Adventure 2, Chapter 2: Stoat and the Pass

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Re: Adventure 2, Chapter 2: Stoat and the Pass

#241 Post by Pulpatoon »

Bürd: the runestone does not conjure sufficient heat, but a stoppered bottle among the healing supplies contains a harsh-smelling spirit that would probably be good for cleaning the needles off with.
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Re: Adventure 2, Chapter 2: Stoat and the Pass

#242 Post by bislab »

Mournath's got 'weaving' in his background, could he sew up wounds? He might not be able to 'heal' but it might help.

"Burd, let me see what I can do. I've no art of the healer or wise woman about me, but I've done delicate needle-work before." Mournath doesn't look to good himself and gives the gruel a sniff even as his stomach growls. Shrugging, Mournath fills his mouth with the gruel and gets to working on Burd. Eyeing the pots of unguents, he takes a sniff.
"These might be curatives, Burd. Should we hazard a try? I'm pretty battered and there are some bones inside me that are shifting in an uncomfortable way."
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Re: Adventure 2, Chapter 2: Stoat and the Pass

#243 Post by mb. »

Bürd gives the needles a wash in the foul smelling stuff before Mournath goes to work. He grinds his teeth, "got nowt but gashes from them talons, an' URF! I thankee fer patchin' 'em up, lad." Meanwhile he gives the whole lot of pots and bottles a long, glassy-eyed stare. Detecting magic...
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Re: Adventure 2, Chapter 2: Stoat and the Pass

#244 Post by Pulpatoon »

Let's have a straight DEX roll from Mournath for sewing, and... let's say an INT roll from either to deal with the unguents.
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Re: Adventure 2, Chapter 2: Stoat and the Pass

#246 Post by mb. »

Should I assume there's no magic to detect?

Once Mournath's done what he can, Bürd holds up a needle, "I'm knowin' nowt a swein' lad, and kinnae promise I'll be makin' aught better, but if yer wantin', I'll take a stab at mendin' ye."

Do note Bürd's DEX below before you answer, bislab. ;)
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Re: Adventure 2, Chapter 2: Stoat and the Pass

#247 Post by bislab »

Mournath will test some of the unguents on his wounds, any effect?
"...ummmmmm that's alright burd, maybe if I could just get some rest?"
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Re: Adventure 2, Chapter 2: Stoat and the Pass

#248 Post by Pulpatoon »

Experimenting with the unguents is tricky work. Tiny, delicate dabs are met with outsize reactions, as several feel terribly caustic, or cause intense tingling—one can't quite decide whether or not it's a helpful feeling or not. You might be rubbing astringent, or toothpaste, or plaster in your wounds, for all you know. Whether helpful or not, there is one container of a cool, soothing ointment that at least feels nice of hot, angry wounds. If nothing else, it is a bonding experience. You can't hold much back from a guy who has seen you make the "OWIE-OWIE-OWIE!" face.

Between a little inexpert stitchery, random application of unguents, bowls of gruel and a nights sleep, you are both feeling a little better in the morning. 4 HP recovered.

Bürd's meditative gaze into the magical environment reveals nothing.

Okay, this evening, I'll start a new thread bringing the party back together.
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Re: Adventure 2, Chapter 2: Stoat and the Pass

#249 Post by mb. »

Before making as much of a bed as he can out of the stone blocks, Bürd spends some time sitting cross-legged, shifting his runestones around and murmuring to himself.

Switched out a spell and reloaded Burning Hands. That and HP updated in my sig.
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