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#21 Post by dmw71 »

No changes to the class itself, but please see the following house rules:
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#22 Post by dmw71 »

Thieves will now have a d6 hit die, not d4.

Thieves' Abilities
At each level of experience (including 1st-level), a thief will be granted an extra 10 extra skill points to assign to any thieving ability except hear noise, which cannot be raised. The only other restriction is that it takes an investment of 5 bonus points to increase the 'climb sheer surfaces' skill by 1.

Additionally, for every point of Dexterity a thief has over 10, the thief will receive an 5 bonus skill points as a one-time bonus. These skill points must be assigned with a thief is first created. (For example, a thief with an 18 Dexterity would receive 40 extra skill points (e.g. 18-10 = (8 * 5) = 40)).

These bonus points are subject to the following restrictions:
  • The 'hear noise' skill cannot be raised.
  • It will take 5 bonus points to increase the 'climb sheer surfaces' skill by 1.
  • No more than 10 percentage points can be added to any single skill.
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Character Specific

#23 Post by dmw71 »

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Ability Scores

#24 Post by dmw71 »

Ability Scores
Ability scores will be generated by rolling 3d6 in order (B5). The 'Ability Score Adjustments' rules (B6) are allowed, but must be followed as written.
Ability Score Adjustments (B6).png
Ability Score Adjustments (B6).png (162.8 KiB) Viewed 1239 times
Bonus Points
Additionally, each player will have three (3) bonus points they can use to increase one or more ability scores, with the only restriction being that no ability can be raised above an 18 in this manner.
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Ability Checks

#25 Post by dmw71 »

Ability Checks
Whenever a skill (or knowledge) check is required, I will determine the difficulty of the attempt. Once the difficulty has been established, the player will roll the appropriate number of d6's according the following chart:

Task Difficulty
Easy: 2d6
Normal: 3d6
Hard: 4d6
Very Hard: 5d6

The player succeeds if the total of all dice rolled is equal to or less than the relevant ability score.


Note: This is borrowed from a post by Greg (ToniXX), here: A different way to handle ability checks.
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Hit Points

#26 Post by dmw71 »

Hit Points
All characters will begin play with the maximum number of hit points for their class at 1st-level. Hit points for all levels beyond 1st will be rolled normally, but a player is welcome to re-roll any 1's.
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Injuries and Death

#27 Post by dmw71 »

Injuries and Death
A character reduced to exactly zero hit points will fall unconscious, but is otherwise stable. If a character is ever reduced to negative hit points, they will continue to suffer one point of damage at the end of each round until either becoming stabilized or becoming slain.

Any character is capable of stabilizing another by dedicating a full round action to the attempt.

A character is considered slain at the beginning of any round when their negative hit point total exceeds one-half (50%) of their current Constitution score -- their 'alive until' score.

(Note: Please include this 'alive until' score on your private character sheet next to your hit points.)
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#28 Post by dmw71 »

Encumbrance (B20) will be loosely tracked, and will be used to determine the initial movement rate. Unless the load carried is significantly increased (or decreased), this rule will be largely ignored.
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#29 Post by dmw71 »

With the introduction of the Spell Points system, it is no longer necessary for arcane casters to memorize their spells in advance. Instead, if they have the necessary points available, they will have the choice of casting any spell they know.

Automatic Spells
  • All arcane casters know the 'read magic' spell
  • The player also gets to picks one additional spell for each bonus language they receive based on their Intelligence score. Spells selected in this manner are automatically known and do not require a roll to see if they can be learned.

Chance to Know
  • The player rolls (d20+spell level vs. Intelligence) for each remaining spell they could possibly know to see which, if any, of them they have previously learned and are able to cast.
  • Note: The specific spell must be included in this 'chance to know' roll macro in order for the roll to be accepted.

Unknown Spells
  • The only way to attempt to re-learn a previously unknown spell is if the spell is discovered in the spellbook of an opponent (not a fellow PC) or on a magical scroll.
  • Only one attempt to re-learn a given spell can be attempted per new source.
  • These subsequent attempts to re-learn a spell are more difficult, and a +1 penalty, per attempt (including the current attempt), will be assessed to the roll.
  • This increased difficulty penalty is in addition to the roll adjustment for the spell level.

