Magic - Spells and Mechanics!

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Magic - Spells and Mechanics!

#1 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Alright! So, for you spell casters out there, this is the place to read up on and pick the spells you like, all spells I have will be listed here as well as any custom spells that are created by myself or the players after getting them reviewed with me.

Mechanics wise! Spell casting is more free form, for example, a spell caster can wear any type of armor they want! There's just restrictions to casting magic and all that jazz.

The basics!

Every spell has a target number, this is your DC challenge to complete that spell, you would use the same formula as any combat roll, 3D6+magic+focus(if applicable). Failure results in either a spell fizzle or a possible spell mishap!!

All mages looking to regain Mana!

For each full hour of rest/meditation the mage gets 6+magic score, a full 8 hours of rest replenishes all mana.
Last edited by MonkeyWrench on Wed Feb 11, 2015 6:29 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Magic - Spells and Mechanics!

#2 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Listing of Spells!!

Arcane Bolt:
A bolt of arcane energy springs from your hand or staff and streaks towards a visible target within 30 yards. The arcane bolt inflicts 2D6 damage, with bonus damage equal to the casting rolls Dragon Die. If the target passes their test the spell only inflicts 1D6 worth of damage.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 2MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 10
Test: Dexterity(Acrobatics vs. Spellpower
You ensorcell one visible target within 10 yards. A target that makes a successful test is slightly confused and suffers a -1 penalty on all ability tests until the beginning of your next turn. A target that fails the test suffers the same penalty and cannot take any actions on his next turn.
Magic School: Entropy
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 2MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 11
Test: Willpower(Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower
Drain Life:
You suck life energy out of a visible target within 10 yards to heal yourself. The target takes 1D6+magic penetrating damage and you are healed by the same amount. Note this only heals damage you have suffered; it doesn't give you bonus health above your normal amount. If the target makes a successful test, the penetrating damage is only 1D6.
Magic School: Entropy
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 4MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 12
Test: Constitution(Stamina) vs. Spellpower
Flame Blast:
Gouts of blazing fire erupt from your outstretched hands, burning nearby targets. The flame blast is 8 yards long and 2 yards wide. Anyone hit by the blast takes 2D6+1 damage. Targets that make a successful test only take 1D6+1 damage.
Magic School: Primal
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 3MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 12
Test: Dexterity(Acrobatics) vs. Spellpower
Glyph Of Paralysis:
You trace your fingers on the ground, creating an invisible glyph that holds a charge of magical power. The first enemy that moves within 2 yards of the glyphs location triggers it. The target must make a successful test or become paralyzed for 1D3 rounds. A paralyzed character can take no actions and has a defense of 7. You can maintain a number of glyphs of paralysis equal to your magic ability at any one time. Each glyph is good for one use.
Magic School: Creation
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 3MP
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Target Number: 10
Test: Constitution(Stamina) vs. Spellpower
Your touch seals wounds and restores vigor to one wounded target. You can choose to spend up to 3 mana points when you cast this spell. For each mana point spent, the target gets back 6 points of health. You can cast this on yourself.
Magic School: Creation
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 1-3 MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 10
Test: None
Heroic Offense:
Your touch fills one ally with magical might. Until the end of the encounter, the target gains a +1 bonus to strength.
Magic School: Creation
Spell Type: Enhancement
Mana Cost: 3MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 11
Test: None
Mana Drain:
You create a parasitic bond with a visible spellcasting target within 30 yards unless the target makes a successful test. Until the end of the encounter, an affected target must spend 1 extra mana point each time he casts a spell and each time this happens you gain 1 mana point.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type Utility
Mana Cost: 3MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 12
Test: Magic(Spirit) vs. Spellpower
Mind Blast:
You create a circular blast of telekinetic force with a 2 yard radius that's centered anywhere within 50 yards that you can see. Those caught in the blast are knocked prone and cannot take a major action on their next turn. Targets that make a successful test are only knocked prone. In either case, any prepared actions are lost.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 3MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 12
