is fighting him. His off-hand attack cleaves the head off the small critter neatly and the body, with a neck stump spouting crimson remains standing for a full 2 heartbeats before falling down.

The remaining reptile in melee with Ozborn chops back to avenge his fallen companion...

Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 9, Damage: [1d2] = 1

...and misses miserably.

One who does not miss is Andrin. Coming rushing towards Ozborn to provide further support he manages to poke the reptilian with an weak blow of the staff.

Malone skewers one of the pair of foes fighting him with a magnificent stab that drives his gladius nearly to the hilt on the lizard's chest. When he pulls it back the thing tumbles down without even a whimper.

The other one moves to hurt Malone...

Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 7, Damage: [1d2] = 1

...but the soldier remains unscathed.

The trio of lizard that spat muddy water before advance to join their companions effort's in doing away with the party, choosing to join the fray against...

[1d6] = 2
[1d6] = 4
[1d6] = 5

...Ogirdor, Andrin/Ozborn and Stonjuz.

But a glowing arrow made of magical energy materializes near Thurinor and flies with unerring speed to smash against...

[1d3] = 1

...the lizard that just made its way towards Ogirdor. The thing hisses and it is clear the magic missile damn near killed it, but it still stands.

After tumbling to retrieve his weapons, Ogirdor slashes and stabs with spear and axe but fails to make contact with any of his foes.

Note to Zebediah: Ogirdor's rear AC is 3, not 5. And I think his attacks are calculated wrong unless he isn't proficient in BOTH spear and axe. That would mean he has one vacant WP slot.

End of Round 2

Declare actions for Round 3 and Initiative will be rolled. Situation as follows: Ogirdor is in melee with 3(!) lizards, Stonjuz with 2, Andrin with 2 (one of which glowing golden), Andrin and Ozborn with 2 and Malone with 1. No one in their party is un-engaged at this time.
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#50 Post by Stonjuz »

Being bitten by these creatures twice already, Stonjuz goes silent. Concentrating now on their demise rather than their research value, he continues melee combat with his 2 handed staff.
to hit w/Staff (2 hand): thaco 20 [1d20] = 13, Dmg (s,m) [1d6+2] = 3+2 = 5, Dmg (L) [1d6+2] = 4+2 = 6
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#52 Post by ragnboneshopper »

Thurinor pulls his short sword ringing from its sheath and advances on the nearest lizard with a gleeful disposition, already forgetting the momentary annoyance of a facefull of spittle.

To hit short sword: [1d20+2] = 18+2 = 20 Damage s/m [1d6+1] = 5+1 = 6 Damage L [1d8+1] = 5+1 = 6
"I must lie down where all the ladders start / In the foul rag and bone shop of the heart." —W. B. Yeats, "The Circus Animals' Desertion"

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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#53 Post by Sir Clarence »

Andrin swings his staff against the glowing lizard, aiming at its head.

To hit with staff: [1d20] = 14
OOC: I forgot to add the +2 bonus due to the faerie fire, so it should be a 16 instead, sorry.

Damage with staff: [1d6] = 6
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#54 Post by zebediah »

Ogirdor turns his attention to the critter that has just been hit by Thurinor's magical spell and stabs at it with his spear.

Spear, 2 weapon fighting - To hit: [1d20-1] = 17-1 = 16, Damage (s/m): [1d6+1] = 1+1 = 2, Damage (L): [1d8+1] = 6+1 = 7

Then swings the hand axe around trying to keep the reptilians from reaching him.

Hand Axe, 2 weapon fighting - To hit: [1d20-2] = 13-2 = 11, Damage (s/m): [1d6+1] = 1+1 = 2, Damage (L): [1d4+1] = 3+1 = 4
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#55 Post by Buzz »

Malone shakes off his confusion and strikes again the single lizard he combats with.
To Hit with Shortsword: [1d20] = 10, Dam(s/m): [1d6+4] = 1+4 = 5, Dam(l): [1d8+4] = 8+4 = 12
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#56 Post by Vargr1105 »

Day 3 - Late Mid Morning? - The Marshes/The Ash Tree Clearing

Round 3

Party Initiative: [1d6] = 1, NPC/Monster Initiative: [1d6] = 6

Segments: Lizards 1st, Party 6th, Thurinor 7th

Fast little buggers, ain't they?

