Campaign Log

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Campaign Log

#1 Post by merias »

This game originally started on google hangouts, but is moving to play-by-post. It started with a Wizard's Geas, the idea taken from the OD&D rules for wilderness stronghold encounters:

The Unseemly Wench is an establishment of less than stellar reputation on the road between the twin towns of Fishpot and Stewgray, but then it is all you can afford as Veterans, Acolytes, or Mediums with scant gold and no notoriety to speak of. The winter wind whipping across the Broken Plains to the north pushes in gusts at the walls and rattles the door, so you do not even notice the noise as the door opens and an imposing figure steps in. You do notice when the tavern quiets and the occupants stare at the newcomer expectantly, but none rise to challenge or even greet the visitor. You hear naught but the wind and the crackle of the hearth fire as he approaches your table.

He is tall, gaunt and dark, cloaked but with enough light from the fire for you to notice his piercing, stone-grey eyes. You get the sense of…power and age hidden behind those eyes. He stands before your table, his hands touching one another by his chest, covering a silver medallion that hangs from a thin, golden chain, the medallion face itself covered with mysterious runes that shine in the dim tavern light. You shudder involuntarily as he speaks.

“Yes, I think you will do fine.”

The visitor pauses.

“I am the Esteemed and Numinous Wizard Adrazzias. But let us not waste time with pedantry and idle small-talk. My terms are as follows. I require various and sundry magical devices for my perscrutations. I recently came into possession of a map of great antiquity, showing the location of the lost Dwarven Mines of Dwelf Copperhelm. You will trek into the foothills of the Twisted Peaks, exploring the depths and those that survive will return forthwith to me so I may select the choicest of your take for myself.”

With that, he produces a finely wrought scroll case and hands it to Ruby. The young Hobbit moves to accept it as if compelled.

You just now notice his hands moving as he speaks, after a scant few seconds there is a soft pop, and the air shimmers where once stood Adrazzias.

Ruby stands as if to go after the Wizard, she has a far-away look in her eyes “We must go to the Twisted Peaks,” she says…

The quest so far, in four play reports:
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Re: Campaign Log - Current Status

#2 Post by merias »

Ruby, Adrog, Drizzle and Arsenios have just narrowly escaped the shadow creature and are in the 'Pool' room. Fron the last blog update:

"...was in a large chamber lit from a pale glow. Giant marble doors were atop a set of wide stairs to the north (the party surmised these were the doors leading to the entry hall, if so they would be barred from within). An open exit was to the west. They could now see the blue glow emanated from a large, circular pool of water perhaps a foot deep. Circumscribed around and on the top of the stone wall containing the water were glowing runes. No one could understand the runes’ meaning, but Ruby decided to take a chance and sample it. She gulped a mouthful the water and immediately felt full, as if she had eaten a meal. No ill effects were apparent after a few minutes."

Monsters encountered thus far:

Two Grendel (slain by Myrena the Elven Warden)
Six Cave Rippers (slain)
Two bandits (slain)
Horned Ogre (slain)
Bandit captain (slain)
Harpy (slain)
Shadow creature (ran away from)
Two giant lizards (slain)
Two Grendel (slain)


Dai, Dunther

Treasure so far:

7 SP, 36 PP, 9 small gems of various types (unkown value) [Ruby]
1,137GP [Not sure who has this]
Gem-inlaid silver ring (unkown value) [Ruby]
Diamond in the shape of an eye (unkown value) [Arsenios]
6 vials holy water [Arsenios]
Scroll of Protection from Evil [Arsenios]
Dark, stoppered phial of clear liquid [Arsenios]
Scrying Orb [Drizzle]
Ornate dagger [Drizzle]
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Re: Campaign Log

#3 Post by merias »

XP awards for the Dwarven Mines: 1,567XP each. If you go up a level, let me know and I'll give you new HP totals.

I assumed Drizzle is keeping the silver dagger, but let me know otherwise. Also, the potion of flying is up for grabs.

Treasure so far, with values:

7 SP
36 PP
9 small gems of various types (50GP ea.)
Gem-inlaid silver ring (250GP)
Diamond in the shape of an eye (500GP)
Ornate silver dagger [Drizzle] (150GP)

6 vials holy water [Arsenios]
Scroll of Protection from Evil [Arsenios]
Poton of Flying [up for grabs]
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