Test: Strength(Might) vs. Spellpower
Rock Armor:
You skin becomes as hard as stone and protects you from harm. Rock armor has an armor rating equal to your magic ability. The spell lasts for 1 hours but it's duration can be extended by spending additional mana points. For each mana point spent beyond the first 3, rock armor remains in effect for another hours, to a maximum of 6 hours total. A mage wearing regular armor gains no benefit from this spell. You can only cast this on yourself.
Magic School: Primal
Spell Type: Defense
Mana Cost: 3MP
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Target Number: 10
Test: None
Electricity arcs from your hands or the end of your staff, shocking enemies in a 6 yard by 6 yard area. Anyone in this area takes 1D6+Magic penetrating damage. Targets that make a successful test only take 1D6 penetrating damage.
Magic School: Primal
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 4MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 13
Test: Constitution(Stamina) vs. Spellpower
Spell Shield:
You use your own magical power to protect yourself from the spells of others. The spell shield lasts a number of rounds equal to your magic ability. During that time any spell (Helpful or harmful) cast on your has no effect, but you must spend mana points equal to the spells base mana cost (not counting deductions for spell stunts or talents). An arcane bolt cast at you would cause no damage, for example, but you would have to spend 2 MP(the spells mana cost). If it's a spell that affects multiple targets, you are not affected but others are as normal. If you do not have enough mana points to pay the cost, the spell shield ends and the spell affects you as normal.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Defense
Mana Cost: 4MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 13
Test: None
Spell Wisp:
You summon a small wisp that floats near you for up to an hour and boosts the power of your spells. While the wisp is aiding you, you gain a +1 bonus to your spellpower. The wisp itself is insubstantial and cannot be attacked or touched.
Magic School: Creation
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 3MP
Casting Time: 1 Minute
Target Number: 11
Test: None
You hurl a magical rock at a visible enemy up to 20 yards away. The rock inflicts 1D6+magic penetrating damage and the target is knocked prone. If the target makes a successful test the spell only inflicts 1D6 penetrations damage and remains standing.
Magic School: Primal
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 3MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 11
Test: Constitution(Stamina) vs. Spellpower
Vulnerability Hex:
You curse a visible target within 20 yards, making them more vulnerable to attacks and spells. Until the end of the encounter, the target suffers a _1 penalty to defense and a -2 penalty on ability tests. If the targets makes a successful test them they only suffer the defense penalty. A character can only be subject to one vulnerability hex at a time.
Magic School: Entropy
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 4MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 12
Test: Magic(Entropy) vs. Spellpower
Walking Bomb:
You infuse the blood of an opponent within 10 yards with a corrosive poison. The round you cast it, walking bomb inflicts 1D6+1 penetrating damage. While the spell is in effect, the target must make a test at the start of each of his turns. If successful, the spell ends. If the test is failed, the target takes another 1D6+1 penetrating damage. Should the spells damage reduce the targets health to 0, he explodes in a spray of blood, flesh, and bones. Anyone within 4 yards of the exploding victim takes 2D6 damage.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Attack
mana Cost: 4MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 13
Test: Constitution(Stamina) vs. Spellpower
Your magic drains a visible enemy within 20 yards of enemy, making him slower and more sluggish. The target suffers a -1 penalty to strength and dexterity and a -5 penalty to speed for a number of rounds equal to the casting rolls Dragon Die. If the target makes a successful test then he only suffers the speed penalty.
Magic School: Entropy
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 3MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 11
Test: Magic(Spirit) vs. Spellpower
Winters Grasp:
You envelop a visible target within 20 yards f you in a cloud of frost and ice that lasts a number of rounds equal to your magic ability. The round you cast it, winters grasp inflicts 1D6 penetrating damage. While the spell is in effect, the target must makes a test at the start of each of his turns. If successful, the spell ends. If the test is failed, the targets takes 1D6 penetrating damage and suffers a cumulative -2 Penalty to speed. Those killed by Winters Grasp are frozen solid.
Magic School: Primal
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 3MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 12
Test: Constitution(Stamina) vs. Spellpower
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Re: Magic - Spells and Mechanics!

#3 Post by MonkeyWrench »

Advanced spells!