    For example, the second attempt to learn a first-level spell would be at +3 on the die roll (+1 because it's a 1st-level spell, and +2 because it is the second attempt at learning the spell).

A starting arcane caster will begin the game with a spellbook containing every spell known by them.

Spell Tracking
I request that all arcane spell casters keep two lists for each spell level -- a 'known' spell list and an 'unknown' spell list.

Broken Spells
The DM will not have read every individual spell in the preparation for this game, and reserves the right to revise a spell if it is deemed to be significantly unbalanced. This review of "broken" spells will be considered on a case-by-case basis, when the spell is first selected or used.

Confused? See here: Zhym's explanation.
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Spell Points and Casting

#30 Post by dmw71 »

Spell Points
  • Every spell will now have a cost, and this cost is equal to its level (not the level of the caster). A 1st-level spell will cost one point, a 2nd-level spell will cost two points, etc...
  • For example, a third-level magic-user who is normally able to cast two 1st-level spells and one 2nd-level spell, would have 4 spell points available to use each day ((2*1) + (1*2) =4).

Spell Casting
  • An arcane spell caster no longer has to memorize a fixed number of spells at the beginning of each day, and instead will be able to cast any spell they know as long as they have the necessary spell points available to do so.
  • For example, the third-level magic-user with 4 spell points would be able to cast any one of the three following spell combinations:

    1) 1st-level: x4 (1*4 = 4)
    2) 2nd-level: x2 (2*2 = 4)
    3) 1st-level: x2, 2nd-level: x1 (1x2 = 2) + (2*1 = 2)

Spell Points Tracking
The player should track the following on their private character sheet:
  • Total number of spell points their character has per day
  • Current number of spell points remaining
The actual number of casting points available per level can be found in the below charts:

1st Level: 1
2nd Level: 2
3rd Level: 4
4th Level: 6
5th Level: 9
6th Level: 12
7th Level: 17
8th Level: 23
9th Level: 31
10th Level: 40

1st Level: 1
2nd Level: 2
3rd Level: 4
4th Level: 6
5th Level: 9
6th Level: 12
7th Level: 17
8th Level: 23
9th Level: 31
10th Level: 40
11th Level: 47
12th Level: 60
13th Level: 69
14th Level: 73

Note: This spell point idea is borrowed from a post by Spiderdown, here: D&D - magic by point system.
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#31 Post by dmw71 »

Any bonus languages due to a high Intelligence will already be known, and can be selected by the player.

There may be a local language available after the setting is decided upon. If so, a player will be able to select it (if they want), before the game begins.
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#32 Post by dmw71 »

Reserved I
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#33 Post by dmw71 »

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#34 Post by dmw71 »

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#35 Post by dmw71 »

We will be using simple group initiative in this game, with everyone on the side with the higher roll acting first (B23). If a halfling is in the party, they will act at the same time as the group they're a part of, but their actions will occur first.

The DM will make all initiative rolls in this game, and only after all player actions have already been declared.
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Target 20

#36 Post by dmw71 »

Target 20
We will be using a simplified system to determine the to-hit number for attack rolls, eliminating the need for table lookups. It's a relatively simple formula:

d20 + level + mods + target AC ≥ 20

Basically, you add your level, any miscellaneous bonuses (e.g. strength, magical weapon, etc...) you have, and your opponents AC to your d20 roll; a number equal to or greater than 20 then indicates a hit.

Because it is required in the formula, the DM will provide the AC of the opponent(s) facing the group. (This is not something I'm in the habit of, so please feel free to remind if if I forget.) As a player, simply add your level and any bonuses you have to hit to this AC and add these to the result of your d20 roll -- 20 or higher and you hit.

Edit: I am also perfectly fine with the player creating a single macro with all modifiers except AC, then manually typing the AC and performing the calculation after-the-fact, when posting the results. (See here: Zhym's example.)

A 1st-level fighter with a 13 Strength attacks a goblin with a normal sword.

1st-level fighter (+1)
13 Strength (+1)
Attacks a goblin (6 AC) (+6)
Normal sword (--)
Total Adjustment: (+1 +1 +6 +0 = +8)

This 1st-level fighter rolls a 12 and add the +8 for his total adjustment. The result is a 20, or a hit by the exact number needed.

