8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#61 Post by Dram »

Bragar does as Castran suggested. Maybe they lead us to a safer place to hide for the night? he whispers.
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#62 Post by Storm11 »

"Perhaps. But as we saw at the inn, not all the gypsy people are friendly, and we are not human. We need to be careful yes!" the spellblade says quietly.

How many can the duo see, what are they wearing, weapons carried, and can we hear what they are saying? Castran watches and listens intently.
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#63 Post by Zhym »

Date: Nouluna 7, 1221
Time: 1:30 PM
Weather: Overcast, cool
Moon: Waning gibbous
Location: Outskirts of Borovia

You move to the side of the road into town and stay as quiet as possible. The gypsies keep walking, laughing and talking among themselves in a language you do not understand. If they notice you, none of them show any sign of it. After a moment they have passed by on their way out of town.

Status: Bragar: 37/42, Castran: 23/23
Effects: Invisibility (Castran), Castran: Invisibility (Bragar)
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#64 Post by Storm11 »

"I wonder if Father Donovan has a special font in his church that you could borrow and create some holy water? asks Castran pondering aloud.
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#65 Post by Dram »

Bragar- We shall ask him in the morning lets get to safety for the nite. Lets leave these gypsies.
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#66 Post by Storm11 »

"Well friend dwarf, it's only 1.30pm so I think we may have a wee bit of time before full dark!" Castran smiles unseen
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#67 Post by Dram »

Bragar-Okay then let's go and see the cleric.
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#68 Post by Storm11 »

"Afyer finding out if he has the facilities what do you think to spending the afternoon watching the townsfolks behaviour unseen? It's been piquing my curiosity how these locals live under the constant threat from the master above! What do you think to trying to find out hmmm?"
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#69 Post by Dram »

Bragar- Yes that may help survive here till we get help to destroy the vampires. I fear we will be fighting our friends. We will some mighty heroes to come to aid.
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#70 Post by Storm11 »

"Well hopefully you can dispel the vampiress' control." says the gnome hopefully
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#71 Post by Zhym »

Date: Nouluna 7, 1221
Time: 1:40 PM
Weather: Overcast, cool
Moon: Waning gibbous
Location: Borovia

Having some time available before dark approaches, you head north to the old church of Ohama to see if it has a font Bragar could use to create holy water.

The sagging church is as much in a shambles as ever. Overturned and broken pews litter the dusty floor. Flickering light shines through holes in the roof shingles. At the far end of the church, Father Donavich lies near the altar, snoring softly.

To the left and front of the chancel, lying on its side, is what must once have been a holy font. It is now thoroughly defiled. Claw marks cover the carved wood of the font itself, obliterating the religious iconography that once featured there. The copper basin is a dull green with dark brown discolorations; you try not to think about what substance might have left those smears.

Bragar knows that in any other place, the font could be remade for the cost of a couple of hundred gold pieces or so. But remaking the font requires skilled workers to smelt the basin down then re-craft the basin and font. And the process would take at least a month, during which time the font would have to be protected from being defiled again. Bragar has plenty of time on his hands, stuck as he is in Borovia, but could he protect the font all that time? And where would he find someone skilled enough to do the craftwork needed? Finally, there's the small issue that this church is devoted to Ohama but Bragar worships Haela Brightaxe. To whom would the rebuilt font be dedicated? Bragar has never tried to use (much less create) a font consecrated to another god; would Haela be displeased by such an action?

Status: Bragar: 37/42, Castran: 23/23
Effects: Invisibility (Castran), Castran: Invisibility (Bragar)
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#72 Post by Storm11 »

got it. We can't do anything or go anywhere or make a difference in any way. Shall we just skip a head to meeting the rest of the group and get back to the main adventure? I totally cool with that!
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#73 Post by Dram »

I'm ready also to move to the main adventure unless you have plan to get us out of this town to meet them?.
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#74 Post by Zhym »

See the discussion in the OOC thread. I'll move you two forward when the other group arrives, which should be shortly after their current combat is over.
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#75 Post by Zhym »

Date: Nouluna 8, 1221
Weather: Fog, drizzle
Location: Borovia

Disheartened by what they found at the church, Castran and Bragar resign themselves to remaining in Barovia until more adventurers happen by—however long that might take. In the meantime, they settle into a routine. They set up residence in the abandoned house. They repair the inside of the house but make no exterior improvements lest they draw attention to themselves. Bragar uses silence spells to hide the sounds of construction and sets wards around the entrance and windows. Castran keeps the pair invisible at all times. They suspend hammocks from the ceiling of the upper floor. When they run out of rations, Bragar asks Haela Brightaxe to provide food and water.

During the daytime, they try to spy on gypsies. The trio that owns the Blood on the Vine tavern are boring: they drink, they play cards, they drink some more. They tell each other rude jokes and swap stories of the fates of the foolish adventurers that occasionally end their lives with visits to Barovia and the castle.

Observation of the gypsies in camp is no more informative. Castran and Bragar take extra care not to be detected, which means staying far enough from camp to avoid Madam Eva's all-seeing eyes—or so the adventurers hope. As far as they can tell, the gypsies in camp spend all their time drinking, singing, eating, and dancing. If Madam Eva receives any visitors other than gypsies, they do do not arrive during the daytime.

At night, the pair retreat to their safehold and await attacks that, so far, have yet to come.

Thus does time pass for our two survivors: dull, but less hazardous than they expected.

On the 14th, they spot a gypsy on horseback heading east out of town. He carries a satchel over his shoulder and a small sack that hangs heavy with jingling coins. The horse is too fast for Castran or Bragar to follow on foot, but Castran changes into a bird. He flies invisibly behind the gypsy until the gypsy reaches the east gate. The gypsy climbs off the horse, opens the gate, and rides on out of town.

In two days, the gypsy rides back into town without his coin bag and with the satchel appearing less full.

Status: Bragar: 42/42, Castran: 23/23
Effects: Invisibility (Castran), Castran: Invisibility (Bragar)
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#76 Post by Storm11 »

Can the dwarf and gnome see where the gypsy has gone now he is within the village of barovia?
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#77 Post by Zhym »

He passes through town heading west. Castran can try to follow if he likes.
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#78 Post by Storm11 »

He will do so remaining unseen
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#79 Post by Dram »

Is this gypsie one from the bar or from the camp?
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Re: 8b. Stuck in Barovia with You

#80 Post by Zhym »

The gypsy that left town and is now back is from the camp.

You follow the gypsy out of town. Though he is mounted, the horse is walking slowly enough that you can just manage to keep up by running every now and then. The sound of crinkling leaves follows your movement, but the gypsy doesn't notice.

About an hour out of town, four gypsies on horses appear down the road to the west. The gypsy you've been following rides up to them, and they greet each other in their language that you don't understand. The largest of the four gypsies asks a question of the gypsy you've been following. He nods his head as he answers, and they turn to ride back to camp. As they talk, you think you hear the heavily-accented words 'Eva' and 'Strahd' in the conversation. You can't make out anything else.

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