Affliction Hex:
You curse a visible target within 30 yards and all other foes within 10 yards of your target. Until the end of the encounter, those affected by the affliction hex have a -2 penalty to all tests against spell power. A primary target who makes a successful Magic(Entropy) test against spell power suffers only a -1 penalty and completely negates the effects on the secondary targets. Secondary targets may also make a Magic(Entropy) resistance test to negate their own penalties entirely, but their individual successes or failures only affect themselves. It doesn't matter whether a given target is a primary or secondary target of an affliction hex; additional castings of the same spell while original castings duration persists have no effect on the target.
Magic School: Entropy
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 7MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 14
Test: Magic(Entropy) vs. Spellpower
Initial Requirement: Vulnerability Hex
Arcane Shield:
You create an arcane aura around you that deflects attacks. For one round, your defense becomes equal to your spell power (10+Magic+Focus(Spirit)). You can extend the spells effects when you cast by spending 1 MP per additional round you would like it to last.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Defense
Mana Cost: 4MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 14
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Arcane Bolt
Death Magic:
You draw upon the residual life force of the dying to replenish your own. Any living creature that dies within 6 yards of you while this spell is active heals damage to your health equal to the creatures constitution, with a minimum of 1. It cannot bring you above your unwounded health, however. Death magic lasts for a number of rounds equal to your magic ability. This spell and death syphon are mutually exclusive, and cannot be maintained at the same time. Casting one cancels the other.
Magic School: Entropy
Spell Type: Enhancement
Mana Cost: 7MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 15
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Drain Life
Death Syphon:
You draw upon the nearby entropic energy to replenish your own mana. Any living creature that dies within 6 yards of you while this spell is active restores a number of your spent mana points equal to the creatures Magic, with a minimum of 1. It cannot bring you above your normal full complement of mana points. Death Syphon lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Magic ability. This spell and death magic are mutually exclusive, and cannot be maintained at the same time. Casting one cancels the other.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 7MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 15
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Walking Bomb
By tracing mystic glyphs over the subject, which may be any single piece of non-living material, you speed up the natural process of its decay. Once your casting is finished, every second that passes is the equivalent of a day for the subject. So in a minutes time, it decays as if two months have passed. In an hour, it decays nearly ten years. This continues until the object is reduced to dust. You can hald the decomposition with a glyph of preservation, but the subject decays some ten months in just the time it takes to cast that spell, and if the glyph of preservation wears off the accelerated decay continues where it left off, at the same rate. Decompose can't be dispelled; its affects are permanent.
Magic School: Entropy
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 5MP
Casting Time: One Minute
Target Number: 12
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Entropy Magic (Journyman)
Dispel Magic:
You remove all magical spell effects from a chosen visible target within 25 yards of you. Roll a test of your Magic(Spirit) vs the spell power of any affected magic. Success means you remove that magic. Failure mean you do not remove that magic, as it is too powerful. Make a single roll for all magic affecting the target; you may remove some effects and not others, based on their varying spell powers. The GM may rule that some magical effects not from spells can be affected by dispel magic, in which case an effective spell power is assigned to represent the effects resistance to being dispelled.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 8MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 17
Test: Magic (Spirit) vs. Spellpower
Initial Requirement: Spell Shield
Dream Sending:
You send a dream across the Fade to a particular subject, who must be known to you. When the subject next dreams, it will be the dream you have sent. You can script the general events of the dream, including things like conversation, but you do not become aware of the subjects reactions and are not truly interacting with them. You can use a dream sending to carry a message or convey information, or to display imagery meant to incite emotional reactions. Generally, the content of a dream sending cannot be longer than an hour or so. While the dream may influence the subjects decision making (providing a particular omen or key piece of information, for example) it does not exert any direct power over the subjects mind or will. Dream sending does not work on subjects that do not dream, such as Dwarves or the Tranquil.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 7MP
Casting Time: Five Minutes
Target Number: 15
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Spirit Magic (Journeyman)
Elemental Mastery:
You strengthen your ties with the primal forces of the elements. For one minute, you add +2 to the damage of any Primal attack spell you cast. This includes damage dealt through an intermediary object, as with flaming weapons and frost weapons. You can extend the spells duration when you cast it by spending an additional 4 MP per additional minute you would like it to last.
Magic School: Primal
Spell Type: Enhancement
Mana Cost: 5MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 15
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Primal Magic (Master)
Fade Shield:
Shifting partway into the Fade enhances your arcane defenses. For one round, your spell power increases by +2 and your defense becomes equal to your spell power. You can extend the spells effects when you cast it by spending 2 MP per additional round you would like it to last.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Defense