Stonjuz duels with two lizards trusting his trusty staff to keep them from re-tenderizing his flesh with their teeth...

Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 1, Damage: [1d2] = 1
Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 7, Damage: [1d2] = 1

...he suceeds but his counterattack misses when the lizard he was aiming at dodges at the last possible moment. One inch less and the critter might have had its brains smashed in.

Ozborn and Andrin fight side-by-side against a pair of lizards. The beasts divide their attacks between both companions. The one biting at Oz...

Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 2, Damage: [1d2] = 1 fully innefectual, and the one chomping at Andrin...

Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 20, Damage: [1d2] = 1 quite effective in its efforts. Andrin's soft, nether regions are bitten for 1 HP of damage.

Ozborn assails his lizard with a flurry of stabs. The creature's small brain is so mesmerized by the display of martial skill it unwittingly lowers its defenses; the thief thus dispatches with it via a grievous stab to the neck.

Not wanting to be left behind, Andrin the druid smashes his staff upon the skull of his opponent which radiates gold like the rest of its body. There is a noise of cracking bone and the golden lizard falls silently to join its other companion in death.

Ogirdor is nearly surrounded by salivating foes...

Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 7, Damage: [1d2] = 1
Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 16, Damage: [1d2] = 1
Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 15, Damage: [1d2] = 1

...but not one among the three is able to harm the brave ranger and the one beast that was already wounded ends up transfixed by Ogirdor's spear for its troubles. As the spear is pulled back, the body of the thing gives up the ghost and falls flat to the ground.

Malone's sole foe...

Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 12, Damage: [1d2] = 1

...proves no match for the protective powers of the soldier's banded mail armor. Likewise, the being's scaly hide avoids it being skewered by Malone's short short.

Thurinor, despite being no warrior faces off his duo of amphibian opponents with a drawn short sword. His enemies...

Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 13, Damage: [1d2] = 1
Lizard Attack: [1d20] = 6, Damage: [1d2] = 1

...are unable to land a wounding bite, even if one comes very close; and on his riposte the elf stabs it dead with a trust that would make an experienced fighter purse his lips in admiration. His remaining opponent still has the glowing golden nimbus that Andrin cast upon it.

End of Round 3

4 lizards neutralized this round. There are 6 left. Stonjuz faces 2, as does Ogirdor. Malone and Thurinor each face 1. Andrin and Ozborn are un-engaged. Declare actions for Round 4.
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#57 Post by Stonjuz »

to hit w/Staff (2 hand): thaco 20 [1d20] = 10, Dmg (s,m) [1d6+2] = 2+2 = 4, Dmg (L) [1d6+2] = 1+2 = 3

The dwarf realizes that he probably should have paid more attention in the weapon training class. Pride will keep him from saying so however, as he keeps his staff swinging at air.
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#58 Post by Sir Clarence »

Not paying attention to the small bite wound, Andrin jumps forward and sides with Ogirdor, swinging his staff at one of the lizards.

To hit with staff: [1d20] = 17
Damage with staff: [1d6] = 5
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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#59 Post by zebediah »

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Re: Action Thread #4 - The Marshes

#60 Post by ragnboneshopper »

"Ha ha, dire spitting reptile, take that!" says Thurinor. He attacks the remaining critter, but apparently the moment of prowess has left him.

To hit short sword: [1d20+2] = 4+2 = 6 Damage s/m [1d6+1] = 3+1 = 4 Damage L [1d8+1] = 6+1 = 7

"I must lie down where all the ladders start / In the foul rag and bone shop of the heart." —W. B. Yeats, "The Circus Animals' Desertion"

Geert Harfoot, Level 1 Halfling, Spartakos's Borderlands of Lamora Game
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