According to the 'Character Attacks' chart on page (B27), the same fighter would need a 13 or greater to hit an AC 6. He would add 1 for his Strength to his roll of 12, resulting in a 13, the exact number required to hit.

The progression may not be perfect across the chart, but it is close enough, and it is much easier to know that a 20 hits than a 13.

A player controlling the above fighter might have a die roller macro like this that they could reuse:
To hit AC 6 with sword (+2, +6): [1d20+8]

Once the fighter becomes 2nd-level, their 'level' bonus increases from +1 to +2, so their macro would need to be adjusted thusly:
To hit AC 6 with sword (+3, +6): [1d20+9]

(Note: I admit, adding the 'AC' part tripped me up initially, but if you think about it, it works. The worse the AC (e.g. AC 9), the higher the bonus on the to-hit roll, and the easier to hit. The more protected an opponent is, the lower its AC will be. The lower its AC, the lower your bonus will be to hit it.)


Source: What is the best combat algorithm?
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Variable Weapon Damage

#37 Post by dmw71 »

Variable Weapon Damage
Yes, we will be using the 'Variable Weapon Damage' chart on page B27, also copied below:

Sling stone

Hand Axe
Quarrel* (Crossbow Bolt)
Short Sword
War Hammer

Battle Axe*

Pole Arm *
Two-handed Sword*

* Two-handed weapon
Whenever a two-handed weapon is used (including pole arms), the attacker cannot use a shield (this may reduce the Armor Class of the attacker) and will always lose the initiative, whatever the roll (see page B23).
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Ranged Attacks in Melee

#38 Post by dmw71 »

Ranged Attacks in Melee
If you shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with a friendly character, you take a –4 penalty on your attack roll, with no risk of hitting the friend. Two characters are engaged in melee if they are enemies of each other and either threatens the other. (An unconscious or otherwise immobilized character is not considered engaged unless he is actually being attacked.)

If you shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with a friendly character and roll a natural 1, there is a 50% chance (1-3, d6) that the shot will target the friend. The DM will roll to determine the target and, if the friend, the DM will also make another to-hit, using the same modifiers of the attacking character, to see if the friend is hit and takes damage.
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Expended Missiles

#39 Post by dmw71 »

Expended Missiles
Any normal arrow, crossbow bolt or sling bullet that has been fired becomes lost or is otherwise rendered useless.

Magical Missiles
When a magic arrow, crossbow bolt, or sling bullet misses its target, there is a 50% (1-3, d6) chance it breaks or is otherwise rendered useless. A magic arrow, bolt, or bullet that successfully hits a target is automatically destroyed after it delivers its damage.
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Natural 20's (and 1's)

#40 Post by dmw71 »

Natural 20's (and 1's)
Note that critical hits and misses apply to both player characters and monsters alike.

Critical Hit
On a roll of a natural 20, the attacking character will:
  1. Be awarded 20 experience points
  2. Roll a second damage die (not double damage).
For instance, hitting critically with a normal sword will result in 2-16 points of damage ([1d8]+[1d8]).

Critical Miss
In melee, a roll of a natural 1 will allow the target of the missed attack a single free counter-attack, typically with their primary weapon. In all cases, logic will dictate the situation. This free attack is in addition to any attacks the counter attacker may have (or have had) that round.

For example, a single orc is actively engaged in melee with two PCs. If PC #1 is attacking the orc and rolls a natural 1, the orc will get a single free attack against PC #1. If PC #2 rolls a natural 1 when attempting to hit the orc, the orc will get a free attack against PC #2. If the orc rolls a natural 1, whichever PC the orc was targeting with the missed attack will get a single free attack against the orc (not both PCs).

If you shoot or throw a ranged weapon at a target engaged in melee with a friendly character and roll a natural 1, there is a 50% chance (1-3, d6) that the shot will target the friend. The DM will roll to determine the target and, if the friend, the DM will also make another to-hit, using the same modifiers of the attacking character, to see if the friend is hit and takes damage (see: Ranged Attacks in Melee).
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