Mana Cost: 6MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 15
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Arcane Shield
Flaming Weapons:
The readied melee weapons of all allies within 10 yards of you burst into flames, and inflict an additional 1d6 Magic damage with each successful attack. The flames last for one minute; you can extend this duration when you cast the spell by spending an additional 3 MP per additional minute you would like it to last. This spell does not harm the weapons it affects and may be cast on frost weapons.
Magic School: Primal
Spell Type: Enhancement
Mana Cost: 6MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 15
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Flame Blast
Force Field:
You surround a subject within 25 yards (which may be yourself) with a protective field of magical force that absorbs all damage that would otherwise affect its target. The force field lasts for one round. During that time, the subject is completely immune to damage, but also cannot move from the spot (the force field is immobile), make melee or ranged attacks, or give or receive any items. Spells and other effects that do not cause direct damage, such as daze, mana drain, or vulnerability hex, still affect the subject normally, and spells pass out of the force field normally. You can extend the spell’s effect when you cast it by spending 5 MP per additional round you would like it to last.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Defense
Mana Cost: 10MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 18
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Mind Blast
Frost Weapons:
The readied melee weapon of all allies within 10 yards of you exude freezing cold, inflicting +2 penetrating damage with each successful attack. The freezing cold lasts for one minute; you can extend this duration when you cast the spell by spending an additional 3 MP per additional minute you would like it to last. This spell does not harm the weapons it affects and may be cast on flaming weapons. Only the additional damage is penetrating.
Magic School: Primal
Spell Type: Enhancement
Mana Cost: 6MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 15
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Winter's Grasp
Glyph of Preservation:
You draw a faint glyph on the surface of the subject, which can be any piece of dead organic material. The spell arrests the process of decay for the material, keeping it as fresh as it was when the glyph was inscribed for a month. A glyph of preservation can be renewed during its duration, which extends its affects for another month. When the glyph expires the process of decay begins again from where it left off. The spell is used to preserve foodstuffs, to preserve corpses (for lying in state or dissection), or to protect valuable items made of wood, paper, or leather.
Magic School: Creation
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 1MP
Casting Time: Five Minutes
Target Number: 10
Test: None
Initial Requirement: None
Glyph of Sealing:
You touch any object that closes, from a door or gate to a jar, drawing a faint glyph that connects its two surfaces. Once the glyph of sealing is complete, the object is held closed and only you or someone you designated when casting the spell may open it. For anyone else, the only way to open the seal is by breaking whatever it is inscribed upon, whether smashing open a jar or breaking down a door. The glyph lasts until the object is opened, after which it must be recast to seal the object again (assuming it is not destroyed in the process).
Magic School: Creation
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 3MP
Casting Time: One Minutes
Target Number: 11
Test: None
Initial Requirement: None
Glyph of Warding:
You trace an arcane glyph on the ground where you stand with your hand or staff. Allies within 3 yards of the glyph of warding gain a +2 bonus to Willpower tests and their Defense against ranged attacks so long as they remain within the glyph’s area. A glyph lasts until the end of the current encounter. You can maintain a number of different glyphs of warding equal to your Magic at Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him. Foul and corrupt are they Who have taken His gift And turned it against His children. They shall be named Maleficar, accursed ones. They shall find no rest in this world Or beyond. any one time (although this does not allow the effects of multiple glyphs of warding to stack on the same target).
Magic School: Creation
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 5MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 15
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Glyph of Paralysis
You create a slick of grease covering an area up to 10 yards in diameter anywhere within 30 yards of you. Anyone within the slick when it is cast, anyone entering the area, and anyone who moves within the area must make a successful Dexterity (Acrobatics) test against your Spellpower or fall prone at each of those times, as they apply. Prone characters may crawl normally. The grease created by this spell is flammable; contact with fire ignites it, immediately causing 1d6 penetrating damage to everyone in the area. A grease fire burns for rounds equal to your Magic before burning out (which expends the grease), and those inside the area take 1d6 penetrating damage on their turn each round until they exit it. A slick that is not burned persists indefinitely, dispersing only in rain, when appropriately provisioned characters scour it away, or in similar conditions.
Magic School: Creation
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 7MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 15
Test: Dexterity(Acrobatics) vs. Spellpower
Initial Requirement: Spell Wisp
Heroic Aura:
This spell surrounds a subject within 30 yards with an arcane aura that deflects incoming attacks. The subject gains a +2 bonus to Defense for the rest of the encounter. You can cast this spell on yourself. Its effects do not stack with those of spells that reset your Defense to be based on your Spellpower, such as Arcane Shield and Fade Shield.
Magic School: Creation
Spell Type: Defense
Mana Cost: 6MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 15
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Heroic Offense
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Re: Magic - Spells and Mechanics!

#4 Post by MonkeyWrench »

More Advanced Spells!!

You overwhelm a visible target within 20 yards with a blast of sheer terror. Until the target succeeds on a Willpower (Courage) test vs. your Spellpower, they can do nothing but cower in fear. A target failing the initial test may try again at the start of each of their turns.
Magic School: Entropy
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 8MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 17
Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower
Initial Requirement: Daze
You emit waves of mana, bolstering your allies. Allies within 10 yards of you get +1 SP whenever they generate stunt points. You may spend 1 MP at the start of each of your turns to extend the effects for another round; otherwise they end at the beginning of your turn.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Enhancement
Mana Cost: 4MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 14
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Mana Drain
You exert telekinetic force to move an inanimate object as though it were motivated by an invisible pair of hands. When you cast levitate, split your Magic score as you wish between the effective Dexterity and Strength the object will have as you manipulate it. Neither can be assigned a value less than 0. If your Magic is negative, both are automatically 0. You must be able to see the object in order to manipulate it; the spell ends if it moves out of your vision. You cannot levitate anything that is both aware and able to animate itself (such as most creatures and characters). You can move a levitated object with a Speed equal to your (Magic × 3) with a minimum of 1. If you try to wrest an object from someone’s grasp, its holder may resist by making an opposed Strength (Might) vs. Magic (Spirit) test. If successful, your spell ends immediately. You may spend 1 MP at the start of your turn to maintain this spell for another round, otherwise it ends at the start of your turn. Once the spell is cast, moving the object is typically a minor action, unless you do something like attack with a levitating weapon, in which case it is a major action. Attack rolls are based on the Strength or Dexterity you assigned when you cast the spell (depending on the type of weapon or object being animated), save that you use your Spirit focus rather than the relevant weapon focus. Most objects do damage as improvised weapons. Weapons do their regular damage if you have that weapon group; otherwise they do improvised damage.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 5MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 15
Test: Strength (Might) vs. Magic (Spirit) test
Initial Requirement: Mind Blast
A bolt of electricity leaps from your outstretched hand or staff to strike a single target within 30 yards. The bolt inflicts 2d6 + Magic penetrating damage. Targets who make a successful Constitution (Stamina) test vs. your Spellpower take 1d6 + Magic penetrating damage instead.
Magic School: Primal
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 6MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 16
Test: Constitution (Stamina) test vs. Spellpower
Initial Requirement: Shock
Mana Cleanse:
You use your own mana to block that of other casters. For the duration of the encounter, if someone spends mana points in a 16-yard radius of you, you can spend your own mana points to negate their spell on a 1-for-1 basis. For example, if another mage spends 4 MP to cast a spell within 16 yards of you, you can spend 4 MP to negate that spell. If you do not have enough mana points to counter the entire cost, your spell has no effect. This spell does not reveal which spell the other mage is trying to cast; only how many MP are being spent to fuel it.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Defense
Mana Cost: 7MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 17
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Mana Drain
You touch a target and cause them to either forget or recall a specific memory. You can remove a memory within a number of hours of the event in question equal to your Magic, but the spell can restore a memory of any age, so long as it is the memory of an event the subject actually experienced. The subject makes a Willpower (Self-Discipline) test against your Spellpower to resist losing a memory, but there is no test to restore a lost memory. The GM decides on the appropriate length of the affected memory, but it should generally concern a single incident or experience no longer than the caster’s Magic in hours (and likely much less).
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 6MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 16
Test: Willpower (Self-Discipline) vs. Spellpower
Initial Requirement: Mind Blast
Ghostly wisps of entropic energy surround an opponent within 30 yards. A target failing a Constitution (Stamina) test vs. your Spellpower is paralyzed, completely unable to move, while a successful test means the target’s Speed is cut by one-quarter (rounded in the target’s favor). Both effects last for the rest of the encounter. A paralyzed target gets a new test at the start of his turn each round. Paralyzed characters lose the Dexterity bonus to their Defense and can obviously take no actions, but are not subject to a coup de grace unless they are otherwise unconscious or dying.
Magic School: Entropy
Spell Type: Attack
Mana Cost: 7MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 16
Test: Constitution(Stamina) vs. Spellpower
Initial Requirement: Weakness
You channel regenerative energy to an ally within 10 yards. The subject regains 1d6 Health immediately, and another 1d6 Health at the start of his turn each round for a number of rounds equal to your Magic ability.
Magic School: Creation
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 5MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 15
Initial Requirement: Heal
Repulsion Field:
This spell surrounds you with a field of energy that pushes foes away from you. Every other round, at the end of your turn, beginning on the round you cast the spell, a wave of repulsive energy surges out. Enemies within 6 yards must make a successful Strength (Might) test vs. your Spellpower or be pushed 4 yards away from you and knocked prone. To maintain this spell you must spend 1 MP at the start of each of your turns, even on the rounds when no wave surges out. You may not cast this spell twice in order to generate a wave each round.
Magic School: Spirit
Spell Type: Defense
Mana Cost: 6MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 16
Test: Strength(Might) vs. Spellpower
Initial Requirement: Force Field
Shape Earth:
You can shape and move a mass of sand, earth, or even stone within 6 yards. The spell allows you to move earthen materials with an effective Strength equal to twice your Magic. The materials do not levitate, but are pushed or pulled along the ground. The GM determines how fast objects can be moved based on their mass and your effective Strength. You can also mold objects as if they were soft clay, shaping them as you direct. The GM may require a Magic (Creation) test if you want to finesse a particular result, especially if any fine detail is involved. To maintain this spell you must spend 1 MP at the start of each of your turns. Once you stop maintaining the spell, the materials stay where they are, subject to the usual natural forces (like gravity). Shaped stone will typically retain its new shape, so long as it is capable of supporting its own weight.
Magic School: Creation
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 6MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 15
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Creation Magic (Journeyman)
A glyph traced upon the earth with hand or staff creates a faintly shimmering dome, up to 6 yards across and up to 3 yards high at the center. The environment within the dome is cool, dry, and comfortable regardless of the weather outside. Rain, snow, and other minor debris (including falling leaves, ash, or smoke) are kept out, though fresh air can penetrate the dome, and smoke—such as from a campfire—can escape. The shelter’s barrier is of no use whatsoever in combat. You can control the light level within from shade (slightly darker than the outside) to lit as brightly as by a lantern. The shelter lasts for up to 12 hours, or until you dismiss it. You can only maintain a single shelter at a time.
Magic School: Primal
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 2MP
Casting Time: Major Action
Target Number: 12
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Primal Magic (Novice)
Tracing magical glyphs on natural earth or stone, then striking them with your hand or staff, you cause a spring to burst forth from the spot, pouring out water at a rate of your Magic in gallons per minute. The water is fresh, clean, drinkable, and entirely mundane—it pours and evaporates naturally. If the spring forms in a hollow, it fills to become a pool. You may stop the flow of the spring at any time. Otherwise, it lasts a number of hours equal to your Magic before stopping of its own accord.
Magic School: Creation
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 4MP
Casting Time: One Minute
Target Number: 13
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Creation Magic (Journeyman)
Weather Weaving:
You shape and direct the weather in an area with a radius equal to your Magic in miles. You can choose any natural weather condition normally possible in the area for the given time of year (so you cannot make it snow in the middle of summer, for example, or rain in the desert). The weather forms within eight hours of your casting, so generally only limited changes are possible. You can make it warmer or colder by about 20 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degree Celsius), cause it to rain or snow (or stop doing so), or make the sky overcast or clear. Multiple castings (and expenditures of mana) over multiple days can extend the spell’s effect, creating more dramatic shifts in the weather. Note that you do not control the weather from moment to moment. Once you have set it in motion, it follows its natural course.
Magic School: Primal
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 8MP
Casting Time: One Hour
Target Number: 16
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Primal Magic (Master)
Wind Weaving:
You cause the wind to blow in whatever direction you wish, with force up to a stiff gust: strong enough to blow out candles and other small open flames, and to scatter light debris like leaves or paper. You can direct the wind for up to an hour, although changing its direction or intensity requires a major action each time you do so. Among other things, wind weaving is used to propel sailing vessels without the need to rely on the often fickle nature of the weather, and to calm winds that might otherwise prove disruptive.
Magic School: Primal
Spell Type: Utility
Mana Cost: 5MP
Casting Time: One Minute
Target Number: 14
Test: None
Initial Requirement: Primal Magic (Novice)
Life is a roller coaster, if you don't stop to enjoy it then you may as well not even ride.
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